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# Chronos
# (c) Copyright 2015 Dominik Picheta
# (c) Copyright 2018-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# Apache License, version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHEv2)
# MIT license (LICENSE-MIT)
{.push raises: [].}
import "."/[config, srcloc]
export srcloc
when chronosStackTrace:
type StackTrace = string
LocationKind* {.pure.} = enum
CallbackFunc* = proc (arg: pointer) {.gcsafe, raises: [].}
# Internal type, not part of API
InternalAsyncCallback* = object
function*: CallbackFunc
udata*: pointer
FutureState* {.pure.} = enum
Pending, Completed, Cancelled, Failed
FutureFlag* {.pure.} = enum
## When OwnCancelSchedule is set, the owner of the future is responsible
## for implementing cancellation in one of 3 ways:
## * ensure that cancellation requests never reach the future by means of
## not exposing it to user code, `await` and `tryCancel`
## * set `cancelCallback` to `nil` to stop cancellation propagation - this
## is appropriate when it is expected that the future will be completed
## in a regular way "soon"
## * set `cancelCallback` to a handler that implements cancellation in an
## operation-specific way
## If `cancelCallback` is not set and the future gets cancelled, a
## `Defect` will be raised.
FutureFlags* = set[FutureFlag]
InternalFutureBase* = object of RootObj
# Internal untyped future representation - the fields are not part of the
# public API and neither is `InternalFutureBase`, ie the inheritance
# structure may change in the future (haha)
internalLocation*: array[LocationKind, ptr SrcLoc]
internalCallbacks*: seq[InternalAsyncCallback]
internalCancelcb*: CallbackFunc
internalChild*: FutureBase
internalState*: FutureState
internalFlags*: FutureFlags
internalError*: ref CatchableError ## Stored exception
internalClosure*: iterator(f: FutureBase): FutureBase {.raises: [], gcsafe.}
when chronosFutureId:
internalId*: uint
when chronosStackTrace:
internalErrorStackTrace*: StackTrace
internalStackTrace*: StackTrace ## For debugging purposes only.
when chronosFutureTracking:
internalNext*: FutureBase
internalPrev*: FutureBase
FutureBase* = ref object of InternalFutureBase
## Untyped Future
Future*[T] = ref object of FutureBase ## Typed future.
when T isnot void:
internalValue*: T ## Stored value
FutureDefect* = object of Defect
cause*: FutureBase
FutureError* = object of CatchableError
future*: FutureBase
CancelledError* = object of FutureError
## Exception raised when accessing the value of a cancelled future
func raiseFutureDefect(msg: static string, fut: FutureBase) {.
noinline, noreturn.} =
raise (ref FutureDefect)(msg: msg, cause: fut)
when chronosFutureId:
var currentID* {.threadvar.}: uint
template id*(fut: FutureBase): uint = fut.internalId
template id*(fut: FutureBase): uint =
cast[uint](addr fut[])
when chronosFutureTracking:
FutureList* = object
head*: FutureBase
tail*: FutureBase
count*: uint
var futureList* {.threadvar.}: FutureList
# Internal utilities - these are not part of the stable API
proc internalInitFutureBase*(fut: FutureBase, loc: ptr SrcLoc,
state: FutureState, flags: FutureFlags) =
fut.internalState = state
fut.internalLocation[LocationKind.Create] = loc
fut.internalFlags = flags
if FutureFlag.OwnCancelSchedule in flags:
# Owners must replace `cancelCallback` with `nil` if they want to ignore
# cancellations
fut.internalCancelcb = proc(_: pointer) =
raiseAssert "Cancellation request for non-cancellable future"
if state != FutureState.Pending:
fut.internalLocation[LocationKind.Finish] = loc
when chronosFutureId:
fut.internalId = currentID
when chronosStackTrace:
fut.internalStackTrace = getStackTrace()
when chronosFutureTracking:
if state == FutureState.Pending:
fut.internalNext = nil
fut.internalPrev = futureList.tail
if not(isNil(futureList.tail)):
futureList.tail.internalNext = fut
futureList.tail = fut
if isNil(futureList.head):
