diff --git a/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/index.html b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/index.html
index e5c623be9..daad6ae8b 100644
--- a/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/index.html
+++ b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/index.html
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- Deluge: AJAX UI (alpha)
+ Deluge: AJAX UI (alpha) $version
@@ -10,8 +10,15 @@
diff --git a/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/render/js/deluge-strings.js b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/render/js/deluge-strings.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76012cc3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/render/js/deluge-strings.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Script: deluge-strings.js
+ * A script file that is run through the template renderer in order for
+ * translated strings to be retrieved.
+ *
+ * Copyright:
+ * Damien Churchill (c) 2008
+ */
+Deluge.Strings = {
+ maps: {},
+ add: function(string, translation) {
+ this.maps[string] = translation;
+ },
+ get: function(string) {
+ if (this.maps[string]) {
+ return this.maps[string];
+ } else {
+ return string;
+ }
+ }
+Deluge.Strings.add('Pause', '$_('Pause')');
+Deluge.Strings.add('Resume', '$_('Resume')');
+Deluge.Strings.add('Options', '$_('Options')');
+Deluge.Strings.add('Torrents Window', '$_('Torrents Window')');
diff --git a/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-add.js b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-add.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34a5de1ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-add.js
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ * Script: deluge-add.js
+ * Contains the add torrent window and (eventually) the torrent creator
+ *
+ * Copyright:
+ * Damien Churchill (c) 2008
+ */
+Deluge.Widgets.AddWindow = new Class({
+ Extends: Widgets.Window,
+ options: {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 200,
+ title: 'Add Torrents',
+ url: '/template/render/html/window_add_torrent.html'
+ },
+ initialize: function() {
+ this.parent();
+ this.addEvent('loaded', this.loaded.bindWithEvent(this));
+ },
+ loaded: function(event) {
+ this.formfile = this.content.getChildren()[0];
+ this.formurl = this.content.getChildren()[1];
+ this.formurl.addEvent('submit', function(e) {
+ e.stop();
+ Deluge.Client.add_torrent_url(this.formurl.url.value, {});
+ this.hide();
+ }.bindWithEvent(this))
+ }
diff --git a/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-bars.js b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-bars.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9ed8ee3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-bars.js
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * Script: deluge-bars.js
+ * Contains the various bars (Sidebar, Toolbar, Statusbar) used within deluge
+ *
+ * Copyright:
+ * Damien Churchill (c) 2008
+ */
+Deluge.Widgets.Toolbar = new Class({
+ Implements: Events,
+ Extends: Widgets.Base,
+ initialize: function() {
+ this.parent($('toolbar'))
+ this.buttons = this.element.getFirst()
+ this.info = this.element.getLast()
+ this.buttons.getElements('li').each(function(el) {
+ el.addEvent('click', function(e) {
+ e.action = el.id
+ this.fireEvent('buttonClick', e)
+ }.bind(this))
+ }, this)
+ }
+Deluge.Widgets.StatusBar = new Class({
+ Extends: Widgets.Base,
+ initialize: function() {
+ this.parent($('status'));
+ this.element.getElements('li').each(function(el) {
+ this[el.id] = el;
+ }, this);
+ },
+ update: function(stats) {
+ this.connections.set('text', stats.num_connections);
+ this.downspeed.set('text', stats.download_rate.toSpeed());
+ this.upspeed.set('text', stats.upload_rate.toSpeed());
+ this.dht.set('text', stats.dht_nodes);
+ }
+Deluge.Widgets.Labels = new Class({
+ Extends: Widgets.Base,
+ regex: /([\w]+)\s\((\d)\)/,
+ initialize: function() {
+ this.parent($('labels'))
+ this.bound = {
+ resized: this.resized.bindWithEvent(this),
+ clickedState: this.clickedState.bindWithEvent(this)
+ }
+ this.list = new Element('ul')
+ this.element.grab(this.list)
+ this.addStates()
+ this.state = 'All'
+ this.islabels = false;
+ this.addEvent('resize', this.resized)
+ },
+ addStates: function() {
+ this.list.grab(new Element('li').set('text', 'All').addClass('all').addClass('activestate'))
+ this.list.grab(new Element('li').set('text', 'Downloading').addClass('downloading'))
+ this.list.grab(new Element('li').set('text', 'Seeding').addClass('seeding'))
+ this.list.grab(new Element('li').set('text', 'Queued').addClass('queued'))
+ this.list.grab(new Element('li').set('text', 'Paused').addClass('paused'))
+ this.list.grab(new Element('li').set('text', 'Error').addClass('error'))
+ this.list.grab(new Element('li').set('text', 'Checking').addClass('checking'))
+ this.list.grab(new Element('hr'))
+ },
+ addLabel: function(name) {
+ },
+ clickedState: function(e) {
+ if (this.islabels) {
+ var old = this.list.getElement('.' + this.state.toLowerCase())
+ old.removeClass('activestate')
+ this.state = e.target.get('text').match(/^(\w+)/)[1]
+ e.target.addClass('activestate')
+ this.fireEvent('stateChanged', this.state)
+ } else {
+ }
+ },
+ update: function(filters) {
+ if (filters.state.length == 1)
+ this.updateNoLabels(filters);
+ else
+ this.updateLabels(filters)
+ },
+ updateNoLabels: function(filters) {
+ this.islabels = false;
+ },
+ updateLabels: function(filters) {
+ this.islabels = true;
+ $each(filters.state, function(state) {
+ var el = this.list.getElement('.' + state[0].toLowerCase())
+ if (!el) return
+ el.set('text', state[0] + ' (' + state[1] + ')')
+ el.removeEvent('click', this.bound.clickedState)
+ el.addEvent('click', this.bound.clickedState)
+ }, this)
+ },
+ resized: function(event) {
+ var height = this.element.getInnerSize().y;
+ this.list.getSizeModifiers();
+ height -= this.list.modifiers.y;
+ this.list.setStyle('height', height)
+ }
diff --git a/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-details.js b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-details.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e13d8220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-details.js
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+ * Script: deluge-details.js
+ * Contains the tabs for the torrent details
+ *
+ * Copyright:
+ * Damien Churchill (c) 2008
+ */
+Deluge.Widgets.Details = new Class({
+ Extends: Widgets.Tabs,
+ initialize: function() {
+ this.parent($$('#details .mooui-tabs')[0])
+ this.statistics = new Deluge.Widgets.StatisticsPage()
+ this.details = new Deluge.Widgets.DetailsPage()
+ this.files = new Deluge.Widgets.FilesPage()
+ this.peers = new Deluge.Widgets.PeersPage()
+ this.options = new Deluge.Widgets.OptionsPage()
+ this.addPage(this.statistics)
+ this.addPage(this.details)
+ this.addPage(this.files)
+ this.addPage(this.peers)
+ this.addPage(this.options)
+ this.addEvent('pageChanged', function(e) {
+ this.update(this.torrentId);
+ }.bindWithEvent(this));
+ this.addEvent('resize', this.resized.bindWithEvent(this))
+ this.files.addEvent('menuAction', function(e) {
+ files = []
+ this.files.grid.get_selected().each(function(file) {
+ files.push(file.fileIndex)
+ })
+ e.files = files
+ this.fireEvent('filesAction', e)
+ }.bindWithEvent(this))
+ },
+ keys: {
+ 0: Deluge.Keys.Statistics,
+ 1: Deluge.Keys.Details,
+ 2: Deluge.Keys.Files,
+ 3: Deluge.Keys.Peers,
+ 4: Deluge.Keys.Options
+ },
+ update: function(torrentId) {
+ this.torrentId = torrentId
+ if (!this.torrentId) return
+ var keys = this.keys[this.currentPage], page = this.pages[this.currentPage];
+ Deluge.Client.get_torrent_status(torrentId, keys, {
+ onSuccess: function(torrent) {
+ torrent.id = torrentId
+ if (page.update) page.update(torrent)
+ }.bindWithEvent(this)
+ })
+ },
+ resized: function(event) {
+ this.pages.each(function(page) {
+ page.getSizeModifiers()
+ page.sets({
+ width: event.width - page.element.modifiers.x,
+ height: event.height - page.element.modifiers.y - 28
+ })
+ })
+ }
+Deluge.Widgets.StatisticsPage = new Class({
+ Extends: Widgets.TabPage,
+ options: {
+ url: '/template/render/html/tab_statistics.html'
+ },
+ initialize: function() {
+ this.parent('Statistics')
+ },
+ update: function(torrent) {
+ var data = {
+ downloaded: torrent.total_done.toBytes()+' ('+torrent.total_payload_download.toBytes()+')',
+ uploaded: torrent.total_uploaded.toBytes()+' ('+torrent.total_payload_upload.toBytes()+')',
+ share: torrent.ratio.toFixed(3),
+ announce: torrent.next_announce.toTime(),
+ tracker_status: torrent.tracker_status,
+ downspeed: torrent.download_payload_rate.toSpeed(),
+ upspeed: torrent.upload_payload_rate.toSpeed(),
+ eta: torrent.eta.toTime(),
+ pieces: torrent.num_pieces + ' (' + torrent.piece_length.toBytes() + ')',
+ seeders: torrent.num_seeds + ' (' + torrent.total_seeds + ')',
+ peers: torrent.num_peers + ' (' + torrent.total_peers + ')',
+ avail: torrent.distributed_copies.toFixed(3),
+ active_time: torrent.active_time.toTime(),
+ seeding_time: torrent.seeding_time.toTime(),
+ seed_rank: torrent.seed_rank
+ }
+ if (torrent.is_auto_managed) {data.auto_managed = 'True'}
+ else {data.auto_managed = 'False'}
+ this.element.getElements('dd').each(function(item) {
+ item.set('text', data[item.getProperty('class')])
+ }, this)
+ }
+Deluge.Widgets.DetailsPage = new Class({
+ Extends: Widgets.TabPage,
+ options: {
+ url: '/template/render/html/tab_details.html'
+ },
+ initialize: function() {
+ this.parent('Details')
+ },
+ update: function(torrent) {
+ var data = {
+ torrent_name: torrent.name,
+ hash: torrent.id,
+ path: torrent.save_path,
+ size: torrent.total_size.toBytes(),
+ files: torrent.num_files,
+ status: torrent.tracker_status,
+ tracker: torrent.tracker
+ }
+ this.element.getElements('dd').each(function(item) {
+ item.set('text', data[item.getProperty('class')])
