## # Copyright 2007 Steve 'Tarka' Smith (tarka@internode.on.net) # Distributed under the same terms as Deluge ## plugin_name = "Blocklist Importer" plugin_author = "Steve 'Tarka' Smith" plugin_version = "0.4" plugin_description = _(""" Download and import various IP blocklists. Currently this plugin can handle PeerGuardian (binary and text), SafePeer and Emule lists. PeerGuardian 7zip format files are not supported. Files may be specified as URLs or locations on the local filesystem. A page with pointer to blocklist download sites is available on the wiki: http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/BlocklistPlugin """) def deluge_init(deluge_path): global path path = deluge_path def enable(core, interface): global path return BlocklistImport(path, core, interface) #################### The plugin itself #################### import urllib, deluge.common, deluge.pref from peerguardian import PGReader, PGException from text import TextReader, GZMuleReader, PGZip from ui import GTKConfig, GTKProgress import os.path # List of formats supported. This is used to generate the UI list and # specify the reader class. The last entry is for storage by the UI. readers = {'p2bgz':[_("PeerGuardian P2B (GZip)"), PGReader, None], 'pgtext':[_("PeerGuardian Text (Uncompressed)"), TextReader, None], 'gzmule':[_("Emule IP list (GZip)"), GZMuleReader, None], 'spzip':[_("SafePeer Text (Zipped)"), PGZip, None]} class BlocklistImport: def __init__(self, path, core, interface): print "Found blocklist plugin ..." # Save the path, interface, and core so they can be used later self.path = path self.core = core self.interface = interface self.cancelled = False self.gtkconf = GTKConfig(self) self.gtkprog = GTKProgress(self) self.nimported = 0 self.blockfile = os.path.join(deluge.common.CONFIG_DIR, "blocklist.cache") conffile = os.path.join(deluge.common.CONFIG_DIR, "blocklist.conf") self.config = deluge.pref.Preferences(filename=conffile, global_defaults=False) self.config.load() if self.config.has_key('url'): self.loadlist(fetch=self.config.get('load_on_start')) def _download_update(self, curr, chunksize, size): incs = float(size) / float(chunksize) self.gtkprog.download_prog(curr/incs) def loadlist(self, fetch=False): # Stop all torrents self.paused_or_not = {} for unique_ID in self.core.unique_IDs: self.paused_or_not[unique_ID] = self.core.is_user_paused(unique_ID) if not self.paused_or_not[unique_ID]: self.core.set_user_pause(unique_ID, True, enforce_queue=False) self.gtkprog.start() # Attempt initial import if fetch: print "Fetching",self.config.get('url') self.gtkprog.start_download() try: filename, headers = urllib.urlretrieve(self.config.get('url'), filename=self.blockfile, reporthook=self._download_update) except IOError, e: err = ui.GTKError(_("Couldn't download URL") + ": %s"%e) self.gtkprog.stop() return self.gtkprog.start_import() self.core.reset_ip_filter() ltype = self.config.get('listtype') print "importing with",ltype try: reader = readers[ltype][1](self.blockfile) except IOError, e: err = ui.GTKError(_("Couldn't open blocklist file") + ": %s"%e) self.gtkprog.stop() return print "Starting import" try: ips = reader.next() except: ui.GTKError(_("Wrong file type or corrupted blocklist file.")) curr = 0 try: while ips and not self.cancelled: self.core.add_range_to_ip_filter(*ips) ips = reader.next() curr += 1 if curr % 100 == 0: self.gtkprog.import_prog(text=(_("Imported") + " %s " + _("IPs"))%curr) else: self.gtkprog.import_prog() except: self.gtkprog.stop() reader.close() return self.core.set_ip_filter() reader.close() self.nimported = curr self.gtkprog.end_import() print "Import finished" self.gtkprog.stop() self.cancelled = False #restart torrents that werent paused by us for unique_ID in self.core.unique_IDs: if not self.paused_or_not[unique_ID]: self.core.set_user_pause(unique_ID, False, enforce_queue=False) def configure(self, window): self.gtkconf.start(self.config.get('listtype'), self.config.get('url'), self.config.get('load_on_start'), window) def setconfig(self, url, load_on_start, listtype): self.config.set('url', url) self.config.set('load_on_start', load_on_start) self.config.set('listtype', listtype) self.config.save() self.loadlist(fetch=True) def disable(self): self.core.reset_ip_filter() def unload(self): self.core.reset_ip_filter() def update(self): msg = ("[" + _("Blocklist") + ": %s " + _("entries") + "]") % self.nimported self.interface.statusbar_temp_msg += ' ' + msg