mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 15:43:28 +00:00
lt sync 2510
This commit is contained in:
@ -95,6 +95,12 @@ void bind_alert()
.def_readonly("url", &tracker_alert::url)
class_<peer_alert, bases<torrent_alert>, noncopyable>(
"peer_alert", no_init
.def_readonly("ip", &peer_alert::ip)
.def_readonly("pid", &peer_alert::pid)
class_<tracker_error_alert, bases<tracker_alert>, noncopyable>(
"tracker_error_alert", tracker_error_alert_doc, no_init
@ -122,25 +128,18 @@ void bind_alert()
.def_readonly("piece_index", &hash_failed_alert::piece_index)
class_<peer_ban_alert, bases<torrent_alert>, noncopyable>(
class_<peer_ban_alert, bases<peer_alert>, noncopyable>(
"peer_ban_alert", peer_ban_alert_doc, no_init
.def_readonly("ip", &peer_ban_alert::ip)
class_<peer_error_alert, bases<alert>, noncopyable>(
class_<peer_error_alert, bases<peer_alert>, noncopyable>(
"peer_error_alert", peer_error_alert_doc, no_init
.def_readonly("ip", &peer_error_alert::ip)
.def_readonly("pid", &peer_error_alert::pid)
class_<invalid_request_alert, bases<torrent_alert>, noncopyable>(
class_<invalid_request_alert, bases<peer_alert>, noncopyable>(
"invalid_request_alert", invalid_request_alert_doc, no_init
.def_readonly("ip", &invalid_request_alert::ip)
.def_readonly("request", &invalid_request_alert::request)
.def_readonly("pid", &invalid_request_alert::pid)
class_<peer_request>("peer_request", peer_request_doc)
@ -160,14 +159,14 @@ void bind_alert()
.def_readonly("piece_index", &piece_finished_alert::piece_index)
class_<block_finished_alert, bases<torrent_alert>, noncopyable>(
class_<block_finished_alert, bases<peer_alert>, noncopyable>(
"block_finished_alert", block_finished_alert_doc, no_init
.def_readonly("block_index", &block_finished_alert::block_index)
.def_readonly("piece_index", &block_finished_alert::piece_index)
class_<block_downloading_alert, bases<torrent_alert>, noncopyable>(
class_<block_downloading_alert, bases<peer_alert>, noncopyable>(
"block_downloading_alert", block_downloading_alert_doc, no_init
.def_readonly("peer_speedmsg", &block_downloading_alert::peer_speedmsg)
@ -281,6 +280,12 @@ void bind_alert()
.def_readonly("name", &file_renamed_alert::name)
class_<file_rename_failed_alert, bases<torrent_alert>, noncopyable>(
"file_rename_failed_alert", no_init
.def_readonly("index", &file_rename_failed_alert::index)
class_<torrent_resumed_alert, bases<torrent_alert>, noncopyable>(
"torrent_resumed_alert", no_init
@ -290,4 +295,56 @@ void bind_alert()
.def_readonly("state", &state_changed_alert::state)
class_<dht_reply_alert, bases<tracker_alert>, noncopyable>(
"dht_reply_alert", no_init
.def_readonly("num_peers", &dht_reply_alert::num_peers)
class_<peer_unsnubbed_alert, bases<peer_alert>, noncopyable>(
"peer_unsnubbed_alert", no_init
class_<peer_snubbed_alert, bases<peer_alert>, noncopyable>(
"peer_snubbed_alert", no_init
class_<peer_connect_alert, bases<peer_alert>, noncopyable>(
"peer_connect_alert", no_init
class_<peer_disconnected_alert, bases<peer_alert>, noncopyable>(
"peer_disconnected_alert", no_init
class_<request_dropped_alert, bases<peer_alert>, noncopyable>(
"request_dropped_alert", no_init
.def_readonly("block_index", &request_dropped_alert::block_index)
.def_readonly("piece_index", &request_dropped_alert::piece_index)
class_<block_timeout_alert, bases<peer_alert>, noncopyable>(
"block_timeout_alert", no_init
.def_readonly("block_index", &block_timeout_alert::block_index)
.def_readonly("piece_index", &block_timeout_alert::piece_index)
class_<unwanted_block_alert, bases<peer_alert>, noncopyable>(
"unwanted_block_alert", no_init
.def_readonly("block_index", &unwanted_block_alert::block_index)
.def_readonly("piece_index", &unwanted_block_alert::piece_index)
class_<torrent_delete_failed_alert, bases<torrent_alert>, noncopyable>(
"torrent_delete_failed_alert", no_init
class_<save_resume_data_failed_alert, bases<torrent_alert>, noncopyable>(
"save_resume_data_failed_alert", no_init
