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Codex Helm Chart

  1. Description
  2. Installation
  3. Deployment strategies
  4. Development
  5. To do


Codex is a decentralized data storage platform that provides exceptionally strong censorship resistance and durability guarantees.

Chart will install Codex in Kubernetes and make nodes publicly accessible in the Internet or just for in-cluster testing. For more information please read Deployment strategies.


Note: Please read Deployment strategies before the installation.

  1. Create a namespace

    kubectl create namespace codex-ns
  2. Create secrets if we would like to pass sensitive data

    Create codex-eth-provider secret, a common one for all Codex instances

    secret='apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: codex-eth-provider
      namespace: codex-ns
        name: codex
    type: Opaque
      CODEX_ETH_PROVIDER: https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/YOUR-API-KEY
    echo $secret | kubectl create -f -

    Generate ethereum key pair for each replica

    docker run --rm gochain/web3 account create

    Create codex-eth-private-key secret, a common one with separate key for each Codex instance

    secret='apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: codex-eth-private-key
      namespace: codex-ns
        name: codex
    type: Opaque
      CODEX_ETH_PRIVATE_KEY-1-1: 0x...
      CODEX_ETH_PRIVATE_KEY-2-1: 0x...
    echo $secret | kubectl create -f -

    Note: Please note, key name should contain Pod index, like -1-1, -2-1 in case of multiple replicas or single replica with statefulSet.prettify=false and -1 in case of single replica.

  3. Create a codex-api-basic-auth secret if we would like to expose Codex API via Ingress NGINX Controller protected by basic authentication

    docker run --rm httpd htpasswd -bnB <username> <password>
    secret='apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: codex-api-basic-auth
      namespace: codex-ns
        name: codex-api-basic-auth
    type: Opaque
      auth: >-
        auth file content
    echo $secret | kubectl create -f -
  4. Refer to the created secrets in the values.yaml

    # Replica
      count: 2
    # StatefulSet
      ordinalsStart: 1
    # Service account
      create: true
        create: true
    # Codex
      # In case we would like to pass more than one bootstrap node
      - codex
      - persistence
      - prover
      - --bootstrap-node=spr:xxx
      - --bootstrap-node=spr:yyy
        CODEX_METRICS: true
        CODEX_METRICS_PORT: 8008
        CODEX_DATA_DIR: /data
        CODEX_API_PORT: 8080
        CODEX_BLOCK_TTL: 1d
        CODEX_BLOCK_MI: 10m
        CODEX_BLOCK_MN: 1000
        # port values will be set dynamically for each replica, base on data from service.transport
        CODEX_LISTEN_ADDRS: /ip4/
        # port value will be set dynamically for each replica, base on data from service.discovery
        CODEX_DISC_PORT: 8090
        # In case of single SPR, you can set it via var
        # CODEX_BOOTSTRAP: "spr:xxx"
        CODEX_MARKETPLACE_ADDRESS: 0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
        # file name will be used as a secret name to be mounted to the specified path
        # unique key from `codex-eth-private-key` secret will be used to mach the unique Pod name
        CODEX_ETH_PRIVATE_KEY: /opt/codex-eth-private-key
        - name: CODEX_ETH_PROVIDER
              name: codex-eth-provider
              key: CODEX_ETH_PROVIDER
    # Pod ports
        enabled: true
        name: api
        containerPort: 8080
        enabled: true
        name: metrics
        containerPort: 8008
        enabled: true
        name: libp2p
        containerPort: 8070
        enabled: true
        name: discovery
        containerPort: 8090
    # Service
        - service
        - nodeport
        enabled: true
        port: 8080
        enabled: true
        name: metrics
        port: 8008
        enabled: true
        # 30000-32767
        nodePort: 30500
        nodePortOffset: 10
        # 30000-32767
        enabled: true
        nodePort: 30600
        nodePortOffset: 10
    # Ingress
      enabled: true
      class: nginx
        cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: "letsencrypt-staging"
        nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/use-regex: "true"
        nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /$2
        nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-type: basic
        nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-secret: codex-api-basic-auth
        nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-realm: 'Authentication Required - Private Area'
        - secretName: api-domain-tld
            - api.domain.tld
        - host: api.domain.tld
            - path: /storage
              rewritePath: (/|$)(.*)
              pathType: Prefix
              podName: node
    # Persistence
      enabled: true
      name: data
      size: 20Gi
        whenDeleted: Delete

    Review and update all settings and pay attention to codex.env, service and ingress. You also may consider to skip the values which defaults suit your needs.

  5. Install helm chart

    helm install -f values.yaml -n codex-ns codex ./codex
  6. Check that your Codex nodes up and running and accessible via Ingress

    # Pods
    kubectl get pods -n codex-ns
    # API
    # storage/node-1
    # storage/node-2
    curl -s -k -u username:password https://api.domain.tld/storage/node-1/api/codex/v1/debug/info | jq -r
  7. If we need more replicas, we should

    • Update secrets with the keys for new replicas
    • Update values.yaml with required number of replicas - replica.count
    • Upgrade release

Deployment strategies

For P2P communication, Codex require that transport and discovery ports be accessible for direct connection. In that way we may consider two deployment strategies

  • Private - Codex is accessible only inside the Kubernetes cluster
  • Public - Codex is accessible to any nodes in the Internet


For private deployment, Codex Pods should announce their private IP's and TCP ports. Because every Pod has unique IP, all Pods can use same TCP/UDP ports which will be directly accessible by other Pods.

