Selected Warning messages disabled in pylintrc:
* unused-argument: Quite a large and disruptive change if enabled.
* broad-except: Most required in-depth investigation to determine type.
* fixme: Not important
* protected-access: Complicated to fix
* import-error: Too many false-positives
* unidiomatic-typecheck: Should be fixed in the next round of checks.
* unused-variable: Again large and disruptive changes.
* global-statement: Most usage is required.
* attribute-defined-outside-init: Should be fixed in next round of checks.
* arguments-differ: Possible false-positives, needs revisited.
* no-init, non-parent-init-called, super-init-not-called: False-positives?
* signature-differs: False-positives?
Disabled Conventions messages:
* missing-docstring: Not likely all methods/funcs will ever have docstrings.
* invalid-name: Far too many too fix so will simply have to ensure submitted
or altered code keeps to the convention.
* old-style-class: Not a priority but would be nice to eventually fix this.
* bad-continuation: Occasionally conflicts with pep8, not worth enabling if using
pyflakes and pep8 as these will catch most continuation issues.
* Include a pylintrc config file
* This commit provides a basic error-only pylint config as a starting
point with a view to adding more checks incrementally to keep the volume
of changes low and the code able to pass pylint at each stage.
* Further whitespace fixes by autopep8
* Using pep8 v1.6.2 (not currently used by pyflakes)
* Update config for pep8 and flake8 in tox.ini
* A separate pep8 entry for running autopep8. The ignores prevent
blank lines being added after docstrings.
* .tox and E133 are ignored in flake8 by default.
Previously, the process for uploading a file in the Web-UI required three
steps. Click 'File' to open the 'Add from File' window. Click 'Browse' to
select the file. Finally, click 'Add' to upload the file. These steps have
been combined into one, making the process much easier. Now, clicking 'File'
opens the file browser directly. After a file is selected, it is uploaded
* The paused state of torrents is now correctly stored on shutdown if the session is paused.
* Resume session refreshes all the torrents' state. This fixes only torrents that changed state being
updated so queued torrents would be incorrectly displayed as paused.