#include "libtorrent/peer_connection.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/config.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/assert.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/identify_client.hpp"
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
@ -51,11 +52,51 @@ namespace libtorrent
virtual std::string message() const
{ return handle.is_valid()?handle.name():"- "; }
{ return handle.is_valid()?handle.name():" - "; }
torrent_handle handle;
struct TORRENT_EXPORT peer_alert: torrent_alert
peer_alert(torrent_handle const& h, tcp::endpoint const& ip_
, peer_id const& pid_)
: torrent_alert(h)
, ip(ip_)
, pid(pid_)
const static int static_category = alert::peer_notification;
virtual int category() const { return static_category; }
virtual std::string message() const
error_code ec;
return torrent_alert::message() + " peer (" + ip.address().to_string(ec)
+ ", " + identify_client(pid) + ")";
tcp::endpoint ip;
peer_id pid;
struct TORRENT_EXPORT tracker_alert: torrent_alert
tracker_alert(torrent_handle const& h
, std::string const& url_)
: torrent_alert(h)
, url(url_)
{ assert(!url.empty()); }
const static int static_category = alert::tracker_notification;
virtual int category() const { return static_category; }
virtual std::string message() const
return torrent_alert::message() + " (" + url + ")";
std::string url;
struct TORRENT_EXPORT file_renamed_alert: torrent_alert
file_renamed_alert(torrent_handle const& h
@ -139,25 +180,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
torrent_status::state_t state;
struct TORRENT_EXPORT tracker_alert: torrent_alert
tracker_alert(torrent_handle const& h
, std::string const& url_)
: torrent_alert(h)
, url(url_)
{ assert(!url.empty()); }
const static int static_category = alert::tracker_notification;
virtual int category() const { return static_category; }
virtual std::string message() const
return torrent_alert::message() + " (" + url + ")";
std::string url;
struct TORRENT_EXPORT tracker_error_alert: tracker_alert
tracker_error_alert(torrent_handle const& h
@ -338,85 +360,60 @@ namespace libtorrent
int piece_index;
struct TORRENT_EXPORT peer_ban_alert: torrent_alert
struct TORRENT_EXPORT peer_ban_alert: peer_alert
peer_ban_alert(tcp::endpoint const& pip, torrent_handle h)
: torrent_alert(h)
, ip(pip)
peer_ban_alert(torrent_handle h, tcp::endpoint const& ip
, peer_id const& pid)
: peer_alert(h, ip, pid)
virtual std::auto_ptr<alert> clone() const
{ return std::auto_ptr<alert>(new peer_ban_alert(*this)); }
virtual char const* what() const { return "peer banned"; }
const static int static_category = alert::peer_notification;
virtual int category() const { return static_category; }
virtual std::string message() const
error_code ec;
return torrent_alert::message() + " banned peer "
+ ip.address().to_string(ec);
return peer_alert::message() + " banned peer";
tcp::endpoint ip;
struct TORRENT_EXPORT peer_unsnubbed_alert: torrent_alert
struct TORRENT_EXPORT peer_unsnubbed_alert: peer_alert
peer_unsnubbed_alert(torrent_handle const& h, tcp::endpoint const& ip_
, peer_id const& pid_)
: torrent_alert(h)
, ip(ip_)
, pid(pid_)
peer_unsnubbed_alert(torrent_handle h, tcp::endpoint const& ip
, peer_id const& pid)
: peer_alert(h, ip, pid)
virtual std::auto_ptr<alert> clone() const
{ return std::auto_ptr<alert>(new peer_unsnubbed_alert(*this)); }
virtual char const* what() const { return "peer unsnubbed"; }
const static int static_category = alert::peer_notification;
virtual int category() const { return static_category; }
virtual std::string message() const
error_code ec;
return torrent_alert::message() + " peer unsnubbed: (" + ip.address().to_string(ec)
+ ")";
return peer_alert::message() + " peer unsnubbed";
tcp::endpoint ip;
peer_id pid;
struct TORRENT_EXPORT peer_snubbed_alert: torrent_alert
struct TORRENT_EXPORT peer_snubbed_alert: peer_alert
peer_snubbed_alert(torrent_handle const& h, tcp::endpoint const& ip_
, peer_id const& pid_)
: torrent_alert(h)
, ip(ip_)
, pid(pid_)
