Calum Lind e9ba3972ad Bump version for release
Also update deluge.pot and .gitattributes
2013-02-25 17:01:07 +00:00
2013-02-14 00:29:55 +00:00
2013-02-14 00:29:55 +00:00
2013-02-14 00:29:55 +00:00
2013-02-14 00:29:55 +00:00
2013-02-25 17:01:07 +00:00
2013-02-14 00:29:55 +00:00
2013-02-14 00:29:55 +00:00
2013-02-14 00:29:55 +00:00

Instructions for building

1. Compiler

  • To build deluge and the gtk osx modules, you must use gcc
  • This has been successfully working with :
    • gcc 4.2.1 - Xcode 4.1 - Mac OSX Lion (10.7.2)
    • llvm-gcc 4.2.1 - Xcode 4.3.1 (With Command line utilities) - Mac OSX Lion (10.7.3)
  • Check your version of gcc using gcc -v

2. GTK-OSX jhbuild environment

Quick how-to (from the full GTK-OSX building instructions)

  1. Create a dedicated user account and use it for all the next steps:

    Note: I'm using gtk login with /opt/gtk as home an jhbuild prefix

     sudo su - gtk
     cat << EOF > ~/.profile
     export PATH=~/.local/bin:~/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/git/bin
     . ~/.profile
  2. Download and run the gtk-osx-build-setup script to install jhbuild:

     curl -O
  3. Link or copy deluge osx jhbuildrc-custom:

    Note: This setup builds only for x86_64 arch to /opt/gtk prefix, feel free to edit

     ln -sf deluge/osx/jhbuildrc-custom ~/.jhbuildrc-custom
  4. Build jhbuild and its modulesets: (takes a while...)

     jhbuild bootstrap && jhbuild

    Note: If you encounter an error while building glib like:

     gconvert.c:65:2: error: #error GNU libiconv not in use but included iconv.h is from libiconv

    Start a shell from jhbuild (#4), edit the file vim glib/gconvert.c +65 to delete the section raising error, which is irrelevant. (Lion iconv.h looks like gnu one, but it is not) Then exit the shell and resume build (#1)

  5. Build the deluge moduleset: (takes a while...)

    Note: This jhbuild moduleset should build and install all deluge dependencies not available in gtk-osx

     jhbuild -m deluge/osx/deluge.modules build deluge

3. Build

  1. Always do your custom build operations under a jhbuild shell:

     jhbuild shell
  2. Cleanup:

     python clean -a
  3. Build and install:

     python py2app
     python install
  4. Build app to deluge/osx/app/

     cd osx

You should have now a working

i386 Notes:

  • Uncomment the relevant sections of :
    • jhbuildrc-custom
    • deluge.modules
    • setup.cfg
  • deluge egg has to be named without the -macosx-10.6-intel suffix
  • To build for i386 under a x64 arch libtorrent python bindings have to be patched manually to set correct arch see macports package patch


If doesn't work or crash the first thing to do is to check OSX Console for logs and/or crash reports. Alternatively, you can enable python log by uncommenting the end of script

Recent jhbuild issues:

  • Some jhbuild modules fails to build, freetype and gtk-mac-integration, strangely configure is not called before build/install.

  • If that happens, just force rebuild with something like:

      jhbuild build -cf gtk-mac-integration-python
  • Interrupt while building with ctrl-C and wipe to start over if configure missing

Known issues

  • i386: libtorrent crash
  • i18n: English only for now
  • Magnet URLs: Not currently supported by GTK-OSX
