#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # webserver_framework.py # # Copyright (C) Martijn Voncken 2007 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, write to: # The Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give # permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL # library. # You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of # the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this # exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), # but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete # this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception # statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here. """ Todo's before stable: -__init__:kill->restart is not waiting for kill to be finished. --later/features:--- -alternating rows? -set prio -clear finished? -torrent files. """ import lib.webpy022 as web from lib.webpy022.webapi import cookies, setcookie as w_setcookie from lib.webpy022.http import seeother, url from lib.webpy022 import template,changequery as self_url from lib.webpy022.utils import Storage from lib.static_handler import static_handler from deluge.common import fsize,fspeed import traceback import random from operator import attrgetter import datetime import pickle from md5 import md5 from urlparse import urlparse from deluge import common from webserver_common import REVNO, VERSION, log import webserver_common as ws from debugerror import deluge_debugerror #init: web.webapi.internalerror = deluge_debugerror #/init #methods: def setcookie(key, val): """add 30 days expires header for persistent cookies""" return w_setcookie(key, val , expires=2592000) #really simple sessions, to bad i had to implement them myself. def start_session(): log.debug('start session') session_id = str(random.random()) ws.SESSIONS.append(session_id) #if len(ws.SESSIONS) > 20: #save max 20 sessions? # ws.SESSIONS = ws.SESSIONS[-20:] #not thread safe! , but a verry rare bug. #f = open(ws.session_file,'wb') #pickle.dump(ws.SESSIONS, f) #f.close() setcookie("session_id", session_id) def end_session(): session_id = getcookie("session_id") #if session_id in ws.SESSIONS: # ws.SESSIONS.remove(session_id) #not thread safe! , but a verry rare bug. #f = open(ws.session_file,'wb') #pickle.dump(ws.SESSIONS, f) #f.close() setcookie("session_id","") def do_redirect(): """for redirects after a POST""" vars = web.input(redir = None) ck = cookies() url_vars = {} if vars.redir: seeother(vars.redir) return #todo:cleanup if ("order" in ck and "sort" in ck): url_vars.update({'sort':ck['sort'] ,'order':ck['order'] }) if ("filter" in ck) and ck['filter']: url_vars['filter'] = ck['filter'] if ("category" in ck) and ck['category']: url_vars['category'] = ck['category'] seeother(url("/index", **url_vars)) def error_page(error): web.header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") web.header("Cache-Control", "no-cache, must-revalidate") print ws.render.error(error) def getcookie(key, default = None): key = str(key).strip() ck = cookies() return ck.get(key, default) #deco's: def deluge_page_noauth(func): """ add http headers print result of func """ def deco(self, name = None): web.header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") web.header("Cache-Control", "no-cache, must-revalidate") res = func(self, name) print res deco.__name__ = func.__name__ return deco def check_session(func): """ a decorator return func if session is valid, else redirect to login page. """ def deco(self, name = None): log.debug('%s.%s(name=%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, func.__name__, name)) vars = web.input(redir_after_login = None) ck = cookies() if ck.has_key("session_id") and ck["session_id"] in ws.SESSIONS: return func(self, name) #ok, continue.. elif vars.redir_after_login: seeother(url("/login",redir=self_url())) else: seeother("/login") #do not continue, and redirect to login page return deco def deluge_page(func): return check_session(deluge_page_noauth(func)) #combi-deco's: def auto_refreshed(func): "decorator:adds a refresh header" def deco(self, name = None): if getcookie('auto_refresh') == '1': web.header("Refresh", "%i ; url=%s" % (int(getcookie('auto_refresh_secs',10)),self_url())) return func(self, name) deco.__name__ = func.__name__ return deco def remote(func): "decorator for remote api's" def deco(self, name = None): try: print func(self, name) except Exception, e: print 'error:' + e.message print '-'*20 print traceback.format_exc() deco.__name__ = func.