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synced 2025-03-03 20:40:50 +00:00
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216 lines
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HTML forms
(part of web.py)
import copy, re
import webapi as web
import utils, net
def attrget(obj, attr, value=None):
if hasattr(obj, 'has_key') and obj.has_key(attr): return obj[attr]
if hasattr(obj, attr): return getattr(obj, attr)
return value
class Form:
def __init__(self, *inputs, **kw):
self.inputs = inputs
self.valid = True
self.note = None
self.validators = kw.pop('validators', [])
def __call__(self, x=None):
o = copy.deepcopy(self)
if x: o.validates(x)
return o
def render(self):
out = ''
out += self.rendernote(self.note)
out += '<table>\n'
for i in self.inputs:
out += ' <tr><th><label for="%s">%s</label></th>' % (i.id, i.description)
out += "<td>"+i.pre+i.render()+i.post+"</td>"
out += '<td id="note_%s">%s</td></tr>\n' % (i.id, self.rendernote(i.note))
out += "</table>"
return out
def rendernote(self, note):
if note: return '<strong class="wrong">%s</strong>' % note
else: return ""
def validates(self, source=None, _validate=True, **kw):
source = source or kw or web.input()
out = True
for i in self.inputs:
v = attrget(source, i.name)
if _validate:
out = i.validate(v) and out
i.value = v
if _validate:
out = out and self._validate(source)
self.valid = out
return out
def _validate(self, value):
self.value = value
for v in self.validators:
if not v.valid(value):
self.note = v.msg
return False
return True
def fill(self, source=None, **kw):
return self.validates(source, _validate=False, **kw)
def __getitem__(self, i):
for x in self.inputs:
if x.name == i: return x
raise KeyError, i
def _get_d(self): #@@ should really be form.attr, no?
return utils.storage([(i.name, i.value) for i in self.inputs])
d = property(_get_d)
class Input(object):
def __init__(self, name, *validators, **attrs):
self.description = attrs.pop('description', name)
self.value = attrs.pop('value', None)
self.pre = attrs.pop('pre', "")
self.post = attrs.pop('post', "")
self.id = attrs.setdefault('id', name)
if 'class_' in attrs:
attrs['class'] = attrs['class_']
del attrs['class_']
self.name, self.validators, self.attrs, self.note = name, validators, attrs, None
def validate(self, value):
self.value = value
for v in self.validators:
if not v.valid(value):
self.note = v.msg
return False
return True
def render(self): raise NotImplementedError
def addatts(self):
str = ""
for (n, v) in self.attrs.items():
str += ' %s="%s"' % (n, net.websafe(v))
return str
#@@ quoting
class Textbox(Input):
def render(self):
x = '<input type="text" name="%s"' % net.websafe(self.name)
if self.value: x += ' value="%s"' % net.websafe(self.value)
x += self.addatts()
x += ' />'
return x
class Password(Input):
def render(self):
x = '<input type="password" name="%s"' % net.websafe(self.name)
if self.value: x += ' value="%s"' % net.websafe(self.value)
x += self.addatts()
x += ' />'
return x
class Textarea(Input):
def render(self):
x = '<textarea name="%s"' % net.websafe(self.name)
x += self.addatts()
x += '>'
if self.value is not None: x += net.websafe(self.value)
x += '</textarea>'
return x
class Dropdown(Input):
def __init__(self, name, args, *validators, **attrs):
self.args = args
super(Dropdown, self).__init__(name, *validators, **attrs)
def render(self):
x = '<select name="%s"%s>\n' % (net.websafe(self.name), self.addatts())
for arg in self.args:
if type(arg) == tuple:
value, desc= arg
value, desc = arg, arg
if self.value == value: select_p = ' selected="selected"'
else: select_p = ''
x += ' <option %s value="%s">%s</option>\n' % (select_p, net.websafe(value), net.websafe(desc))
x += '</select>\n'
return x
class Radio(Input):
def __init__(self, name, args, *validators, **attrs):
self.args = args
super(Radio, self).__init__(name, *validators, **attrs)
def render(self):
x = '<span>'
for arg in self.args:
if self.value == arg: select_p = ' checked="checked"'
else: select_p = ''
x += '<input type="radio" name="%s" value="%s"%s%s /> %s ' % (net.websafe(self.name), net.websafe(arg), select_p, self.addatts(), net.websafe(arg))
return x+'</span>'
class Checkbox(Input):
def render(self):
x = '<input name="%s" type="checkbox"' % net.websafe(self.name)
if self.value: x += ' checked="checked"'
x += self.addatts()
x += ' />'
return x
class Button(Input):
def __init__(self, name, *validators, **attrs):
super(Button, self).__init__(name, *validators, **attrs)
self.description = ""
def render(self):
safename = net.websafe(self.name)
x = '<button name="%s"%s>%s</button>' % (safename, self.addatts(), safename)
return x
class Hidden(Input):
def __init__(self, name, *validators, **attrs):
super(Hidden, self).__init__(name, *validators, **attrs)
# it doesnt make sence for a hidden field to have description
self.description = ""
def render(self):
x = '<input type="hidden" name="%s"' % net.websafe(self.name)
if self.value: x += ' value="%s"' % net.websafe(self.value)
x += ' />'
return x
class File(Input):
def render(self):
x = '<input type="file" name="%s"' % net.websafe(self.name)
x += self.addatts()
x += ' />'
return x
class Validator:
def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return copy.copy(self)
def __init__(self, msg, test, jstest=None): utils.autoassign(self, locals())
def valid(self, value):
try: return self.test(value)
except: return False
notnull = Validator("Required", bool)
class regexp(Validator):
def __init__(self, rexp, msg):
self.rexp = re.compile(rexp)
self.msg = msg
def valid(self, value):
return bool(self.rexp.match(value))