peer_snubbed_alert(torrent_handle h, tcp::endpoint const& ip
, peer_id const& pid)
: peer_alert(h, ip, pid)
virtual std::auto_ptr<alert> clone() const
{ return std::auto_ptr<alert>(new peer_snubbed_alert(*this)); }
virtual char const* what() const { return "peer snubbed"; }
const static int static_category = alert::peer_notification;
virtual int category() const { return static_category; }
virtual std::string message() const
error_code ec;
return torrent_alert::message() + " peer snubbed: (" + ip.address().to_string(ec)
+ ")";
return peer_alert::message() + " peer snubbed";
tcp::endpoint ip;
peer_id pid;
struct TORRENT_EXPORT peer_error_alert: torrent_alert
struct TORRENT_EXPORT peer_error_alert: peer_alert
peer_error_alert(torrent_handle const& h, tcp::endpoint const& ip_
, peer_id const& pid_, std::string const& msg_)
: torrent_alert(h)
, ip(ip_)
, pid(pid_)
peer_error_alert(torrent_handle const& h, tcp::endpoint const& ip
, peer_id const& pid, std::string const& msg_)
: peer_alert(h, ip, pid)
, msg(msg_)
@ -428,19 +425,17 @@ namespace libtorrent
virtual std::string message() const
error_code ec;
return torrent_alert::message() + " peer error: (" + ip.address().to_string(ec)
+ ") " + msg;
return peer_alert::message() + " peer error: " + msg;
tcp::endpoint ip;
peer_id pid;
std::string msg;
struct TORRENT_EXPORT peer_connect_alert: torrent_alert
struct TORRENT_EXPORT peer_connect_alert: peer_alert
peer_connect_alert(torrent_handle const& h, tcp::endpoint const& ip_)
: torrent_alert(h), ip(ip_)
peer_connect_alert(torrent_handle h, tcp::endpoint const& ip
, peer_id const& pid)
: peer_alert(h, ip, pid)
virtual std::auto_ptr<alert> clone() const
@ -450,21 +445,15 @@ namespace libtorrent
virtual int category() const { return static_category; }
virtual std::string message() const
error_code ec;
return torrent_alert::message() + " connecting to peer "
+ ip.address().to_string(ec);
return peer_alert::message() + " connecting to peer";
tcp::endpoint ip;
struct TORRENT_EXPORT peer_disconnected_alert: torrent_alert
struct TORRENT_EXPORT peer_disconnected_alert: peer_alert
peer_disconnected_alert(torrent_handle const& h, tcp::endpoint const& ip_
, peer_id const& pid_, std::string const& msg_)
: torrent_alert(h)
, ip(ip_)
, pid(pid_)
peer_disconnected_alert(torrent_handle const& h, tcp::endpoint const& ip
, peer_id const& pid, std::string const& msg_)
: peer_alert(h, ip, pid)
, msg(msg_)
@ -475,44 +464,32 @@ namespace libtorrent
virtual int category() const { return static_category; }
virtual std::string message() const
error_code ec;
return torrent_alert::message() + " disconnecting "
+ ip.address().to_string(ec) + ": " + msg;
return peer_alert::message() + " disconnecting: " + msg;
tcp::endpoint ip;
peer_id pid;
std::string msg;
struct TORRENT_EXPORT invalid_request_alert: torrent_alert
struct TORRENT_EXPORT invalid_request_alert: peer_alert
peer_request const& r
, torrent_handle const& h
, tcp::endpoint const& sender
, peer_id const& pid_)
: torrent_alert(h)
, ip(sender)
invalid_request_alert(torrent_handle const& h, tcp::endpoint const& ip
, peer_id const& pid, peer_request const& r)
: peer_alert(h, ip, pid)
, request(r)
, pid(pid_)
virtual std::auto_ptr<alert> clone() const
{ return std::auto_ptr<alert>(new invalid_request_alert(*this)); }
virtual char const* what() const { return "invalid piece request"; }
const static int static_category = alert::peer_notification;
virtual int category() const { return static_category; }
virtual std::string message() const
error_code ec;
return torrent_alert::message() + " peer "
+ ip.address().to_string(ec) + " sent an invalid piece request";
return peer_alert::message() + " peer sent an invalid piece request "
"( piece: " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(request.piece)
+ " start: " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(request.start)
+ " len: " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(request.length) + ")";
tcp::endpoint ip;