+ }, this)
+ }
+Deluge.Widgets.FilesGrid = new Class({
+ Extends: Widgets.DataGrid,
+ options: {
+ columns: [
+ {name: 'filename',text: 'Filename',type:'text',width: 350},
+ {name: 'size',text: 'Size',type:'bytes',width: 80},
+ {name: 'progress',text: 'Progress',type:'progress',width: 180},
+ {name: 'priority',text: 'Priority',type:'icon',width: 150}
+ ]
+ },
+ priority_texts: {
+ 0: 'Do Not Download',
+ 1: 'Normal Priority',
+ 2: 'High Priority',
+ 5: 'Highest Priority'
+ },
+ priority_icons: {
+ 0: '/static/images/tango/process-stop.png',
+ 1: '/template/static/icons/16/gtk-yes.png',
+ 2: '/static/images/tango/queue-down.png',
+ 5: '/static/images/tango/go-bottom.png'
+ },
+ initialize: function(element, options) {
+ this.parent(element, options)
+ var menu = new Widgets.PopupMenu()
+ $A([0,1,2,5]).each(function(index) {
+ menu.add({
+ type:'text',
+ action: index,
+ text: this.priority_texts[index],
+ icon: this.priority_icons[index]
+ })
+ }, this)
+ menu.addEvent('action', function(e) {
+ e = {
+ action: e.action,
+ torrentId: menu.row.torrentId
+ }
+ this.fireEvent('menuAction', e)
+ }.bind(this))
+ this.addEvent('row_menu', function(e) {
+ e.stop()
+ menu.row = e.row
+ menu.show(e)
+ })
+ },
+ clear: function() {
+ this.rows.empty()
+ this.body.empty()
+ this.render()
+ },
+ update_files: function(torrent) {
+ torrent.files.each(function(file) {
+ var p = torrent.file_priorities[file.index]
+ var priority = {text:this.priority_texts[p], icon:this.priority_icons[p]}
+ var percent = torrent.file_progress[file.index]*100.0;
+ row = {
+ id: torrent.id + '-' + file.index,
+ data: {
+ filename: file.path,
+ size: file.size,
+ progress: {percent: percent, text: percent.toFixed(2) + '%'},
+ priority: priority
+ },
+ fileIndex: file.index,
+ torrentId: torrent.id
+ }
+ if (this.has(row.id)) {
+ this.updateRow(row, true)
+ } else {
+ this.addRow(row, true)
+ }
+ }, this)
+ this.render()
+ }
+Deluge.Widgets.FilesPage = new Class({
+ Extends: Widgets.TabPage,
+ options: {
+ url: '/template/render/html/tab_files.html'
+ },
+ initialize: function(el) {
+ this.parent('Files')
+ this.torrentId = -1
+ this.addEvent('loaded', this.loaded.bindWithEvent(this))
+ this.addEvent('resize', this.resized.bindWithEvent(this))
+ },
+ loaded: function(event) {
+ this.grid = new Deluge.Widgets.FilesGrid('files')
+ this.grid.addEvent('menuAction', this.menuAction.bindWithEvent(this))
+ if (this.beenResized) {
+ this.resized(this.beenResized)
+ delete this.beenResized
+ }
+ },
+ resized: function(e) {
+ if (!this.grid) {
+ this.beenResized = e;
+ return
+ }
+ this.element.getPadding()
+ this.grid.sets({
+ width: e.width - this.element.padding.x,
+ height: e.height - this.element.padding.y
+ })
+ },
+ menuAction: function(e) {
+ this.fireEvent('menuAction', e)
+ },
+ update: function(torrent) {
+ if (this.torrentId != torrent.id) {
+ this.torrentId = torrent.id
+ this.grid.rows.empty()
+ this.grid.body.empty()
+ }
+ this.grid.update_files(torrent)
+ }
+Deluge.Widgets.PeersPage = new Class({
+ Extends: Widgets.TabPage,
+ options: {
+ url: '/template/render/html/tab_peers.html'
+ },
+ initialize: function(el) {
+ this.parent('Peers')
+ this.addEvent('resize', this.resized.bindWithEvent(this))
+ this.addEvent('loaded', this.loaded.bindWithEvent(this))
+ },
+ loaded: function(event) {
+ this.grid = new Widgets.DataGrid($('peers'), {
+ columns: [
+ {name: 'country',type:'image',width: 20},
+ {name: 'address',text: 'Address',type:'text',width: 80},
+ {name: 'client',text: 'Client',type:'text',width: 180},
+ {name: 'downspeed',text: 'Down Speed',type:'speed',width: 100},
+ {name: 'upspeed',text: 'Up Speed',type:'speed',width: 100},
+ ]})
+ this.torrentId = -1
+ if (this.been_resized) {
+ this.resized(this.been_resized)
+ delete this.been_resized
+ }
+ },
+ resized: function(e) {
+ if (!this.grid) {
+ this.been_resized = e;
+ return
+ }
+ this.element.getPadding()
+ this.grid.sets({
+ width: e.width - this.element.padding.x,
+ height: e.height - this.element.padding.y
+ })
+ },
+ update: function(torrent) {
+ if (this.torrentId != torrent.id) {
+ this.torrentId = torrent.id
+ this.grid.rows.empty()
+ this.grid.body.empty()
+ }
+ var peers = []
+ torrent.peers.each(function(peer) {
+ if (peer.country.strip() != '') {
+ peer.country = '/pixmaps/flags/' + peer.country.toLowerCase() + '.png'
+ } else {
+ peer.country = '/templates/static/images/spacer.gif'
+ }
+ row = {
+ id: peer.ip,
+ data: {
+ country: peer.country,
+ address: peer.ip,
+ client: peer.client,
+ downspeed: peer.down_speed,
+ upspeed: peer.up_speed
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.grid.has(row.id)) {
+ this.grid.updateRow(row, true)
+ } else {
+ this.grid.addRow(row, true)
+ }
+ peers.include(peer.ip)
+ }, this)
+ this.grid.rows.each(function(row) {
+ if (!peers.contains(row.id)) {
+ row.element.destroy()
+ this.grid.rows.erase(row)
+ }
+ }, this)
+ this.grid.render()
+ }
+Deluge.Widgets.OptionsPage = new Class({
+ Extends: Widgets.TabPage,
+ options: {
+ url: '/template/render/html/tab_options.html'
+ },
+ initialize: function() {
+ if (!this.element)
+ this.parent('Options');
+ this.addEvent('loaded', function(event) {
+ this.loaded(event)
+ }.bindWithEvent(this))
+ },
+ loaded: function(event) {
+ this.bound = {
+ apply: this.apply.bindWithEvent(this),
+ reset: this.reset.bindWithEvent(this)
+ }
+ this.form = this.element.getElement('form');
+ this.changed = new Hash()
+ this.form.getElements('input').each(function(el) {
+ if (el.type == 'button') return;
+ el.focused = false
+ el.addEvent('change', function(e) {
+ if (!this.changed[this.torrentId])
+ this.changed[this.torrentId] = {}
+ if (el.type == 'checkbox')
+ this.changed[this.torrentId][el.name] = el.checked;
+ else
+ this.changed[this.torrentId][el.name] = el.value;
+ }.bindWithEvent(this));
+ el.addEvent('focus', function(e) {
+ el.focused = true;
+ });
+ el.addEvent('blur', function(e) {
+ el.focused = false;
+ });
+ }, this);
+ this.form.apply.addEvent('click', this.bound.apply);
+ this.form.reset.addEvent('click', this.bound.reset);
+ },
+ apply: function(event) {
+ if (!this.torrentId) return
+ var changed = this.changed[this.torrentId]
+ if ($defined(changed['is_auto_managed'])) {
+ changed['auto_managed'] = changed['is_auto_managed']
+ delete changed['is_auto_managed']
+ }
+ Deluge.Client.set_torrent_options(this.torrentId, changed, {
+ onSuccess: function(event) {
+ delete this.changed[this.torrentId]
+ }.bindWithEvent(this)
+ })
+ },
+ reset: function(event) {
+ if (this.torrentId) {
+ delete this.changed[this.torrentId]
+ }
+ Deluge.Client.get_torrent_status(this.torrentId, Deluge.Keys.Options, {
+ onSuccess: function(torrent) {
+ torrent.id = this.torrentId
+ this.update(torrent)
+ }.bindWithEvent(this)
+ })
+ },
+ update: function(torrent) {
+ this.torrentId = torrent.id;
+ $each(torrent, function(value, key) {
+ var changed = this.changed[this.torrentId]
+ if (changed && $defined(changed[key])) return;
+ var type = $type(value);
+ if (type == 'boolean') {
+ this.form[key].checked = value;
+ } else {
+ if (!this.form[key].focused)
+ this.form[key].value = value;
+ };
+ if (key == 'private' && value == 0) {
+ this.form[key].disabled = true
+ this.form[key].getParent().addClass('opt-disabled')
+ }
+ }, this);
+ }
diff --git a/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-menus.js b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-menus.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54de70d9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-menus.js
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+Deluge.Menus = {
+ Torrents: [
+ {
+ type:'text',
+ action:'pause',
+ text: Deluge.Strings.get('Pause'),
+ icon:'/static/images/tango/pause.png'
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'text',
+ action: 'resume',
+ text: Deluge.Strings.get('Resume'),
+ icon: '/static/images/tango/start.png'
+ },
+ { type: 'seperator' },
+ {
+ type:'submenu',
+ text: Deluge.Strings.get('Options'),
+ icon:'/static/images/tango/preferences-system.png',
+ items: [
+ {
+ type:'submenu',
+ text:'D/L Speed Limit',
+ icon:'/pixmaps/downloading16.png',
+ items: [
+ {
+ type:'text',
+ action:'max_download_speed',
+ value:5,
+ text:'5 KiB/s'
+ },
+ {
+ type:'text',
+ action:'max_download_speed',
+ value:10,
+ text:'10 KiB/s'
+ },
+ {
+ type:'text',
+ action:'max_download_speed',
+ value:30,
+ text:'30 KiB/s'
+ },
+ {
+ type:'text',
+ action:'max_download_speed',
+ value:80,
+ text:'80 KiB/s'
+ },
+ {
+ type:'text',
+ action:'max_download_speed',
+ value:300,
+ text:'300 KiB/s'
+ },
+ {
+ type:'text',
+ action:'max_download_speed',
+ value:-1,
+ text:'Unlimited'
+ }
+ ]},
+ {type:'submenu',text:'U/L Speed Limit',icon:'/pixmaps/seeding16.png',items: [
+ {type:'text',action:'max_upload_speed',value:5,text:'5 KiB/s'},
+ {type:'text',action:'max_upload_speed',value:10,text:'10 KiB/s'},
+ {type:'text',action:'max_upload_speed',value:30,text:'30 KiB/s'},
+ {type:'text',action:'max_upload_speed',value:80,text:'80 KiB/s'},
+ {type:'text',action:'max_upload_speed',value:300,text:'300 KiB/s'},
+ {type:'text',action:'max_upload_speed',value:-1,text:'Unlimited'}
+ ]},
+ {type:'submenu',text:'Connection Limit',icon:'/static/images/tango/connections.png',items: [
+ {type:'text',action:'max_connections',value:50,text:'50'},
+ {type:'text',action:'max_connections',value:100,text:'100'},
+ {type:'text',action:'max_connections',value:200,text:'200'},
+ {type:'text',action:'max_connections',value:300,text:'300'},
+ {type:'text',action:'max_connections',value:500,text:'500'},
+ {type:'text',action:'max_connections',value:-1,text:'Unlimited'}
+ ]},
+ {type:'submenu',text:'Upload Slot Limit',icon:'/template/static/icons/16/view-sort-ascending.png',items: [
+ {type:'text',action:'max_upload_slots',value:0,text:'0'},
+ {type:'text',action:'max_upload_slots',value:1,text:'1'},
+ {type:'text',action:'max_upload_slots',value:2,text:'2'},
