# # Chronos HTTP/S multipart/form # encoding and decoding helper procedures # (c) Copyright 2021-Present # Status Research & Development GmbH # # Licensed under either of # Apache License, version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHEv2) # MIT license (LICENSE-MIT) {.push raises: [].} import std/[monotimes, strutils] import results, httputils import ../../asyncloop import ../../streams/[asyncstream, boundstream, chunkstream] import "."/[httptable, httpcommon, httpbodyrw] export asyncloop, httptable, httpcommon, httpbodyrw, asyncstream, httputils const UnableToReadMultipartBody = "Unable to read multipart message body, reason: " UnableToSendMultipartMessage = "Unable to send multipart message, reason: " MaxMultipartHeaderSize = 4096 type MultiPartSource* {.pure.} = enum Stream, Buffer MultiPartWriterState* {.pure.} = enum MessagePreparing, MessageStarted, PartStarted, PartFinished, MessageFinished, MessageFailure MultiPartReader* = object case kind*: MultiPartSource of MultiPartSource.Stream: stream*: HttpBodyReader of MultiPartSource.Buffer: discard firstTime: bool buffer: seq[byte] offset: int boundary: seq[byte] counter: int MultiPartReaderRef* = ref MultiPartReader MultiPartWriter* = object case kind*: MultiPartSource of MultiPartSource.Stream: stream*: HttpBodyWriter of MultiPartSource.Buffer: buffer*: seq[byte] beginMark: seq[byte] finishMark: seq[byte] beginPartMark: seq[byte] finishPartMark: seq[byte] state*: MultiPartWriterState MultiPartWriterRef* = ref MultiPartWriter MultiPart* = object case kind: MultiPartSource of MultiPartSource.Stream: breader: HttpBodyReader stream: BoundedStreamReader of MultiPartSource.Buffer: discard buffer: seq[byte] headers: HttpTable counter: int name*: string filename*: string MultipartError* = object of HttpProtocolError MultipartEOMError* = object of MultipartError BChar* = byte | char proc startsWith(s, prefix: openArray[byte]): bool = # This procedure is copy of strutils.startsWith() procedure, however, # it is intended to work with arrays of bytes, but not with strings. var i = 0 while true: if i >= len(prefix): return true if i >= len(s) or s[i] != prefix[i]: return false inc(i) proc parseUntil(s, until: openArray[byte]): int = # This procedure is copy of parseutils.parseUntil() procedure, however, # it is intended to work with arrays of bytes, but not with strings. var i = 0 while i < len(s): if len(until) > 0 and s[i] == until[0]: var u = 1 while i + u < len(s) and u < len(until) and s[i + u] == until[u]: inc u if u >= len(until): return i inc(i) -1 func setPartNames(part: var MultiPart): HttpResult[void] = if part.headers.count("content-disposition") != 1: return err("Content-Disposition header is incorrect") var header = part.headers.getString("content-disposition") let disp = parseDisposition(header, false) if disp.failed(): return err("Content-Disposition header value is incorrect") let dtype = disp.dispositionType(header.toOpenArrayByte(0, len(header) - 1)) if dtype.toLowerAscii() != "form-data": return err("Content-Disposition header type is incorrect") for k, v in disp.fields(header.toOpenArrayByte(0, len(header) - 1)): case k.toLowerAscii() of "name": part.name = v of "filename": part.filename = v else: discard if len(part.name) == 0: part.name = $part.counter ok() proc init*[A: BChar, B: BChar](mpt: typedesc[MultiPartReader], buffer: openArray[A], boundary: openArray[B]): MultiPartReader = ## Create new MultiPartReader instance with `buffer` interface. ## ## ``buffer`` - is buffer which will be used to read data. ## ``boundary`` - is multipart boundary, this value must not be empty. doAssert(len(boundary) > 0) # Our internal boundary has format `<-><->`, so we can # reuse different parts of this sequence for processing. var fboundary = newSeq[byte](len(boundary) + 4) fboundary[0] = 