# How to connect to JSON-RPC with curl Before continuing make sure deluge-web or webui plugin is running. ## Create a curl config To save a lot of typing and to keep the curl command short we shall create a `curl.cfg` files and put the following contents in it: request = "POST" compressed cookie = "cookie_deluge.txt" cookie-jar = "cookie_deluge.txt" header = "Content-Type: application/json" header = "Accept: application/json" url = "http://localhost:8112/json" write-out = "\n" To pretty-print the JSON result see: https://stackoverflow.com/q/352098/175584 ## Login to WebUI Login to the WebUI and get session cookie: curl -d '{"method": "auth.login", "params": ["deluge"], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg Result is `true` to signify that login was successful: { "error": null, "id": 1, "result": true } Check the contents of the cookie file to verify session ID created. cat cookie_deluge.txt # Netscape HTTP Cookie File # http://curl.haxx.se/docs/http-cookies.html # This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk. localhost FALSE /json FALSE 1540061203 _session_id ## Check connected to deluged Use the `web.connected` method to get a boolean response if the webui is connected to a deluged host: curl -d '{"method": "web.connected", "params": [], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg Result is `false` because WebUI is not yet connected to the daemon: { "error": null, "id": 1, "result": false } ## Get list of deluged hosts Use the `web.get_hosts` method: curl -d '{"method": "web.get_hosts", "params": [], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg The result contains the `` for using in request `params` field. { "error": null, "id": 1, "result": [ [ "", "", 58846, "localclient" ] ] } ## Get the deluged host status curl -d '{"method": "web.get_host_status", \ "params": [""], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg The result shows the version and status; _online_, _offline_ or _connected_. { "error": null, "id": 1, "result": [ "", "Online", "2.0.0" ] } ## Connect to deluged host To connect to deluged with ``: curl -d '{"method": "web.connect", \ "params": [""], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg The result contains the full list of avaiable host methods: { "error": null, "id": 1, "result": [ "core.add_torrent_url", ... "core.upload_plugin" ] } ## Disconnect from host curl -d '{"method": "web.disconnect", "params": [], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg A successful result: { "error": null, "id": 1, "result": "Connection was closed cleanly." } ## Add a torrent curl -d '{"method": "web.add_torrents", "params": \ [[{"path":"/tmp/ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent", \ "options":null}]], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg ## Add a magnet URI curl-d '{"method": "core.add_torrent_magnet", \ "params": ["", {}], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg ## Get list of files for a torrent curl -d '{"method": "web.get_torrent_files", \ "params": [""], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg ## Set a core config option curl -d '{"method": "core.set_config", \ "params":[{"max_upload_slots_global":"200"}], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg {"error": null, "result": null, "id": 1} ## Useful curl config options For full list of options see man page `man curl` or help `curl --help`: --cookie (-b) # Load cookie file with session id --cookie-jar (-c) # Save cookie file with session id --compressed # responses are gzipped --include (-i) # Include the HTTP header in output (optional) --header (-H) # HTTP header --request (-X) # custom request method --data (-d) # data to send in POST request '{"method": "", "params": [], "id": ""}' --insecure (-k) # use with self-signed certs https