+ {type:'text',action:'max_upload_slots',value:3,text:'3'},
+ {type:'text',action:'max_upload_slots',value:5,text:'5'},
+ {type:'text',action:'max_upload_slots',value:-1,text:'Unlimited'}
+ ]},
+ {type:'toggle',action:'auto_managed',value:false,text:'Auto Managed'}
+ ]},
+ {type:'seperator'},
+ {type:'submenu',text:'Queue',icon:'/template/static/icons/16/view-sort-descending.png',items:[
+ {type:'text',action:'top',text:'Top',icon:'/static/images/tango/go-top.png'},
+ {type:'text',action:'up',text:'Up',icon:'/static/images/tango/queue-up.png'},
+ {type:'text',action:'down',text:'Down',icon:'/static/images/tango/queue-down.png'},
+ {type:'text',action:'bottom',text:'Bottom',icon:'/static/images/tango/go-bottom.png'}
+ ]},
+ {type: 'seperator'},
+ {type:'text',action:'update_tracker',text:'Update Tracker',icon:'/template/static/icons/16/view-refresh.png'},
+ {type:'text',action:'edit_trackers',text:'Edit Trackers',icon:'/template/static/icons/16/gtk-edit.png'},
+ {type:'seperator'},
+ {type:'submenu',action:'remove',value:0,text:'Remove Torrent',icon:'/static/images/tango/list-remove.png', items:[
+ {type:'text',action:'remove',value:0,text:'From Session'},
+ {type:'text',action:'remove',value:1,text:'... and delete Torrent file'},
+ {type:'text',action:'remove',value:2,text:'... and delete Downloaded files'},
+ {type:'text',action:'remove',value:3,text:'... and delete All files'}
+ ]},
+ {type:'seperator'},
+ {type:'text',action:'force_recheck',text:'Force Recheck',icon:'/static/images/tango/edit-redo.png'},
+ {type:'text',action:'move_storage',text:'Move Storage',icon:'/static/images/tango/move.png'}
+ ]
diff --git a/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-preferences.js b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-preferences.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e3003bdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-preferences.js
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+ * Script: deluge-preferences.js
+ * Contains the classes that provides the preferences window with
+ * functionality
+ *
+ * Copyright:
+ * Damien Churchill (c) 2008
+ */
+Deluge.Widgets.PreferencesCategory = new Class({
+ Extends: Widgets.TabPage,
+Deluge.Widgets.PluginPreferencesCategory = new Class({
+ Extends: Deluge.Widgets.PreferencesCategory
+Deluge.Widgets.GenericPreferences = new Class({
+ Extends: Deluge.Widgets.PreferencesCategory,
+ initialize: function(name, options) {
+ this.parent(name, options)
+ this.core = true;
+ this.addEvent('loaded', function(e) {
+ this.form = this.element.getElement('form');
+ }.bindWithEvent(this));
+ },
+ update: function(config) {
+ this.fireEvent('beforeUpdate');
+ this.original = config;
+ this.changed = new Hash();
+ this.inputs = this.form.getElements('input, select');
+ this.inputs.each(function(input) {
+ if (!input.name) return;
+ if (!$defined(config[input.name])) return;
+ if (input.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'select') {
+ var value = config[input.name].toString();
+ input.getElements('option').each(function(option) {
+ if (option.value == value) {
+ option.selected = true;
+ }
+ });
+ } else if (input.type == 'text') {
+ input.value = config[input.name];
+ } else if (input.type == 'checkbox') {
+ input.checked = config[input.name];
+ } else if (input.type == 'radio') {
+ var value = config[input.name].toString()
+ if (input.value == value) {
+ input.checked = true;
+ }
+ }
+ input.addEvent('change', function(el) {
+ if (input.type == 'checkbox') {
+ if (this.original[input.name] == input.checked) {
+ if (this.changed[input.name])
+ delete this.changed[input.name];
+ } else {
+ this.changed[input.name] = input.checked
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (this.original[input.name] == input.value) {
+ if (this.changed[input.name])
+ delete this.changed[input.name];
+ } else {
+ this.changed[input.name] = input.value;
+ }
+ }
+ }.bindWithEvent(this))
+ }, this);
+ this.fireEvent('update');
+ },
+ getConfig: function() {
+ changed = {}
+ this.changed.each(function(value, key) {
+ var type = $type(this.original[key]);
+ if (type == 'number') {
+ changed[key] = Number(value);
+ } else if (type == 'string') {
+ changed[key] = String(value);
+ } else if (type == 'boolean') {
+ changed[key] = Boolean(value);
+ }
+ }, this);
+ return changed;
+ }
+Deluge.Widgets.WebUIPreferences = new Class({
+ Extends: Deluge.Widgets.GenericPreferences,
+ options: {
+ url: '/template/render/html/preferences_webui.html'
+ },
+ initialize: function() {
+ this.parent('Web UI');
+ this.core = false;
+ this.addEvent('beforeUpdate', this.beforeUpdate.bindWithEvent(this));
+ this.addEvent('update', this.updated.bindWithEvent(this));
+ },
+ beforeUpdate: function(event) {
+ var templates = Deluge.Client.get_webui_templates({async: false});
+ this.form.template.empty();
+ templates.each(function(template) {
+ var option = new Element('option');
+ option.set('text', template);
+ this.form.template.grab(option);
+ }, this);
+ },
+ updated: function(event) {
+ if (this.form.template.value != 'ajax')
+ this.form.theme.disabled = true;
+ else
+ this.form.theme.disabled = false;
+ var theme = this.form.theme.getElement('option[value="' + Cookie.read('theme') + '"]')
+ theme.selected = true
+ this.form.template.addEvent('change', function(e) {
+ if (this.form.template.value != 'ajax') {
+ this.form.theme.disabled = true;
+ this.form.theme.addClass('disabled')
+ this.form.getElementById('lbl_theme').addClass('disabled')
+ } else {
+ this.form.theme.disabled = false;
+ this.form.getElementById('lbl_theme').removeClass('disabled')
+ this.form.theme.removeClass('disabled')
+ }
+ }.bindWithEvent(this));
+ },
+ apply: function() {
+ Deluge.UI.setTheme(this.form.theme.value);
+ Deluge.Client.set_webui_config(this.changed, {
+ onSuccess: function(e) {
+ if (this.changed['template']) location.reload(true);
+ }.bindWithEvent(this)
+ });
+ }
+Deluge.Widgets.PreferencesWindow = new Class({
+ Extends: Widgets.Window,
+ options: {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 430,
+ title: 'Preferences',
+ url: '/template/render/html/window_preferences.html'
+ },
+ initialize: function() {
+ this.parent();
+ this.categories = [];
+ this.currentPage = -1;
+ this.addEvent('loaded', this.loaded.bindWithEvent(this));
+ this.addEvent('beforeShow', this.beforeShown.bindWithEvent(this));
+ },
+ loaded: function(event) {
+ this.catlist = this.content.getElement('.categories ul');
+ this.pages = this.content.getElement('.pref_pages');
+ this.title = this.pages.getElement('h3');
+ this.reset = this.content.getElement('.buttons .reset');
+ this.apply = this.content.getElement('.buttons .apply');
+ this.apply.addEvent('click', this.applied.bindWithEvent(this));
+ this.webui = new Deluge.Widgets.WebUIPreferences();
+ this.download = new Deluge.Widgets.GenericPreferences('Download', {
+ url: '/template/render/html/preferences_download.html'
+ });
+ this.network = new Deluge.Widgets.GenericPreferences('Network', {
+ url: '/template/render/html/preferences_network.html'
+ });
+ this.bandwidth = new Deluge.Widgets.GenericPreferences('Bandwidth', {
+ url: '/template/render/html/preferences_bandwidth.html'
+ });
+ this.daemon = new Deluge.Widgets.GenericPreferences('Daemon', {
+ url: '/template/render/html/preferences_daemon.html'
+ });
+ this.queue = new Deluge.Widgets.GenericPreferences('Queue', {
+ url: '/template/render/html/preferences_queue.html'
+ });
+ this.addCategory(this.webui);
+ this.addCategory(this.download);
+ this.addCategory(this.network);
+ this.addCategory(this.bandwidth);
+ this.addCategory(this.daemon);
+ this.addCategory(this.queue);
+ },
+ addCategory: function(category) {
+ this.categories.include(category);
+ var categoryIndex = this.categories.indexOf(category);
+ var tab = new Element('li');
+ tab.set('text', category.name);
+ tab.addEvent('click', function(e) {
+ this.select(categoryIndex);
+ }.bindWithEvent(this));
+ category.tab = tab;
+ this.catlist.grab(tab);
+ this.pages.grab(category.addClass('deluge-prefs-page'));
+ if (this.currentPage < 0) {
+ this.currentPage = categoryIndex;
+ this.select(categoryIndex);
+ };
+ },
+ select: function(id) {
+ this.categories[this.currentPage].removeClass('deluge-prefs-page-active');
+ this.categories[this.currentPage].tab.removeClass('deluge-prefs-active');
+ this.categories[id].addClass('deluge-prefs-page-active');
+ this.categories[id].tab.addClass('deluge-prefs-active');
+ this.title.set('text', this.categories[id].name);
+ this.currentPage = id;
+ this.fireEvent('pageChanged');
+ },
+ applied: function(event) {
+ var config = {};
+ this.categories.each(function(category) {
+ config = $merge(config, category.getConfig());
+ });
+ if ($defined(config['end_listen_port']) || $defined(config['start_listen_port'])) {
+ var startport = $pick(config['start_listen_port'], this.config['listen_ports'][0]);
+ var endport = $pick(config['end_listen_port'], this.config['listen_ports'][1]);
+ delete config['end_listen_port'];
+ delete config['start_listen_port'];
+ config['listen_ports'] = [startport, endport];
+ }
+ if ($defined(config['end_outgoing_port']) || $defined(config['start_outgoing_port'])) {
+ var startport = $pick(config['start_outgoing_port'], this.config['outgoing_ports'][0]);
+ var endport = $pick(config['end_outgoing_port'], this.config['outgoing_ports'][1]);
+ delete config['end_outgoing_port'];
+ delete config['start_outgoing_port'];
+ config['outgoing_ports'] = [startport, endport];
+ }
+ Deluge.Client.set_config(config, {
+ onSuccess: function(e) {
+ this.hide();
+ }.bindWithEvent(this)
+ });
+ this.webui.apply();
+ },
+ beforeShown: function(event) {
+ // we want this to be blocking
+ this.config = Deluge.Client.get_config({async: false});
+ // Unfortunately we have to modify the listen ports preferences
+ // in order to not have to modify the generic preferences class.