0x0D'u8 fboundary[1] = 0x0A'u8 fboundary[2] = byte('-') fboundary[3] = byte('-') copyMem(addr fboundary[4], unsafeAddr boundary[0], len(boundary)) # Make copy of buffer, because all the returned parts depending on it. var buf = newSeq[byte](len(buffer)) if len(buf) > 0: copyMem(addr buf[0], unsafeAddr buffer[0], len(buffer)) MultiPartReader(kind: MultiPartSource.Buffer, buffer: buf, offset: 0, boundary: fboundary) proc new*[B: BChar]( mpt: typedesc[MultiPartReaderRef], stream: HttpBodyReader, boundary: openArray[B], partHeadersMaxSize = MaxMultipartHeaderSize): MultiPartReaderRef = ## Create new MultiPartReader instance with `stream` interface. ## ## ``stream`` is stream used to read data. ## ``boundary`` is multipart boundary, this value must not be empty. ## ``partHeadersMaxSize`` is maximum size of multipart's headers. # According to specification length of boundary must be bigger then `0` and # less or equal to `70`. doAssert(len(boundary) > 0 and len(boundary) <= 70) # 256 bytes is minimum value because we going to use single buffer for # reading boundaries and for reading headers. # Minimal buffer value for boundary is 5 bytes, maximum is 74 bytes. But at # least one header should be present "Content-Disposition", so minimum value # of multipart headers will be near 150 bytes. doAssert(partHeadersMaxSize >= 256) # Our internal boundary has format `<-><->`, so we can # reuse different parts of this sequence for processing. var fboundary = newSeq[byte](len(boundary) + 4) fboundary[0] = 0x0D'u8 fboundary[1] = 0x0A'u8 fboundary[2] = byte('-') fboundary[3] = byte('-') copyMem(addr fboundary[4], unsafeAddr boundary[0], len(boundary)) MultiPartReaderRef(kind: MultiPartSource.Stream, firstTime: true, stream: stream, offset: 0, boundary: fboundary, buffer: newSeq[byte](partHeadersMaxSize)) template handleAsyncStreamReaderError(targ, excarg: untyped) = if targ.hasOverflow(): raiseHttpRequestBodyTooLargeError() raiseHttpReadError(UnableToReadMultipartBody & $excarg.msg) template handleAsyncStreamWriterError(targ, excarg: untyped) = targ.state = MultiPartWriterState.MessageFailure raiseHttpWriteError(UnableToSendMultipartMessage & $excarg.msg) proc readPart*(mpr: MultiPartReaderRef): Future[MultiPart] {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpReadError, HttpProtocolError]).} = doAssert(mpr.kind == MultiPartSource.Stream) if mpr.firstTime: try: # Read and verify initial <-><-> await mpr.stream.readExactly(addr mpr.buffer[0], len(mpr.boundary) - 2) mpr.firstTime = false if not(startsWith(mpr.buffer.toOpenArray(0, len(mpr.boundary) - 3), mpr.boundary.toOpenArray(2, len(mpr.boundary) - 1))): raiseHttpProtocolError(Http400, "Unexpected boundary encountered") except CancelledError as exc: raise exc except AsyncStreamError as exc: handleAsyncStreamReaderError(mpr.stream, exc) # Reading part's headers try: # Read 2 bytes more await mpr.stream.readExactly(addr mpr.buffer[0], 2) if mpr.buffer[0] == byte('-') and mpr.buffer[1] == byte('-'): # If two bytes are "--" we are at the end await mpr.stream.readExactly(addr mpr.buffer[0], 2) if mpr.buffer[0] == 0x0D'u8 and mpr.buffer[1] == 0x0A'u8: # If 3rd and 4th bytes are CRLF we are exactly at the end of message. raise newException(MultipartEOMError, "End of multipart message") else: raiseHttpProtocolError(Http400, "Incorrect multipart header found") if mpr.buffer[0] != 0x0D'u8 or mpr.buffer[1] != 0x0A'u8: raiseHttpProtocolError(Http400, "Incorrect multipart boundary found") # If two bytes are CRLF we are at the part beginning. # Reading part's headers let res = await mpr.stream.readUntil(addr mpr.buffer[0], len(mpr.buffer), HeadersMark) var headersList = parseHeaders(mpr.buffer.toOpenArray(0, res - 1), false) if headersList.failed(): raiseHttpProtocolError(Http400, "Incorrect multipart's headers