diff --git a/plugins/BlocklistImport/__init__.py b/plugins/BlocklistImport/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d754fbaf6..000000000
--- a/plugins/BlocklistImport/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-plugin_name = "Blocklist Importer"
-plugin_author = "Steve 'Tarka' Smith"
-plugin_version = "0.1"
-plugin_description = "Downloads and import PeerGuardian blocklists"
-def deluge_init(deluge_path):
- global path
- path = deluge_path
-def enable(core, interface):
- global path
- return BlocklistImport(path, core, interface)
-#################### The plugin itself ####################
-import urllib, deluge.common, deluge.pref
-from peerguardian import PGReader, PGException
-from ui import GTKConfig, GTKProgress
-class BlocklistImport:
- def __init__(self, path, core, interface):
- print "Loading blocklist plugin ..."
- # Save the path, interface, and core so they can be used later
- self.path = path
- self.core = core
- self.interface = interface
- self.gtkconf = GTKConfig(self)
- self.gtkprog = GTKProgress(self)
- self.blockfile = deluge.common.CONFIG_DIR + "/blocklist.p2b.gzip"
- conffile = deluge.common.CONFIG_DIR + "/blocklist.conf"
- self.config = deluge.pref.Preferences(filename=conffile,
- global_defaults=False)
- self.config.load()
- if not self.config.has_key('url'):
- self.configure()
- else:
- self.loadlist(fetch=self.config.get('load_on_start'))
- def _download_update(self, curr, chunksize, size):
- incs = float(size) / float(chunksize)
- self.gtkprog.download_prog(curr/incs)
- def loadlist(self, fetch=False):
- #self.gtkprog.start()
- # Attempt initial import
- # FIXME: Make async
- if fetch:
- print "Downloading blocklist..."
- filename, headers = urllib.urlretrieve(self.config.get('url'),
- filename=self.blockfile,
- reporthook=self._download_update)
- print "Done"
- self.core.reset_ip_filter()
- reader = PGReader(self.blockfile)
- ips = reader.next()
- while ips:
- print "Blocking",ips
- self.core.add_range_to_ip_filter(*ips)
- ips = reader.next()
- reader.close()
- #self.gtkprog.stop()
- def configure(self):
- self.gtkconf.start()
- def setconfig(self, url, load_on_start):
- self.config.set('url', url)
- self.config.set('load_on_start', load_on_start)
- self.config.save()
- self.loadlist(fetch=True)
- def disable(self):
- self.core.reset_ip_filter()
- def unload(self):
- #self.config.save_to_file(self.config_file)
- self.core.reset_ip_filter()
- def update(self):
- pass
diff --git a/plugins/BlocklistImport/peerguardian.py b/plugins/BlocklistImport/peerguardian.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 98d2c70d1..000000000
--- a/plugins/BlocklistImport/peerguardian.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-from exceptions import Exception
-from struct import unpack
-import gzip, socket
-class PGException(Exception):
- pass
-# Incrementally reads PeerGuardian blocklists v1 and v2.
-# See http://wiki.phoenixlabs.org/wiki/P2B_Format
-class PGReader:
- def __init__(self, filename):
- print "PGReader loading",filename
- # FIXME: Catch and convert exception?
- self.fd = gzip.open(filename, "rb")
- # 4 bytes, should be 0xffffffff
- buf = self.fd.read(4)
- hdr = unpack("l", buf)[0]
- if hdr != -1:
- print "LEADER IS",hdr
- raise PGException("Invalid leader %d"%hdr)
- magic = self.fd.read(3)
- if magic != "P2B":
- raise PGException("Invalid magic code")
- buf = self.fd.read(1)
- ver = ord(buf)
- if ver != 1 and ver != 2:
- raise PGException("Invalid version %d" % ver)
- def next(self):
- # Skip over the string
- buf = -1
- while buf != 0:
- buf = self.fd.read(1)
- if buf == "": # EOF
- return False
- buf = ord(buf)
- buf = self.fd.read(4)
- start = socket.inet_ntoa(buf)
- buf = self.fd.read(4)
- end = socket.inet_ntoa(buf)
- return (start, end)
- def close(self):
- self.fd.close()
diff --git a/plugins/BlocklistImport/ui.py b/plugins/BlocklistImport/ui.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e9aecab49..000000000
--- a/plugins/BlocklistImport/ui.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-import gtk
-class GTKConfig(gtk.Dialog):
- def __init__(self, plugin):
- gtk.Dialog.__init__(self, title="Blocklist Config",
- flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL,
- # Setup
- self.set_border_width(12)
- self.vbox.set_spacing(6)
- # List source
- label = gtk.Label()
- label.set_markup('Blocklist URL')
- self.url = gtk.Entry()
