# RemoteNotify **RemoteNotify** is a 1.1.x plugin to Notify you when Torrents have completed by sending an Instant Message to a configured Jabber ID. Also, it allows limited Remote Control of the Torrents with easy Jabber message commands. **RemoteNotify** has core and webui components but no gtk. ## Features * Sends an Instant Message upon completion of any Download. * The status of all the downloads is updated every 10 seconds in the contact "away/status message bubble". * Only Buddies(Authorized JIDs) can send Deluge Commands to Bot. * It also has Mail Notifications implemented as a Core Plugin, since the included Deluge Mail Notification works only with the GTK UI on. * Status, Adding, Removing of Torrents by sending IM message commands. ## IM Commands * status - Prints current status information about all downloading torrents * add [URL of Torrent] - Gets Torrent File from URL and starts downloading * del [Id of Torrent] - Deletes Torrent File with given Id (hash Id - the one shown in the *status* command) * help - This command ## Requirements * [TwistedWords](http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/TwistedWords) ## Installation & Configuration ### Compile & Install Plugin 1. Compile code ``` python setup.py bdist_egg ``` 2. Copy plugin into deluge plugin directory ( usually ~/.config/deluge/plugins ) ``` cp dist/RemoteNotify-0.1-py2.5.egg ~/.config/deluge/plugins/ ``` ### Configure Jabber Account for the Bot 1. Create a Jabber account for your Bot ( http://register.jabber.org ) 2. Log on with your favourite IM Chat Application on both your and the Bot's accounts and manually authorize the Bot and viceversa. ( This isn't done by the plugin! ). Both Accounts should see the other one as online. Only Buddies(Authorized JIDs) can send Deluge Commands to Bot ### Configure Mail Account for the Bot 1. Create or use some existing mail account that offers an smtp service. I used gmail ( http://mail.google.com/mail/signup ). ### Start & Configure the Plugin 1. Start deluged & deluge webUI 2. Enable [RemoteNotify](/remotenotify) plugin ( using webui at http://yourdelugedomain/config/plugins