diff --git a/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/config.py b/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/config.py
index d8b6f5ae1..b590e9b25 100644
--- a/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/config.py
+++ b/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/config.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
# this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception
# statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here.
-import lib.newforms as forms
+import lib.newforms_plus as forms
import page_decorators as deco
import lib.webpy022 as web
from webserver_common import ws
@@ -43,37 +43,7 @@ import os
groups = []
blocks = forms.utils.datastructures.SortedDict()
-class Form(forms.Form):
- info = ""
- title = "No Title"
- def __init__(self,data = None):
- if data == None:
- data = self.initial_data()
- forms.Form.__init__(self,data)
- def initial_data(self):
- "override in subclass"
- return None
- def start_save(self):
- "called by config_page"
- data = web.Storage(self.clean_data)
- self.validate(data)
- self.save(data)
- self.post_save()
- def save(self, vars):
- "override in subclass"
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def post_save(self):
- pass
- def validate(self, data):
- pass
-class WebCfgForm(Form):
+class WebCfgForm(forms.Form):
"config base for webui"
def initial_data(self):
return ws.config
@@ -82,7 +52,7 @@ class WebCfgForm(Form):
-class CookieCfgForm(Form):
+class CookieCfgForm(forms.Form):
"config base for webui"
def initial_data(self):
return ws.config
@@ -92,85 +62,13 @@ class CookieCfgForm(Form):
-class CfgForm(Form):
+class CfgForm(forms.Form):
"config base for deluge-cfg"
def initial_data(self):
return ws.proxy.get_config()
def save(self, data):
-#convenience Input Fields.
-class _IntInput(forms.TextInput):
- """
- because deluge-floats are edited as ints.
- """
- def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
- try:
- value = int(float(value))
- if value == -1:
- value = _("Unlimited")
- except:
- pass
- return forms.TextInput.render(self, name, value, attrs)
-class CheckBox(forms.BooleanField):
- "Non Required ChoiceField"
- def __init__(self,label, **kwargs):
- forms.BooleanField.__init__(self,label=label,required=False,**kwargs)
-class IntCombo(forms.ChoiceField):
- """
- choices are the display-values
- returns int for the chosen display-value.
- """
- def __init__(self, label, choices, **kwargs):
- forms.ChoiceField.__init__(self, label=label,
- choices=enumerate(choices), **kwargs)
- def clean(self, value):
- return int(forms.ChoiceField.clean(self, value))
-class DelugeInt(forms.IntegerField):
- def __init__(self, label , **kwargs):
- forms.IntegerField.__init__(self, label=label, min_value=-1,
- max_value=sys.maxint, widget=_IntInput, **kwargs)
- def clean(self, value):
- if str(value).lower() == _('Unlimited').lower():
- value = -1
- return int(forms.IntegerField.clean(self, value))
-class DelugeFloat(DelugeInt):
- def clean(self, value):
- return int(DelugeInt.clean(self, value))
-class MultipleChoice(forms.MultipleChoiceField):
- #temp/test
- def __init__(self, label, choices, **kwargs):
- forms.MultipleChoiceField.__init__(self, label=label, choices=choices,
- widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple, required=False)
-class ServerFolder(forms.CharField):
- def __init__(self, label, **kwargs):
- forms.CharField.__init__(self, label=label,**kwargs)
- def clean(self, value):
- value = value.rstrip('/').rstrip('\\')
- self.validate(value)
- return forms.CharField.clean(self, value)
- def validate(self, value):
- if (value and not os.path.isdir(value)):
- raise forms.ValidationError(_("This folder does not exist."))
-class Password(forms.CharField):
- def __init__(self, label, **kwargs):
- forms.CharField.__init__(self, label=label, widget=forms.PasswordInput,
- **kwargs)
class config_page:
web.py config page
diff --git a/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/config_tabs_deluge.py b/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/config_tabs_deluge.py
index e8489e79b..092732db8 100644
--- a/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/config_tabs_deluge.py
+++ b/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/config_tabs_deluge.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
# this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception
# statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here.
-import lib.newforms as forms
+import lib.newforms_plus as forms
import config
import utils
from webserver_common import ws
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class NetworkPorts(config.CfgForm ):
info = _("Restart daemon after changing these values.")
