working implementation of the port configuration

This commit is contained in:
Damien Churchill 2009-08-06 19:03:08 +00:00
parent 5af8fec10a
commit 7b9fe6ea94

View File

@ -1,7 +1,124 @@
/*Deluge.Preferences.addPage(_('Network'), { Ext.namespace('Ext.deluge.preferences');
Ext.deluge.preferences.Network = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FormPanel, {
constructor: function(config) {
config = Ext.apply({
border: false, border: false,
xtype: 'form', title: _('Network'),
layout: 'form', layout: 'form'
items: [] }, config);, config);
initComponent: function() {;
var optMan = Deluge.Preferences.getOptionsManager();
var fieldset = this.add({
xtype: 'fieldset',
border: false,
title: _('Incoming Ports'),
style: 'margin-bottom: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;',
autoHeight: true,
labelWidth: 1,
defaultType: 'checkbox'
}); });
*/ optMan.bind('random_port', fieldset.add({
fieldLabel: '',
labelSeparator: '',
boxLabel: _('Use Random Ports'),
name: 'random_port',
listeners: {
'check': {
fn: function(e, checked) {
scope: this
this.listenPorts = fieldset.add({
xtype: 'uxspinnergroup',
name: 'listen_ports',
fieldLabel: '',
labelSeparator: '',
colCfg: {
labelWidth: 40,
style: 'margin-right: 10px;'
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'From',
width: 80,
strategy: {
xtype: 'number',
decimalPrecision: 0,
minValue: -1,
maxValue: 99999
}, {
fieldLabel: 'To',
width: 80,
strategy: {
xtype: 'number',
decimalPrecision: 0,
minValue: -1,
maxValue: 99999
optMan.bind('listen_ports', this.listenPorts);
fieldset = this.add({
xtype: 'fieldset',
border: false,
title: _('Outgoing Ports'),
autoHeight: true,
labelWidth: 1,
defaultType: 'checkbox'
optMan.bind('random_outgoing_ports', fieldset.add({
fieldLabel: '',
labelSeparator: '',
boxLabel: _('Use Random Ports'),
name: 'random_outgoing_ports',
listeners: {
'check': {
fn: function(e, checked) {
scope: this
this.outgoingPorts = fieldset.add({
xtype: 'uxspinnergroup',
name: 'outgoing_ports',
fieldLabel: '',
labelSeparator: '',
colCfg: {
labelWidth: 40,
style: 'margin-right: 10px;'
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'From',
strategy: {
xtype: 'number',
decimalPrecision: 0,
minValue: -1,
maxValue: 99999
}, {
fieldLabel: 'To',
strategy: {
xtype: 'number',
decimalPrecision: 0,
minValue: -1,
maxValue: 99999
optMan.bind('outgoing_ports', this.outgoingPorts);
Deluge.Preferences.addPage(new Ext.deluge.preferences.Network());