
536 lines
19 KiB

# Nim's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2015 Dominik Picheta
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## AsyncMacro
## *************
## `asyncdispatch` module depends on the `asyncmacro` module to work properly.
import macros, strutils, asyncfutures2
proc skipUntilStmtList(node: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
# Skips a nest of StmtList's.
result = node
if node[0].kind == nnkStmtList:
result = skipUntilStmtList(node[0])
proc skipStmtList(node: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
result = node
if node[0].kind == nnkStmtList:
result = node[0]
template createCb(retFutureSym, iteratorNameSym,
strName, identName, futureVarCompletions: untyped) =
bind finished
var nameIterVar = iteratorNameSym
#{.push stackTrace: off.}
proc identName(udata: pointer = nil) {.closure.} =
if not nameIterVar.finished:
var next = nameIterVar()
# Continue while the yielded future is already finished.
while (not next.isNil) and next.finished:
next = nameIterVar()
if nameIterVar.finished:
if next == nil:
if not retFutureSym.finished:
let msg = "Async procedure ($1) yielded `nil`, are you await'ing a " &
"`nil` Future?"
raise newException(AssertionError, msg % strName)
{.push hint[ConvFromXtoItselfNotNeeded]: off.}
next.callback = CallbackFunc(identName)
if retFutureSym.finished:
# Take a look at tasyncexceptions for the bug which this fixes.
# That test explains it better than I can here.
proc generateExceptionCheck(futSym,
tryStmt, rootReceiver, fromNode: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
if tryStmt.kind == nnkNilLit:
result = rootReceiver
var exceptionChecks: seq[tuple[cond, body: NimNode]] = @[]
let errorNode = newDotExpr(futSym, newIdentNode("error"))
for i in 1 ..< tryStmt.len:
let exceptBranch = tryStmt[i]
if exceptBranch[0].kind == nnkStmtList:
exceptionChecks.add((newIdentNode("true"), exceptBranch[0]))
var exceptIdentCount = 0
var ifCond: NimNode
for i in 0 ..< exceptBranch.len:
let child = exceptBranch[i]
if child.kind == nnkIdent:
let cond = infix(errorNode, "of", child)
if exceptIdentCount == 0:
ifCond = cond
ifCond = infix(ifCond, "or", cond)
expectKind(exceptBranch[exceptIdentCount], nnkStmtList)
exceptionChecks.add((ifCond, exceptBranch[exceptIdentCount]))
# -> -> else: raise futSym.error
# Read the future if there is no error.
# -> else:
let elseNode = newNimNode(nnkElse, fromNode)
elseNode.add newNimNode(nnkStmtList, fromNode)
elseNode[0].add rootReceiver
let ifBody = newStmtList()
ifBody.add newCall(newIdentNode("setCurrentException"), errorNode)
ifBody.add newIfStmt(exceptionChecks)
ifBody.add newCall(newIdentNode("setCurrentException"), newNilLit())
result = newIfStmt(
(newDotExpr(futSym, newIdentNode("failed")), ifBody)
result.add elseNode
template useVar(result: var NimNode, futureVarNode: NimNode, valueReceiver,
rootReceiver: untyped, fromNode: NimNode) =
## Params:
## futureVarNode: The NimNode which is a symbol identifying the Future[T]
## variable to yield.
## fromNode: Used for better debug information (to give context).
## valueReceiver: The node which defines an expression that retrieves the
## future's value.
## rootReceiver: ??? TODO
# -> yield future<x>
result.add newNimNode(nnkYieldStmt, fromNode).add(futureVarNode)
# -> future<x>.read
valueReceiver = newDotExpr(futureVarNode, newIdentNode("read"))
result.add generateExceptionCheck(futureVarNode, tryStmt, rootReceiver,
template createVar(result: var NimNode, futSymName: string,
asyncProc: NimNode,
valueReceiver, rootReceiver: untyped,
fromNode: NimNode) =
result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList, fromNode)
var futSym = genSym(nskVar, "future")
result.add newVarStmt(futSym, asyncProc) # -> var future<x> = y
useVar(result, futSym, valueReceiver, rootReceiver, fromNode)
proc createFutureVarCompletions(futureVarIdents: seq[NimNode],
fromNode: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList, fromNode)
# Add calls to complete each FutureVar parameter.
for ident in futureVarIdents:
# Only complete them if they have not been completed already by the user.
# TODO: Once is fixed.
# TODO: Add line info to the complete() call!
# In the meantime, this was really useful for debugging :)
#result.add(newCall(newIdentNode("echo"), newStrLitNode(fromNode.lineinfo)))
result.add newIfStmt(
newDotExpr(ident, newIdentNode("finished"))),
newCall(newIdentNode("complete"), ident)
proc processBody(node, retFutureSym: NimNode,
subTypeIsVoid: bool, futureVarIdents: seq[NimNode],
tryStmt: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
result = node
case node.kind
of nnkReturnStmt:
result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList, node)
# As I've painfully found out, the order here really DOES matter.
result.add createFutureVarCompletions(futureVarIdents, node)
if node[0].kind == nnkEmpty:
if not subTypeIsVoid:
result.add newCall(newIdentNode("complete"), retFutureSym,
result.add newCall(newIdentNode("complete"), retFutureSym)
let x = node[0].processBody(retFutureSym, subTypeIsVoid,
futureVarIdents, tryStmt)
if x.kind == nnkYieldStmt: result.add x
result.add newCall(newIdentNode("complete"), retFutureSym, x)
result.add newNimNode(nnkReturnStmt, node).add(newNilLit())
return # Don't process the children of this return stmt
of nnkCommand, nnkCall:
if node[0].kind == nnkIdent and node[0].eqIdent("await"):
case node[1].kind
of nnkIdent, nnkInfix, nnkDotExpr, nnkCall, nnkCommand:
# await x
# await x or y
# await foo(p, x)
# await foo p, x
var futureValue: NimNode
result.createVar("future" & $node[1][0].toStrLit, node[1], futureValue,
futureValue, node)
error("Invalid node kind in 'await', got: " & $node[1].kind)
elif node.len > 1 and node[1].kind == nnkCommand and
node[1][0].kind == nnkIdent and node[1][0].eqIdent("await"):
# foo await x
var newCommand = node
result.createVar("future" & $node[0].toStrLit, node[1][1], newCommand[1],
newCommand, node)
of nnkVarSection, nnkLetSection:
case node[0][2].kind
of nnkCommand:
if node[0][2][0].kind == nnkIdent and node[0][2][0].eqIdent("await"):
# var x = await y
var newVarSection = node # TODO: Should this use copyNimNode?
result.createVar("future" & node[0][0].strVal, node[0][2][1],
newVarSection[0][2], newVarSection, node)
else: discard
of nnkAsgn:
case node[1].kind
of nnkCommand:
if node[1][0].eqIdent("await"):
# x = await y
var newAsgn = node
result.createVar("future" & $node[0].toStrLit, node[1][1], newAsgn[1], newAsgn, node)
else: discard
of nnkDiscardStmt:
# discard await x
if node[0].kind == nnkCommand and node[0][0].kind == nnkIdent and
var newDiscard = node
result.createVar("futureDiscard_" & $toStrLit(node[0][1]), node[0][1],
newDiscard[0], newDiscard, node)
of nnkTryStmt:
# try: await x; except: ...
result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList, node)
template wrapInTry(n, tryBody: untyped) =
var temp = n
n[0] = tryBody
tryBody = temp
# Transform ``except`` body.
# TODO: Could we perform some ``await`` transformation here to get it
# working in ``except``?
tryBody[1] = processBody(n[1], retFutureSym, subTypeIsVoid,
futureVarIdents, nil)
proc processForTry(n: NimNode, i: var int,
res: NimNode): bool {.compileTime.} =
## Transforms the body of the tryStmt. Does not transform the
## body in ``except``.
## Returns true if the tryStmt node was transformed into an ifStmt.
result = false
var skipped = n.skipStmtList()
while i < skipped.len:
var processed = processBody(skipped[i], retFutureSym,
subTypeIsVoid, futureVarIdents, n)
# Check if we transformed the node into an exception check.
# This suggests skipped[i] contains ``await``.
if processed.kind != skipped[i].kind or processed.len != skipped[i].len:
processed = processed.skipUntilStmtList()
expectKind(processed, nnkStmtList)
expectKind(processed[2][1], nnkElse)
if not processForTry(n, i, processed[2][1][0]):
# We need to wrap the nnkElse nodes back into a tryStmt.
# As they are executed if an exception does not happen
# inside the awaited future.
# The following code will wrap the nodes inside the
# original tryStmt.
wrapInTry(n, processed[2][1][0])
res.add processed
result = true
res.add skipped[i]
var i = 0
if not processForTry(node, i, result):
# If the tryStmt hasn't been transformed we can just put the body
# back into it.
wrapInTry(node, result)
else: discard
for i in 0 ..< result.len:
result[i] = processBody(result[i], retFutureSym, subTypeIsVoid,
futureVarIdents, nil)
proc getName(node: NimNode): string {.compileTime.} =
case node.kind
of nnkPostfix:
return node[1].strVal
of nnkIdent:
return node.strVal
of nnkEmpty:
return "anonymous"
error("Unknown name.")
