#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # deluge_webserver.py # # Copyright (C) Martijn Voncken 2007 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, write to: # The Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give # permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL # library. # You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of # the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this # exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), # but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete # this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception # statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here. import webserver_common as ws from webserver_framework import * import lib.webpy022 as web from lib.webpy022.http import seeother, url import base64 from operator import attrgetter import os from json_api import json_api #routing: urls = ( "/login", "login", "/index", "index", "/torrent/info/(.*)", "torrent_info", "/torrent/info_inner/(.*)", "torrent_info_inner", "/torrent/stop/(.*)", "torrent_stop", "/torrent/start/(.*)", "torrent_start", "/torrent/reannounce/(.*)", "torrent_reannounce", "/torrent/add(.*)", "torrent_add", "/torrent/delete/(.*)", "torrent_delete", "/torrent/queue/up/(.*)", "torrent_queue_up", "/torrent/queue/down/(.*)", "torrent_queue_down", "/pause_all", "pause_all", "/resume_all", "resume_all", "/refresh/set", "refresh_set", "/refresh/(.*)", "refresh", "/config", "config_", "/home", "home", "/about", "about", "/logout", "logout", #remote-api: "/remote/torrent/add(.*)", "remote_torrent_add", "/json/(.*)","json_api", #static: "/static/(.*)", "static", "/template/static/(.*)", "template_static", #"/downloads/(.*)","downloads" disabled until it can handle large downloads #default-pages "/", "home", "", "home" ) #/routing #pages: class login: @deluge_page_noauth def GET(self, name): vars = web.input(error = None) return ws.render.login(vars.error) def POST(self): vars = web.input(pwd = None, redir = None) if check_pwd(vars.pwd): #start new session start_session() do_redirect() elif vars.redir: seeother(url('/login', error=1, redir=vars.redir)) else: seeother('/login?error=1') class index: "page containing the torrent list." @deluge_page @auto_refreshed def GET(self, name): vars = web.input(sort=None, order=None ,filter=None , category=None) torrent_list = [get_torrent_status(torrent_id) for torrent_id in ws.proxy.get_session_state()] all_torrents = torrent_list[:] #filter-state if vars.filter: torrent_list = filter_torrent_state(torrent_list, vars.filter) setcookie("filter", vars.filter) else: setcookie("filter", "") #filter-cat if vars.category: torrent_list = [t for t in torrent_list if t.category == vars.category] setcookie("category", vars.category) else: setcookie("category", "") #sorting: if vars.sort: torrent_list.sort(key=attrgetter(vars.sort)) if vars.order == 'up': torrent_list = reversed(torrent_list) setcookie("order", vars.order) setcookie("sort", vars.sort) return ws.render.index(torrent_list, all_torrents) class torrent_info: @deluge_page @auto_refreshed def GET(self, name): torrent_id = name.split(',')[0] return ws.render.torrent_info(get_torrent_status(torrent_id)) class torrent_info_inner: @deluge_page def GET(self, torrent_ids): torrent_ids = torrent_ids.split(',') info = get_torrent_status(torrent_ids[0]) if len(torrent_ids) > 1: #todo : hmm, lots of manual stuff here :( pass return ws.render.torrent_info_inner(info) class torrent_start: @check_session def POST(self, name): torrent_ids = name.split(',') ws.proxy.resume_torrent(torrent_ids) do_redirect() class torrent_stop: @check_session def POST(self, name): torrent_ids = name.split(',') ws.proxy.pause_torrent(torrent_ids) do_redirect() class torrent_reannounce: @check_session def POST(self, torrent_id): ws.proxy.force_reannounce([torrent_id]) do_redirect() class torrent_add: @deluge_page def GET(self, name): return ws.render.torrent_add() @check_session def POST(self, name): """ allows: *posting of url *posting file-upload *posting of data as string(for greasemonkey-private) """ vars = web.input(url = None, torrent = {}) torrent_name = None torrent_data = None if vars.torrent.filename: torrent_name = vars.torrent.filename torrent_data = vars.torrent.file.read() if vars.url and torrent_name: error_page(_("Choose an url or a torrent, not both.")) if vars.url: ws.proxy.add_torrent_url(vars.url) do_redirect() elif