peer_request request;
peer_id pid;
struct TORRENT_EXPORT torrent_finished_alert: torrent_alert
@ -556,13 +533,11 @@ namespace libtorrent
struct TORRENT_EXPORT request_dropped_alert: torrent_alert
struct TORRENT_EXPORT request_dropped_alert: peer_alert
const torrent_handle& h
, int block_num
, int piece_num)
: torrent_alert(h)
request_dropped_alert(const torrent_handle& h, tcp::endpoint const& ip
, peer_id const& pid, int block_num, int piece_num)
: peer_alert(h, ip, pid)
, block_index(block_num)
, piece_index(piece_num)
{ TORRENT_ASSERT(block_index >= 0 && piece_index >= 0);}
@ -578,19 +553,17 @@ namespace libtorrent
virtual int category() const { return static_category; }
virtual std::string message() const
return torrent_alert::message() + " block "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(block_index) + " in piece "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(piece_index) + " was dropped by remote peer";
return peer_alert::message() + " peer dropped block ( piece: "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(piece_index) + " block: "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(block_index) + ")";
struct TORRENT_EXPORT block_timeout_alert: torrent_alert
struct TORRENT_EXPORT block_timeout_alert: peer_alert
const torrent_handle& h
, int block_num
, int piece_num)
: torrent_alert(h)
block_timeout_alert(const torrent_handle& h, tcp::endpoint const& ip
, peer_id const& pid, int block_num, int piece_num)
: peer_alert(h, ip, pid)
, block_index(block_num)
, piece_index(piece_num)
{ TORRENT_ASSERT(block_index >= 0 && piece_index >= 0);}
@ -606,19 +579,17 @@ namespace libtorrent
virtual int category() const { return static_category; }
virtual std::string message() const
return torrent_alert::message() + " timed out block "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(block_index) + " in piece "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(piece_index);
return peer_alert::message() + " peer timed out request ( piece: "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(piece_index) + " block: "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(block_index) + ")";
struct TORRENT_EXPORT block_finished_alert: torrent_alert
struct TORRENT_EXPORT block_finished_alert: peer_alert
const torrent_handle& h
, int block_num
, int piece_num)
: torrent_alert(h)
block_finished_alert(const torrent_handle& h, tcp::endpoint const& ip
, peer_id const& pid, int block_num, int piece_num)
: peer_alert(h, ip, pid)
, block_index(block_num)
, piece_index(piece_num)
{ TORRENT_ASSERT(block_index >= 0 && piece_index >= 0);}
@ -633,20 +604,17 @@ namespace libtorrent
virtual int category() const { return static_category; }
virtual std::string message() const
return torrent_alert::message() + " block "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(block_index) + " in piece "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(piece_index) + " finished downloading";
return peer_alert::message() + " block finished downloading ( piece: "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(piece_index) + " block: "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(block_index) + ")";
struct TORRENT_EXPORT block_downloading_alert: torrent_alert
struct TORRENT_EXPORT block_downloading_alert: peer_alert
const torrent_handle& h
, char const* speedmsg
, int block_num
, int piece_num)
: torrent_alert(h)
block_downloading_alert(const torrent_handle& h, tcp::endpoint const& ip
, peer_id const& pid, char const* speedmsg, int block_num, int piece_num)
: peer_alert(h, ip, pid)
, peer_speedmsg(speedmsg)
, block_index(block_num)
, piece_index(piece_num)
@ -663,9 +631,33 @@ namespace libtorrent
virtual int category() const { return static_category; }
virtual std::string message() const
return torrent_alert::message() + " requested block "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(block_index) + " in piece "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(piece_index);
