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<div class="section" id="deluge-web-ui">
<h1>Deluge Web UI<a class="headerlink" href="#deluge-web-ui" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
<p>The Deluge web interface is intended to be a full featured interface built using
the ExtJS framework, running on top of a Twisted webserver.</p>
<div class="section" id="ssl-configuration">
<h2>SSL Configuration<a class="headerlink" href="#ssl-configuration" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
<p>By default the web interface will use the same private key and certificate as
the Deluge daemon. If you wish to use a different certificate/key (see
<a class="reference external" href="http://www.yatblog.com/2007/02/27/how-to-create-a-ssl-certificate/">How to Create a SSL Certificate</a>
for information on creating one) you are able to specify which you want to use.</p>
<p>There are 2 ways to enable SSL encryption in the webserver, 1 is to specify it
in your configuration (accessible via the Preferences window). The other is to
add &#8216;&#8211;ssl&#8217; when running the webserver, which will override the configuration
value and enable SSL.</p>
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