torrent_name: data_b64 = base64.b64encode(torrent_data) #b64 because of strange bug-reports related to binary data ws.proxy.add_torrent_filecontent(vars.torrent.filename, data_b64) do_redirect() else: error_page(_("no data.")) class remote_torrent_add: """ For use in remote scripts etc. curl ->POST pwd and torrent as file greasemonkey: POST pwd torrent_name and data_b64 """ @remote def POST(self, name): vars = web.input(pwd = None, torrent = {}, data_b64 = None , torrent_name= None) if not check_pwd(vars.pwd): return 'error:wrong password' if vars.data_b64: #b64 post (greasemonkey) data_b64 = unicode(vars.data_b64) torrent_name = vars.torrent_name else: #file-post (curl) data_b64 = base64.b64encode(vars.torrent.file.read()) torrent_name = vars.torrent.filename ws.proxy.add_torrent_filecontent(torrent_name, data_b64) return 'ok' class torrent_delete: @deluge_page def GET(self, name): torrent_ids = name.split(',') torrent_list = [get_torrent_status(id) for id in torrent_ids] return ws.render.torrent_delete(name, torrent_list) @check_session def POST(self, name): torrent_ids = name.split(',') vars = web.input(data_also = None, torrent_also = None) data_also = bool(vars.data_also) torrent_also = bool(vars.torrent_also) ws.proxy.remove_torrent(torrent_ids, data_also, torrent_also) do_redirect() class torrent_queue_up: @check_session def POST(self, name): #a bit too verbose.. torrent_ids = name.split(',') torrents = [get_torrent_status(id) for id in torrent_ids] torrents.sort(lambda x, y : x.queue_pos - y.queue_pos) torrent_ids = [t.id for t in torrents] for torrent_id in torrent_ids: ws.proxy.queue_up(torrent_id) do_redirect() class torrent_queue_down: @check_session def POST(self, name): #a bit too verbose.. torrent_ids = name.split(',') torrents = [get_torrent_status(id) for id in torrent_ids] torrents.sort(lambda x, y : x.queue_pos - y.queue_pos) torrent_ids = [t.id for t in torrents] for torrent_id in reversed(torrent_ids): ws.proxy.queue_down(torrent_id) do_redirect() class pause_all: @check_session def POST(self, name): ws.proxy.pause_torrent(ws.proxy.get_session_state()) do_redirect() class resume_all: @check_session def POST(self, name): ws.proxy.resume_torrent(ws.proxy.get_session_state()) do_redirect() class refresh: @check_session def POST(self, name): auto_refresh = {'off': '0', 'on': '1'}[name] setcookie('auto_refresh', auto_refresh) if not getcookie('auto_refresh_secs'): setcookie('auto_refresh_secs', 10) do_redirect() class refresh_set: @deluge_page def GET(self, name): return ws.render.refresh_form() @check_session def POST(self, name): vars = web.input(refresh = 0) refresh = int(vars.refresh) if refresh > 0: setcookie('auto_refresh', '1') setcookie('auto_refresh_secs', str(refresh)) do_redirect() else: error_page(_('refresh must be > 0')) class config_: #namespace clash? """core config TODO:good validation. """ """ SOMEHOW ONLY BREAKS 0.6 ?? cfg_form = web.form.Form( web.form.Dropdown('max_download', ws.SPEED_VALUES, description=_('Download Speed Limit'), post='%s Kib/sec' % ws.proxy.get_config_value('max_download_speed') ) ,web.form.Dropdown('max_upload', ws.SPEED_VALUES, description=_('Upload Speed Limit'), post='%s Kib/sec' % ws.proxy.get_config_value('max_upload_speed') ) ) @deluge_page def GET(self, name): return ws.render.config(self.cfg_form()) def POST(self, name): vars = web.input(max_download=None, max_upload=None) #self.config.set("max_download_speed", float(str_bwdown)) raise NotImplementedError('todo') """ class home: @check_session def GET(self, name): do_redirect() class about: @deluge_page_noauth def GET(self, name): return ws.render.about() class logout: @check_session def POST(self, name): end_session() seeother('/login') class static(static_handler): base_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static') class template_static(static_handler): def get_base_dir(self): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates/%s/static' % ws.config.get('template')) class downloads(static_handler): def GET(self, name): self.base_dir = ws.proxy.get_config_value('default_download_path') if not ws.config.get('share_downloads'): raise Exception('Access to downloads is forbidden.') return static_handler.GET(self, name) #/pages def WebServer(): return create_webserver(urls, globals()) def run(): server = WebServer() try: server.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: server.stop() if __name__ == "__main__": run()