+ this.config['start_listen_port'] = this.config['listen_ports'][0];
+ this.config['end_listen_port'] = this.config['listen_ports'][1];
+ this.config['start_outgoing_port'] = this.config['outgoing_ports'][0];
+ this.config['end_outgoing_port'] = this.config['outgoing_ports'][1];
+ // Iterate through the pages and set the fields
+ this.categories.each(function(category) {
+ if (category.update && category.core) category.update(this.config);
+ }, this);
+ // Update the config for the webui pages.
+ var webconfig = Deluge.Client.get_webui_config({async: false});
+ this.webui.update(webconfig);
+ }
diff --git a/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-torrent-grid.js b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-torrent-grid.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ce8b650e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-torrent-grid.js
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * Script: deluge-torrent-grid.js
+ * The class for controlling the main torrent grid.
+ *
+ * Copyright:
+ * Damien Churchill (c) 2008
+ */
+Deluge.Widgets.TorrentGrid = new Class({
+ Extends: Widgets.DataGrid,
+ options: {
+ columns: [
+ {name: 'number',text: '#',type:'number',width: 20},
+ {name: 'name',text: 'Name',type:'icon',width: 350},
+ {name: 'size',text: 'Size',type:'bytes',width: 80},
+ {name: 'progress',text: 'Progress',type:'progress',width: 180},
+ {name: 'seeders',text: 'Seeders',type:'text',width: 80},
+ {name: 'peers',text: 'Peers',type:'text',width: 80},
+ {name: 'down',text: 'Down Speed',type:'speed',width: 100},
+ {name: 'up',text: 'Up Speed',type:'speed',width: 100},
+ {name: 'eta',text: 'ETA',type:'time',width: 80},
+ {name: 'ratio',text: 'Ratio',type:'number',width: 60},
+ {name: 'avail',text: 'Avail.',type:'number',width: 60}
+ ]
+ },
+ icons: {
+ 'Downloading': '/pixmaps/downloading16.png',
+ 'Seeding': '/pixmaps/seeding16.png',
+ 'Queued': '/pixmaps/queued16.png',
+ 'Paused': '/pixmaps/inactive16.png',
+ 'Error': '/pixmaps/alert16.png',
+ 'Checking': '/pixmaps/inactive16.png'
+ },
+ get_selected_torrents: function() {
+ var torrentIds = [];
+ this.get_selected().each(function(row) {
+ torrentIds.include(row.id);
+ });
+ return torrentIds;
+ },
+ set_torrent_filter: function(state) {
+ state = state.replace(' ', '');
+ this.filterer = function (r) {
+ if (r.torrent.state == state) { return true } else { return false };
+ };
+ this.render();
+ },
+ update_torrents: function(torrents) {
+ torrents.getKeys().each(function(torrentId) {
+ var torrent = torrents[torrentId]
+ var torrentIds = torrents.getKeys()
+ if (torrent.queue == -1) {var queue = ''}
+ else {var queue = torrent.queue + 1}
+ var icon = this.icons[torrent.state]
+ row = {
+ id: torrentId,
+ data: {
+ number: queue,
+ name: {text: torrent.name, icon: icon},
+ size: torrent.total_size,
+ progress: {percent: torrent.progress, text:torrent.state + ' ' + torrent.progress.toFixed(2) + '%'},
+ seeders: torrent.num_seeds + ' (' + torrent.total_seeds + ')',
+ peers: torrent.num_peers + ' (' + torrent.total_peers + ')',
+ down: torrent.download_payload_rate,
+ up: torrent.upload_payload_rate,
+ eta: torrent.eta,
+ ratio: torrent.ratio.toFixed(3),
+ avail: torrent.distributed_copies.toFixed(3)
+ },
+ torrent: torrent
+ }
+ if (this.has(row.id)) {
+ this.updateRow(row, true)
+ } else {
+ this.addRow(row, true)
+ }
+ this.rows.each(function(row) {
+ if (!torrentIds.contains(row.id)) {
+ row.element.destroy()
+ this.rows.erase(row.id)
+ }
+ }, this)
+ }, this)
+ this.render()
+ }
diff --git a/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-ui.js b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-ui.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a9ee2d84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge-ui.js
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+ * Script: deluge-ui.js
+ * The main UI script.
+ *
+ * Copyright:
+ * Damien Churchill (c) 2008
+ */
+Deluge.UI = {
+ initialize: function() {
+ this.torrents = {};
+ this.torrentIds = [];
+ Deluge.Client = new JSON.RPC('/json/rpc');
+ var theme = Cookie.read('theme');
+ if (theme) this.setTheme(theme);
+ else this.setTheme('classic');
+ this.bound = {
+ updated: this.updated.bindWithEvent(this),
+ resized: this.resized.bindWithEvent(this),
+ toolbarClick: this.toolbarClick.bindWithEvent(this),
+ filePriorities: this.filePriorities.bindWithEvent(this),
+ labelsChanged: this.labelsChanged.bindWithEvent(this)
+ };
+ this.loadUi.delay(100, this);
+ },
+ loadUi: function() {
+ this.vbox = new Widgets.VBox('page', {expand: true});
+ this.toolbar = new Deluge.Widgets.Toolbar();
+ this.addWindow = new Deluge.Widgets.AddWindow();
+ this.prefsWindow = new Deluge.Widgets.PreferencesWindow();
+ this.statusbar = new Deluge.Widgets.StatusBar();
+ this.labels = new Deluge.Widgets.Labels()
+ this.details = new Deluge.Widgets.Details()
+ this.initialize_grid()
+ this.split_horz = new Widgets.SplitPane('top', this.labels, this.grid, {
+ pane1: {min: 150},
+ pane2: {min: 100, expand: true}
+ });
+ var details = $W('details')
+ this.split_vert = new Widgets.SplitPane('main', this.split_horz, details, {
+ direction: 'vertical',
+ pane1: {min: 100, expand: true},
+ pane2: {min: 200}
+ });
+ this.vbox.addBox(this.toolbar, {fixed: true});
+ this.vbox.addBox(this.split_vert);
+ this.vbox.addBox(this.statusbar, {fixed: true});
+ this.vbox.calculatePositions();
+ this.details.expand()
+ this.toolbar.addEvent('buttonClick', this.bound.toolbarClick);
+ this.details.addEvent('filesAction', this.bound.filePriorities)
+ this.labels.addEvent('stateChanged', this.bound.labelsChanged)
+ details.addEvent('resize', function(e) {
+ this.details.expand()
+ }.bindWithEvent(this))
+ window.addEvent('resize', this.bound.resized);
+ Deluge.UI.update();
+ this.overlay = $('overlay').dispose();
+ },
+ initialize_grid: function() {
+ this.grid = new Deluge.Widgets.TorrentGrid('torrents')
+ var menu = new Widgets.PopupMenu()
+ menu.add(Deluge.Menus.Torrents);
+ menu.addEvent('action', function(e) {
+ this.torrent_action(e.action, e.value)
+ }.bind(this))
+ this.grid.addEvent('row_menu', function(e) {
+ e.stop()
+ var value = this.grid.selectedRow.torrent.is_auto_managed;
+ menu.items[3].items[4].set(value)
+ menu.torrent_id = e.row_id
+ menu.show(e)
+ }.bindWithEvent(this))
+ this.grid.addEvent('selectedchanged', function(e) {
+ if ($chk(this.grid.selectedRow))
+ this.details.update(this.grid.selectedRow.id);
+ else
+ this.details.update(null);
+ }.bindWithEvent(this))
+ },
+ setTheme: function(name, fn) {
+ if (this.overlay) {
+ this.overlay.inject(document.body);
+ }
+ this.theme = name;
+ if (this.themecss) this.themecss.destroy();
+ this.themecss = new Asset.css('/template/static/themes/' + name + '/style.css');
+ Cookie.write('theme', name);
+ if (this.overlay) {
+ var refresh = function() {
+ this.vbox.refresh();
+ this.vbox.calculatePositions();
+ this.overlay.dispose();
+ }.bind(this);
+ var check = function() {
+ if (document.styleSheets[2]) {
+ if (document.styleSheets[2].href == this.themecss.href) {
+ refresh();
+ $clear(check);
+ }
+ }
+ }.periodical(50, this);
+ };
+ },
+ run: function() {
+ if (!this.running) {
+ this.running = this.update.periodical(2000, this);
+ }
+ },
+ stop: function() {
+ if (this.running) {
+ $clear(this.running);
+ this.running = false;
+ }
+ },
+ update: function() {
+ filter = {}
+ if (this.labels.state != 'All') filter.state = this.labels.state
+ Deluge.Client.update_ui(Deluge.Keys.Grid, filter, {
+ onSuccess: this.bound.updated
+ })
+ },
+ updated: function(data) {
+ this.torrents = new Hash(data.torrents);
+ this.stats = data.stats;
+ this.filters = data.filters
+ this.torrents.each(function(torrent, torrent_id) {
+ torrent.id = torrent_id;
+ })
+ this.grid.update_torrents(this.torrents);
+ this.statusbar.update(this.stats);
+ if ($chk(this.grid.selectedRow))
+ this.details.update(this.grid.selectedRow.id);
+ else
+ this.details.update(null);
+ this.labels.update(this.filters)
+ },
+ filePriorities: function(event) {
+ Deluge.Client.get_torrent_status(event.torrentId, ['file_priorities'], {
+ onSuccess: function(result) {
+ var priorities = result.file_priorities
+ priorities.each(function(priority, index) {
+ if (event.files.contains(index)) {
+ priorities[index] = event.action;
+ }
+ })
+ Deluge.Client.set_torrent_file_priorities(event.torrentId, priorities, {
+ onSuccess: function(response) {
+ this.details.update(event.torrentId)
+ }.bindWithEvent(this)
+ })
+ }.bindWithEvent(this)
+ })
+ },
+ resized: function(event) {
+ this.vbox.calculatePositions();
+ },
+ toolbarClick: function(event) {
+ this.torrent_action(event.action);
+ },
+ labelsChanged: function(event) {
+ this.update()
+ },
+ torrent_action: function(action, value) {
+ var torrentIds = this.grid.get_selected_torrents();
+ var client = Deluge.Client;
+ switch (action) {
+ case 'resume':
+ client.resume_torrent(torrentIds);
+ break;
+ case 'pause':
+ client.pause_torrent(torrentIds);
+ break;
+ case 'top':
+ client.queue_top(torrentIds);
+ break;
+ case 'up':
+ client.queue_up(torrentIds);
+ break;
+ case 'down':
+ client.queue_down(torrentIds);
+ break;
+ case 'bottom':
+ client.queue_bottom(torrentIds);
+ break;
+ case 'force_recheck':
+ client.force_recheck(torrentIds);
+ break;
+ case 'update_tracker':
+ client.force_reannounce(torrentIds);
+ break;
+ case 'max_download_speed':
+ value = value.toInt();
+ torrentIds.each(function(torrentId) {
+ client.set_torrent_max_download_speed(torrentId, value);
