tidy up and rename Remove.js to RemoveWindow.js

This commit is contained in:
Damien Churchill 2010-04-09 22:13:42 +01:00
parent 901d2d715c
commit 8bafc9f966

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@ -32,35 +32,29 @@
* @class Deluge.RemoveWindow
* @extends Ext.Window
Deluge.RemoveWindow = Ext.extend(Ext.Window, {
constructor: function(config) {
config = Ext.apply({
title: _('Remove Torrent'),
layout: 'fit',
width: 350,
height: 100,
buttonAlign: 'right',
closeAction: 'hide',
closable: true,
plain: true,
iconCls: 'x-deluge-remove-window-icon'
}, config);
Deluge.RemoveWindow.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
title: _('Remove Torrent'),
layout: 'fit',
width: 350,
height: 100,
buttonAlign: 'right',
closeAction: 'hide',
closable: true,
iconCls: 'x-deluge-remove-window-icon',
plain: true,
bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px; padding-left: 10px;',
html: 'Are you sure you wish to remove the torrent (s)?',
initComponent: function() {
this.addButton(_('Cancel'), this.onCancel, this);
this.addButton(_('Remove With Data'), this.onRemoveData, this);
this.addButton(_('Remove Torrent'), this.onRemove, this);
border: false,
bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px; padding-left: 10px;',
html: 'Are you sure you wish to remove the torrent(s)?'
remove: function(removeData) {