found") inc(mpr.counter) var part = MultiPart( kind: MultiPartSource.Stream, headers: HttpTable.init(), breader: mpr.stream, stream: newBoundedStreamReader(mpr.stream, mpr.boundary), counter: mpr.counter ) for k, v in headersList.headers(mpr.buffer.toOpenArray(0, res - 1)): part.headers.add(k, v) let sres = part.setPartNames() if sres.isErr(): raiseHttpProtocolError(Http400, $sres.error) return part except CancelledError as exc: raise exc except AsyncStreamError as exc: handleAsyncStreamReaderError(mpr.stream, exc) proc getBody*(mp: MultiPart): Future[seq[byte]] {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpReadError, HttpProtocolError]).} = ## Get multipart's ``mp`` value as sequence of bytes. case mp.kind of MultiPartSource.Stream: try: await mp.stream.read() except AsyncStreamError as exc: handleAsyncStreamReaderError(mp.breader, exc) of MultiPartSource.Buffer: mp.buffer proc consumeBody*(mp: MultiPart) {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpReadError, HttpProtocolError]).} = ## Discard multipart's ``mp`` value. case mp.kind of MultiPartSource.Stream: try: discard await mp.stream.consume() except AsyncStreamError as exc: handleAsyncStreamReaderError(mp.breader, exc) of MultiPartSource.Buffer: discard proc getBodyStream*(mp: MultiPart): HttpResult[AsyncStreamReader] = ## Get multipart's ``mp`` stream, which can be used to obtain value of the ## part. case mp.kind of MultiPartSource.Stream: ok(mp.stream) else: err("Could not obtain stream from buffer-like part") proc closeWait*(mp: MultiPart) {.async: (raises: []).} = ## Close and release MultiPart's ``mp`` stream and resources. case mp.kind of MultiPartSource.Stream: await closeWait(mp.stream) else: discard proc closeWait*(mpr: MultiPartReaderRef) {.async: (raises: []).} = ## Close and release MultiPartReader's ``mpr`` stream and resources. case mpr.kind of MultiPartSource.Stream: await mpr.stream.closeWait() else: discard proc getBytes*(mp: MultiPart): seq[byte] = ## Returns value for MultiPart ``mp`` as sequence of bytes. case mp.kind of MultiPartSource.Buffer: mp.buffer of MultiPartSource.Stream: doAssert(not(mp.stream.atEof()), "Value is not obtained yet") mp.buffer proc getString*(mp: MultiPart): string = ## Returns value for MultiPart ``mp`` as string. case mp.kind of MultiPartSource.Buffer: bytesToString(mp.buffer) of MultiPartSource.Stream: doAssert(not(mp.stream.atEof()), "Value is not obtained yet") bytesToString(mp.buffer) proc atEoM*(mpr: var MultiPartReader): bool = ## Procedure returns ``true`` if MultiPartReader has reached the end of ## multipart message. case mpr.kind of MultiPartSource.Buffer: mpr.offset >= len(mpr.buffer) of MultiPartSource.Stream: mpr.stream.atEof() proc atEoM*(mpr: MultiPartReaderRef): bool = ## Procedure returns ``true`` if MultiPartReader has reached the end of ## multipart message. case mpr.kind of MultiPartSource.Buffer: mpr.offset >= len(mpr.buffer) of MultiPartSource.Stream: mpr.stream.atEof() proc getPart*(mpr: var MultiPartReader): Result[MultiPart, string] = ## Get multipart part from MultiPartReader instance. ## ## This procedure will work only for MultiPartReader with buffer source. doAssert(mpr.kind == MultiPartSource.Buffer) if mpr.offset >= len(mpr.buffer): return err("End of multipart form encountered") if startsWith(mpr.buffer.toOpenArray(mpr.offset, len(mpr.buffer) - 1), mpr.boundary.toOpenArray(2, len(mpr.boundary) - 1)): # Buffer must start at <-><-> mpr.offset += (len(mpr.boundary) - 2) # After boundary there should be at least 2 symbols <-><-> or . if len(mpr.buffer) <= mpr.offset + 1: return err("Incomplete multipart form") if mpr.buffer[mpr.offset] == byte('-') and mpr.buffer[mpr.offset + 1] == byte('-'): # If we have <-><-><-><-> it means we have found last boundary # of multipart message. mpr.offset += 2 if