# Copyright (C) 2007 - Andrew Resch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ### Initialization ### plugin_name = _("Torrent Creator") plugin_author = "Andrew Resch" plugin_version = "0.1" plugin_description = _("A torrent creator plugin") def deluge_init(deluge_path): global path path = deluge_path def enable(core, interface): global path return TorrentCreator(path, core, interface) ### The Plugin ### import deluge import gtk, gtk.glade class TorrentCreator: def __init__(self, path, core, interface): print "Loading TorrentCreator plugin..." self.path = path self.core = core self.interface = interface self.glade = None # Add 'New Torrent' menu item to the File menu self.menuitem_image = gtk.Image() self.menuitem_image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_NEW, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.menuitem = gtk.ImageMenuItem(_("New Torrent")) self.menuitem.set_image(self.menuitem_image) self.menuitem.connect("activate", self.new_torrent_clicked) self.interface.wtree.get_widget("menu_file").get_submenu().prepend(self.menuitem) self.menuitem.show_all() # Add a 'New Torrent' button to the toolbar self.toolbutton_image = gtk.Image() self.toolbutton_image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_NEW, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.toolbutton = gtk.ToolButton(self.toolbutton_image, _("New Torrent")) self.toolbutton_tip = gtk.Tooltips() self.toolbutton.set_tooltip(self.toolbutton_tip, _("Create a new torrent")) self.toolbutton.connect("clicked", self.new_torrent_clicked) self.interface.wtree.get_widget("tb_left").insert(self.toolbutton, 0) self.toolbutton.show_all() def destroy(self, data=None): self.dialog.hide() self.dialog.destroy() def update(self): pass def unload(self): print "Unloading TorrentCreator plugin..." self.interface.wtree.get_widget("menu_file").get_submenu().remove(self.menuitem) self.interface.wtree.get_widget("tb_left").remove(self.toolbutton) def new_torrent_clicked(self, widget, data=None): # Show the torrent creator dialog self.glade = gtk.glade.XML(self.path + "/torrentcreator.glade") self.dialog = self.glade.get_widget("torrentcreator") self.glade.get_widget("piece_size_combobox").set_active(0) self.glade.get_widget("torrent_chooserbutton").connect("clicked", self.torrent_chooserbutton_clicked) self.glade.get_widget("ok_button").connect("clicked", self.create_torrent) self.glade.get_widget("close_button").connect("clicked", self.destroy) self.dialog.show_all() response = self.dialog.run() if response == 0: self.destroy() return def torrent_chooserbutton_clicked(self, widget): filechooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title=_("Save file as..."), parent=None, action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK), backend=None) response = filechooser.run() # Update the torrentfile entry widget if a file was selected. if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: self.glade.get_widget("torrentfile_entry").set_text(filechooser.get_filename()) filechooser.destroy() def create_torrent(self, widget): # Create a torrent from the information provided in the torrentcreator dialog if self.glade.get_widget("folder_radiobutton").get_active(): source = self.glade.get_widget("folder_chooserbutton").get_filename() else: source = self.glade.get_widget("file_chooserbutton").get_filename() if source == "" or source == None: deluge.dialogs.show_popup_warning(self.dialog, _("You must select a source for the torrent.")) return False torrent = self.glade.get_widget("torrentfile_entry").get_text() if torrent == "" or torrent == None: # Send alert to the user that we need a torrent filename to save to deluge.dialogs.show_popup_warning(self.dialog, _("You must select a file to save the torrent as.")) return False piece_size = self.glade.get_widget("piece_size_combobox") piece_size = int(piece_size.get_model().get_value(piece_size.get_active_iter(), 0).split(" ")[0]) trackers = self.glade.get_widget("trackers_textview").get_buffer() (start, end) = trackers.get_bounds() trackers = trackers.get_text(start, end).strip() if trackers == "" or trackers == None: deluge.dialogs.show_popup_warning(self.dialog, _("You must specify at least one tracker.")) return False comments = self.glade.get_widget("comments_textview").get_buffer() (start, end) = comments.get_bounds() comments = comments.get_text(start, end).strip() author = self.glade.get_widget("author_entry").get_text() if author == "" or author == None: author = _("Deluge") add_torrent = self.glade.get_widget("add_torrent_checkbox").get_active() # Destroy the dialog.. we don't need it anymore self.destroy() # Create the torrent and add it to the queue if necessary if self.core.create_torrent(torrent, source, trackers, comments, piece_size, author) == 1: # Torrent was created successfully if add_torrent: # We need to add this torrent to the queue self.interface.external_add_torrent(torrent) return True else: return False