futureList.head = fut
# Public API
template init*[T](F: type Future[T], fromProc: static[string] = ""): Future[T] =
## Creates a new pending future.
## Specifying ``fromProc``, which is a string specifying the name of the proc
## that this future belongs to, is a good habit as it helps with debugging.
let res = Future[T]()
internalInitFutureBase(res, getSrcLocation(fromProc), FutureState.Pending, {})
template init*[T](F: type Future[T], fromProc: static[string] = "",
flags: static[FutureFlags]): Future[T] =
## Creates a new pending future.
## Specifying ``fromProc``, which is a string specifying the name of the proc
## that this future belongs to, is a good habit as it helps with debugging.
let res = Future[T]()
internalInitFutureBase(res, getSrcLocation(fromProc), FutureState.Pending,
template completed*(
F: type Future, fromProc: static[string] = ""): Future[void] =
## Create a new completed future
let res = Future[void]()
internalInitFutureBase(res, getSrcLocation(fromProc), FutureState.Completed,
template completed*[T: not void](
F: type Future, valueParam: T, fromProc: static[string] = ""): Future[T] =
## Create a new completed future
let res = Future[T](internalValue: valueParam)
internalInitFutureBase(res, getSrcLocation(fromProc), FutureState.Completed,
template failed*[T](
F: type Future[T], errorParam: ref CatchableError,
fromProc: static[string] = ""): Future[T] =
## Create a new failed future
let res = Future[T](internalError: errorParam)
internalInitFutureBase(res, getSrcLocation(fromProc), FutureState.Failed, {})
when chronosStackTrace:
res.internalErrorStackTrace =
if getStackTrace(res.error) == "":
func state*(future: FutureBase): FutureState =
func flags*(future: FutureBase): FutureFlags =
func finished*(future: FutureBase): bool {.inline.} =
## Determines whether ``future`` has finished, i.e. ``future`` state changed
## from state ``Pending`` to one of the states (``Finished``, ``Cancelled``,
## ``Failed``).
future.state != FutureState.Pending
func cancelled*(future: FutureBase): bool {.inline.} =
## Determines whether ``future`` has cancelled.
future.state == FutureState.Cancelled
func failed*(future: FutureBase): bool {.inline.} =
## Determines whether ``future`` finished with an error.
future.state == FutureState.Failed
func completed*(future: FutureBase): bool {.inline.} =
## Determines whether ``future`` finished with a value.
future.state == FutureState.Completed
func location*(future: FutureBase): array[LocationKind, ptr SrcLoc] =
func value*[T: not void](future: Future[T]): lent T =
## Return the value in a completed future - raises Defect when
## `fut.completed()` is `false`.
## See `read` for a version that raises a catchable error when future
## has not completed.
when chronosStrictFutureAccess:
if not future.completed():
raiseFutureDefect("Future not completed while accessing value", future)
func value*(future: Future[void]) =
## Return the value in a completed future - raises Defect when
## `fut.completed()` is `false`.
## See `read` for a version that raises a catchable error when future
## has not completed.
when chronosStrictFutureAccess:
if not future.completed():
raiseFutureDefect("Future not completed while accessing value", future)
func error*(future: FutureBase): ref CatchableError =
## Return the error of `future`, or `nil` if future did not fail.
## See `readError` for a version that raises a catchable error when the
## future has not failed.
when chronosStrictFutureAccess:
if not future.failed() and not future.cancelled():
"Future not failed/cancelled while accessing error", future)
when chronosFutureTracking:
func next*(fut: FutureBase): FutureBase = fut.internalNext
func prev*(fut: FutureBase): FutureBase = fut.internalPrev
when chronosStackTrace:
func errorStackTrace*(fut: FutureBase): StackTrace = fut.internalErrorStackTrace
func stackTrace*(fut: FutureBase): StackTrace = fut.internalStackTrace