len(mpr.buffer) <= mpr.offset + 1: if mpr.buffer[mpr.offset] == 0x0D'u8 and mpr.buffer[mpr.offset + 1] == 0x0A'u8: mpr.offset += 2 return err("End of multipart form encountered") else: return err("Incorrect multipart last boundary") else: return err("Incomplete multipart form") if mpr.buffer[mpr.offset] == 0x0D'u8 and mpr.buffer[mpr.offset + 1] == 0x0A'u8: # If we have <-><-> it means that we have found another # part of multipart message. mpr.offset += 2 # Multipart form must always have at least single Content-Disposition # header, so we searching position where all the headers should be # finished . let pos1 = parseUntil( mpr.buffer.toOpenArray(mpr.offset, len(mpr.buffer) - 1), [0x0D'u8, 0x0A'u8, 0x0D'u8, 0x0A'u8] ) if pos1 < 0: return err("Incomplete multipart form") # parseUntil returns 0-based position without `until` sequence. let start = mpr.offset + pos1 + 4 # Multipart headers position let hstart = mpr.offset let hfinish = mpr.offset + pos1 + 4 - 1 let headersList = parseHeaders(mpr.buffer.toOpenArray(hstart, hfinish), false) if headersList.failed(): return err("Incorrect or incomplete multipart headers received") # Searching for value's boundary <-><->. let pos2 = parseUntil( mpr.buffer.toOpenArray(start, len(mpr.buffer) - 1), mpr.boundary.toOpenArray(0, len(mpr.boundary) - 1) ) if pos2 < 0: return err("Incomplete multipart form") # We set reader's offset to the place right after mpr.offset = start + pos2 + 2 inc(mpr.counter) var part = MultiPart( kind: MultiPartSource.Buffer, headers: HttpTable.init(), buffer: @(mpr.buffer.toOpenArray(start, start + pos2 - 1)), counter: mpr.counter ) for k, v in headersList.headers(mpr.buffer.toOpenArray(hstart, hfinish)): part.headers.add(k, v) ? part.setPartNames() ok(part) else: err("Incorrect multipart form") else: err("Incorrect multipart form") func isEmpty*(mp: MultiPart): bool = ## Returns ``true`` is multipart ``mp`` is not initialized/filled yet. mp.counter == 0 func validateBoundary[B: BChar](boundary: openArray[B]): HttpResult[void] = if len(boundary) == 0: err("Content-Type boundary must be at least 1 character size") elif len(boundary) > 70: err("Content-Type boundary must be less then 70 characters") else: for ch in boundary: if chr(ord(ch)) notin {'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', '0' .. '9', '\'' .. ')', '+' .. '/', ':', '=', '?', '_'}: return err("Content-Type boundary alphabet incorrect") ok() func getMultipartBoundary*(contentData: ContentTypeData): HttpResult[string] = ## Returns ``multipart/form-data`` boundary value from ``Content-Type`` ## header. ## ## The procedure carries out all the necessary checks: ## 1) `boundary` value must be present. ## 2) `boundary` value must be less then 70 characters length and ## all characters should be part of specific alphabet. let candidate = block: var res: string for item in contentData.params: if cmpIgnoreCase(item.name, "boundary") == 0: res = item.value break res ? validateBoundary(candidate) ok(candidate) proc quoteCheck(name: string): HttpResult[string] = if len(name) > 0: var res = newStringOfCap(len(name)) for ch in name: case ch of '\x00' .. '\x08', '\x0a' .. '\x1f': return err("Incorrect character encountered") of '\x09', '\x20', '\x21': res.add(ch) of '\x22': res.add('\\') res.add('"') of '\x23' .. '\x7f': res.add(ch) else: return err("Incorrect character encountered") ok(res) else: ok(name) proc init*[B: BChar](mpt: typedesc[MultiPartWriter], boundary: openArray[B]): MultiPartWriter = ## Create new MultiPartWriter instance with `buffer` interface. ## ## ``boundary`` - is multipart boundary, this value must not be empty. doAssert(validateBoundary(boundary).isOk()) let sboundary = when B is char: @(boundary.toOpenArrayByte(0, len(boundary) - 1)) else: @boundary var finishMark = sboundary finishMark.add([0x2d'u8, 