import deluge.common, deluge.pref, gtk, copy, pickle, time class plugin_Scheduler: def __init__(self, path, deluge_core, deluge_interface): self.path = path self.core = deluge_core self.interface = deluge_interface self.days = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"] self.conf_file = deluge.common.CONFIG_DIR + "/scheduler.conf" self.config = deluge.pref.Preferences() self.button_state_temp = [[0] * 7 for dummy in xrange(24)] self.status = -1 self.prevact = None #Load config self.button_state = None self.dllimit = self.ullimit = None self.dlmax = self.ulmax = None try: reader = open(self.conf_file, "rb") data = pickle.load(reader) self.button_state = data[0] self.dllimit = float(data[1][0]) self.ullimit = float(data[1][1]) self.dlmax = float(data[1][2]) self.ulmax = float(data[1][3]) reader.close() except: if self.button_state is None: self.button_state = [[0] * 7 for dummy in xrange(24)] gdl = self.config.get("max_download_speed") gul = self.config.get("max_upload_speed") if self.dllimit is None: self.dllimit = float(gdl) if self.ullimit is None: self.ullimit = float(gul) if self.dlmax is None: self.dlmax = float(gdl) if self.ulmax is None: self.ulmax = float(gul) now = time.localtime(time.time()) self.status = self.button_state[now[3]][now[6]] self.prevhour = now[3] self._state(self.status) def unload(self): self.status = -1 self.resume() self.unlimit() def _getglobals(self): # Only run if plugin is not paused if self.status < 2: gdl = self.config.get("max_download_speed") gul = self.config.get("max_upload_speed") if self.status == 0 and (self.dlmax != gdl or self.ulmax != gul): self.dlmax = gdl self.ulmax = gul elif self.status == 1 and (self.dllimit != gdl or self.ullimit != gul): self.dllimit = gdl self.ullimit = gul def _state(self,state): if state == 0: self.unlimit() elif state == 1: self.limit() elif state == 2: self.pause() # If we're moving from paused if state < 2 and self.status == 2: self.resume() self.status = state # Update the settings self.interface.apply_prefs() def update(self): # Only do stuff if the status is valid if self.status < 0: return # Apply any changes that have been made to the global config self._getglobals() now = time.localtime(time.time()) if now[3] != self.prevhour: self.prevhour = now[3] if not self.status == self.button_state[now[3]][now[6]]: self._state(self.button_state[now[3]][now[6]]) def pause(self): self.prevact = self.config.get("max_active_torrents") self.config.set("max_active_torrents", 0) self.core.apply_queue() def resume(self): self.config.set("max_active_torrents", self.prevact) self.core.apply_queue() def limit(self): self.config.set("max_download_speed", float(self.dllimit)) self.config.set("max_upload_speed", float(self.ullimit)) def unlimit(self): self.config.set("max_download_speed", float(self.dlmax)) self.config.set("max_upload_speed", float(self.ulmax)) #Configuration dialog def configure(self, window): global scheduler_select self.button_state_temp = copy.deepcopy(self.button_state) #dialog dialog = gtk.Dialog(_("Scheduler Settings")) dialog.set_default_size(600, 270) #buttons cancel_button = dialog.add_button(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) ok_button = dialog.add_button(gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK) #text hover_text = gtk.Label() dlmax_label = gtk.Label(_("High download limit:")) ulmax_label = gtk.Label(_("High upload limit:")) dllimit_label = gtk.Label(_("Low download limit:")) ullimit_label = gtk.Label(_("Low upload limit:")) #Select Widget drawing = scheduler_select(self.button_state_temp, hover_text, self.days) #boxes vbox_main = gtk.VBox() hbox_main = gtk.HBox() vbox_sub = gtk.VBox() hbox_key = gtk.HBox() hbox_info = gtk.HBox() # max boxen hbox_max = gtk.HBox() ebox_max = gtk.EventBox() ebox_max.add(hbox_max) ebrd_max = gtk.Frame() ebrd_max.add(ebox_max) ebrd_max.set_border_width(2) hbox_max.set_border_width(2) ebox_max.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL,gtk.gdk.color_parse("#73D716")) ebrd_max.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL,gtk.gdk.color_parse("#53B700")) # limit boxen hbox_limit = gtk.HBox() ebox_limit = gtk.EventBox() ebox_limit.add(hbox_limit) ebrd_limit = gtk.Frame() ebrd_limit.add(ebox_limit) ebrd_limit.set_border_width(2) hbox_limit.set_border_width(2) # Green # Yellow ebox_limit.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL,gtk.gdk.color_parse("#EDD400")) ebrd_limit.