## # Copyright 2007 Steve 'Tarka' Smith (tarka@internode.on.net) # Distributed under the same terms as Deluge ## plugin_name = "Blocklist Importer" plugin_author = "Steve 'Tarka' Smith" plugin_version = "0.3" plugin_description = """ Downloads and import PeerGuardian blocklists. It can parse uncompressed text-format list, and Gzip P2B version 1 and 2. It does not currently support 7zip encoded lists unfortunately. It is suggested these are downloaded an unpacked via a cron script. """ def deluge_init(deluge_path): global path path = deluge_path def enable(core, interface): global path return BlocklistImport(path, core, interface) #################### The plugin itself #################### import urllib, deluge.common, deluge.pref from peerguardian import PGReader, PGException from text import TextReader, GZMuleReader from ui import GTKConfig, GTKProgress # List of formats supported. This is used to generate the UI list and # specify the reader class readers = {'p2bgz':("PeerGuardian P2B (GZip)", PGReader), 'pgtext':("PeerGuardian Text (Uncompressed)", TextReader), 'gzmule':("Emule IP list (GZip)", GZMuleReader)} class BlocklistImport: def __init__(self, path, core, interface): print "Loading blocklist plugin ..." # Save the path, interface, and core so they can be used later self.path = path self.core = core self.interface = interface self.gtkconf = GTKConfig(self) self.gtkprog = GTKProgress(self) self.cancelled = False self.blockfile = deluge.common.CONFIG_DIR + "/blocklist.cache" conffile = deluge.common.CONFIG_DIR + "/blocklist.conf" self.config = deluge.pref.Preferences(filename=conffile, global_defaults=False) self.config.load() if not self.config.has_key('url'): self.configure() else: self.loadlist(fetch=self.config.get('load_on_start')) def _download_update(self, curr, chunksize, size): incs = float(size) / float(chunksize) self.gtkprog.download_prog(curr/incs) def loadlist(self, fetch=False): self.gtkprog.start() # Attempt initial import if fetch: print "Fetching",self.config.get('url') self.gtkprog.start_download() try: filename, headers = urllib.urlretrieve(self.config.get('url'), filename=self.blockfile, reporthook=self._download_update) except IOError, (errno, strerr): err = ui.GTKError("Couldn't download URL: %s"%strerr) self.gtkprog.stop() return self.gtkprog.start_import() self.core.reset_ip_filter() ltype = self.config.get('listtype') print "importing with",ltype try: reader = readers[ltype][1](self.blockfile) except IOError, (errno, strerr): err = ui.GTKError("Couldn't open blocklist file: %s"%strerr) self.gtkprog.stop() return print "Starting import" ips = reader.next() curr = 0 while ips and not self.cancelled: self.core.add_range_to_ip_filter(*ips) ips = reader.next() curr += 1 if curr % 100 == 0: self.gtkprog.import_prog(text="Imported %s IPs"%curr) else: self.gtkprog.import_prog() reader.close() self.gtkprog.end_import() print "Import complete" self.gtkprog.stop() def configure(self): self.gtkconf.start() def setconfig(self, url, load_on_start, listtype): self.config.set('url', url) self.config.set('load_on_start', load_on_start) self.config.set('listtype', listtype) self.config.save() self.loadlist(fetch=True) def disable(self): self.core.reset_ip_filter() def unload(self): self.core.reset_ip_filter() def update(self): pass