* Removed all __future__ imports from code
* Removed all six dependencies
* Removed all future_builtins imports
* Removed all Python 2 related code
Closes: deluge-torrent/deluge#325
Rewrite install instructions to include more details on Deluge 2.0
* Added other Linux distros
* Added stable PPA details
* Added link to forum for Windows and macOS community packages
Co-authored-by: Sergio M <sergio@example.com>
Co-authored-by: Ofry Linkovsky <15746116+OfryL@users.noreply.github.com>
Closes: deluge-torrent/deluge#296Closes: deluge-torrent/deluge#310
We used recommonmark so that we can use markdown in sphinx but it is
buggy and now so switch to better supported MyST-parser.
* Fixed incorrect heading warnings in markdown.
* Added sphinx toctree to markdown using directive as required by MyST.
* Upgraded Sphinx to 4.3
Ref: https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io
* Added required dependency setuptools to install_requires
* Remove optional dependency ipaddress from install_requires
* Created extras_require in setup.py. The optional dependencies should
not be included in install_requires so that users can either install
forked dependencies or remove problematic ones. Updated documentation to
detail how to install these optional dependencies.
* Fixed README badge
* https://dev.deluge-torrent.org/ticket/3470
* https://dev.deluge-torrent.org/ticket/3282
* https://dev.deluge-torrent.org/ticket/3353
* Error occurring with Pytest 5.4 so pin to below that version.
* Fix minor issues with Travis config.
* Use full command-switches for pytest in tox config.
* Remove pin for pip as issue with pip-wheel-metadata was fixed in 19.3
* Remove tox-venv as causing issues of incompatible packages installed.
The latest versions of the virtualenv package should handle these
- Use sphinxcontrib.spelling with custom wordlist.
- Skip the checking of the modules documents as they raise
- Add a setup.py spellcheck_docs command.
- Fix spelling and other issues.
- Add a doc favicon.
Use post segment instead of dev for non-dev tags.
Default to 'deluge-' and '.dev0' to simplify getting version.
Refactor to use subprocess.check_output
Use deluge.common.get_version as fallback in docs conf.
- Updates to the sphinx conf
- Applied Mock fixes to build on Python 3.
- Group patches at bottom of conf file.
- Use just a major.minor for version.
- Specify Sphinx 2.0 version requirement.
- Move requirements.txt to docs dir.
- Add readthedocs config
- Fix docstring code block rst formatting issue.
There were issues with dependencies and tox environments under Python 3
so refactored the tox configuration to be more consistent and clearer.
- Moved travis to default to Python 3 for linting and tests.
- Fixed missing mock for cairo in sphinx config.
- Collated the base deps sections to improve readability.
- Added PYTEST_ADDOPTS env to override pytest verbosity in just tox
tests as this was a common option being used.
- Renamed env 'testcoverage' to the more concise 'coverage' and moved
html creation under single env as handy to have this output as well
as report.
- Cleaned up the isort config for gtk3.
- Added `bad-continuation` to pylint config as conflcts with black
- Fix isort issue with bbfreeze script. This will likely be removed
in future so just skip sorting it.
With move to GTK3 needed to update the mocking of external modules.
There is a new autodoc option `autodoc_mock_imports` so use this instead
of the custom mock class.
There are some build warnings output using autodoc mock:
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: '_MockObject' and '_MockObject'
Will resolve these later as the build passes.
The apidoc modules were not being generated on ReadTheDocs because
there is no way to run sphinx-apidoc manually.
Moved the running of sphinx-apidoc into conf.py.
Added zope.interface minimum version to fix Readthedocs warning.
The use of pkg_resource.require caused an unwanted requirements lookup
that errored out the sphinx build when no dependencies are installed.
This is fixed by switching to pkg_resources.get_distribution.
Also changed the tox docs env to not install Deluge as the setup.py
now contains install_requires which is unwanted.
- Change the layout and contents of docs to be better organised and
follow ideas from: https://www.divio.com/blog/documentation/
- Use markdown for non-technical documents to speed up writing.
- Added new sections and imported documents from Trac wiki.
Build fixes:
- Added a patch to fix recommonmark 0.4 and doc referencing:
- Set docs build in tox to Py2.7 since there are problems with autodoc
mocking multiple inheritance on Python 3 resulting in metaclass errors.
- Supressed warning about `modules.rst` not in the toctree by creating
a static `modules.rst` with `:orphan:` file directive and add to git.
Also skip creating this toc file with sphinx-apidoc in setup and tox.
- Simplified finding exported RPC and JSON API methods by adding an
autodoc custom class directive. Removed unneeded __rpcapi.py.
- When running pre-commit on all files it is picking up minified js and
css files. Since prettier will format correctly the source files ignore
them in end-of-file fixer.
- The template files in web docs can be ignored too.
- Removed the unneeded `pre-commit-hooks` dependency as pre-commit
resolves that itself.
- Include files fixed by pre-commit.
- Use recommonmark to enable use of markdown files in docs.
- Fix theme not specified
- Remove unused spelling module.
- Cleanup mocking modules in conf so building docs requires only Sphinx.
- Simplify tox section, including use of requirements-docs file. Added
slimit dependency for sdist-ing deluge package.
The move to using auto-formatter makes it easier to read, submit and
speeds up development time. https://github.com/ambv/black/
Although I would prefer 79 chars, the default line length of 88 chars
used by black suffices. The flake8 line length remains at 120 chars
since black does not touch comments or docstrings and this will require
another round of fixes.
The only black setting that is not standard is the use of double-quotes
for strings so disabled any formatting of these. Note however that
flake8 will still flag usage of double-quotes. I may change my mind on
double vs single quotes but for now leave them.
A new pyproject.toml file has been created for black configuration.
Likely that the deprecation warning from cryptography is causing the
setup.py sphinx build command to return an error so the tox/travis job
is marked as failing. Changing to calling the sphinx-build command
directly solves this.
Also updated the sphinx config for built-in napoleon and faster builds
using jobs option.
Some new flake8 checkers were added so fix these new warnings and
any issues uncovered.
Use add-trailing-comma to fix missing trailing commas. It does not
format it as well as I would like however it was fast to change and
helps with git changes in future.
Removed pylint from tox due to large number of warnings.