* Added required dependency setuptools to install_requires
* Remove optional dependency ipaddress from install_requires
* Created extras_require in setup.py. The optional dependencies should
not be included in install_requires so that users can either install
forked dependencies or remove problematic ones. Updated documentation to
detail how to install these optional dependencies.
* Fixed README badge
* https://dev.deluge-torrent.org/ticket/3470
* https://dev.deluge-torrent.org/ticket/3282
* https://dev.deluge-torrent.org/ticket/3353
The apidoc modules were not being generated on ReadTheDocs because
there is no way to run sphinx-apidoc manually.
Moved the running of sphinx-apidoc into conf.py.
Added zope.interface minimum version to fix Readthedocs warning.
- Add new requirements files to make it easier to install deps.
- Tox changes
- Update tox to use new requirements files.
- Tweak heading styles.
- Add development environment command `devenv`.
- Remove testenv command as it would run on devenv creation.
- Travis changes
- Now uses xenial as trusty is very old now.
- Trial run disabled to speed up tests.
- Add tox-venv for Python 3 support.
- Only install testssl if running security tests.
- Appveyor
- Add tox-venv for Python 3 support.
- Use requirements file for non-tox.
- Remove trial run to speed up testing.