__name__ return deco #utils: def check_pwd(pwd): m = md5() m.update(ws.config.get('pwd_salt')) m.update(pwd) return (m.digest() == ws.config.get('pwd_md5')) def get_stats(): stats = Storage({ 'download_rate':fspeed(ws.proxy.get_download_rate()), 'upload_rate':fspeed(ws.proxy.get_upload_rate()), 'max_download':ws.proxy.get_config_value('max_download_speed_bps'), 'max_upload':ws.proxy.get_config_value('max_upload_speed_bps'), 'num_connections':ws.proxy.get_num_connections(), 'max_num_connections':ws.proxy.get_config_value('max_connections_global') }) if stats.max_upload < 0: stats.max_upload = _("Unlimited") else: stats.max_upload = fspeed(stats.max_upload) if stats.max_download < 0: stats.max_download = _("Unlimited") else: stats.max_download = fspeed(stats.max_download) return stats def get_torrent_status(torrent_id): """ helper method. enhance ws.proxy.get_torrent_status with some extra data """ status = Storage(ws.proxy.get_torrent_status(torrent_id,ws.TORRENT_KEYS)) #add missing values for deluge 0.6: for key in ws.TORRENT_KEYS: if not key in status: status[key] = 0 status["id"] = torrent_id url = urlparse(status.tracker) if hasattr(url,'hostname'): status.category = url.hostname or 'unknown' else: status.category = 'No-tracker' #for naming the status-images status.calc_state_str = "downloading" if status.paused: status.calc_state_str= "inactive" elif status.is_seed: status.calc_state_str = "seeding" #action for torrent_pause if status.user_paused: status.action = "start" else: status.action = "stop" if status.user_paused: status.message = _("Paused %s%%") % status.progress elif status.paused: status.message = _("Queued %s%%") % status.progress else: status.message = "%s %i%%" % (ws.STATE_MESSAGES[status.state] , status.progress) #add some pre-calculated values status.update({ "calc_total_downloaded" : (fsize(status.total_done) + " (" + fsize(status.total_download) + ")"), "calc_total_uploaded": (fsize(status.uploaded_memory + status.total_payload_upload) + " (" + fsize(status.total_upload) + ")"), }) #no non-unicode string may enter the templates. for k, v in status.iteritems(): if (not isinstance(v, unicode)) and isinstance(v, str): try: status[k] = unicode(v) except: raise Exception('Non Unicode for key:%s' % (k, )) return status def get_categories(torrent_list): trackers = [(torrent['category'] or 'unknown') for torrent in torrent_list] categories = {} for tracker in trackers: categories[tracker] = categories.get(tracker,0) + 1 return categories def filter_torrent_state(torrent_list,filter_name): filters = { 'downloading': lambda t: (not t.paused and not t.is_seed) ,'queued':lambda t: (t.paused and not t.user_paused) ,'paused':lambda t: (t.user_paused) ,'seeding':lambda t:(t.is_seed and not t.paused ) ,'active':lambda t: (t.download_rate > 0 or t.upload_rate > 0) } filter_func = filters[filter_name] return [t for t in torrent_list if filter_func(t)] #/utils #template-defs: def category_tabs(torrent_list): categories = get_categories(torrent_list) filter_tabs = [Storage(title='All (%s)' % len(torrent_list), filter=None, category=None)] #static filters for title, filter_name in [ (_('Downloading'),'downloading') , (_('Queued'),'queued') , (_('Paused'),'paused') , (_('Seeding'),'seeding'), (_('Active'),'active') ]: title += ' (%s)' % ( len(filter_torrent_state(torrent_list, filter_name)), ) filter_tabs.append(Storage(title=title, filter=filter_name)) categories = [x for x in get_categories(torrent_list).iteritems()] categories.sort() #trackers: category_tabs = [] category_tabs.append( Storage(title=_('Trackers'),category=None)) for title,count in categories: category = title title += ' (%s)' % (count, ) category_tabs.append(Storage(title=title, category=category)) return ws.render.part_categories(filter_tabs, category_tabs) def template_crop(text, end): if len(text) > end: return text[0:end - 3] + '...' return text def template_sort_head(id,name): #got tired of doing these complex things inside templetor.. vars = web.input(sort = None, order = None) active_up = False active_down = False order = 'down' if vars.sort == id: if vars.order == 'down': order = 'up' active_down = True else: active_up = True return ws.render.sort_column_head(id, name, order, active_up, active_down) def template_part_stats(): return ws.render.part_stats(get_stats()) def get_config(var): return ws.config.get(var) irow = 0 def altrow(reset = False): global irow if reset: irow = 1 return irow +=1 irow = irow % 2 return "altrow%s" % irow template.Template.globals.update({ 'sort_head': template_sort_head, 'part_stats':template_part_stats, 'category_tabs':category_tabs, 'crop': template_crop, '_': _ , #gettext/translations 'str': str, #because % in templetor is broken. 'sorted': sorted, 'altrow':altrow, 'get_config': get_config, 'self_url': self_url, 'fspeed': common.fspeed, 'fsize': common.fsize, 'render': ws.render, #for easy resuse of templates 'rev': 'rev.%s' % (REVNO, ), 'version': VERSION, 'getcookie':getcookie, 'get': lambda (var): getattr(web.input(**{var:None}), var) # unreadable :-( }) #/template-defs def create_webserver(urls, methods): from lib.webpy022.request import webpyfunc from lib.webpy022 import webapi from lib.gtk_cherrypy_wsgiserver import CherryPyWSGIServer import os func = webapi.wsgifunc(webpyfunc(urls, methods, False)) server_address=("", int(ws.config.get('port'))) server = CherryPyWSGIServer(server_address, func, server_name="localhost") if ws.config.get('use_https'): server.ssl_certificate = os.path.join(ws.webui_path,'ssl/deluge.pem') server.ssl_private_key = os.path.join(ws.webui_path,'ssl/deluge.key') print "http://%s:%d/" % server_address return server #------ __all__ = ['deluge_page_noauth', 'deluge_page', 'remote', 'auto_refreshed', 'check_session', 'do_redirect', 'error_page','start_session','getcookie' ,'setcookie','create_webserver','end_session', 'get_torrent_status', 'check_pwd','static_handler','get_categories' ,'template','filter_torrent_state','log']