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL,gtk.gdk.color_parse("#CDB400")) #seperator sep = gtk.HSeparator() self._getglobals() # max spinbuttons dminput = gtk.SpinButton() dminput.set_numeric(True) dminput.set_range(-1, 2048) dminput.set_increments(1, 10) dminput.set_value(float(self.dlmax)) uminput = gtk.SpinButton() uminput.set_numeric(True) uminput.set_range(-1, 1024) uminput.set_increments(1, 10) uminput.set_value(float(self.ulmax)) # limit spinbuttons dlinput = gtk.SpinButton() dlinput.set_numeric(True) dlinput.set_range(-1, 2048) dlinput.set_increments(1, 10) dlinput.set_value(float(self.dllimit)) ulinput = gtk.SpinButton() ulinput.set_numeric(True) ulinput.set_range(-1, 1024) ulinput.set_increments(1, 10) ulinput.set_value(float(self.ullimit)) #pack dialog.vbox.pack_start(vbox_main) vbox_main.pack_start(hbox_main) vbox_main.pack_start(hover_text, False, True) vbox_main.pack_start(hbox_key, False, True) vbox_main.pack_start(hbox_info, False, True) vbox_main.pack_start(sep, False, True) vbox_main.pack_start(ebrd_max, False, True, 5) vbox_main.pack_start(ebrd_limit, False, True, 5) hbox_main.pack_start(vbox_sub, False, True, 5) hbox_main.pack_start(drawing) hbox_key.pack_start(gtk.Label(_("Green is the high limits, yellow is the low limits and red is stopped")), True, False) hbox_info.pack_start(gtk.Label(_("If a limit is set to -1, it is unlimitted.")), True, False) hbox_max.pack_start(dlmax_label, True, False) hbox_max.pack_start(dminput, True, False) hbox_max.pack_start(ulmax_label, True, False) hbox_max.pack_start(uminput, True, False) hbox_limit.pack_start(dllimit_label, True, False) hbox_limit.pack_start(dlinput, True, False) hbox_limit.pack_start(ullimit_label, True, False) hbox_limit.pack_start(ulinput, True, False) for index in xrange(len(self.days)): vbox_sub.pack_start(gtk.Label(self.days[index])) #show dialog.show_all() #Save config if == -5: self.button_state = copy.deepcopy(drawing.button_state) self.dlmax = float(dminput.get_value()) self.ulmax = float(uminput.get_value()) self.dllimit = float(dlinput.get_value()) self.ullimit = float(ulinput.get_value()) now = time.localtime(time.time()) self._state(self.button_state[now[3]][now[6]]) writer = open(self.conf_file, "wb") pickle.dump([drawing.button_state,[self.dllimit, self.ullimit, self.dlmax, self.ulmax]], writer) writer.close() dialog.destroy() class scheduler_select(gtk.DrawingArea): #connect signals - varaibles def __init__(self, data, label, days): gtk.DrawingArea.__init__(self) self.set_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK | gtk.gdk.LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK) self.connect("expose_event", self.expose) self.connect("button_press_event", self.mouse_down) self.connect("button_release_event", self.mouse_up) self.connect("motion_notify_event", self.mouse_hover) self.connect("leave_notify_event", self.mouse_leave) self.colors = [[115.0/255, 210.0/255, 22.0/255], [237.0/255, 212.0/255, 0.0/255], [204.0/255, 0.0/255, 0.0/255]] self.button_state = data self.button_state_temp = [[0] * 7 for dummy in xrange(24)] self.start_point = [0,0] self.hover_point = [-1,-1] self.hover_label = label self.hover_days = days self.mouse_press = False #redraw the whole thing def expose(self, widget, event): self.context = self.window.cairo_create() self.context.rectangle(event.area.x, event.area.y, event.area.width, event.area.height) self.context.clip() width = self.window.get_size()[0] height = self.window.get_size()[1] for y in xrange(7): for x in xrange(24): self.context.set_source_rgba(self.colors[self.button_state[x][y]][0], self.colors[self.button_state[x][y]][1], self.colors[self.button_state[x][y]][2], 0.7) self.context.rectangle(width*(6*x/145.0+1/145.0), height*(6*y/43.0+1/43.0), 5*width/145.0, 5*height/43.0) self.context.fill_preserve() self.context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) self.context.stroke() #coordinates --> which box def get_point(self, event): size = self.window.get_size() x = int((event.x-size[0]*0.5/145.0)/(6*size[0]/145.0)) y = int((event.y-size[1]*0.5/43.0)/(6*size[1]/43.0)) if x > 23: x = 23 elif x < 0: x = 0 if y > 6: y = 6 elif y < 0: y = 0 return [x,y] #mouse down def mouse_down(self, widget, event): self.mouse_press = True self.start_point = self.get_point(event) self.button_state_temp = copy.deepcopy(self.button_state) #if the same box -> change it def mouse_up(self, widget, event): self.mouse_press = False end_point = self.get_point(event) #change color on mouseclick depending on the button if end_point[0] is self.start_point[0] and end_point[1] is self.start_point[1]: if event.button == 1: self.button_state[end_point[0]][end_point[1]] += 1 if self.button_state[end_point[0]][end_point[1]] > 2: self.button_state[end_point[0]][end_point[1]] = 0 elif event.button == 3: self.button_state[end_point[0]][end_point[1]] -= 1 if self.button_state[end_point[0]][end_point[1]] < 0: self.button_state[end_point[0]][end_point[1]] = 2 self.queue_draw() #if box changed and mouse is pressed draw all boxes from start point to end point #set hover text etc.. def mouse_hover(self, widget, event): if self.get_point(event) != self.hover_point: self.hover_point = self.get_point(event) self.hover_label.set_text(self.hover_days[self.hover_point[1]] + " " + str(self.hover_point[0]) + ":00 - " + str(self.hover_point[0]) + ":59") if self.mouse_press == True: self.button_state = copy.deepcopy(self.button_state_temp) points = [[self.hover_point[0], self.start_point[0]], [self.hover_point[1], self.start_point[1]]] for x in xrange(min(points[0]), max(points[0])+1): for y in xrange(min(points[1]), max(points[1])+1): self.button_state[x][y] = self.button_state[self.start_point[0]][self.start_point[1]] self.queue_draw() #clear hover text on mouse leave def mouse_leave(self, widget, event): self.hover_label.set_text("") self.hover_point = [-1,-1]