return peer_alert::message() + " requested block ( piece: "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(piece_index) + " block: "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(block_index) + ") "
+ peer_speedmsg;
struct TORRENT_EXPORT unwanted_block_alert: peer_alert
unwanted_block_alert(const torrent_handle& h, tcp::endpoint const& ip
, peer_id const& pid, int block_num, int piece_num)
: peer_alert(h, ip, pid)
, block_index(block_num)
, piece_index(piece_num)
{ TORRENT_ASSERT(block_index >= 0 && piece_index >= 0);}
int block_index;
int piece_index;
virtual std::auto_ptr<alert> clone() const
{ return std::auto_ptr<alert>(new unwanted_block_alert(*this)); }
virtual char const* what() const { return "unwanted block received"; }
virtual std::string message() const
return peer_alert::message() + " received block not in download queue ( piece: "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(piece_index) + " block: "
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(block_index) + ")";
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ public:
// these functions encrypt the send buffer if m_rc4_encrypted
// is true, otherwise it passes the call to the
// peer_connection functions of the same names
void send_buffer(char* buf, int size);
void send_buffer(char* buf, int size, int flags = 0);
buffer::interval allocate_send_buffer(int size);
template <class Destructor>
void append_send_buffer(char* buffer, int size, Destructor const& destructor)
@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
typedef std::vector<file_entry>::const_iterator iterator;
typedef std::vector<file_entry>::const_reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
iterator file_at_offset(size_type offset) const;
iterator begin() const { return m_files.begin(); }
iterator end() const { return m_files.end(); }
reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return m_files.rbegin(); }
@ -409,7 +409,8 @@ namespace libtorrent
// these functions are virtual to let bt_peer_connection hook into them
// and encrypt the content
virtual void send_buffer(char const* begin, int size);
enum message_type_flags { message_type_request = 1 };
virtual void send_buffer(char const* begin, int size, int flags = 0);
virtual buffer::interval allocate_send_buffer(int size);
virtual void setup_send();
@ -681,6 +682,10 @@ namespace libtorrent
// downloaded from this peer
std::vector<int> m_suggested_pieces;
// a list of byte offsets inside the send buffer
// the piece requests
std::vector<int> m_requests_in_buffer;
// the number of pieces this peer
// has. Must be the same as
// std::count(m_have_piece.begin(),
@ -143,6 +143,10 @@ namespace libtorrent
// for yet
int download_queue_length;
// the number of request messages
// waiting to be sent inside the send buffer
int requests_in_buffer;
// the number of requests that is
// tried to be maintained (this is
// typically a function of download speed)
@ -118,6 +118,8 @@ namespace libtorrent
int num_files() const { return m_files.num_files(); }
file_entry const& file_at(int index) const { return m_files.at(index); }
file_iterator file_at_offset(size_type offset) const
{ return m_files.file_at_offset(offset); }
std::vector<file_slice> map_block(int piece, size_type offset, int size) const
{ return m_files.map_block(piece, offset, size); }
peer_request map_file(int file, size_type offset, int size) const
@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
void bt_peer_connection::send_buffer(char* buf, int size)
void bt_peer_connection::send_buffer(char* buf, int size, int flags)
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
if (m_encrypted && m_rc4_encrypted)
m_RC4_handler->encrypt(buf, size);
peer_connection::send_buffer(buf, size);
peer_connection::send_buffer(buf, size, flags);
buffer::interval bt_peer_connection::allocate_send_buffer(int size)
@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
detail::write_int32(r.piece, ptr); // index
detail::write_int32(r.start, ptr); // begin
