Rewrite (#995)

This commit is contained in:
John Garland 2010-02-21 17:20:34 +11:00
parent 8747611e9e
commit 88929d4821
5 changed files with 497 additions and 148 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
* #496: Remove deprecated functions in favour of get_session_status() * #496: Remove deprecated functions in favour of get_session_status()
* #1112: Fix renaming files in add torrent dialog * #1112: Fix renaming files in add torrent dialog
* #1247: Fix deluge-gtk from hanging on shutdown * #1247: Fix deluge-gtk from hanging on shutdown
* #995: Rewrote tracker_icons
==== Blocklist ==== ==== Blocklist ====
* Implement local blocklist support * Implement local blocklist support

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# #
# #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2008 Martijn Voncken <> # Copyright (C) 2010 John Garland <>
# #
# Deluge is free software. # Deluge is free software.
# #
@ -33,174 +33,484 @@
# #
# #
import threading
from twisted.internet import reactor
from urllib import urlopen
from deluge.log import LOG as log
from deluge.common import get_pixmap
import os import os
import deluge.configmanager from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
import deluge.component as component from urlparse import urljoin, urlparse
from tempfile import mkstemp
#some servers don't have their favicon at the expected location from twisted.internet import defer, threads
RENAMES = { from twisted.web import error
VALID_ICO_TYPES = ["octet-stream", "x-icon", "image/", "", "plain"] from deluge.component import Component
VALID_PNG_TYPES = ["octet-stream", "png"] from deluge.configmanager import get_config_dir
from deluge.httpdownloader import download_file
from deluge.decorators import proxy
from deluge.log import LOG as log
def fetch_url(url, valid_subtypes=None): try:
import PIL.Image as Image
import deluge.ui.Win32IconImagePlugin
except ImportError:
class TrackerIcon(object):
""" """
returns: data or None Represents a tracker's icon
""" """
try: def __init__(self, filename):
url_file = urlopen(url)
data =
if valid_subtypes and ( not in valid_subtypes):
raise Exception("Unexpected type for %s : %s" % (url,
if not data:
raise Exception("No data")
except Exception, e:
log.debug("%s %s" % (url, e))
return None
return data
class TrackerIcons(component.Component):
def __init__(self):
component.Component.__init__(self, "TrackerIcons")
#set image cache dir
self.image_dir = os.path.join(deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir(), "icons")
if not os.path.exists(self.image_dir):
#self.images : {tracker_host:filename}
self.images = {"DHT":get_pixmap("dht16.png" )}
#load image-names in cache-dir
for icon in os.listdir(self.image_dir):
if icon.endswith(".ico"):
self.images[icon[:-4]] = os.path.join(self.image_dir, icon)
if icon.endswith(".png"):
self.images[icon[:-4]] = os.path.join(self.image_dir, icon)
def _fetch_icon(self, tracker_host):
""" """
returns (ext, data) Initialises a new TrackerIcon object
:param filename: the filename of the icon
:type filename: string
""" """
host_name = RENAMES.get(tracker_host, tracker_host) #HACK! self.filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
self.mimetype = ext_to_mimetype(self.filename.rpartition('.')[2])
ico = fetch_url("http://%s/favicon.ico" % host_name, VALID_ICO_TYPES) = None
if ico:
return ("ico", ico)
png = fetch_url("http://%s/favicon.png" % host_name, VALID_PNG_TYPES)
if png:
return ("png", png)
# FIXME: This should be cleaned up and not copy the top code
html = urlopen("http://%s/" % (host_name,))
except Exception, e:
html = None
if html:
icon_path = ""
line = html.readline()
while line:
if '<link rel="icon"' in line or '<link rel="shortcut icon"' in line:
log.debug("line: %s", line)
icon_path = line[line.find("href"):].split("\"")[1]
line = html.readline()
if icon_path:
ico = fetch_url(("http://%s/" + icon_path) % host_name, VALID_ICO_TYPES)
if ico:
return ("ico", ico)
png = fetch_url(("http://%s/" + icon_path) % host_name, VALID_PNG_TYPES)
if png:
return ("png", png)
def __eq__(self, other):
""" """
TODO: need a test-site first... Compares this TrackerIcon with another to determine if they're equal
html = fetch_url("http://%s/" % (host_name,))
if html:
for line in html:
print line
return (None, None)
def _fetch_icon_thread(self, tracker_host, callback): :param other: the TrackerIcon to compare to
:type other: TrackerIcon
:returns: whether or not they're equal
:rtype: boolean
""" """
gets new icon from the internet. return os.path.samefile(self.filename, other.filename) or \
used by get(). self.get_mimetype() == other.get_mimetype() and \
calls callback on sucess self.get_data() == other.get_data()
assumes dicts,urllib and logging are threadsafe.