- self.listtype = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
- self.listtype.append_text("PeerGuardian (GZip)")
- self.listtype.set_active(0)
- hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 6)
- hbox.pack_start(label)
- hbox.pack_start(self.url)
- hbox.pack_start(self.listtype)
- self.vbox.pack_start(hbox)
- # Load on start
- self.load_on_start = gtk.CheckButton("Load on start")
- self.vbox.pack_start(self.load_on_start)
- self.connect('response', self.ok)
- self.connect('close', self.cancel)
- self.hide_all()
- self.plugin = plugin
- def ok(self, dialog, response):
- self.hide_all()
- if response != gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT:
- self.cancel(dialog)
- return
- self.plugin.setconfig(self.url.get_text(),
- self.load_on_start.get_active())
- def cancel(self, dialog, response):
- self.hide_all()
- def start(self):
- self.show_all()
-class GTKProgress(gtk.Dialog):
- def __init__(self, plugin):
- gtk.Dialog.__init__(self, title="Setting-Up Blocklist",
- flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL,
- buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT))
- # Setup
- self.set_border_width(12)
- self.vbox.set_spacing(6)
- label = gtk.Label()
- label.set_markup('Loading and installing blocklist')
- self.vbox.pack_start(label)
- self.progress = gtk.ProgressBar()
- self.vbox.pack_start(self.progress)
- self.connect('close', self.cancel)
- self.hide_all()
- def download_prog(self, fract):
- if fract > 1.0:
- fract = 1.0
- self.progress.set_fraction(fract)
- def cancel(self, dialog, response):
- self.hide_all()
- def start(self):
- print "showing all"
- self.show_all()
- def stop(self):
- self.hide_all()
diff --git a/plugins/ExamplePlugin/plugin.py b/plugins/ExamplePlugin/plugin.py
index c2f6ad2b2..2651f54c7 100644
--- a/plugins/ExamplePlugin/plugin.py
+++ b/plugins/ExamplePlugin/plugin.py
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# An example plugin for use with Deluge
-import deluge.common, deluge.pref, gtk, gtk.glade
# This plugin is intended to be used with Deluge's default GTK interface
class plugin_Example: # The plugin's class
## Your plugin's contructor should follow this format
@@ -13,12 +11,14 @@ class plugin_Example: # The plugin's class
self.path = path
self.core = deluge_core
self.interface = deluge_interface
+ # Classes must be imported as they are needed from within
+ # the plugin's functions
+ import common, gtk, gtk.glade, dgtk, pref
# Create an options file and try to load existing Values
- self.config_file = deluge.common.CONFIG_DIR + "/example.conf"
- self.config = deluge.pref.Preferences()
+ self.config_file = common.CONFIG_DIR + "/example.conf"
+ self.config = pref.Preferences()
- self.config.load(self.config_file)
+ self.config.load_from_file(self.config_file)
except IOError:
# File does not exist
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class plugin_Example: # The plugin's class
## unload is called when the plugin is removed or Deluge is shut down
def unload(self):
self.toolbar.remove(self.button) # Remove the button from the toolbar
- self.config.save(self.config_file)
+ self.config.save_to_file(self.config_file)
## update will be called every UPDATE_INTERVAL (usually about 1 second)
def update(self):
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ class plugin_Example: # The plugin's class
## This will be called whenever self.button is clicked
def clicked(self, button):
# Build a dialog from scratch rather than from a glade file
+ import gtk
dialog = gtk.Dialog(title="Example Plugin", parent=self.interface.window,
buttons=(gtk.STOCK_OK, 0))
dialog.set_icon_from_file(self.path + "/example-plugin.png")
@@ -90,3 +91,11 @@ class plugin_Example: # The plugin's class
+register_plugin("Example Plugin", # The name of the plugin
+ plugin_Example, # The plugin's class
+ "Zach Tibbitts", # The author's Name
+ "0.5.0", # The plugin's version number
+ "An example plugin", # A description of the plugin
+ config=True, # If the plugin can be configured
+ )
diff --git a/plugins/NetworkGraph/plugin.py b/plugins/NetworkGraph/plugin.py
index 2a96f05d6..29a3ba52b 100644
--- a/plugins/NetworkGraph/plugin.py
+++ b/plugins/NetworkGraph/plugin.py
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ class plugin_NetGraph:
+ def configure(self):
+ pass
def update(self):
import gtk
session_info = self.core.get_state()
@@ -155,3 +158,12 @@ class plugin_NetGraph:
+### Register plugin with Deluge