detail::write_int32(r.length, ptr); // length
send_buffer(msg, sizeof(msg));
send_buffer(msg, sizeof(msg), message_type_request);
void bt_peer_connection::write_bitfield()
@ -64,6 +64,18 @@ namespace libtorrent
m_files[index].path = new_filename;
file_storage::iterator file_storage::file_at_offset(size_type offset) const
// TODO: do a binary search
std::vector<file_entry>::const_iterator i;
for (i = begin(); i != end(); ++i)
if (i->offset < offset && i->offset + i->size > offset)
return i;
return i;
std::vector<file_slice> file_storage::map_block(int piece, size_type offset
, int size_) const
@ -75,7 +87,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
TORRENT_ASSERT(start + size <= m_total_size);
// find the file iterator and file offset
// TODO: make a vector that can map piece -> file index in O(1)
// TODO: do a binary search on the file offsets
size_type file_offset = start;
std::vector<file_entry>::const_iterator file_iter;
@ -902,12 +902,9 @@ namespace libtorrent
if (m_request_queue.empty())
if (m_request_queue.empty() && m_download_queue.size() < 2)
if (m_download_queue.size() < 2)
request_a_block(*t, *this);
request_a_block(*t, *this);
@ -1381,8 +1378,8 @@ namespace libtorrent
if (t->alerts().should_post<invalid_request_alert>())
, t->get_handle(), m_remote, m_peer_id));
t->get_handle(), m_remote, m_peer_id, r));
@ -1523,8 +1520,8 @@ namespace libtorrent
if (t->alerts().should_post<peer_error_alert>())
t->alerts().post_alert(peer_error_alert(t->get_handle(), m_remote
, m_peer_id, "got a block that was not in the request queue"));
t->alerts().post_alert(unwanted_block_alert(t->get_handle(), m_remote
, m_peer_id, block_finished.block_index, block_finished.piece_index));
(*m_logger) << " *** The block we just got was not in the "
@ -1542,8 +1539,8 @@ namespace libtorrent
(*m_logger) << time_now_string()
<< " *** SKIPPED_PIECE [ piece: " << i->piece_index << " | "
"b: " << i->block_index << " ] ***\n";
<< " *** SKIPPED_PIECE [ piece: " << i->block.piece_index << " | "
"b: " << i->block.block_index << " ] ***\n";
@ -1554,7 +1551,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post<request_dropped_alert>())
, i->block.block_index, i->block.piece_index));
, remote(), pid(), i->block.block_index, i->block.piece_index));
i = m_download_queue.erase(i);
@ -1664,7 +1661,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
if (t->alerts().should_post<block_finished_alert>())
block_finished.block_index, block_finished.piece_index));
remote(), pid(), block_finished.block_index, block_finished.piece_index));
// did we just finish the piece?
@ -1906,7 +1903,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
void peer_connection::add_request(piece_block const& block)
boost::shared_ptr<torrent> t = m_torrent.lock();
@ -1948,7 +1945,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
if (t->alerts().should_post<block_downloading_alert>())
speedmsg, block.block_index, block.piece_index));
remote(), pid(), speedmsg, block.block_index, block.piece_index));
@ -2401,6 +2398,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
p.load_balancing = total_free_upload();
p.download_queue_length = int(download_queue().size() + m_request_queue.size());
p.requests_in_buffer = int(m_requests_in_buffer.size());
p.target_dl_queue_length = int(desired_queue_size());
p.upload_queue_length = int(upload_queue().size());
@ -2765,6 +2763,8 @@ namespace libtorrent
void peer_connection::snub_peer()
boost::shared_ptr<torrent> t = m_torrent.lock();
@ -2810,7 +2810,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post<block_timeout_alert>())
, r.block_index, r.piece_index));
, remote(), pid(), r.block_index, r.piece_index));
@ -2818,7 +2818,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
m_timeout_extend += m_ses.settings().request_timeout;
request_a_block(*t, *this);
// abort the block after the new one has
// been requested in order to prevent it from
@ -2826,6 +2825,8 @@ namespace libtorrent
// same piece indefinitely.