Name resolution is not yet supported and we can't use headless service for P2P communications.

This type of deployment is mostly useful for in-cluster testing.


For Public deployment, Codex Pods should announce Public IP of the Kubernetes workers node on which they are running and TCP/UDP ports should be unique, because NodePort is shared across all nodes in the cluster. This leads to some limitation in case we would like to use a single StatefulSet with replicas > 1, because there is no native way in Kubernetes to assign dynamically Pods TCP/UDP ports per replica.

Single replica

  • Single StatefulSet is created and by default with index in the name
  • ClusterIP service is used for API and Metrics ports
  • In case of the Public deployment type, additionally, NodePort service will be created
  • App configuration is done only using values.yaml and secrets

Multiple replicas

  • Private deployment

    • Multiple StatefulSets are created to set unique TCP/UDP Pods ports
    • A separate ClusterIP service is created for every Pod API and Metrics ports
    • P2P communication is done directly via Pods IPs
    • App configuration is done using values.yaml and secrets
  • Public deployment

    • Multiple StatefulSets are created to set unique TCP/UDP Pods ports
    • A separate ClusterIP service is created for every Pod API and Metrics ports
    • NodePort service is created for every Pod with unique TCP/UDP ports
    • App configuration is done using values.yaml and secrets
    • Init container init-env is used to pass node ExternalIP to Codex container

Variables, which would be assigned via init-env init container will be omitted at StatefulSet level

# P2P

And to check their values, it would be required to look in to init-env Pod logs or Codex Pod files located in /opt/env folder

# init-env container
kubectl logs -n codex -c init-env codex-1-1

# Codex container
kubectl exec -it -n codex-ns -c codex codex-1-1 -- bash -c "cat /opt/env/*"

Unique data is passed via ConfigMap/Secrets

# ConfigMap/Secrets

And we can use a single secrets with unique keys per Pod or multiple secrets with unique name per Pod and refer to the Pod by -replica_index-pod_index. This string should be added to the values.yaml and will be replaced by Helm with the Pod index. Please see Installation for an example.

Note: Keep in mind, we do not have configuration option to define Private/Public deployment type and it is defined by the service type we use - service = private / service + nodeport = public.

Knows issues

  1. We can deploy just one replica per installation in case of NodePort, because

    • In Kubernetes, we can't set different settings for replicas in StatefulSet
    • Even if we can workaround that by passing environment variables via init-env container, Pods ports, in the manifest, also should be unique because Codex has --listen-addrs and --disc-port for P2P communication and they should be same as NodePort and unique for every Pod

    We can workaround that by passing unique TCP/UDP ports using init container and port forwarder sidecar and we will consider to implement that later.

    Even if we can use a single StatefulSet for Private deployment with init-env container to pass unique sensitive data, it was decided to follow same approach as we use for Public one. We may consider to change that later.

    This is why, for now, we have an option replica.count to generate multiple StatefulSets with unique settings.

  2. When we deploy multiple nodes using single installation, multiple StatefulSets will be created. During release upgrade all of them will be upgraded/restarted almost simultaneously.

  3. Codex erasure codding is working on the main app thread and it results of the failed liveness/readiness probes. This is why we have big values by default for these probes.


Because we are forced to deploy multiple StatefulSets with unique settings, we add a replica index to their names. As a result we will get names which contains additionally Pod index and this is why we've introduced prettify key to the StatefulSet, Service and Ingress and ordinalsStart for StatefulSet which affect how these names will looks like.

Object Accept prettify Single Single, prettify Multiple Multiple, prettify Single --> Multiple
StatefulSet codex-1 codex codex-1
Destructive in case of prettify
Pod codex-1-1 codex-1 codex-1-1
Destructive in case of prettify
PVC data-codex-1-1 data-codex-1 data-codex-1-1
Destructive in case of prettify
Service codex-1-1-nodeport codex-nodeport codex-1-1-nodeport
Non destructive
Ingress /codex-1-1 /codex /codex-1-1
Non destructive

The idea is to make endpoint appropriate to the StatefulSet name by removing Pod index in case of multiple StatefulSets.

For StatefulSet, prettify=false by default, in order to be able to add more replicas without destroying the fist one. With that value, a replica index will be added to the the StatefulSet, even if replica=1. If you would like to run just a single replica and have a name without that index, you should set statefulSet.prettify=false.


# Render chart templates
helm template codex-bootstrap codex -n codex-ns --debug

# Specific template
helm template codex-bootstrap codex -n codex-ns --debug -s templates/service.yaml

# Examine a chart for possible issues
helm lint codex

# Check the manifest
helm install codex --dry-run codex --namespace codex-ns
helm install codex --dry-run=server codex --namespace codex-ns

To do

  1. Make code more reusable.
  2. Check options to deploy a separate Bootstrap node and get its SPR automatically and pass it to Storage nodes, to setup a local fully working environment.
  3. Consider to use a single StatefulSet for Private deployment with the help of init-env.
  4. Consider to add a port forwarder as a sidecar to implement single StatefulSet configuration with the help of init-env for Public deployment.
  5. Consider to add an option to use Deployment instead of StatefulSet.