def get_mimetype(self):
""" """
Returns the mimetype of this TrackerIcon's image
ext, icon_data = self._fetch_icon(tracker_host) :returns: the mimetype of the image
:rtype: string
return self.mimetype
if icon_data: def get_data(self):
filename = os.path.join(self.image_dir, "%s.%s" % (tracker_host, ext)) """
f = open(filename,"wb") Returns the TrackerIcon's image data as a string
:returns: the image data
:rtype: string
if not
f = open(self.filename, "rb") =
f.close() f.close()
else: return
filename = None
self.images[tracker_host] = filename def get_filename(self, full=True):
if callback:
reactor.callFromThread(callback, filename)
def get_async(self, tracker_host, callback):
if tracker_host in self.images:
elif "." in tracker_host:
#only find icon if there's a dot in the name.
self.images[tracker_host] = None
threading.Thread(target=self. _fetch_icon_thread,
args=(tracker_host, callback)).start()
def get(self, tracker_host):
""" """
returns None if the icon is not fetched(yet) or not fond. Returns the TrackerIcon image's filename
:param full: an (optional) arg to indicate whether or not to
return the full path
:type full: boolean
:returns: the path of the TrackerIcon's image
:rtype: string
""" """
if not tracker_host: return self.filename if full else os.path.basename(self.filename)
return None
if tracker_host in self.images: class TrackerIcons(Component):
return self.images[tracker_host] """
A TrackerIcon factory class
def __init__(self, dir=None, noIcon=None):
Initialises a new TrackerIcons object
:param dir: the (optional) directory of where to store the icons
:type dir: string
:param noIcon: the (optional) path name of the icon to show when no icon
can be fetched
:type noIcon: string
Component.__init__(self, "TrackerIcons")
if not dir:
dir = get_config_dir("icons")
self.dir = dir
if not os.path.isdir(self.dir):
self.icons = {}
for icon in os.listdir(self.dir):
if icon != noIcon:
host = icon_name_to_host(icon)
self.icons[host] = TrackerIcon(os.path.join(self.dir, icon))
if noIcon:
self.icons[None] = TrackerIcon(noIcon)
else: else:
self.get_async(tracker_host, None) self.icons[None] = None
return None
if __name__ == "__main__": self.pending = {}
import time
def del_old():
filename = os.path.join(deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir(),"")
if os.path.exists(filename):
def test_get(): def get(self, host):
del_old() """
trackericons = TrackerIcons() Returns a TrackerIcon for the given tracker's host
print trackericons.images
print trackericons.get("unknown2")
print trackericons.get("")
print trackericons.get("")
print trackericons.get("")
print trackericons.get("")
test_get() :param host: the host to obtain the TrackerIcon for
#test_async() :type host: string
:returns: a Deferred which fires with the TrackerIcon for the given host
:rtype: Deferred
host = host.lower()
if host in self.icons:
# We already have it, so let's return it
d = defer.succeed(self.icons[host])
elif host in self.pending:
# We're in the middle of getting it
# Add ourselves to the waiting list
d = defer.Deferred()
# We need to fetch it
self.pending[host] = []
# Start callback chain
d = self.download_page(host)
d.addCallbacks(self.on_download_page_complete, self.on_download_page_fail,
d.addCallbacks(self.on_parse_complete, self.on_parse_fail,
d.addCallback(self.download_icon, host)
d.addCallbacks(self.on_download_icon_complete, self.on_download_icon_fail,
callbackArgs=(host,), errbackArgs=(host,))
d.addCallback(self.store_icon, host)
return d
def download_page(self, host, url=None):
Downloads a tracker host's page
If no url is provided, it bases the url on the host
:param host: the tracker host
:type host: string
:param url: the (optional) url of the host
:type url: string
:returns: the filename of the tracker host's page
:rtype: Deferred
if not url:
url = host_to_url(host)
log.debug("Downloading %s", url)
return download_file(url, mkstemp()[1], force_filename=True)
def on_download_page_complete(self, page):
Runs any download clean up functions
:param page: the page that finished downloading
:type page: string