_port_from = forms.IntegerField(_("From"))
_port_to = forms.IntegerField(_("To"))
- random_port = config.CheckBox(_("Random"))
+ random_port = forms.CheckBox(_("Random"))
def initial_data(self):
data = config.CfgForm.initial_data(self)
@@ -63,24 +63,24 @@ config.register_block('network','ports', NetworkPorts)
class NetworkExtra(config.CfgForm ):
title = _("Extra's")
- dht = config.CheckBox(_("Mainline DHT"))
- upnp = config.CheckBox(_("UpNP"))
- natpmp = config.CheckBox(_("NAT-PMP"))
- utpex = config.CheckBox(_("Peer-Exchange"))
- lsd = config.CheckBox(_("LSD"))
+ dht = forms.CheckBox(_("Mainline DHT"))
+ upnp = forms.CheckBox(_("UpNP"))
+ natpmp = forms.CheckBox(_("NAT-PMP"))
+ utpex = forms.CheckBox(_("Peer-Exchange"))
+ lsd = forms.CheckBox(_("LSD"))
config.register_block('network','extra', NetworkExtra)
class NetworkEnc(config.CfgForm ):
title = _("Encryption")
- _enc_choices = [_("Forced"),_("Enabled"),_("Disabled")]
- _level_choices = [_("Handshake"), _("Full") , _("Either")]
+ _enc_choices = list(enumerate([_("Forced"),_("Enabled"),_("Disabled")]))
+ _level_choices = list(enumerate([_("Handshake"), _("Full") , _("Either")]))
- enc_in_policy = config.IntCombo(_("Inbound"), _enc_choices)
- enc_out_policy = config.IntCombo(_("Outbound"), _enc_choices)
- enc_level = config.IntCombo(_("Level"), _level_choices)
- enc_prefer_rc4 = config.CheckBox("Prefer to encrypt entire stream")
+ enc_in_policy = forms.IntChoiceField(_("Inbound"), _enc_choices)
+ enc_out_policy = forms.IntChoiceField(_("Outbound"), _enc_choices)
+ enc_level = forms.IntChoiceField(_("Level"), _level_choices)
+ enc_prefer_rc4 = forms.CheckBox("Prefer to encrypt entire stream")
config.register_block('network','encryption', NetworkEnc)
@@ -88,44 +88,45 @@ config.register_block('network','encryption', NetworkEnc)
class BandwithGlobal(config.CfgForm):
title = _("Global")
info = _("-1 = Unlimited")
- max_connections_global = config.DelugeInt(_("Maximum Connections"))
- max_download_speed = config.DelugeFloat(_("Maximum Download Speed (Kib/s)"))
- max_upload_speed = config.DelugeFloat(_("Maximum Upload Speed (Kib/s)"))
- max_upload_slots_global = config.DelugeInt(_("Maximum Upload Slots"))
+ max_connections_global = forms.DelugeInt(_("Maximum Connections"))
+ max_download_speed = forms.DelugeFloat(_("Maximum Download Speed (Kib/s)"))
+ max_upload_speed = forms.DelugeFloat(_("Maximum Upload Speed (Kib/s)"))
+ max_upload_slots_global = forms.DelugeInt(_("Maximum Upload Slots"))
config.register_block('bandwidth','global', BandwithGlobal)
class BandwithTorrent(config.CfgForm):
title = _("Per Torrent")
info = _("-1 = Unlimited")
- max_connections_per_torrent = config.DelugeInt(_("Maximum Connections"))
- max_upload_slots_per_torrent = config.DelugeInt(_("Maximum Upload Slots"))
+ max_connections_per_torrent = forms.DelugeInt(_("Maximum Connections"))
+ max_upload_slots_per_torrent = forms.DelugeInt(_("Maximum Upload Slots"))
config.register_block('bandwidth','torrent', BandwithTorrent)
class Download(config.CfgForm):
title = _("Download")
- download_location = config.ServerFolder(_("Store all downoads in"))
- torrentfiles_location = config.ServerFolder(_("Save .torrent files to"))
- autoadd_location = config.ServerFolder(_("Auto Add folder"), required=False)
- compact_allocation = config.CheckBox(_('Use Compact Allocation'))
- prioritize_first_last_pieces = config.CheckBox(
+ download_location = forms.ServerFolder(_("Store all downoads in"))
+ torrentfiles_location = forms.ServerFolder(_("Save .torrent files to"))
+ autoadd_location = forms.ServerFolder(_("Auto Add folder"), required=False)
+ compact_allocation = forms.CheckBox(_('Use Compact Allocation'))
+ prioritize_first_last_pieces = forms.CheckBox(
_('Prioritize first and last pieces'))
config.register_block('deluge','download', Download)
class Daemon(config.CfgForm):
title = _("Daemon")
+ info = _("Restart daemon and webui after changing these settings")
daemon_port = forms.IntegerField(_("Port"))
- allow_remote = config.CheckBox(_("Allow Remote Connections"))
+ allow_remote = forms.CheckBox(_("Allow Remote Connections"))
config.register_block('deluge','daemon', Daemon)
-class Plugins(config.Form):
+class Plugins(forms.Form):
title = _("Enabled Plugins")
_choices = [(p,p) for p in ws.proxy.get_available_plugins()]
- enabled_plugins = config.MultipleChoice(_(""), _choices)
+ enabled_plugins = forms.MultipleChoice(_(""), _choices)
def initial_data(self):
return {'enabled_plugins':ws.proxy.get_enabled_plugins()}
@@ -136,19 +137,19 @@ class Plugins(config.Form):
config.register_block('deluge','plugins', Plugins)
-class Queue(config.Form):
+class Queue(forms.Form):
title = _("Queue")
info = _("queue-cfg not finished")