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'max_upload_speed':
+ value = value.toInt();
+ torrentIds.each(function(torrentId) {
+ client.set_torrent_max_upload_speed(torrentId, value);
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'max_connections':
+ value = value.toInt();
+ torrentIds.each(function(torrentId) {
+ client.set_torrent_max_connections(torrentId, value);
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'max_upload_slots':
+ value = value.toInt();
+ torrentIds.each(function(torrentId) {
+ client.set_torrent_max_upload_slots(torrentId, value);
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'auto_managed':
+ torrentIds.each(function(torrentId) {
+ client.set_torrent_auto_managed(torrentId, value);
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'add':
+ this.addWindow.show();
+ break;
+ case 'remove':
+ var removeTorrent = false, removeFiles = false;
+ if (value == 1) removeTorrent = true;
+ else if (value == 2) removeFiles = true;
+ else if (value > 3) {
+ removeTorrent = true;
+ removeFiles = true;
+ }
+ client.remove_torrent(torrentIds, removeTorrent, removeFiles);
+ break;
+ case 'preferences':
+ this.prefsWindow.show();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ this.update();
+ }
+window.addEvent('domready', function(e) {
+ Deluge.UI.initialize();
+ Deluge.UI.run();
diff --git a/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge.js b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge.js
index dd2f5d28f..83a3efed4 100644
--- a/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge.js
+++ b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/deluge.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Script: deluge.js
- * Collection of widgets for use in the deluge web-ui
+ * The core script for the deluge ajax ui
* Copyright:
* Damien Churchill (c) 2008
@@ -9,1291 +9,34 @@
var Deluge = $empty;
Deluge.Keys = {
- Grid: ['queue', 'name', 'total_size', 'state', 'progress',
- 'num_seeds', 'total_seeds', 'num_peers', 'total_peers',
- 'download_payload_rate', 'upload_payload_rate', 'eta', 'ratio',
- 'distributed_copies' ,'is_auto_managed'],
- Statistics: ['total_done', 'total_payload_download', 'total_uploaded',
- 'total_payload_upload', 'next_announce', 'tracker_status',
- 'num_pieces', 'piece_length', 'is_auto_managed', 'active_time',
- 'seeding_time', 'seed_rank'],
- Files: ['files', 'file_progress', 'file_priorities'],
- Peers: ['peers', 'seeds'],
- Details: ['name', 'save_path', 'total_size', 'num_files', 'tracker_status', 'tracker'],
- Options: ['max_download_speed', 'max_upload_speed', 'max_connections',
- 'max_upload_slots','is_auto_managed', 'stop_at_ratio',
- 'stop_ratio', 'remove_at_ratio', 'private', 'prioritize_first_last']
+ Grid: [
+ 'queue', 'name', 'total_size', 'state', 'progress', 'num_seeds',
+ 'total_seeds', 'num_peers', 'total_peers', 'download_payload_rate',
+ 'upload_payload_rate', 'eta', 'ratio', 'distributed_copies',
+ 'is_auto_managed'
+ ],
+ Statistics: [
+ 'total_done', 'total_payload_download', 'total_uploaded',
+ 'total_payload_upload', 'next_announce', 'tracker_status', 'num_pieces',
+ 'piece_length', 'is_auto_managed', 'active_time', 'seeding_time',
+ 'seed_rank'
+ ],
+ Files: [
+ 'files', 'file_progress', 'file_priorities'
+ ],
+ Peers: [
+ 'peers', 'seeds'
+ ],
+ Details: [
+ 'name', 'save_path', 'total_size', 'num_files', 'tracker_status',
+ 'tracker'
+ ],
+ Options: [
+ 'max_download_speed', 'max_upload_speed', 'max_connections',
+ 'max_upload_slots','is_auto_managed', 'stop_at_ratio', 'stop_ratio',
+ 'remove_at_ratio', 'private', 'prioritize_first_last'
+ ]
Deluge.Widgets = $empty;
-Deluge.Widgets.Details = new Class({
- Extends: Widgets.Tabs,
- initialize: function() {
- this.parent($$('#details .mooui-tabs')[0])
- this.statistics = new Deluge.Widgets.StatisticsPage()
- this.details = new Deluge.Widgets.DetailsPage()
- this.files = new Deluge.Widgets.FilesPage()
- this.peers = new Deluge.Widgets.PeersPage()
- this.options = new Deluge.Widgets.OptionsPage()
- this.addPage(this.statistics)
- this.addPage(this.details)
- this.addPage(this.files)
- this.addPage(this.peers)
- this.addPage(this.options)
- this.addEvent('pageChanged', function(e) {
- this.update(this.torrentId);
- }.bindWithEvent(this));
- this.addEvent('resize', this.resized.bindWithEvent(this))
- this.files.addEvent('menuAction', function(e) {
- files = []
- this.files.grid.get_selected().each(function(file) {
- files.push(file.fileIndex)
- })
- e.files = files
- this.fireEvent('filesAction', e)
- }.bindWithEvent(this))
- },
- keys: {
- 0: Deluge.Keys.Statistics,
- 1: Deluge.Keys.Details,
- 2: Deluge.Keys.Files,
- 3: Deluge.Keys.Peers,
- 4: Deluge.Keys.Options
- },
- update: function(torrentId) {
- this.torrentId = torrentId
- if (!this.torrentId) return
- var keys = this.keys[this.currentPage], page = this.pages[this.currentPage];
- Deluge.Client.get_torrent_status(torrentId, keys, {
- onSuccess: function(torrent) {
- torrent.id = torrentId
- if (page.update) page.update(torrent)
- }.bindWithEvent(this)
- })
- },
- resized: function(event) {
- this.pages.each(function(page) {
- page.getSizeModifiers()
- page.sets({
- width: event.width - page.element.modifiers.x,
- height: event.height - page.element.modifiers.y - 28
- })
- })
- }
-Deluge.Widgets.StatisticsPage = new Class({
- Extends: Widgets.TabPage,
- options: {
- url: '/template/render/html/tab_statistics.html'
- },
- initialize: function() {
- this.parent('Statistics')
- },
- update: function(torrent) {
- var data = {
- downloaded: torrent.total_done.toBytes()+' ('+torrent.total_payload_download.toBytes()+')',
- uploaded: torrent.total_uploaded.toBytes()+' ('+torrent.total_payload_upload.toBytes()+')',
- share: torrent.ratio.toFixed(3),
- announce: torrent.next_announce.toTime(),
- tracker_status: torrent.tracker_status,
- downspeed: torrent.download_payload_rate.toSpeed(),
- upspeed: torrent.upload_payload_rate.toSpeed(),
- eta: torrent.eta.toTime(),
- pieces: torrent.num_pieces + ' (' + torrent.piece_length.toBytes() + ')',
- seeders: torrent.num_seeds + ' (' + torrent.total_seeds + ')',
- peers: torrent.num_peers + ' (' + torrent.total_peers + ')',
- avail: torrent.distributed_copies.toFixed(3),
- active_time: torrent.active_time.toTime(),
- seeding_time: torrent.seeding_time.toTime(),
- seed_rank: torrent.seed_rank
- }
- if (torrent.is_auto_managed) {data.auto_managed = 'True'}
- else {data.auto_managed = 'False'}
- this.element.getElements('dd').each(function(item) {
- item.set('text', data[item.getProperty('class')])
- }, this)
- }
-Deluge.Widgets.DetailsPage = new Class({
- Extends: Widgets.TabPage,
- options: {
- url: '/template/render/html/tab_details.html'
- },
- initialize: function() {
- this.parent('Details')
- },
- update: function(torrent) {
- var data = {
- torrent_name: torrent.name,
- hash: torrent.id,
- path: torrent.save_path,
- size: torrent.total_size.toBytes(),
- files: torrent.num_files,
- status: torrent.tracker_status,
- tracker: torrent.tracker
- }
- this.element.getElements('dd').each(function(item) {
- item.set('text', data[item.getProperty('class')])
- }, this)
- }
-Deluge.Widgets.FilesGrid = new Class({
- Extends: Widgets.DataGrid,
- options: {
- columns: [
- {name: 'filename',text: 'Filename',type:'text',width: 350},
- {name: 'size',text: 'Size',type:'bytes',width: 80},
- {name: 'progress',text: 'Progress',type:'progress',width: 180},
- {name: 'priority',text: 'Priority',type:'icon',width: 150}
- ]
- },
- priority_texts: {
- 0: 'Do Not Download',
- 1: 'Normal Priority',
- 2: 'High Priority',
- 5: 'Highest Priority'
- },
- priority_icons: {
- 0: '/static/images/tango/process-stop.png',
- 1: '/template/static/icons/16/gtk-yes.png',
- 2: '/static/images/tango/queue-down.png',
- 5: '/static/images/tango/go-bottom.png'
- },
- initialize: function(element, options) {
- this.parent(element, options)
- var menu = new Widgets.PopupMenu()
- $A([0,1,2,5]).each(function(index) {
- menu.add({
- type:'text',
- action: index,
- text: this.priority_texts[index],
- icon: this.priority_icons[index]
- })
- }, this)
- menu.addEvent('action', function(e) {
- e = {
- action: e.action,
- torrentId: menu.row.torrentId
- }
- this.fireEvent('menuAction', e)
- }.bind(this))
- this.addEvent('row_menu', function(e) {
- e.stop()
- menu.row = e.row
- menu.show(e)
- })
- },
- clear: function() {
- this.rows.empty()
- this.body.empty()
- this.render()
- },
- update_files: function(torrent) {
- torrent.files.each(function(file) {
- var p = torrent.file_priorities[file.index]
- var priority = {text:this.priority_texts[p], icon:this.priority_icons[p]}
- var percent = torrent.file_progress[file.index]*100.0;
- row = {
- id: torrent.id + '-' + file.index,
- data: {
- filename: file.path,
- size: file.size,
- progress: {percent: percent, text: percent.toFixed(2) + '%'},
- priority: priority
- },
- fileIndex: file.index,
- torrentId: torrent.id
- }
- if (this.has(row.id)) {
- this.updateRow(row, true)
- } else {
- this.addRow(row, true)
- }
- }, this)
- this.render()
- }
-Deluge.Widgets.FilesPage = new Class({
- Extends: Widgets.TabPage,
- options: {
- url: '/template/render/html/tab_files.html'
- },
- initialize: function(el) {
- this.parent('Files')
- this.torrentId = -1
- this.addEvent('loaded', this.loaded.bindWithEvent(this))
- this.addEvent('resize', this.resized.bindWithEvent(this))
- },
- loaded: function(event) {
- this.grid = new Deluge.Widgets.FilesGrid('files')
- this.grid.addEvent('menuAction', this.menu_action.bindWithEvent(this))
- if (this.been_resized) {