:returns: the page that finished downloading
:rtype: string
log.debug("Finished downloading %s", page)
return page
def on_download_page_fail(self, f, host):
Recovers from download error
:param f: the failure that occured
:type f: Failure
:param host: the name of the host whose page failed to download
:type host: string
:returns: a Deferred if recovery was possible
else the original failure
:rtype: Deferred or Failure
error_msg = f.getErrorMessage()
log.debug("Error downloading page: %s", error_msg)
d = f
if f.check(error.PageRedirect):
# Handle redirect errors
location = error_msg.split(" to ")[1]
d = self.download_page(host, url=location)
d.addCallbacks(self.on_download_page_complete, self.on_download_page_fail,
return d
def parse_html_page(self, page):
Parses the html page for favicons
:param page: the page to parse
:type page: string
:returns: a Deferred which callbacks a list of available favicons (url, type)
:rtype: Deferred
f = open(page, "r")
parser = FaviconParser()
for line in f:
return parser.get_icons()
def on_parse_complete(self, icons, host):
Runs any parse clean up functions
:param icons: the icons that were extracted from the page
:type icons: list
:param host: the host the icons are for
:type host: string
:returns: the icons that were extracted from the page
:rtype: list
log.debug("Got icons for %s: %s", host, icons)
url = host_to_url(host)
icons = [(urljoin(url, icon), mimetype) for icon, mimetype in icons]
log.debug("Icon urls: %s", icons)
return icons
def on_parse_fail(self, f):
Recovers from a parse error
:param f: the failure that occured
:type f: Failure
:returns: a Deferred if recovery was possible
else the original failure
:rtype: Deferred or Failure
log.debug("Error parsing page: %s", f.getErrorMessage())
return f
def download_icon(self, icons, host):
Downloads the first available icon from icons
:param icons: a list of icons
:type icons: list
:param host: the tracker's host name
:type host: string
:returns: a Deferred which fires with the downloaded icon's filename
:rtype: Deferred
(url, mimetype) = icons.pop(0)
d = download_file(url, os.path.join(self.dir, host_to_icon_name(host, mimetype)),
if icons:
d.addErrback(self.on_download_icon_fail, host, icons)
return d
def on_download_icon_complete(self, icon_name, host):
Runs any download cleanup functions
:param icon_name: the filename of the icon that finished downloading
:type icon_name: string
:param host: the host the icon completed to download for
:type host: string
:returns: the icon that finished downloading
:rtype: TrackerIcon
log.debug("Successfully downloaded: %s", icon_name)
icon = TrackerIcon(icon_name)
return icon
def on_download_icon_fail(self, f, host, icons=[]):
Recovers from a download error
:param f: the failure that occured
:type f: Failure
:param host: the host the icon failed to download for
:type host: string
:param icons: the (optional) list of remaining icons
:type icons: list
:returns: a Deferred if recovery was possible
else the original failure
:rtype: Deferred or Failure
error_msg = f.getErrorMessage()
log.debug("Error downloading icon: %s", error_msg)
d = f
if f.check(error.PageRedirect):
# Handle redirect errors
location = error_msg.split(" to ")[1]
d = self.download_icon([(location, ext_to_mimetype(location.rpartition('.')[2]))] + icons, host)
if not icons:
d.addCallbacks(self.on_download_icon_complete, self.on_download_icon_fail,
callbackArgs=(host,), errbackArgs=(host,))
elif f.check(error.NoResource, error.ForbiddenResource) and icons:
d = self.download_icon(icons, host)
elif f.check(IndexError):
# No icons, try favicon.ico as an act of desperation
d = self.download_icon([(urljoin(host_to_url(host), "favicon.ico"), ext_to_mimetype("ico"))], host)
d.addCallbacks(self.on_download_icon_complete, self.on_download_icon_fail,
callbackArgs=(host,), errbackArgs=(host,))
# No icons :(
# Return the None Icon
d = self.icons[None]
return d
def resize_icon(self, icon):
Resizes the given icon to be 16x16 pixels
:param icon: the icon to resize
:type icon: TrackerIcon
:returns: the resized icon
:rtype: TrackerIcon
if icon:
filename = icon.get_filename()
img =
if img.size > (16, 16):
new_filename = filename.rpartition('.')[0]+".png"
img = img.resize((16, 16), Image.ANTIALIAS)
if new_filename != filename:
icon = TrackerIcon(new_filename)
return icon
def store_icon(self, icon, host):
Stores the icon for the given host
Callbacks any pending deferreds waiting on this icon
:param icon: the icon to store
:type icon: TrackerIcon or None
:param host: the host to store it for
:type host: string
:returns: the stored icon
:rtype: TrackerIcon or None
self.icons[host] = icon
for d in self.pending[host]:
del self.pending[host]
return icon
################################ HELPER CLASSES ###############################
class FaviconParser(HTMLParser):
A HTMLParser which extracts favicons from a HTML page
def __init__(self):
self.icons = []
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if tag == "link" and ("rel", "icon") in attrs or ("rel", "shortcut icon") in attrs:
href = None
type = None
for attr, value in attrs:
if attr == "href":
href = value
elif attr == "type":
type = value
if href and type:
self.icons.append((href, type))
def get_icons(self):
Returns a list of favicons extracted from the HTML page
:returns: a list of favicons
:rtype: list
return self.icons
############################### HELPER FUNCTIONS ##############################
def host_to_url(host):
Given a host, returns the URL to fetch
:param host: the tracker host
:type host: string
:returns: the url of the tracker
:rtype: string
return "http://%s/" % host
def url_to_host(url):
Given a URL, returns the host it belongs to
:param url: the URL in question
:type url: string
:returns: the host of the given URL
return urlparse(url).hostname
def host_to_icon_name(host, mimetype):
Given a host, returns the appropriate icon name
:param host: the host in question
:type host: string
:param mimetype: the mimetype of the icon
:type mimetype: string
:returns: the icon's filename
:rtype: string
return host+'.'+mimetype_to_ext(mimetype)
def icon_name_to_host(icon):
Given a host's icon name, returns the host name
:param icon: the icon name
:type icon: string
:returns: the host name
:rtype: string
return icon.rpartition('.')[0]
def mimetype_to_ext(mimetype):
Given a mimetype, returns the appropriate filename extension
:param mimetype: the mimetype
:type mimetype: string
:returns: the filename extension for the given mimetype
:rtype: string
:raises KeyError: if given an invalid mimetype
return {
"image/gif" : "gif",
"image/jpeg" : "jpg",
"image/png" : "png",
"image/" : "ico",
"image/x-icon" : "ico"
def ext_to_mimetype(ext):
Given a filename extension, returns the appropriate mimetype
:param ext: the filename extension
:type ext: string
:returns: the mimetype for the given filename extension
:rtype: string
:raises KeyError: if given an invalid filename extension
return {
"gif" : "image/gif",
"jpg" : "image/jpeg",
"jpeg" : "image/jpeg",
"png" : "image/png",
"ico" : "image/"

tests/deluge.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 722 B

tests/google.ico Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.1 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
from twisted.trial import unittest
from deluge.ui.tracker_icons import TrackerIcons, TrackerIcon
from deluge.log import setupLogger
# Must come before import common
setupLogger("debug", "debug.log")
import common
icons = TrackerIcons()
class TrackerIconsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_get_png(self):
# Deluge has a png favicon link
icon = TrackerIcon("../deluge.png")
d = icons.get("")
d.addCallback(self.assertNotIdentical, None)
d.addCallback(self.assertEquals, icon)
return d
def test_get_ico(self):
# Google doesn't have any icon links
# So instead we'll grab its favicon.ico
icon = TrackerIcon("../google.ico")
d = icons.get("")
d.addCallback(self.assertNotIdentical, None)
d.addCallback(self.assertEquals, icon)
return d
def test_get_ico_with_redirect(self):
# redirects to
icon = TrackerIcon("../google.ico")
d = icons.get("")
d.addCallback(self.assertNotIdentical, None)
d.addCallback(self.assertEquals, icon)
return d