// Copyright 2006 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // This startup script should be included in host pages either just after // or inside the after module tags. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DynamicResources // function DynamicResources() { this.pendingElemsBySrc_ = {}; this.pendingScriptElems_ = new Array(); } DynamicResources.prototype = {}; // The array is set up such that, pairwise, the entries are (src, readyFnStr). // Called once for each module that is attached to the host page. // It is theoretically possible that addScripts() could be called reentrantly // if the browser event loop is pumped during this function and an iframe loads; // we may want to enhance this method in the future to support that case. DynamicResources.prototype.addScripts = function(scriptArray, insertBeforeElem) { var wasEmpty = (this.pendingScriptElems_.length == 0); var anyAdded = false; for (var i = 0, n = scriptArray.length; i < n; i += 2) { var src = scriptArray[i]; if (this.pendingElemsBySrc_[src]) { // Don't load the same script twice. continue; } // Set up the element but don't add it to the DOM until its turn. anyAdded = true; var e = document.createElement("script"); this.pendingElemsBySrc_[src] = e; var readyFn; eval("readyFn = " + scriptArray[i+1]); e.__readyFn = readyFn; e.type = "text/javascript"; e.src = src; e.__insertBeforeElem = insertBeforeElem; this.pendingScriptElems_ = this.pendingScriptElems_.concat(e); } if (wasEmpty && anyAdded) { // Kickstart. this.injectScript(this.pendingScriptElems_[0]); } } DynamicResources.prototype.injectScript = function(scriptElem) { var parentElem = scriptElem.__insertBeforeElem.parentNode; parentElem.insertBefore(scriptElem, scriptElem.__insertBeforeElem); } DynamicResources.prototype.addStyles = function(styleSrcArray, insertBeforeElem) { var parent = insertBeforeElem.parentNode; for (var i = 0, n = styleSrcArray.length; i < n; ++i) { var src = styleSrcArray[i]; if (this.pendingElemsBySrc_[src]) continue; var e = document.createElement("link"); this.pendingElemsBySrc_[src] = e; e.type = "text/css"; e.rel = "stylesheet"; e.href = src; parent.insertBefore(e, insertBeforeElem); } } DynamicResources.prototype.isReady = function() { var elems = this.pendingScriptElems_; if (elems.length > 0) { var e = elems[0]; if (!e.__readyFn()) { // The pending script isn't ready yet. return false; } // The pending script has now finished loading. Enqueue the next, if any. e.__readyFn = null; elems.shift(); if (elems.length > 0) { // There is another script. this.injectScript(elems[0]); return false; } } // There are no more pending scripts. return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ModuleControlBlock // function ModuleControlBlock(metaElem, rawName) { var parts = ["", rawName]; var i = rawName.lastIndexOf("="); if (i != -1) { parts[0] = rawName.substring(0, i) + '/'; parts[1] = rawName.substring(i+1); } this.metaElem_ = metaElem; this.baseUrl_ = parts[0]; this.name_ = parts[1]; this.compilationLoaded_ = false; this.frameWnd_ = null; } ModuleControlBlock.prototype = {}; /** * Determines whether this module is fully loaded and ready to run. */ ModuleControlBlock.prototype.isReady = function() { return this.compilationLoaded_; }; /** * Called when the compilation for this module is loaded. */ ModuleControlBlock.prototype.compilationLoaded = function(frameWnd) { this.frameWnd_ = frameWnd; this.compilationLoaded_ = true; } /** * Gets the logical module name, not including a base url prefix if one was * specified. */ ModuleControlBlock.prototype.getName = function() { return this.name_; } /** * Gets the base URL of the module, guaranteed to end with a slash. */ ModuleControlBlock.prototype.getBaseURL = function() { return this.baseUrl_; } /** * Gets the window of the module's frame. */ ModuleControlBlock.prototype.getModuleFrameWindow = function() { return this.frameWnd_; } /** * Injects a set of dynamic scripts. * The array is set up such that, pairwise, the entries are (src, readyFnStr). */ ModuleControlBlock.prototype.addScripts = function(scriptSrcArray) { return ModuleControlBlocks.dynamicResources_.addScripts(scriptSrcArray, this.metaElem_); } /** * Injects a set of dynamic styles. */ ModuleControlBlock.prototype.addStyles = function(styleSrcArray) { return ModuleControlBlocks.dynamicResources_.addStyles(styleSrcArray, this.metaElem_); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ModuleControlBlocks // function ModuleControlBlocks() { this.blocks_ = []; } ModuleControlBlocks.dynamicResources_ = new DynamicResources(); // "static" ModuleControlBlocks.prototype = {}; /** * Adds a module control control block for the named module. * @param metaElem the meta element that caused the module to be added * @param name the name of the module being added, optionally preceded by * an alternate base url of the form "_path_=_module_". */ ModuleControlBlocks.prototype.add = function(metaElem, name) { var mcb = new ModuleControlBlock(metaElem, name); this.blocks_ = this.blocks_.concat(mcb); }; /** * Determines whether all the modules are loaded and ready to run. */ ModuleControlBlocks.prototype.isReady = function() { for (var i = 0, n = this.blocks_.length; i < n; ++i) { var mcb = this.blocks_[i]; if (!mcb.isReady()) { return false; } } // Are there any pending dynamic resources (e.g. styles, scripts)? if (!ModuleControlBlocks.dynamicResources_.isReady()) { // No, we're still waiting on one or more dynamic resources. return false; } return true; } /** * Determines whether there are any module control blocks. */ ModuleControlBlocks.prototype.isEmpty = function() { return this.blocks_.length == 0; } /** * Gets the module control block at the specified index. */ ModuleControlBlocks.prototype.get = function(index) { return this.blocks_[index]; } /** * Injects an iframe for each module. */ ModuleControlBlocks.prototype.injectFrames = function() { for (var i = 0, n = this.blocks_.length; i < n; ++i) { var mcb = this.blocks_[i]; // Insert an iframe for the module var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); var selectorUrl = mcb.getBaseURL() + mcb.getName() + ".nocache.html"; selectorUrl += "?" + (__gwt_isHosted() ? "h&" : "" ) + i; var unique = new Date().getTime(); selectorUrl += "&" + unique; iframe.style.border = '0px'; iframe.style.width = '0px'; iframe.style.height = '0px'; // Fragile browser-specific ordering issues below /*@cc_on // prevent extra clicky noises on IE iframe.src = selectorUrl; @*/ if (document.body.firstChild) { document.body.insertBefore(iframe, document.body.firstChild); } else { document.body.appendChild(iframe); } /*@cc_on // prevent extra clicky noises on IE return; @*/ if (iframe.contentWindow) { // Older Mozilla has a caching bug for the iframe and won't reload the nocache. iframe.contentWindow.location.replace(selectorUrl); } else { // Older Safari doesn't have a contentWindow. iframe.src = selectorUrl; } } } /** * Runs the entry point for each module. */ ModuleControlBlocks.prototype.run = function() { for (var i = 0, n = this.blocks_.length; i < n; ++i) { var mcb = this.blocks_[i]; var name = mcb.getName(); var frameWnd = mcb.getModuleFrameWindow(); if (__gwt_isHosted()) { if (!window.external.gwtOnLoad(frameWnd, name)) { // Module failed to load. if (__gwt_onLoadError) { __gwt_onLoadError(name); } else { window.alert("Failed to load module '" + name + "'.\nPlease see the log in the development shell for details."); } } } else { // The compilation itself handles calling the error function. frameWnd.gwtOnLoad(__gwt_onLoadError, name); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Globals // var __gwt_retryWaitMillis = 10; var __gwt_isHostPageLoaded = false; var __gwt_metaProps = {}; var __gwt_onPropertyError = null; var __gwt_onLoadError = null; var __gwt_moduleControlBlocks = new ModuleControlBlocks(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Common // /** * Determines whether or not the page is being loaded in the GWT hosted browser. */ function __gwt_isHosted() { if (window.external && window.external.gwtOnLoad) { // gwt.hybrid makes the hosted browser pretend not to be if (document.location.href.indexOf("gwt.hybrid") == -1) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Tries to get a module control block based on a query string passed in from * the caller. Used by iframes to get references back to their mcbs. * @param queryString the entire query string as returned by location.search, * which notably includes the leading '?' if one is specified * @return the relevant module control block, or null if it cannot * be derived based on queryString */ function __gwt_tryGetModuleControlBlock(queryString) { if (queryString.length > 0) { // The pattern is ?[h&][&] var queryString = queryString.substring(1); if (queryString.indexOf("h&") == 0) { // Ignore the hosted mode flag here; only GWTShellServlet cares about it. queryString = queryString.substring(2); } var pos = queryString.indexOf("&"); if (pos >= 0) { queryString = queryString.substring(0, pos); } var mcbIndex = parseInt(queryString); if (!isNaN(mcbIndex)) { var mcb = __gwt_moduleControlBlocks.get(mcbIndex); return mcb; } // Ignore the unique number that remains on the query string. } return null; } /** * Parses meta tags from the host html. * * * causes the specified module to be loaded * * * statically defines a deferred binding client property * * * specifies the name of a function to call if a client property is set to * an invalid value (meaning that no matching compilation will be found) * * * specifies the name of a function to call if an exception happens during * bootstrapping or if a module throws an exception out of onModuleLoad(); * the function should take a message parameter */ function __gwt_processMetas() { var metas = document.getElementsByTagName("meta"); for (var i = 0, n = metas.length; i < n; ++i) { var meta = metas[i]; var name = meta.getAttribute("name"); if (name) { if (name == "gwt:module") { var moduleName = meta.getAttribute("content"); if (moduleName) { __gwt_moduleControlBlocks.add(meta, moduleName); } } else if (name == "gwt:property") { var content = meta.getAttribute("content"); if (content) { var name = content, value = ""; var eq = content.indexOf("="); if (eq != -1) { name = content.substring(0, eq); value = content.substring(eq+1); } __gwt_metaProps[name] = value; } } else if (name == "gwt:onPropertyErrorFn") { var content = meta.getAttribute("content"); if (content) { try { __gwt_onPropertyError = eval(content); } catch (e) { window.alert("Bad handler \"" + content + "\" for \"gwt:onPropertyErrorFn\""); } } } else if (name == "gwt:onLoadErrorFn") { var content = meta.getAttribute("content"); if (content) { try { __gwt_onLoadError = eval(content); } catch (e) { window.alert("Bad handler \"" + content + "\" for \"gwt:onLoadErrorFn\""); } } } } } } /** * Determines the value of a deferred binding client property specified * statically in host html. */ function __gwt_getMetaProperty(name) { var value = __gwt_metaProps[name]; if (value) { return value; } else { return null; } } /** * Determines whether or not a particular property value is allowed. * @param wnd the caller's window object (not $wnd!) * @param propName the name of the property being checked * @param propValue the property value being tested */ function __gwt_isKnownPropertyValue(wnd, propName, propValue) { return propValue in wnd["values$" + propName]; } /** * Called by the selection script when a property has a bad value or is missing. * 'allowedValues' is an array of strings. Can be hooked in the host page using * gwt:onPropertyErrorFn. */ function __gwt_onBadProperty(moduleName, propName, allowedValues, badValue) { if (__gwt_onPropertyError) { __gwt_onPropertyError(moduleName, propName, allowedValues, badValue); return; } else { var msg = "While attempting to load module \"" + moduleName + "\", "; if (badValue != null) { msg += "property \"" + propName + "\" was set to the unexpected value \"" + badValue + "\""; } else { msg += "property \"" + propName + "\" was not specified"; } msg += "\n\nAllowed values: " + allowedValues; window.alert(msg); } } /** * Called directly from compiled code. */ function __gwt_initHandlers(resize, beforeunload, unload) { var oldOnResize = window.onresize; window.onresize = function() { resize(); if (oldOnResize) oldOnResize(); }; var oldOnBeforeUnload = window.onbeforeunload; window.onbeforeunload = function() { var ret = beforeunload(); var oldRet; if (oldOnBeforeUnload) oldRet = oldOnBeforeUnload(); if (ret !== null) return ret; return oldRet; }; var oldOnUnload = window.onunload; window.onunload = function() { unload(); if (oldOnUnload) oldOnUnload(); }; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Hosted Mode // function __gwt_onUnloadHostedMode() { window.external.gwtOnLoad(null, null); if (__gwt_onUnloadHostedMode.oldUnloadHandler) { __gwt_onUnloadHostedMode.oldUnloadHandler(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Bootstrap // /** * Waits until all startup preconditions are satisfied, then launches the * user-defined startup code for each module. */ function __gwt_latchAndLaunch() { var ready = true; // Are there any compilations still pending? if (ready && !__gwt_moduleControlBlocks.isReady()) { // Yes, we're still waiting on one or more compilations. ready = false; } // Has the host html onload event fired? if (ready && !__gwt_isHostPageLoaded) { // No, the host html page hasn't fully loaded. ready = false; } // Are we ready to run user code? if (ready) { // Yes: run entry points. __gwt_moduleControlBlocks.run(); } else { // No: try again soon. window.setTimeout(__gwt_latchAndLaunch, __gwt_retryWaitMillis); } } /** * Starts the module-loading sequence after meta tags have been processed and * the body element exists. */ function __gwt_loadModules() { // Make sure the body element exists before starting. if (!document.body) { // Try again soon. window.setTimeout(__gwt_loadModules, __gwt_retryWaitMillis); return; } // Inject a frame for each module. __gwt_moduleControlBlocks.injectFrames(); // Try to launch module entry points once everything is ready. __gwt_latchAndLaunch(); } /** * The very first thing to run, and it runs exactly once unconditionally. */ function __gwt_bootstrap() { // Hook onunload for hosted mode. if (__gwt_isHosted()) { __gwt_onUnloadHostedMode.oldUnloadHandler = window.onunload; window.onunload = __gwt_onUnloadHostedMode; } // Hook the current window onload handler. var oldHandler = window.onload; window.onload = function() { __gwt_isHostPageLoaded = true; if (oldHandler) { oldHandler(); } }; // Parse meta tags from host html. __gwt_processMetas(); // Load any modules. __gwt_loadModules(); } // Go. __gwt_bootstrap();