0x2d'u8, 0x0d'u8, 0x0a'u8]) var beginPartMark = sboundary beginPartMark.add([0x0d'u8, 0x0a'u8]) MultiPartWriter( kind: MultiPartSource.Buffer, buffer: newSeq[byte](), beginMark: @[0x2d'u8, 0x2d'u8], finishMark: finishMark, beginPartMark: beginPartMark, finishPartMark: @[0x0d'u8, 0x0a'u8, 0x2d'u8, 0x2d'u8], state: MultiPartWriterState.MessagePreparing ) proc new*[B: BChar](mpt: typedesc[MultiPartWriterRef], stream: HttpBodyWriter, boundary: openArray[B]): MultiPartWriterRef = doAssert(validateBoundary(boundary).isOk()) doAssert(not(isNil(stream))) let sboundary = when B is char: @(boundary.toOpenArrayByte(0, len(boundary) - 1)) else: @boundary var finishMark = sboundary finishMark.add([0x2d'u8, 0x2d'u8, 0x0d'u8, 0x0a'u8]) var beginPartMark = sboundary beginPartMark.add([0x0d'u8, 0x0a'u8]) MultiPartWriterRef( kind: MultiPartSource.Stream, stream: stream, beginMark: @[0x2d'u8, 0x2d'u8], finishMark: finishMark, beginPartMark: beginPartMark, finishPartMark: @[0x0d'u8, 0x0a'u8, 0x2d'u8, 0x2d'u8], state: MultiPartWriterState.MessagePreparing ) proc prepareHeaders(partMark: openArray[byte], name: string, filename: string, headers: HttpTable): string = const ContentDispositionHeader = "Content-Disposition" let qname = block: let res = quoteCheck(name) doAssert(res.isOk()) res.get() let qfilename = block: let res = quoteCheck(filename) doAssert(res.isOk()) res.get() var buffer = newString(len(partMark)) copyMem(addr buffer[0], unsafeAddr partMark[0], len(partMark)) buffer.add(ContentDispositionHeader) buffer.add(": ") if ContentDispositionHeader in headers: buffer.add(headers.getString(ContentDispositionHeader)) buffer.add("\r\n") else: buffer.add("form-data; name=\"") buffer.add(qname) buffer.add("\"") if len(qfilename) > 0: buffer.add("; filename=\"") buffer.add(qfilename) buffer.add("\"") buffer.add("\r\n") for k, v in headers.stringItems(): if k != ContentDispositionHeader: if len(v) > 0: buffer.add(k) buffer.add(": ") buffer.add(v) buffer.add("\r\n") buffer.add("\r\n") buffer proc begin*(mpw: MultiPartWriterRef) {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Starts multipart message form and write approprate markers to output ## stream. doAssert(mpw.kind == MultiPartSource.Stream) doAssert(mpw.state == MultiPartWriterState.MessagePreparing) # write "--" try: await mpw.stream.write(mpw.beginMark) mpw.state = MultiPartWriterState.MessageStarted except AsyncStreamError as exc: handleAsyncStreamWriterError(mpw, exc) proc begin*(mpw: var MultiPartWriter) = ## Starts multipart message form and write approprate markers to output ## buffer. doAssert(mpw.kind == MultiPartSource.Buffer) doAssert(mpw.state == MultiPartWriterState.MessagePreparing) # write "--" mpw.buffer.add(mpw.beginMark) mpw.state = MultiPartWriterState.MessageStarted proc beginPart*(mpw: MultiPartWriterRef, name: string, filename: string, headers: HttpTable) {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Starts part of multipart message and write appropriate ``headers`` to the ## output stream. ## ## Note: `filename` and `name` arguments could be only ASCII strings. doAssert(mpw.kind == MultiPartSource.Stream) doAssert(mpw.state in {MultiPartWriterState.MessageStarted, MultiPartWriterState.PartFinished}) # write "" # write "" # write "" let buffer = prepareHeaders(mpw.beginPartMark, name, filename, headers) try: await mpw.stream.write(buffer) mpw.state = MultiPartWriterState.PartStarted except AsyncStreamError as exc: handleAsyncStreamWriterError(mpw, exc) proc beginPart*(mpw: var MultiPartWriter, name: string, filename: string, headers: HttpTable) = ## Starts part of multipart message and write appropriate ``headers`` to the ## output stream. ## ## Note: `filename` and `name` arguments could be only ASCII strings. doAssert(mpw.kind == MultiPartSource.Buffer) doAssert(mpw.state