Calum Lind b2005ecd78
[Tests] Fix console tests stalling by pinning pytest to 7.4.2
Tests were stalling in deluge_ui_entry with pytest 7.4.3 likely due to
changes in the way it handles stderr but it is not clean the extact

For now we will pin the pytest version and look to fix the issue later.

2023-11-19 23:14:44 +00:00

30 lines
899 B

requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
skip-string-normalization = true
profile = "black"
# Dump tracebacks if a test takes longer than X seconds
faulthandler_timeout = 60
# Hide logged warnings and errors in test output.
log_cli_level = "CRITICAL"
addopts = "--basetemp=_pytest_temp"
markers = [
"todo: Tests that are yet to be written",
"gtkui: Tests for GTK code",
"security: Security related tests",
"slow: Tests that are particularly slow",
"internet: Tests that require internet connectivity",
filterwarnings = [
"ignore:Using readBody.*:DeprecationWarning",
"ignore:resume_data is deprecated.*:DeprecationWarning:deluge.core.alertmanager",