- this.resized(this.been_resized)
- delete this.been_resized
- }
- },
- resize_check: function(event) {
- },
- resized: function(e) {
- if (!this.grid) {
- this.been_resized = e;
- return
- }
- this.element.getPadding()
- this.grid.sets({
- width: e.width - this.element.padding.x,
- height: e.height - this.element.padding.y
- })
- },
- menu_action: function(e) {
- this.fireEvent('menuAction', e)
- },
- update: function(torrent) {
- if (this.torrentId != torrent.id) {
- this.torrentId = torrent.id
- this.grid.rows.empty()
- this.grid.body.empty()
- }
- this.grid.update_files(torrent)
- }
-Deluge.Widgets.PeersPage = new Class({
- Extends: Widgets.TabPage,
- options: {
- url: '/template/render/html/tab_peers.html'
- },
- initialize: function(el) {
- this.parent('Peers')
- this.addEvent('resize', this.resized.bindWithEvent(this))
- this.addEvent('loaded', this.loaded.bindWithEvent(this))
- },
- loaded: function(event) {
- this.grid = new Widgets.DataGrid($('peers'), {
- columns: [
- {name: 'country',type:'image',width: 20},
- {name: 'address',text: 'Address',type:'text',width: 80},
- {name: 'client',text: 'Client',type:'text',width: 180},
- {name: 'downspeed',text: 'Down Speed',type:'speed',width: 100},
- {name: 'upspeed',text: 'Up Speed',type:'speed',width: 100},
- ]})
- this.torrentId = -1
- if (this.been_resized) {
- this.resized(this.been_resized)
- delete this.been_resized
- }
- },
- resized: function(e) {
- if (!this.grid) {
- this.been_resized = e;
- return
- }
- this.element.getPadding()
- this.grid.sets({
- width: e.width - this.element.padding.x,
- height: e.height - this.element.padding.y
- })
- },
- update: function(torrent) {
- if (this.torrentId != torrent.id) {
- this.torrentId = torrent.id
- this.grid.rows.empty()
- this.grid.body.empty()
- }
- var peers = []
- torrent.peers.each(function(peer) {
- if (peer.country.strip() != '') {
- peer.country = '/pixmaps/flags/' + peer.country.toLowerCase() + '.png'
- } else {
- peer.country = '/templates/static/images/spacer.gif'
- }
- row = {
- id: peer.ip,
- data: {
- country: peer.country,
- address: peer.ip,
- client: peer.client,
- downspeed: peer.down_speed,
- upspeed: peer.up_speed
- }
- }
- if (this.grid.has(row.id)) {
- this.grid.updateRow(row, true)
- } else {
- this.grid.addRow(row, true)
- }
- peers.include(peer.ip)
- }, this)
- this.grid.rows.each(function(row) {
- if (!peers.contains(row.id)) {
- row.element.destroy()
- this.grid.rows.erase(row)
- }
- }, this)
- this.grid.render()
- }
-Deluge.Widgets.OptionsPage = new Class({
- Extends: Widgets.TabPage,
- options: {
- url: '/template/render/html/tab_options.html'
- },
- initialize: function() {
- if (!this.element)
- this.parent('Options');
- this.addEvent('loaded', function(event) {
- this.loaded(event)
- }.bindWithEvent(this))
- },
- loaded: function(event) {
- this.bound = {
- apply: this.apply.bindWithEvent(this),
- reset: this.reset.bindWithEvent(this)
- }
- this.form = this.element.getElement('form');
- this.changed = new Hash()
- this.form.getElements('input').each(function(el) {
- if (el.type == 'button') return;
- el.focused = false
- el.addEvent('change', function(e) {
- if (!this.changed[this.torrentId])
- this.changed[this.torrentId] = {}
- if (el.type == 'checkbox')
- this.changed[this.torrentId][el.name] = el.checked;
- else
- this.changed[this.torrentId][el.name] = el.value;
- }.bindWithEvent(this));
- el.addEvent('focus', function(e) {
- el.focused = true;
- });
- el.addEvent('blur', function(e) {
- el.focused = false;
- });
- }, this);
- this.form.apply.addEvent('click', this.bound.apply);
- this.form.reset.addEvent('click', this.bound.reset);
- },
- apply: function(event) {
- if (!this.torrentId) return
- var changed = this.changed[this.torrentId]
- if ($defined(changed['is_auto_managed'])) {
- changed['auto_managed'] = changed['is_auto_managed']
- delete changed['is_auto_managed']
- }
- Deluge.Client.set_torrent_options(this.torrentId, changed, {
- onSuccess: function(event) {
- delete this.changed[this.torrentId]
- }.bindWithEvent(this)
- })
- },
- reset: function(event) {
- if (this.torrentId) {
- delete this.changed[this.torrentId]
- }
- Deluge.Client.get_torrent_status(this.torrentId, Deluge.Keys.Options, {
- onSuccess: function(torrent) {
- torrent.id = this.torrentId
- this.update(torrent)
- }.bindWithEvent(this)
- })
- },
- update: function(torrent) {
- this.torrentId = torrent.id;
- $each(torrent, function(value, key) {
- var changed = this.changed[this.torrentId]
- if (changed && $defined(changed[key])) return;
- var type = $type(value);
- if (type == 'boolean') {
- this.form[key].checked = value;
- } else {
- if (!this.form[key].focused)
- this.form[key].value = value;
- };
- if (key == 'private' && value == 0) {
- this.form[key].disabled = true
- this.form[key].getParent().addClass('opt-disabled')
- }
- }, this);
- }
-Deluge.Widgets.Toolbar = new Class({
- Implements: Events,
- Extends: Widgets.Base,
- initialize: function() {
- this.parent($('toolbar'))
- this.buttons = this.element.getFirst()
- this.info = this.element.getLast()
- this.buttons.getElements('li').each(function(el) {
- el.addEvent('click', function(e) {
- e.action = el.id
- this.fireEvent('button_click', e)
- }.bind(this))
- }, this)
- }
-Deluge.Widgets.StatusBar = new Class({
- Extends: Widgets.Base,
- initialize: function() {
- this.parent($('status'));
- this.element.getElements('li').each(function(el) {
- this[el.id] = el;
- }, this);
- },
- update: function(stats) {
- this.connections.set('text', stats.num_connections);
- this.downspeed.set('text', stats.download_rate.toSpeed());
- this.upspeed.set('text', stats.upload_rate.toSpeed());
- this.dht.set('text', stats.dht_nodes);
- }
-Deluge.Widgets.TorrentGrid = new Class({
- Extends: Widgets.DataGrid,
- options: {
- columns: [
- {name: 'number',text: '#',type:'number',width: 20},
- {name: 'name',text: 'Name',type:'icon',width: 350},
- {name: 'size',text: 'Size',type:'bytes',width: 80},
- {name: 'progress',text: 'Progress',type:'progress',width: 180},
- {name: 'seeders',text: 'Seeders',type:'text',width: 80},
- {name: 'peers',text: 'Peers',type:'text',width: 80},
- {name: 'down',text: 'Down Speed',type:'speed',width: 100},
- {name: 'up',text: 'Up Speed',type:'speed',width: 100},
- {name: 'eta',text: 'ETA',type:'time',width: 80},
- {name: 'ratio',text: 'Ratio',type:'number',width: 60},
- {name: 'avail',text: 'Avail.',type:'number',width: 60}
- ]
- },
- icons: {
- 'Downloading': '/pixmaps/downloading16.png',
- 'Seeding': '/pixmaps/seeding16.png',
- 'Queued': '/pixmaps/queued16.png',
- 'Paused': '/pixmaps/inactive16.png',
- 'Error': '/pixmaps/alert16.png',
- 'Checking': '/pixmaps/inactive16.png'
- },
- get_selected_torrents: function() {
- var torrentIds = [];
- this.get_selected().each(function(row) {
- torrentIds.include(row.id);
- });
- return torrentIds;
- },
- set_torrent_filter: function(state) {
- state = state.replace(' ', '');
- this.filterer = function (r) {
- if (r.torrent.state == state) { return true } else { return false };
- };
- this.render();
- },
- update_torrents: function(torrents) {
- torrents.getKeys().each(function(torrentId) {
- var torrent = torrents[torrentId]
- var torrentIds = torrents.getKeys()
- if (torrent.queue == -1) {var queue = ''}
- else {var queue = torrent.queue + 1}
- var icon = this.icons[torrent.state]
- row = {
- id: torrentId,
- data: {
- number: queue,
- name: {text: torrent.name, icon: icon},
- size: torrent.total_size,
- progress: {percent: torrent.progress, text:torrent.state + ' ' + torrent.progress.toFixed(2) + '%'},
- seeders: torrent.num_seeds + ' (' + torrent.total_seeds + ')',
- peers: torrent.num_peers + ' (' + torrent.total_peers + ')',
- down: torrent.download_payload_rate,
- up: torrent.upload_payload_rate,
- eta: torrent.eta,
- ratio: torrent.ratio.toFixed(3),
- avail: torrent.distributed_copies.toFixed(3)
- },
- torrent: torrent
- }
- if (this.has(row.id)) {
- this.updateRow(row, true)
- } else {
- this.addRow(row, true)
- }
- this.rows.each(function(row) {
- if (!torrentIds.contains(row.id)) {
- row.element.destroy()
- this.rows.erase(row.id)
- }
- }, this)
- }, this)
- this.render()
- }
-Deluge.Widgets.Labels = new Class({
- Extends: Widgets.Base,
- regex: /([\w]+)\s\((\d)\)/,
- initialize: function() {
- this.parent($('labels'))
- this.bound = {
- resized: this.resized.bindWithEvent(this),
- clickedState: this.clickedState.bindWithEvent(this)
- }
- this.list = new Element('ul')
- this.element.grab(this.list)
- this.addStates()
- this.state = 'All'
- this.islabels = false;
- this.addEvent('resize', this.resized)
- },
- addStates: function() {
- this.list.grab(new Element('li').set('text', 'All').addClass('all').addClass('activestate'))
- this.list.grab(new Element('li').set('text', 'Downloading').addClass('downloading'))
- this.list.grab(new Element('li').set('text', 'Seeding').addClass('seeding'))
- this.list.grab(new Element('li').set('text', 'Queued').addClass('queued'))
- this.list.grab(new Element('li').set('text', 'Paused').addClass('paused'))
- this.list.grab(new Element('li').set('text', 'Error').addClass('error'))
- this.list.grab(new Element('li').set('text', 'Checking').addClass('checking'))
- this.list.grab(new Element('hr'))
- },
- addLabel: function(name) {
- },
- clickedState: function(e) {
- if (this.islabels) {
- var old = this.list.getElement('.' + this.state.toLowerCase())
- old.removeClass('activestate')
- this.state = e.target.get('text').match(/^(\w+)/)[1]
- e.target.addClass('activestate')
- this.fireEvent('stateChanged', this.state)