if (r != piece_block(-1, -1))
void peer_connection::fill_send_buffer()
@ -2955,15 +2956,16 @@ namespace libtorrent
if (m_bandwidth_limit[upload_channel].max_assignable() > 0)
(*m_logger) << time_now_string() << " *** REQUEST_BANDWIDTH [ upload ]\n";
int priority = is_interesting() * 2 + m_requests_in_buffer.size();
// peers that we are not interested in are non-prioritized
m_channel_state[upload_channel] = peer_info::bw_torrent;
t->request_bandwidth(upload_channel, self()
, m_send_buffer.size()
, is_interesting() * 2);
, m_send_buffer.size(), priority);
(*m_logger) << time_now_string() << " *** REQUEST_BANDWIDTH [ upload prio: "
<< priority << "]\n";
@ -3146,8 +3148,11 @@ namespace libtorrent
m_packet_size = packet_size;
void peer_connection::send_buffer(char const* buf, int size)
void peer_connection::send_buffer(char const* buf, int size, int flags)
if (flags == message_type_request)
m_requests_in_buffer.push_back(m_send_buffer.size() + size);
int free_space = m_send_buffer.space_in_last_buffer();
if (free_space > size) free_space = size;
if (free_space > 0)
@ -3416,7 +3421,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
if (t->alerts().should_post<peer_connect_alert>())
t->get_handle(), m_remote));
t->get_handle(), remote(), pid()));
@ -3491,6 +3496,14 @@ namespace libtorrent
TORRENT_ASSERT(m_channel_state[upload_channel] == peer_info::bw_network);
for (std::vector<int>::iterator i = m_requests_in_buffer.begin()
, end(m_requests_in_buffer.end()); i != end; ++i)
*i -= bytes_transferred;
while (!m_requests_in_buffer.empty()
&& m_requests_in_buffer.front() <= 0)
m_channel_state[upload_channel] = peer_info::bw_idle;
@ -307,8 +307,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
// that was free. If we couldn't find any busy
// blocks as well, we cannot download anything
// more from this peer.
@ -329,7 +327,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
TORRENT_ASSERT(p.num_peers(*i) > 0);
policy::policy(torrent* t)
@ -864,6 +861,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
if (c.is_interesting())
request_a_block(*m_torrent, c);
@ -1067,6 +1065,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
&& c.allowed_fast().empty())
request_a_block(*m_torrent, c);
#ifndef NDEBUG
@ -1417,8 +1417,10 @@ namespace libtorrent
// ban it.
if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post<peer_ban_alert>())
peer_id pid;
if (p->connection) pid = p->connection->pid();
p->ip, get_handle()));
get_handle(), p->ip, pid));
// mark the peer as banned
@ -3980,6 +3982,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
fp.resize(m_torrent_file->num_files(), 0.f);
for (int i = 0; i < m_torrent_file->num_files(); ++i)
@ -4009,6 +4012,46 @@ namespace libtorrent
fp[i] = static_cast<float>(done) / m_torrent_file->files().at(i).size;
const std::vector<piece_picker::downloading_piece>& q
= m_picker->get_download_queue();
for (std::vector<piece_picker::downloading_piece>::const_iterator
i = q.begin(), end(q.end()); i != end; ++i)
size_type offset = size_type(i->index) * m_torrent_file->piece_length();
torrent_info::file_iterator file = m_torrent_file->file_at_offset(offset);
int file_index = file - m_torrent_file->begin_files();
int num_blocks = m_picker->blocks_in_piece(i->index);
piece_picker::block_info const* info = i->info;
for (int k = 0; k < num_blocks; ++k)
if (info[k].state != piece_picker::block_info::state_writing
&& info[k].state != piece_picker::block_info::state_finished)
if (offset + m_block_size > file->offset + file->size)
// split the block on multiple files
size_type block_size = m_block_size;
while (offset + block_size > file->offset + file->size)
TORRENT_ASSERT(offset < file->offset + file->size);
size_type slice = file->offset + file->size - offset;
fp[file_index] += float(slice) / file->size;
offset += slice;
block_size -= slice;
if (file == m_torrent_file->end_files()) break;
fp[file_index] += float(m_block_size) / file->size;
offset += m_block_size;
void torrent::set_state(torrent_status::state_t s)
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
(*m_logger) << request << "\n";
send_buffer(request.c_str(), request.size());
send_buffer(request.c_str(), request.size(), message_type_request);
// --------------------------
Reference in New Issue
Block a user