- queue_top = config.CheckBox(_("Queue new torrents to top"))
- total_active = config.DelugeInt(_("Total active torrents"))
- total_seeding = config.DelugeInt(_("Total active seeding"))
- total_downloading = config.DelugeInt(_("Total active downloading"))
+ queue_top = forms.CheckBox(_("Queue new torrents to top"))
+ total_active = forms.DelugeInt(_("Total active torrents"))
+ total_seeding = forms.DelugeInt(_("Total active seeding"))
+ total_downloading = forms.DelugeInt(_("Total active downloading"))
- queue_bottom = config.CheckBox(_("Queue completed torrents to bottom"))
- stop_on_ratio = config.CheckBox(_("Stop seeding when ratio reaches"))
- stop_ratio = config.DelugeInt(_("TODO:float-edit-box"))
- remove_after_stop = config.CheckBox(_("Remve torrent when ratio reached"))
+ queue_bottom = forms.CheckBox(_("Queue completed torrents to bottom"))
+ stop_on_ratio = forms.CheckBox(_("Stop seeding when ratio reaches"))
+ stop_ratio = forms.DelugeInt(_("TODO:float-edit-box"))
+ remove_after_stop = forms.CheckBox(_("Remve torrent when ratio reached"))
def save(self, value):
raise forms.ValidationError("SAVE:TODO")
diff --git a/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/config_tabs_webui.py b/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/config_tabs_webui.py
index 5937ca699..f61aa8fa1 100644
--- a/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/config_tabs_webui.py
+++ b/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/config_tabs_webui.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
# this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception
# statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here.
-import lib.newforms as forms
+import lib.newforms_plus as forms
import config
import utils
from webserver_common import ws
@@ -41,11 +41,12 @@ class Template(config.WebCfgForm):
title = _("Template")
_templates = [(t,t) for t in ws.get_templates()]
- _button_choices = [_('Text and image'), _('Image Only'), _('Text Only')]
+ _button_choices = enumerate([_('Text and image'), _('Image Only')
+ , _('Text Only')])
template = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Template"), choices = _templates)
- button_style = config.IntCombo(_("Button style"),_button_choices)
- cache_templates = config.CheckBox(_("Cache templates"))
+ button_style = forms.IntChoiceField(_("Button style"),_button_choices)
+ cache_templates = forms.CheckBox(_("Cache templates"))
def post_save(self):
from render import render
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ class Server(config.WebCfgForm):
port = forms.IntegerField(label = _("Port"),min_value=80)
- use_https = config.CheckBox(_("Use https"))
+ use_https = forms.CheckBox(_("Use https"))
def post_save(self):
@@ -70,12 +71,12 @@ class Server(config.WebCfgForm):
#raise forms.ValidationError(
# _("Manually restart server to apply these changes."))
-class Password(config.Form):
+class Password(forms.Form):
title = _("Password")
- old_pwd = config.Password(_("Current Password"))
- new1 = config.Password(_("New Password"))
- new2 = config.Password(_("New Password (Confirm)"))
+ old_pwd = forms.Password(_("Current Password"))
+ new1 = forms.Password(_("New Password"))
+ new2 = forms.Password(_("New Password (Confirm)"))
def save(self,data):
diff --git a/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/lib/newforms/forms.py b/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/lib/newforms/forms.py
index 97f0efcb6..df4af3b54 100644
--- a/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/lib/newforms/forms.py
+++ b/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/lib/newforms/forms.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from widgets import TextInput, Textarea, HiddenInput, MultipleHiddenInput
from util import flatatt, StrAndUnicode, ErrorDict, ErrorList, ValidationError
import copy
-__all__ = ('BaseForm', 'Form')
+#__all__ = ('BaseForm', 'Form')
NON_FIELD_ERRORS = '__all__'
diff --git a/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/lib/newforms_plus.py b/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/lib/newforms_plus.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e11c56b4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deluge/ui/webui/webui_plugin/lib/newforms_plus.py
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) Martijn Voncken 2008 s."
+ return self._html_output_filtered(u' %(label)s %(field)s%(help_text)s %ss -- excluding the ."
+ return self._html_output_filtered(u'
', u'%(label)s %(errors)s%(field)s%(help_text)s ', '', u'%s
%s', False, filter)
+ def as_ul(self, filter = None):
+ "Returns this form rendered as HTML ."
+ return self._html_output_filtered(u'