- } else {
- }
- },
- update: function(filters) {
- if (filters.state.length == 1)
- this.updateNoLabels(filters);
- else
- this.updateLabels(filters)
- },
- updateNoLabels: function(filters) {
- this.islabels = false;
- },
- updateLabels: function(filters) {
- this.islabels = true;
- $each(filters.state, function(state) {
- var el = this.list.getElement('.' + state[0].toLowerCase())
- if (!el) return
- el.set('text', state[0] + ' (' + state[1] + ')')
- el.removeEvent('click', this.bound.clickedState)
- el.addEvent('click', this.bound.clickedState)
- }, this)
- },
- resized: function(event) {
- var height = this.element.getInnerSize().y;
- this.list.getSizeModifiers();
- height -= this.list.modifiers.y;
- this.list.setStyle('height', height)
- }
-Deluge.Widgets.AddWindow = new Class({
- Extends: Widgets.Window,
- options: {
- width: 400,
- height: 200,
- title: 'Add Torrent',
- url: '/template/render/html/window_add_torrent.html'
- },
- initialize: function() {
- this.parent()
- this.addEvent('loaded', this.loaded.bindWithEvent(this))
- },
- loaded: function(event) {
- this.formfile = this.content.getChildren()[0];
- this.formurl = this.content.getChildren()[1];
- this.formurl.addEvent('submit', function(e) {
- e.stop();
- Deluge.Client.add_torrent_url(this.formurl.url.value, '', {})
- this.hide()
- }.bindWithEvent(this))
- }
-Deluge.Widgets.PreferencesCategory = new Class({
- Extends: Widgets.TabPage,
-Deluge.Widgets.PluginPreferencesCategory = new Class({
- Extends: Deluge.Widgets.PreferencesCategory
-Deluge.Widgets.GenericPreferences = new Class({
- Extends: Deluge.Widgets.PreferencesCategory,
- initialize: function(name, options) {
- this.parent(name, options)
- this.core = true;
- this.addEvent('loaded', function(e) {
- this.form = this.element.getElement('form');
- }.bindWithEvent(this));
- },
- update: function(config) {
- this.fireEvent('beforeUpdate');
- this.original = config;
- this.changed = new Hash();
- this.inputs = this.form.getElements('input, select');
- this.inputs.each(function(input) {
- if (!input.name) return;
- if (!$defined(config[input.name])) return;
- if (input.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'select') {
- var value = config[input.name].toString();
- input.getElements('option').each(function(option) {
- if (option.value == value) {
- option.selected = true;
- }
- });
- } else if (input.type == 'text') {
- input.value = config[input.name];
- } else if (input.type == 'checkbox') {
- input.checked = config[input.name];
- } else if (input.type == 'radio') {
- var value = config[input.name].toString()
- if (input.value == value) {
- input.checked = true;
- }
- }
- input.addEvent('change', function(el) {
- if (input.type == 'checkbox') {
- if (this.original[input.name] == input.checked) {
- if (this.changed[input.name])
- delete this.changed[input.name];
- } else {
- this.changed[input.name] = input.checked
- }
- } else {
- if (this.original[input.name] == input.value) {
- if (this.changed[input.name])
- delete this.changed[input.name];
- } else {
- this.changed[input.name] = input.value;
- }
- }
- }.bindWithEvent(this))
- }, this);
- this.fireEvent('update');
- },
- getConfig: function() {
- changed = {}
- this.changed.each(function(value, key) {
- var type = $type(this.original[key]);
- if (type == 'number') {
- changed[key] = Number(value);
- } else if (type == 'string') {
- changed[key] = String(value);
- } else if (type == 'boolean') {
- changed[key] = Boolean(value);
- }
- }, this);
- return changed;
- }
-Deluge.Widgets.WebUIPreferences = new Class({
- Extends: Deluge.Widgets.GenericPreferences,
- options: {
- url: '/template/render/html/preferences_webui.html'
- },
- initialize: function() {
- this.parent('Web UI');
- this.core = false;
- this.addEvent('beforeUpdate', this.beforeUpdate.bindWithEvent(this));
- this.addEvent('update', this.updated.bindWithEvent(this));
- },
- beforeUpdate: function(event) {
- var templates = Deluge.Client.get_webui_templates({async: false});
- this.form.template.empty();
- templates.each(function(template) {
- var option = new Element('option');
- option.set('text', template);
- this.form.template.grab(option);
- }, this);
- },
- updated: function(event) {
- if (this.form.template.value != 'ajax')
- this.form.theme.disabled = true;
- else
- this.form.theme.disabled = false;
- var theme = this.form.theme.getElement('option[value="' + Cookie.read('theme') + '"]')
- theme.selected = true
- this.form.template.addEvent('change', function(e) {
- if (this.form.template.value != 'ajax') {
- this.form.theme.disabled = true;
- this.form.theme.addClass('disabled')
- this.form.getElementById('lbl_theme').addClass('disabled')
- } else {
- this.form.theme.disabled = false;
- this.form.getElementById('lbl_theme').removeClass('disabled')
- this.form.theme.removeClass('disabled')
- }
- }.bindWithEvent(this));
- },
- apply: function() {
- Deluge.UI.setTheme(this.form.theme.value);
- Deluge.Client.set_webui_config(this.changed, {
- onSuccess: function(e) {
- if (this.changed['template']) location.reload(true);
- }.bindWithEvent(this)
- });
- }
-Deluge.Widgets.PreferencesWindow = new Class({
- Extends: Widgets.Window,
- options: {
- width: 500,
- height: 430,
- title: 'Preferences',
- url: '/template/render/html/window_preferences.html'
- },
- initialize: function() {
- this.parent();
- this.categories = [];
- this.currentPage = -1;
- this.addEvent('loaded', this.loaded.bindWithEvent(this));
- this.addEvent('beforeShow', this.beforeShown.bindWithEvent(this));
- },
- loaded: function(event) {
- this.catlist = this.content.getElement('.categories ul');
- this.pages = this.content.getElement('.pref_pages');
- this.title = this.pages.getElement('h3');
- this.reset = this.content.getElement('.buttons .reset');
- this.apply = this.content.getElement('.buttons .apply');
- this.apply.addEvent('click', this.applied.bindWithEvent(this));
- this.webui = new Deluge.Widgets.WebUIPreferences();
- this.download = new Deluge.Widgets.GenericPreferences('Download', {
- url: '/template/render/html/preferences_download.html'
- });
- this.network = new Deluge.Widgets.GenericPreferences('Network', {
- url: '/template/render/html/preferences_network.html'
- });
- this.bandwidth = new Deluge.Widgets.GenericPreferences('Bandwidth', {
- url: '/template/render/html/preferences_bandwidth.html'
- });
- this.daemon = new Deluge.Widgets.GenericPreferences('Daemon', {
- url: '/template/render/html/preferences_daemon.html'
- });
- this.queue = new Deluge.Widgets.GenericPreferences('Queue', {
- url: '/template/render/html/preferences_queue.html'
- });
- this.addCategory(this.webui);
- this.addCategory(this.download);
- this.addCategory(this.network);
- this.addCategory(this.bandwidth);
- this.addCategory(this.daemon);
- this.addCategory(this.queue);
- },
- addCategory: function(category) {
- this.categories.include(category);
- var categoryIndex = this.categories.indexOf(category);
- var tab = new Element('li');
- tab.set('text', category.name);
- tab.addEvent('click', function(e) {
- this.select(categoryIndex);
- }.bindWithEvent(this));
- category.tab = tab;
- this.catlist.grab(tab);
- this.pages.grab(category.addClass('deluge-prefs-page'));
- if (this.currentPage < 0) {
- this.currentPage = categoryIndex;
- this.select(categoryIndex);
- };
- },
- select: function(id) {
- this.categories[this.currentPage].removeClass('deluge-prefs-page-active');
- this.categories[this.currentPage].tab.removeClass('deluge-prefs-active');
- this.categories[id].addClass('deluge-prefs-page-active');
- this.categories[id].tab.addClass('deluge-prefs-active');
- this.title.set('text', this.categories[id].name);
- this.currentPage = id;
- this.fireEvent('pageChanged');
- },
- applied: function(event) {
- var config = {};
- this.categories.each(function(category) {
- config = $merge(config, category.getConfig());
- });
- if ($defined(config['end_listen_port']) || $defined(config['start_listen_port'])) {
- var startport = $pick(config['start_listen_port'], this.config['listen_ports'][0]);
- var endport = $pick(config['end_listen_port'], this.config['listen_ports'][1]);
- delete config['end_listen_port'];
- delete config['start_listen_port'];
- config['listen_ports'] = [startport, endport];
- }
- if ($defined(config['end_outgoing_port']) || $defined(config['start_outgoing_port'])) {
- var startport = $pick(config['start_outgoing_port'], this.config['outgoing_ports'][0]);
- var endport = $pick(config['end_outgoing_port'], this.config['outgoing_ports'][1]);
- delete config['end_outgoing_port'];
- delete config['start_outgoing_port'];
- config['outgoing_ports'] = [startport, endport];
- }
- Deluge.Client.set_config(config, {
- onSuccess: function(e) {
- this.hide();
- }.bindWithEvent(this)
- });
- this.webui.apply();
- },
- beforeShown: function(event) {
- // we want this to be blocking
- this.config = Deluge.Client.get_config({async: false});
- // Unfortunately we have to modify the listen ports preferences
- // in order to not have to modify the generic preferences class.
- this.config['start_listen_port'] = this.config['listen_ports'][0];
- this.config['end_listen_port'] = this.config['listen_ports'][1];
- this.config['start_outgoing_port'] = this.config['outgoing_ports'][0];
- this.config['end_outgoing_port'] = this.config['outgoing_ports'][1];
- // Iterate through the pages and set the fields
- this.categories.each(function(category) {
- if (category.update && category.core) category.update(this.config);
- }, this);
- // Update the config for the webui pages.
