= Deluge Installer for Windows = Instructions for building the Deluge NSIS Installer for Windows XP/Vista/7. == Dependencies == * Deluge build: http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/Installing/Source#WindowsDependencies * Bbfreeze: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/bbfreeze * NSIS: http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Download == Build Steps == 1. Build Deluge on Windows. 2. Verify/update the Deluge version in the win32 packaging scripts. bbfreeze script - Edit 'build_version' variable in: win32/deluge-bbfreeze.py NSIS script - Edit 'PROGRAM_VERSION' variable in: win32/deluge-win32-installer.nsi 3. Modify bbfreeze program. We want to include all the gtk libraries in the installer so that users don't require a separate GTK+ installation so we need to slightly modify bbfreeze. The modification is to add a line to bbfreeze\recipes.py, usually located here: C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\bbfreeze-*-py2.6-win32.egg\bbfreeze\recipes.py Find the line containing 'def recipe_gtk_and_friends' and after it add: return True 4. Run the bbfreeze script from the win32 directory: python deluge-bbfreeze.py The script places the bbfreeze'd version of Deluge in build-win32/deluge-bbfreeze-build_version Note: The assumption for this script is that Python 2.6 is installed in 'C:\Python26' otherwise the 'python_path' variable should be changed. 5. Run the NSIS script (right-click and choose `Compile with NSIS`) The result is a standalone installer in the `build-win32` directory. The Uninstaller will remove everything from the installation directory. The file association for '.torrent' will also be removed but only if it's associated with Deluge