
167 lines
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## Compile-time configuration options for chronos that control the availability
## of various strictness and debuggability options. In general, debug helpers
## are enabled when `debug` is defined while strictness options are introduced
## in transition periods leading up to a breaking release that starts enforcing
## them and removes the option.
## `chronosPreviewV4` is a preview flag to enable v4 semantics - in particular,
## it enables strict exception checking and disables parts of the deprecated
## API and other changes being prepared for the upcoming release
## `chronosDebug` can be defined to enable several debugging helpers that come
## with a runtime cost - it is recommeneded to not enable these in production
## code.
## In this file we also declare feature flags starting with `chronosHas...` -
## these constants are declared when a feature exists in a particular release -
## each flag is declared as an integer starting at 0 during experimental
## development, 1 when feature complete and higher numbers when significant
## functionality has been added. If a feature ends up being removed (or changed
## in a backwards-incompatible way), the feature flag will be removed or renamed
## also - you can use `when declared(chronosHasXxx): when chronosHasXxx >= N:`
## to require a particular version.
chronosHandleException* {.booldefine.}: bool = false
## Remap `Exception` to `AsyncExceptionError` for all `async` functions.
## This modes provides backwards compatibility when using functions with
## inaccurate `{.raises.}` effects such as unannotated forward declarations,
## methods and `proc` types - it is recommened to annotate such code
## explicitly as the `Exception` handling mode may introduce surprising
## behavior in exception handlers, should `Exception` actually be raised.
## The setting provides the default for the per-function-based
## `handleException` parameter which has precedence over this global setting.
## `Exception` handling may be removed in future chronos versions.
chronosStrictFutureAccess* {.booldefine.}: bool = defined(chronosPreviewV4)
chronosStackTrace* {.booldefine.}: bool = defined(chronosDebug)
## Include stack traces in futures for creation and completion points
chronosFutureId* {.booldefine.}: bool = defined(chronosDebug)
## Generate a unique `id` for every future - when disabled, the address of
## the future will be used instead
chronosFutureTracking* {.booldefine.}: bool = defined(chronosDebug)
## Keep track of all pending futures and allow iterating over them -
## useful for detecting hung tasks
chronosDumpAsync* {.booldefine.}: bool = defined(nimDumpAsync)
## Print code generated by {.async.} transformation
chronosProcShell* {.strdefine.}: string =
when defined(windows):
when defined(android):
## Default shell binary path.
## The shell is used as command for command line when process started
## using `AsyncProcessOption.EvalCommand` and API calls such as
## ``execCommand(command)`` and ``execCommandEx(command)``.
chronosEventsCount* {.intdefine.} = 64
## Number of OS poll events retrieved by syscall (epoll, kqueue, poll).
chronosInitialSize* {.intdefine.} = 64
## Initial size of Selector[T]'s array of file descriptors.
chronosEventEngine* {.strdefine.}: string =
when defined(nimdoc):
elif defined(linux) and not(defined(android) or defined(emscripten)):
elif defined(macosx) or defined(macos) or defined(ios) or
defined(freebsd) or defined(netbsd) or defined(openbsd) or
elif defined(android) or defined(emscripten):
elif defined(posix):
## OS polling engine type which is going to be used by chronos.
chronosHasRaises* = 0
## raises effect support via `async: (raises: [])`
chronosTransportDefaultBufferSize* {.intdefine.} = 16384
## Default size of chronos transport internal buffer.
chronosStreamDefaultBufferSize* {.intdefine.} = 16384
## Default size of chronos async stream internal buffer.
chronosTLSSessionCacheBufferSize* {.intdefine.} = 4096
## Default size of chronos TLS Session cache's internal buffer.
when defined(chronosStrictException):
{.warning: "-d:chronosStrictException has been deprecated in favor of handleException".}
# In chronos v3, this setting was used as the opposite of
# `chronosHandleException` - the setting is deprecated to encourage
# migration to the new mode.
when defined(debug) or defined(chronosConfig):
import std/macros
hint("Chronos configuration:")
template printOption(name: string, value: untyped) =
hint(name & ": " & $value)
printOption("chronosHandleException", chronosHandleException)
printOption("chronosStackTrace", chronosStackTrace)
printOption("chronosFutureId", chronosFutureId)
printOption("chronosFutureTracking", chronosFutureTracking)
printOption("chronosDumpAsync", chronosDumpAsync)
printOption("chronosProcShell", chronosProcShell)
printOption("chronosEventEngine", chronosEventEngine)
printOption("chronosEventsCount", chronosEventsCount)
printOption("chronosInitialSize", chronosInitialSize)
# In nim 1.6, `sink` + local variable + `move` generates the best code for
# moving a proc parameter into a closure - this only works for closure
# procedures however - in closure iterators, the parameter is always copied
# into the closure (!) meaning that non-raw `{.async.}` functions always carry
# this overhead, sink or no. See usages of chronosMoveSink for examples.
# In addition, we need to work around
# which has not been backported to 1.6.
# Long story short, the workaround is not needed in non-raw {.async.} because
# a copy of the literal is always made.
# TODO review the above for 2.0 / 2.0+refc
SeqHeader = object
length, reserved: int
proc isLiteral(s: string): bool {.inline.} =
when defined(gcOrc) or defined(gcArc):
s.len > 0 and (cast[ptr SeqHeader](s).reserved and (1 shl (sizeof(int) * 8 - 2))) != 0
proc isLiteral[T](s: seq[T]): bool {.inline.} =
when defined(gcOrc) or defined(gcArc):
s.len > 0 and (cast[ptr SeqHeader](s).reserved and (1 shl (sizeof(int) * 8 - 2))) != 0
template chronosMoveSink*(val: auto): untyped =
bind isLiteral
when not (defined(gcOrc) or defined(gcArc)) and val is seq|string:
if isLiteral(val):