+register_plugin("Network Activity Graph", # The name of the plugin
+ plugin_NetGraph, # The plugin's class
+ "Alon Zakai, Zach Tibbitts", # Authors
+ "0.2", # The plugin's version number
+ "Network Activity Graph plugin\n\nWritten by Kripkenstein", # A description of the plugin
+ config=False, # If the plugin can be configured
+ )
diff --git a/plugins/NetworkHealth/plugin.py b/plugins/NetworkHealth/plugin.py
index cfb5d286f..a1094ebe9 100644
--- a/plugins/NetworkHealth/plugin.py
+++ b/plugins/NetworkHealth/plugin.py
@@ -7,6 +7,12 @@ class plugin_NetworkHealth:
self.counter = 30
self.maxCount = self.counter
+ def config(self):
+ pass
+ def unload(self):
+ pass
def update(self):
session_info = self.core.get_state()
if not session_info['has_incoming_connections'] and \
@@ -22,3 +28,12 @@ class plugin_NetworkHealth:
self.counter = self.maxCount
self.parent.statusbar_temp_msg = self.parent.statusbar_temp_msg + ' ' + message
+### Register plugin with Deluge
+register_plugin("Network Health Monitor", # The name of the plugin
+ plugin_NetworkHealth, # The plugin's class
+ "Alon Zakai, Zach Tibbitts", # Authors
+ "0.2", # The plugin's version number
+ "Network Health Monitor plugin\n\nWritten by Kripkenstein", # A description of the plugin
+ config=False # If the plugin can be configured\
+ )
diff --git a/plugins/TorrentCreator/plugin.py b/plugins/TorrentCreator/plugin.py
index 549948f3c..9722055a4 100644
--- a/plugins/TorrentCreator/plugin.py
+++ b/plugins/TorrentCreator/plugin.py
@@ -91,3 +91,5 @@ class plugin_tcreator:
ret = self.core.create_torrent(self.dest, src_dir, trackers, comments, size, author)
return ret
+register_plugin("Deluge Torrent Creator", plugin_tcreator, "regulate", "0.1", "A torrent creator plugin", config=False)
diff --git a/src/core.py b/src/core.py
index 1dfe14ca0..46f828980 100644
--- a/src/core.py
+++ b/src/core.py
@@ -742,11 +742,3 @@ class Manager:
def pe_settings(self, out_enc_policy, in_enc_policy, allowed_enc_level, prefer_rc4):
return deluge_core.pe_settings(out_enc_policy, in_enc_policy, allowed_enc_level, prefer_rc4)
- # Creates/resets the IP filter list
- def reset_ip_filter(self):
- return deluge_core.reset_IP_filter()
- # Adds an IP range (as two dotted quad strings) to the filter
- def add_range_to_ip_filter(self, start, end):
- return deluge_core.add_range_to_IP_filter(start, end)
diff --git a/src/deluge_core.cpp b/src/deluge_core.cpp
index 9fda2adc5..fa54a49c8 100644
--- a/src/deluge_core.cpp
+++ b/src/deluge_core.cpp
@@ -1191,33 +1191,43 @@ static PyObject *torrent_create_torrent(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-static PyObject *torrent_reset_IP_filter(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+static PyObject *torrent_apply_IP_filter(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ PyObject *ranges;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &ranges))
+ return NULL;
+ long num_ranges = PyList_Size(ranges);
+ // printf("Number of ranges: %ld\r\n", num_ranges);
+ // Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None;
// Remove existing filter, if there is one
if (M_the_filter != NULL)
delete M_the_filter;
M_the_filter = new ip_filter();
+ address_v4 from, to;
+ PyObject *curr;
+ // printf("Can I %d\r\n", the_filter->access(address_v4::from_string("")));
+ for (long i = 0; i < num_ranges; i++)
+ {
+ curr = PyList_GetItem(ranges, i);
+ // PyObject_Print(curr, stdout, 0);
+ from = address_v4::from_string(PyString_AsString(PyList_GetItem(curr, 0)));
+ to = address_v4::from_string(PyString_AsString(PyList_GetItem(curr, 1)));
+ // printf("Filtering: %s - %s\r\n", from.to_string().c_str(), to.to_string().c_str());
+ M_the_filter->add_rule(from, to, ip_filter::blocked);
+ };
+ // printf("Can I %d\r\n", the_filter->access(address_v4::from_string("")));
- Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None;
-static PyObject *torrent_add_range_to_IP_filter(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
- {
- if (M_the_filter == NULL) {
- RAISE_PTR(DelugeError, "No filter defined, use reset_IP_filter");
- }
- char *start, *end;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ss", &start, &end))
- return NULL;
- address_v4 inet_start = address_v4::from_string(start);
- address_v4 inet_end = address_v4::from_string(end);
- M_the_filter->add_rule(inet_start, inet_end, ip_filter::blocked);
+ // printf("Can I %d\r\n", the_filter->access(address_v4::from_string("")));
Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None;
@@ -1276,8 +1286,7 @@ static PyMethodDef deluge_core_methods[] =
{"stop_DHT", torrent_stop_DHT, METH_VARARGS, "."},
{"get_DHT_info", torrent_get_DHT_info, METH_VARARGS, "."},
{"create_torrent", torrent_create_torrent, METH_VARARGS, "."},
- {"reset_IP_filter", torrent_reset_IP_filter, METH_VARARGS, "."},
- {"add_range_to_IP_filter", torrent_add_range_to_IP_filter, METH_VARARGS, "."},
+ {"apply_IP_filter", torrent_apply_IP_filter, METH_VARARGS, "."},
diff --git a/src/dialogs.py b/src/dialogs.py
index fdbc873dd..b2664678c 100644
--- a/src/dialogs.py
+++ b/src/dialogs.py
@@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ class PluginDlg:
return True
name = model.get_value(model.get_iter(path), 0)
plugin = self.plugins.get_plugin(name)
- author = plugin.plugin_author
- version = plugin.plugin_version
- description = plugin.plugin_description
+ author = plugin['author']
+ version = plugin['version']
+ config = plugin['config']
+ description = plugin['description']
if name in self.plugins.get_enabled_plugins():
- config = self.plugins.configurable_plugin(name)
@@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ class PluginDlg:
self.store.set_value(plugin_iter, 1, plugin_value)
if plugin_value:
- config = self.plugins.configurable_plugin(plugin_name)
- self.glade.get_widget("plugin_conf").set_sensitive(config)
+ self.glade.get_widget("plugin_conf").set_sensitive(
+ self.plugins.get_plugin(plugin_name)['config'])
diff --git a/src/plugins.py b/src/plugins.py
index ee5a20f4b..912f2cc8c 100644
--- a/src/plugins.py
+++ b/src/plugins.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-import os, sys, imp
+import os
class PluginManager:
def __init__(self, deluge_core, deluge_interface):
@@ -32,26 +32,15 @@ class PluginManager:
def add_plugin_dir(self, directory):
- sys.path.append(directory)
- # Scans all defined plugin dirs for Deluge plugins. The resulting
- # module object is store with the defined name.
def scan_for_plugins(self):
+ register_plugin = self.register_plugin
for folder in self.plugin_dirs:
- print "Scanning plugin dir",folder
- for modname in os.listdir(folder):
- path = folder+'/'+modname
- if '__init__.py' in os.listdir(path):
- # Import the found module. Note that the last
- # parameter is important otherwise only the base
- # modules (ie. 'plugins') is imported. This appears
- # to be by design.
- print "Loading module",modname
- mod = __import__(modname, globals(), locals(), [''])
- if 'deluge_init' in dir(mod):
- print "Initialising plugin",modname
- mod.deluge_init(path)
- self.available_plugins[mod.plugin_name] = mod
+ plugin_folders = os.listdir(folder)
+ for plugin in plugin_folders:
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder, plugin, "plugin.py")):
+ self.path = os.path.join(folder, plugin)
+ execfile(os.path.join(folder, plugin, "plugin.py"))
def get_available_plugins(self):
return self.available_plugins.keys()
@@ -60,38 +49,35 @@ class PluginManager:
return self.available_plugins[name]
def enable_plugin(self, name):
- plugin = self.available_plugins[name]
- self.enabled_plugins[name] = plugin.enable(self.core, self.interface)
+ self.enabled_plugins[name] = self.available_plugins[name]['class'](
+ self.available_plugins[name]['path'], self.core, self.interface)
def get_enabled_plugins(self):
return self.enabled_plugins.keys()
def disable_plugin(self, name):
- plugin = self.enabled_plugins[name]
- if 'unload' in dir(plugin):
- plugin.unload()
+ self.enabled_plugins[name].unload()
- def configurable_plugin(self, name):
- if name in self.enabled_plugins:
- return 'configure' in dir(self.enabled_plugins[name])
- else:
- return False
def configure_plugin(self, name):
def update_active_plugins(self):
for name in self.enabled_plugins.keys():
- plugin = self.enabled_plugins[name]
- if 'update' in dir(plugin):
- plugin.update()
+ self.enabled_plugins[name].update()
def shutdown_all_plugins(self):
for name in self.enabled_plugins.keys():
- self.disable_plugin(name)
+ self.enabled_plugins[name].unload()
+ def register_plugin(self, name, plugin_class, author, version, description, config=False):
+ self.available_plugins[name] = {'class': plugin_class,
+ 'author': author,
+ 'version': version,
+ 'description': description,
+ 'config': config,
+ 'path': self.path}
## Few lines of code to test functionality
if __name__ == "__main__":