in {MultiPartWriterState.MessageStarted, MultiPartWriterState.PartFinished}) let buffer = prepareHeaders(mpw.beginPartMark, name, filename, headers) # write "" # write "" # write "" mpw.buffer.add(buffer.toOpenArrayByte(0, len(buffer) - 1)) mpw.state = MultiPartWriterState.PartStarted proc write*(mpw: MultiPartWriterRef, pbytes: pointer, nbytes: int) {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Write part's data ``data`` to the output stream. doAssert(mpw.kind == MultiPartSource.Stream) doAssert(mpw.state == MultiPartWriterState.PartStarted) try: # write of data await mpw.stream.write(pbytes, nbytes) except AsyncStreamError as exc: handleAsyncStreamWriterError(mpw, exc) proc write*(mpw: MultiPartWriterRef, data: seq[byte]) {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Write part's data ``data`` to the output stream. doAssert(mpw.kind == MultiPartSource.Stream) doAssert(mpw.state == MultiPartWriterState.PartStarted) try: # write of data await mpw.stream.write(data) except AsyncStreamError as exc: handleAsyncStreamWriterError(mpw, exc) proc write*(mpw: MultiPartWriterRef, data: string) {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Write part's data ``data`` to the output stream. doAssert(mpw.kind == MultiPartSource.Stream) doAssert(mpw.state == MultiPartWriterState.PartStarted) try: # write of data await mpw.stream.write(data) except AsyncStreamError as exc: handleAsyncStreamWriterError(mpw, exc) proc write*(mpw: var MultiPartWriter, pbytes: pointer, nbytes: int) = ## Write part's data ``data`` to the output stream. doAssert(mpw.kind == MultiPartSource.Buffer) doAssert(mpw.state == MultiPartWriterState.PartStarted) let index = len(mpw.buffer) if nbytes > 0: mpw.buffer.setLen(index + nbytes) copyMem(addr mpw.buffer[0], pbytes, nbytes) proc write*(mpw: var MultiPartWriter, data: openArray[byte]) = ## Write part's data ``data`` to the output stream. doAssert(mpw.kind == MultiPartSource.Buffer) doAssert(mpw.state == MultiPartWriterState.PartStarted) mpw.buffer.add(data) proc write*(mpw: var MultiPartWriter, data: openArray[char]) = ## Write part's data ``data`` to the output stream. doAssert(mpw.kind == MultiPartSource.Buffer) doAssert(mpw.state == MultiPartWriterState.PartStarted) mpw.buffer.add(data.toOpenArrayByte(0, len(data) - 1)) proc finishPart*(mpw: MultiPartWriterRef) {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Finish multipart's message part and send proper markers to output stream. doAssert(mpw.state == MultiPartWriterState.PartStarted) try: # write "--" await mpw.stream.write(mpw.finishPartMark) mpw.state = MultiPartWriterState.PartFinished except AsyncStreamError as exc: handleAsyncStreamWriterError(mpw, exc) proc finishPart*(mpw: var MultiPartWriter) = ## Finish multipart's message part and send proper markers to output stream. doAssert(mpw.kind == MultiPartSource.Buffer) doAssert(mpw.state == MultiPartWriterState.PartStarted) # write "--" mpw.buffer.add(mpw.finishPartMark) mpw.state = MultiPartWriterState.PartFinished proc finish*(mpw: MultiPartWriterRef) {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Finish multipart's message form and send finishing markers to the output ## stream. doAssert(mpw.kind == MultiPartSource.Stream) doAssert(mpw.state == MultiPartWriterState.PartFinished) try: # write "--" await mpw.stream.write(mpw.finishMark) mpw.state = MultiPartWriterState.MessageFinished except AsyncStreamError as exc: handleAsyncStreamWriterError(mpw, exc) proc finish*(mpw: var MultiPartWriter): seq[byte] = ## Finish multipart's message form and send finishing markers to the output ## stream. doAssert(mpw.kind == MultiPartSource.Buffer) doAssert(mpw.state == MultiPartWriterState.PartFinished) # write "--" mpw.buffer.add(mpw.finishMark) mpw.state = MultiPartWriterState.MessageFinished mpw.buffer