# Tox (http://tox.testrun.org/) is a tool for running tests in multiple virtualenvs. # This configuration file will run the test suite on all supported python versions. # # Usage: `pip install tox` and then run `tox` from this directory. [tox] envlist = py27, py3, lint, docs minversion=2.0 [base] deps = # Minimum pip version and setuptools to fix issue running on travis. pip>=10 setuptools -rrequirements.txt [testenv] install_command = {envpython} -m pip install --ignore-installed {opts} {packages} passenv = DISPLAY PYTHONPATH setenv = PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir} sitepackages = True deps = {[base]deps} -rrequirements-tests.txt commands = python -c "import libtorrent as lt; print(lt.__version__)" pytest -v -s -m "not (todo or gtkui or security)" deluge/tests [pytest] # Hide logged warnings and errors in test output. log_cli_level = CRITICAL addopts = -p no:warnings --basetemp=_pytest_temp # ========== # Unit tests # ========== [testenv:security] setenv = SECURITY_TESTS = True commands = pytest -v -s -m "security" deluge/tests/ [testenv:pygtkui] commands = pytest -v -s -m "gtkui" deluge/tests [testenv:todo] commands = pytest -v -s -m "todo" deluge/tests [testenv:trial] setenv = {[testenv]setenv}{:}{toxinidir}/deluge/tests commands = python -c "import libtorrent as lt; print(lt.__version__)" python -m twisted.trial --reporter=deluge-reporter deluge.tests [testenv:plugins] setenv = PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}{:}{toxinidir}/deluge/plugins commands = python setup.py build_plugins --develop --install-dir={toxinidir}/deluge/plugins/ pytest -v -s -m "not gtkui" deluge/plugins [testenv:pluginsgtkui] setenv = PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}{:}{toxinidir}/deluge/plugins commands = python setup.py build_plugins --develop --install-dir={toxinidir}/deluge/plugins/ pytest -v -s deluge/plugins # ======================= # Code linting # ======================= [testenv:lint] passenv = HOMEPATH SSH_AUTH_SOCK deps = pre-commit commands = pre-commit run --all-files [testenv:flake8] # Disable site packages to avoid using system flake8 which uses # hardcoded python path which imports the wrong libraries. sitepackages = False deps = {[testenv]deps} flake8 flake8-quotes flake8-isort pep8-naming commands = flake8 --version python -c 'import isort; print(isort.__version__)' flake8 [testenv:flake8-complexity] sitepackages = False deps = {[testenv:flake8]deps} mccabe commands = flake8 --exit-zero --max-complexity 15 deluge [testenv:pylint] # Disable site packages to avoid using system installed version sitepackages = False ignore_errors = True deps = {[testenv]deps} pylint commands = pylint --version pylint deluge # Use python to enable use of wildcard paths with pylint. python -m pylint *.py deluge/scripts/*.py python -m pylint deluge/plugins/*/deluge/ # ============= # Test coverage # ============= [testcoveragebase] deps = {[testenv]deps} pytest-cov coverage commands = coverage run --branch --source=deluge -m pytest -m "not todo" deluge/tests/ [testenv:testcoverage] setenv = {[testenv]setenv} deps = {[testcoveragebase]deps} commands = {[testcoveragebase]commands} coverage report [testenv:testcoverage-html] setenv = {[testenv]setenv} deps = {[testcoveragebase]deps} commands = {[testcoveragebase]commands} coverage html -d docs/build/htmlcoverage # =================== # Documentation build # =================== # We do not have all dependencies on RTD and travis so we exclude the # site packages (sitepackages=False) when building docs so that local # tests have a similar environment. [docsbase] sitepackages = False changedir = docs deps = -rrequirements-docs.txt [testenv:docs] basepython = python2.7 sitepackages = {[docsbase]sitepackages} skip_install = True deps = {[docsbase]deps} commands = python setup.py clean_docs sphinx-apidoc --force --no-toc -o docs/source/modules/ deluge deluge/plugins sphinx-build -v -j auto -E -T -b html -d docs/build/doctrees docs/source docs/build/html [testenv:docscoverage] basepython = python2.7 sitepackages = {[docsbase]sitepackages} skip_install = True changedir = {[docsbase]changedir} deps = {[docsbase]deps} pytest-cov whitelist_externals = mkdir commands = mkdir -p build/doccoverage sphinx-build -W -b coverage -d build/doctrees source build/doccoverage pytest --doctest-glob='*.rst' # ======================== # Development Environment # ======================== [basedev] usedevelop = True deps = -rrequirements-dev.txt [testenv:denv2] basepython = python2.7 envdir = .venv2 usedevelop = {[basedev]usedevelop} deps = {[basedev]deps} commands = [testenv:denv3] basepython = python3 envdir = .venv3 usedevelop = {[basedev]usedevelop} deps = {[basedev]deps} commands =