Pin Pyinstaller to latest v4.x until issue of aborting upon missing typelibs for various unbuilt gst-modules can be properly investigated and resolved. Specific error for one of the modules being:
`36738 INFO: Loading module hook '' from 'C:\\hostedtoolcache\\windows\\Python\\3.9.13\\x64\\lib\\site-packages\\PyInstaller\\hooks'...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 7, in <module>
gi.repository.GLib.GError: g-irepository-error-quark: Typelib file for namespace 'Gst', version '1.0' not found (0)
36870 ERROR: gi repository 'GIRepository 2.0' not found. Please make sure corresponding package is installed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 4, in <module>
File "C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.9.13\x64\lib\site-packages\gi\", line 139, in require_version
raise ValueError('Namespace %s not available' % namespace)
ValueError: Namespace Gst not available`
Added `--no-index` to ensure pip doesn't install from Pypi
Up until now, the linux installation source of libtorrent was launchpad,
because there was no other source, and we wanted a debug version of lt.
With pypi wheel versions now available use lt in the requirements.txt
We cannot add python 3.6 because there is no precompiled version of it to used.
Therefor, will be using 3.7 as the minimum version in CI.
In addition, dropped version limits from pytest.
Not all dependencies were installed due to adding a comment in the
middle of the pip install command
Also need to specify Twisted extras to match requirement.txt
Include arch in artifacts so they can be downloaded separately
Added libtorrent 2.0 to matrix since users often request latest
Renamed workflow to make it's purpose clearer
libtorrent + pyinstaller requires a lib(ssl/crypto)-1_1.dll and
lib(ssl/crypto)-1_1-x64.dll odd quirk but solveable by just having
two copies. Maybe later compiling our own libtorrent.
* Rename instances of win32 to generic win or the appropriate bit where applicable
* Remove files used in GTK2
* Add spec file for use with PyInstaller
* Remove Python bbfreeze Script
* Add Github Action To Build Releases
* Add Modified script to make files used by NSIS
* Update Readme
With this change, we drop a core dependency from the UI. This will help group together
all related functionality in one place, i.e. all security related functions.
Also updated version to 3.0.6 (SECURITY_TEST)
Closes: deluge-torrent/deluge#288
* Added required dependency setuptools to install_requires
* Remove optional dependency ipaddress from install_requires
* Created extras_require in The optional dependencies should
not be included in install_requires so that users can either install
forked dependencies or remove problematic ones. Updated documentation to
detail how to install these optional dependencies.
* Fixed README badge
Due to new limitations for open-source projects on Travis we are
switching to GitHub actions.
* Notes about system site-packages
We had many problems with accessing system python packages on Travis for
libtorrent and GTK and the problems are harder on Github since there is
no more access. For now copying the python libtorrent binary into the
deluge source is the workaround. There is a pip package that could be
used in future.
Fixed failing tests with libtorrent 1.2 which required a non-zero length
file in torrent and workarounds for async alert delay.