- var webconfig = Deluge.Client.get_webui_config({async: false});
- this.webui.update(webconfig);
- }
-Deluge.UI = {
- initialize: function() {
- this.torrents = {};
- this.torrentIds = [];
- Deluge.Client = new JSON.RPC('/json/rpc');
- var theme = Cookie.read('theme');
- if (theme) this.setTheme(theme);
- else this.setTheme('classic');
- this.bound = {
- updated: this.updated.bindWithEvent(this),
- resized: this.resized.bindWithEvent(this),
- toolbar_click: this.toolbar_click.bindWithEvent(this),
- file_priorities: this.file_priorities.bindWithEvent(this),
- labelsChanged: this.labelsChanged.bindWithEvent(this)
- };
- this.loadUi.delay(100, this);
- },
- loadUi: function() {
- this.vbox = new Widgets.VBox('page', {expand: true});
- this.toolbar = new Deluge.Widgets.Toolbar();
- this.addWindow = new Deluge.Widgets.AddWindow();
- this.prefsWindow = new Deluge.Widgets.PreferencesWindow();
- this.statusbar = new Deluge.Widgets.StatusBar();
- this.labels = new Deluge.Widgets.Labels()
- this.details = new Deluge.Widgets.Details()
- this.initialize_grid()
- this.split_horz = new Widgets.SplitPane('top', this.labels, this.grid, {
- pane1: {min: 150},
- pane2: {min: 100, expand: true}
- });
- var details = $W('details')
- this.split_vert = new Widgets.SplitPane('main', this.split_horz, details, {
- direction: 'vertical',
- pane1: {min: 100, expand: true},
- pane2: {min: 200}
- });
- this.vbox.addBox(this.toolbar, {fixed: true});
- this.vbox.addBox(this.split_vert);
- this.vbox.addBox(this.statusbar, {fixed: true});
- this.vbox.calculatePositions();
- this.details.expand()
- this.toolbar.addEvent('button_click', this.bound.toolbar_click);
- this.details.addEvent('filesAction', this.bound.file_priorities)
- this.labels.addEvent('stateChanged', this.bound.labelsChanged)
- details.addEvent('resize', function(e) {
- this.details.expand()
- }.bindWithEvent(this))
- window.addEvent('resize', this.bound.resized);
- Deluge.UI.update();
- this.overlay = $('overlay').dispose();
- },
- initialize_grid: function() {
- this.grid = new Deluge.Widgets.TorrentGrid('torrents')
- var menu = new Widgets.PopupMenu()
- menu.add([
- {type:'text',action:'pause',text:'Pause',icon:'/static/images/tango/pause.png'},
- {type:'text',action:'resume',text:'Resume',icon:'/static/images/tango/start.png'},
- {type:'seperator'},
- {type:'submenu',text:'Options',icon:'/static/images/tango/preferences-system.png',items: [
- {type:'submenu',text:'D/L Speed Limit',icon:'/pixmaps/downloading16.png',items: [
- {type:'text',action:'max_download_speed',value:5,text:'5 KiB/s'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_download_speed',value:10,text:'10 KiB/s'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_download_speed',value:30,text:'30 KiB/s'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_download_speed',value:80,text:'80 KiB/s'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_download_speed',value:300,text:'300 KiB/s'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_download_speed',value:-1,text:'Unlimited'}
- ]},
- {type:'submenu',text:'U/L Speed Limit',icon:'/pixmaps/seeding16.png',items: [
- {type:'text',action:'max_upload_speed',value:5,text:'5 KiB/s'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_upload_speed',value:10,text:'10 KiB/s'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_upload_speed',value:30,text:'30 KiB/s'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_upload_speed',value:80,text:'80 KiB/s'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_upload_speed',value:300,text:'300 KiB/s'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_upload_speed',value:-1,text:'Unlimited'}
- ]},
- {type:'submenu',text:'Connection Limit',icon:'/static/images/tango/connections.png',items: [
- {type:'text',action:'max_connections',value:50,text:'50'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_connections',value:100,text:'100'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_connections',value:200,text:'200'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_connections',value:300,text:'300'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_connections',value:500,text:'500'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_connections',value:-1,text:'Unlimited'}
- ]},
- {type:'submenu',text:'Upload Slot Limit',icon:'/template/static/icons/16/view-sort-ascending.png',items: [
- {type:'text',action:'max_upload_slots',value:0,text:'0'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_upload_slots',value:1,text:'1'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_upload_slots',value:2,text:'2'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_upload_slots',value:3,text:'3'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_upload_slots',value:5,text:'5'},
- {type:'text',action:'max_upload_slots',value:-1,text:'Unlimited'}
- ]},
- {type:'toggle',action:'auto_managed',value:false,text:'Auto Managed'}
- ]},
- {type:'seperator'},
- {type:'submenu',text:'Queue',icon:'/template/static/icons/16/view-sort-descending.png',items:[
- {type:'text',action:'top',text:'Top',icon:'/static/images/tango/go-top.png'},
- {type:'text',action:'up',text:'Up',icon:'/static/images/tango/queue-up.png'},
- {type:'text',action:'down',text:'Down',icon:'/static/images/tango/queue-down.png'},
- {type:'text',action:'bottom',text:'Bottom',icon:'/static/images/tango/go-bottom.png'}
- ]},
- {type: 'seperator'},
- {type:'text',action:'update_tracker',text:'Update Tracker',icon:'/template/static/icons/16/view-refresh.png'},
- {type:'text',action:'edit_trackers',text:'Edit Trackers',icon:'/template/static/icons/16/gtk-edit.png'},
- {type:'seperator'},
- {type:'submenu',action:'remove',value:0,text:'Remove Torrent',icon:'/static/images/tango/list-remove.png', items:[
- {type:'text',action:'remove',value:0,text:'From Session'},
- {type:'text',action:'remove',value:1,text:'... and delete Torrent file'},
- {type:'text',action:'remove',value:2,text:'... and delete Downloaded files'},
- {type:'text',action:'remove',value:3,text:'... and delete All files'}
- ]},
- {type:'seperator'},
- {type:'text',action:'force_recheck',text:'Force Recheck',icon:'/static/images/tango/edit-redo.png'},
- {type:'text',action:'move_storage',text:'Move Storage',icon:'/static/images/tango/move.png'}
- ]);
- menu.addEvent('action', function(e) {
- this.torrent_action(e.action, e.value)
- }.bind(this))
- this.grid.addEvent('row_menu', function(e) {
- e.stop()
- var value = this.grid.selectedRow.torrent.is_auto_managed;
- menu.items[3].items[4].set(value)
- menu.torrent_id = e.row_id
- menu.show(e)
- }.bindWithEvent(this))
- this.grid.addEvent('selectedchanged', function(e) {
- if ($chk(this.grid.selectedRow))
- this.details.update(this.grid.selectedRow.id);
- else
- this.details.update(null);
- }.bindWithEvent(this))
- },
- setTheme: function(name, fn) {
- if (this.overlay) {
- this.overlay.inject(document.body);
- }
- this.theme = name;
- if (this.themecss) this.themecss.destroy();
- this.themecss = new Asset.css('/template/static/themes/' + name + '/style.css');
- Cookie.write('theme', name);
- if (this.overlay) {
- var refresh = function() {
- this.vbox.refresh();
- this.vbox.calculatePositions();
- this.overlay.dispose();
- }.bind(this);
- var check = function() {
- if (document.styleSheets[2]) {
- if (document.styleSheets[2].href == this.themecss.href) {
- refresh();
- $clear(check);
- }
- }
- }.periodical(50, this);
- };
- },
- run: function() {
- if (!this.running) {
- this.running = this.update.periodical(2000, this);
- }
- },
- stop: function() {
- if (this.running) {
- $clear(this.running);
- this.running = false;
- }
- },
- update: function() {
- filter = {}
- if (this.labels.state != 'All') filter.state = this.labels.state
- Deluge.Client.update_ui(Deluge.Keys.Grid, filter, {
- onSuccess: this.bound.updated
- })
- },
- updated: function(data) {
- this.torrents = new Hash(data.torrents);
- this.stats = data.stats;
- this.filters = data.filters
- this.torrents.each(function(torrent, torrent_id) {
- torrent.id = torrent_id;
- })
- this.grid.update_torrents(this.torrents);
- this.statusbar.update(this.stats);
- if ($chk(this.grid.selectedRow))
- this.details.update(this.grid.selectedRow.id);
- else
- this.details.update(null);
- this.labels.update(this.filters)
- },
- file_priorities: function(event) {
- Deluge.Client.get_torrent_status(event.torrentId, ['file_priorities'], {
- onSuccess: function(result) {
- var priorities = result.file_priorities
- priorities.each(function(priority, index) {
- if (event.files.contains(index)) priorities[index] = event.action
- })
- Deluge.Client.set_torrent_file_priorities(event.torrentId, priorities, {
- onSuccess: function(response) {
- this.details.update(event.torrentId)
- }.bindWithEvent(this)
- })
- }.bindWithEvent(this)
- })
- },
- resized: function(event) {
- this.vbox.calculatePositions();
- },
- toolbar_click: function(event) {
- this.torrent_action(event.action);
- },
- labelsChanged: function(event) {
- this.update()
- },
- torrent_action: function(action, value) {
- var torrentIds = this.grid.get_selected_torrents()
- switch (action) {
- case 'resume':
- Deluge.Client.resume_torrent(torrentIds)
- break;
- case 'pause':
- Deluge.Client.pause_torrent(torrentIds)
- break;
- case 'top':
- Deluge.Client.queue_top(torrentIds)
- break;
- case 'up':
- Deluge.Client.queue_up(torrentIds)
- break;
- case 'down':
- Deluge.Client.queue_down(torrentIds)
- break;
- case 'bottom':
- Deluge.Client.queue_bottom(torrentIds)
- break;
- case 'force_recheck':
- Deluge.Client.force_recheck(torrentIds)
- break;
- case 'update_tracker':
- Deluge.Client.force_reannounce(torrentIds)
- break;
- case 'max_download_speed':
- torrentIds.each(function(torrentId) {
- Deluge.Client.set_torrent_max_download_speed(torrentId, value.toInt())
- })
- break;
- case 'max_upload_speed':
- torrentIds.each(function(torrentId) {
- Deluge.Client.set_torrent_max_upload_speed(torrentId, value.toInt())
- })
- break;
- case 'max_connections':
- torrentIds.each(function(torrentId) {
- Deluge.Client.set_torrent_max_connections(torrentId, value.toInt())
- })
- break;
- case 'max_upload_slots':
- torrentIds.each(function(torrentId) {
- Deluge.Client.set_torrent_max_upload_slots(torrentId, value.toInt())
- })
- break;
- case 'auto_managed':
- torrentIds.each(function(torrentId) {
- Deluge.Client.set_torrent_auto_managed(torrentId, value)
- })
- break;
- case 'add':
- this.addWindow.show()
- break;
- case 'remove':
- var removeTorrent = false, removeFiles = false;
- if (value == 1) removeTorrent = true;
- else if (value == 2) removeFiles = true;
- else if (value > 3) {
- removeTorrent = true;
- removeFiles = true;
- }
- Deluge.Client.remove_torrent(torrentIds, removeTorrent, removeFiles);
- break;
- case 'preferences':
- this.prefsWindow.show()
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- this.update()
- }
-window.addEvent('domready', function(e) {
- Deluge.UI.initialize();
- Deluge.UI.run();
diff --git a/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/mooui.js b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/mooui.js
index 0c2773dc8..5802a0fe7 100644
--- a/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/mooui.js
+++ b/deluge/ui/webui/templates/ajax/static/js/mooui.js
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ Array.implement({
getInnerSize: function() {
- if ((/^(?:body|html)$/i).test(this.tagName)) return this.getWindow().getSize();
+ if ((/^(?:body|html)$/i).test(this.tagName)) return window.getSize();
return {x: this.clientWidth - this.padding.x, y: this.clientHeight - this.padding.y};
@@ -1479,4 +1479,4 @@ Widgets.DataGrid = new Class({
if (!noRender) this.render()
\ No newline at end of file