proc getFutureVarIdents(params: NimNode): seq[NimNode] {.compileTime.} =
result = @[]
for i in 1 ..< len(params):
expectKind(params[i], nnkIdentDefs)
if params[i][1].kind == nnkBracketExpr and
proc isInvalidReturnType(typeName: string): bool =
return typeName notin ["Future"] #, "FutureStream"]
proc verifyReturnType(typeName: string) {.compileTime.} =
if typeName.isInvalidReturnType:
error("Expected return type of 'Future' got '$1'" %
proc asyncSingleProc(prc: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
## This macro transforms a single procedure into a closure iterator.
## The ``async`` macro supports a stmtList holding multiple async procedures.
if prc.kind notin {nnkProcDef, nnkLambda, nnkMethodDef, nnkDo}:
error("Cannot transform this node kind into an async proc." &
" proc/method definition or lambda node expected.")
let prcName =
let returnType = prc.params[0]
var baseType: NimNode
# Verify that the return type is a Future[T]
if returnType.kind == nnkBracketExpr:
let fut = repr(returnType[0])
baseType = returnType[1]
elif returnType.kind in nnkCallKinds and returnType[0].eqIdent("[]"):
let fut = repr(returnType[1])
baseType = returnType[2]
elif returnType.kind == nnkEmpty:
baseType = returnType
let subtypeIsVoid = returnType.kind == nnkEmpty or
(baseType.kind == nnkIdent and returnType[1].eqIdent("void"))
let futureVarIdents = getFutureVarIdents(prc.params)
var outerProcBody = newNimNode(nnkStmtList, prc.body)
# -> var retFuture = newFuture[T]()
var retFutureSym = genSym(nskVar, "retFuture")
var subRetType =
if returnType.kind == nnkEmpty: newIdentNode("void")
else: baseType
newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr, prc.body).add(
newLit(prcName)))) # Get type from return type of this proc
# -> iterator nameIter(): FutureBase {.closure.} =
# -> {.push warning[resultshadowed]: off.}
# -> var result: T
# -> {.pop.}
# -> <proc_body>
# -> complete(retFuture, result)
var iteratorNameSym = genSym(nskIterator, $prcName & "Iter")
var procBody = prc.body.processBody(retFutureSym, subtypeIsVoid,
futureVarIdents, nil)
# don't do anything with forward bodies (empty)
if procBody.kind != nnkEmpty:
procBody.add(createFutureVarCompletions(futureVarIdents, nil))
if not subtypeIsVoid:
procBody.insert(0, newNimNode(nnkPragma).add(newIdentNode("push"),
newIdentNode("warning"), newIdentNode("resultshadowed")),
newIdentNode("off")))) # -> {.push warning[resultshadowed]: off.}
procBody.insert(1, newNimNode(nnkVarSection, prc.body).add(
newIdentDefs(newIdentNode("result"), baseType))) # -> var result: T
procBody.insert(2, newNimNode(nnkPragma).add(
newIdentNode("pop"))) # -> {.pop.})
retFutureSym, newIdentNode("result"))) # -> complete(retFuture, result)
# -> complete(retFuture)
procBody.add(newCall(newIdentNode("complete"), retFutureSym))
var closureIterator = newProc(iteratorNameSym, [newIdentNode("FutureBase")],
procBody, nnkIteratorDef)
closureIterator.pragma = newNimNode(nnkPragma, lineInfoFrom=prc.body)
# If proc has an explicit gcsafe pragma, we add it to iterator as well.
if prc.pragma.findChild(it.kind in {nnkSym, nnkIdent} and $it == "gcsafe") != nil:
# -> createCb(retFuture)
# NOTE: The "_continue" suffix is checked for in asyncfutures.nim to produce
# friendlier stack traces:
var cbName = genSym(nskProc, prcName & "_continue")
var procCb = getAst createCb(retFutureSym, iteratorNameSym,
createFutureVarCompletions(futureVarIdents, nil))
outerProcBody.add procCb
# -> return retFuture
outerProcBody.add newNimNode(nnkReturnStmt, prc.body[^1]).add(retFutureSym)
result = prc
if subtypeIsVoid:
# Add discardable pragma.
if returnType.kind == nnkEmpty:
# Add Future[void]
result.params[0] = parseExpr("Future[void]")
if procBody.kind != nnkEmpty:
result.body = outerProcBody
#if prcName == "recvLineInto":
# echo(toStrLit(result))
macro async*(prc: untyped): untyped =
## Macro which processes async procedures into the appropriate
## iterators and yield statements.
if prc.kind == nnkStmtList:
for oneProc in prc:
result = newStmtList()
result.add asyncSingleProc(oneProc)
result = asyncSingleProc(prc)
when defined(nimDumpAsync):
echo repr result
# Multisync
proc emptyNoop[T](x: T): T =
# The ``await``s are replaced by a call to this for simplicity.
when T isnot void:
return x
proc stripAwait(node: NimNode): NimNode =
## Strips out all ``await`` commands from a procedure body, replaces them
## with ``emptyNoop`` for simplicity.
result = node
let emptyNoopSym = bindSym("emptyNoop")
case node.kind
of nnkCommand, nnkCall:
if node[0].kind == nnkIdent and node[0].eqIdent("await"):
node[0] = emptyNoopSym
elif node.len > 1 and node[1].kind == nnkCommand and
node[1][0].kind == nnkIdent and node[1][0].eqIdent("await"):
# foo await x
node[1][0] = emptyNoopSym
of nnkVarSection, nnkLetSection:
case node[0][2].kind
of nnkCommand:
if node[0][2][0].kind == nnkIdent and node[0][2][0].eqIdent("await"):
# var x = await y
node[0][2][0] = emptyNoopSym
else: discard
of nnkAsgn:
case node[1].kind
of nnkCommand:
if node[1][0].eqIdent("await"):
# x = await y
node[1][0] = emptyNoopSym
else: discard
of nnkDiscardStmt:
# discard await x
if node[0].kind == nnkCommand and node[0][0].kind == nnkIdent and
node[0][0] = emptyNoopSym
else: discard
for i in 0 ..< result.len:
result[i] = stripAwait(result[i])
proc splitParamType(paramType: NimNode, async: bool): NimNode =
result = paramType
if paramType.kind == nnkInfix and paramType[0].strVal in ["|", "or"]:
let firstAsync = "async" in paramType[1].strVal.normalize
let secondAsync = "async" in paramType[2].strVal.normalize
if firstAsync:
result = paramType[if async: 1 else: 2]
elif secondAsync:
result = paramType[if async: 2 else: 1]
proc stripReturnType(returnType: NimNode): NimNode =
# Strip out the 'Future' from 'Future[T]'.
result = returnType
if returnType.kind == nnkBracketExpr:
let fut = repr(returnType[0])
result = returnType[1]
proc splitProc(prc: NimNode): (NimNode, NimNode) =
## Takes a procedure definition which takes a generic union of arguments,
## for example: proc (socket: Socket | AsyncSocket).
## It transforms them so that ``proc (socket: Socket)`` and
## ``proc (socket: AsyncSocket)`` are returned.
result[0] = prc.copyNimTree()
# Retrieve the `T` inside `Future[T]`.
let returnType = stripReturnType(result[0][3][0])
result[0][3][0] = splitParamType(returnType, async=false)
for i in 1 ..< result[0][3].len:
# Sync proc (0) -> FormalParams (3) -> IdentDefs, the parameter (i) ->
# parameter type (1).
result[0][3][i][1] = splitParamType(result[0][3][i][1], async=false)
result[0][6] = stripAwait(result[0][6])
result[1] = prc.copyNimTree()
if result[1][3][0].kind == nnkBracketExpr:
result[1][3][0][1] = splitParamType(result[1][3][0][1], async=true)
for i in 1 ..< result[1][3].len:
# Async proc (1) -> FormalParams (3) -> IdentDefs, the parameter (i) ->
# parameter type (1).
result[1][3][i][1] = splitParamType(result[1][3][i][1], async=true)
macro multisync*(prc: untyped): untyped =
## Macro which processes async procedures into both asynchronous and
## synchronous procedures.
## The generated async procedures use the ``async`` macro, whereas the
## generated synchronous procedures simply strip off the ``await`` calls.
let (sync, asyncPrc) = splitProc(prc)
result = newStmtList()