* component registry shutdown() now cleans up the component list
this ensures that no old components are left when running unit
* Added class BaseTestCase that all tests that create components
should inherit from. It verifies the compoent list before and
after the tests are run.
* Removed unused mock dep
* Modified flake8 to run entire codebase (fixed exclude)
* Change isort to shows files that need attention (no diff)
* Uniform layout for tox.ini
* Change flake8 complexity to 15
* Runs the unit-tests for python 2.7
* Tests unit-test coverage
* Try to build docs
* Code style checks:
* flake8
* isort
Codes changes:
* Fixed tests for httpdownloader (using tmp dir)
* Implemented a couple of tests for Stats plugin but they fail to run on travis
* Can't get py26 to work because of installing libtorrent through apt and
the option system_site_packages fails for 2.6.