mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 12:30:45 +00:00
big bunch of fixes to the M.O.M along with a couple to the O.M
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ Copyright:
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL
You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of
the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s),
but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete
this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception
statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL
You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of
the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s),
but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete
this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception
statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here.
@ -37,54 +37,11 @@ Copyright:
* @class Deluge.MultiOptionsManager
Deluge.MultiOptionsManager = Ext.extend(Deluge.OptionsManager, {
constructor: function(config) {
config = config || {};
this.options = {};
this.binds = {};
this.changed = {};
this.defaults = (config && config['defaults']) || {};
'add': true,
'changed': true,
'reset': true
this.on('changed', this.onChange, this);
* Add a set of default options and values to the options manager
* @param {String} id
* @param {Object} options The default options.
addOptions: function(options) {
this.options[id] = options;
* Binds a form field to the specified option.
* @param {String} option
* @param {Ext.form.Field} field
bind: function(option, field) {
this.binds[option] = field;
this.binds[field] = option;
switch (field.getXType()) {
case 'checkbox':
case 'radiogroup':
field.on('check', this.onFieldChange, this);
case 'uxspinner':
field.on('spin', this.onFieldChange, this);
field.on('keypress', this.onFieldChange, this);
this.currentId = null;
this.stored = {};
Deluge.MultiOptionsManager.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
@ -93,11 +50,22 @@ Deluge.MultiOptionsManager = Ext.extend(Deluge.OptionsManager, {
changeId: function(id) {
this.currentId = id;
for (var option in this.defaults) {
for (var option in this.options) {
if (!this.binds[option]) continue;
this.binds[option].setValue(this.get(id, option));
Ext.each(this.binds[option], function(bind) {
bind.setValue(this.get(id, option));
}, this);
* Changes all the changed values to be the default values
* @param {String} id
commit: function(id) {
this.stored[id] = Ext.apply(this.stored[id], this.changed[id]);
* Get the value for an option
@ -105,27 +73,21 @@ Deluge.MultiOptionsManager = Ext.extend(Deluge.OptionsManager, {
* @param {String|Array} [option] A single option or an array of options to return.
* @returns {Object} the options value.
get: function(id, option) {
if (!option) {
var values = {};
for (var key in this.defaults) {
values[key] = this.get(id, key);
return values;
get: function() {
var id = arguments[0];
if (arguments.length == 2) {
var option = arguments[1];
return (this.isDirty(id, option)) ? this.changed[id][option] : this.getDefault(id, option);
} else {
return (this.hasChanged(id, option)) ? this.changed[id][option] : this.getDefault(id, option);
var options = {};
Ext.each(arguments, function(option) {
if (option == id) return;
options[option] = (this.isDirty(id, option)) ? this.changed[id][option] : this.getDefault(id, option);
}, this);
return options;
* Returns the changed values.
* @param {String} id
* @returns {Object} the changed options
getChanged: function(id) {
return (this.changed[id]) ? this.changed[id] : {};
* Get the default value for an option.
* @param {String} id
@ -133,19 +95,28 @@ Deluge.MultiOptionsManager = Ext.extend(Deluge.OptionsManager, {
* @returns {Object} the value of the option
getDefault: function(id, option) {
return (this.hasOption(id, option)) ? this.options[id][option] : this.defaults[option];
return (this.has(id, option)) ? this.stored[id][option] : this.options[option];
* Returns the dirty (changed) values.
* @param {String} id
* @returns {Object} the changed options
getDirty: function(id) {
return (this.changed[id]) ? this.changed[id] : {};
* Check to see if the option has been changed.
* @param {String} id
* @param {String} option
* @returns {Boolean} true if the option has been changed, else false.
hasChanged: function(id, option) {
isDirty: function(id, option) {
return (this.changed[id] && !Ext.isEmpty(this.changed[id][option]));
* Check to see if an id has had an option set to something other than the
* default value.
@ -153,8 +124,8 @@ Deluge.MultiOptionsManager = Ext.extend(Deluge.OptionsManager, {
* @param {String} option
* @returns {Boolean} true if the id has an option, else false.
hasOption: function(id, option) {
return (this.options[id] && !Ext.isEmpty(this.options[id][option]));
has: function(id, option) {
return (this.stored[id] && !Ext.isEmpty(this.stored[id][option]));
@ -165,7 +136,7 @@ Deluge.MultiOptionsManager = Ext.extend(Deluge.OptionsManager, {
if (!this.changed[id]) return;
delete this.changed[id];
* Sets the value of specified option for the passed in id.
* @param {String} id
@ -178,11 +149,11 @@ Deluge.MultiOptionsManager = Ext.extend(Deluge.OptionsManager, {
this.set(id, key, option[key]);
} else {
if (!this.options[id]) this.options[id] = {};
this.options[id][option] = value;
if (!this.changed[id]) this.changed[id] = {};
this.changed[id][option] = value;
* Update the value for the specified option and id.
* @param {String} id
@ -190,59 +161,51 @@ Deluge.MultiOptionsManager = Ext.extend(Deluge.OptionsManager, {
* @param {Object} [value];
update: function(id, option, value) {
if (typeof value === undefined) {
if (value === undefined) {
for (var key in option) {
this.update(id, key, option[key]);
} else {
if (!this.changed[id]) this.changed[id] = {};
var defaultValue = this.getDefault(id, option);
value = this.convertValueType(defaultValue, value);
var oldValue = this.get(id, option);
if (oldValue == value) return;
var defaultValue = this.getDefault(id, option);
if (defaultValue == value) {
if (this.hasChanged(id, option)) delete this.changed[id][option];
if (this.isDirty(id, option)) delete this.changed[id][option];
this.fireEvent('changed', id, option, value, oldValue);
} else {
this.changed[id][option] = value;
this.fireEvent('changed', id, option, value, oldValue);
if (Ext.type(defaultValue) != Ext.type(value)) {
switch (Ext.type(defaultValue)) {
case 'string':
value = String(value);
case 'number':
value = Number(value);
case 'boolean':
value = Boolean(value);
this.changed[id][option] = value;
this.fireEvent('changed', id, option, value, oldValue);
/* Event Handlers */
* Event Handlers *
* Stops a form fields value from being blocked by the change functions
* @param {Ext.form.Field} field
* @private
onFieldChange: function(field) {
var option = this.binds[field];
this.update(this.currentId, option, field.getValue());
onFieldChange: function(field, event) {
this.update(this.currentId, field._doption, field.getValue());
onChange: function(id, option, newValue, oldValue) {
// If we don't have a bind there's nothing to do.
if (Ext.isEmpty(this.binds[option])) return;
// Set the form field to the new value.
Ext.each(this.binds[option], function(bind) {
// The field is currently focused so we don't want to
// change it.
if (bind == this.focused) return;
// Set the form field to the new value.
}, this);
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Deluge.OptionsManager = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
this.options = Ext.apply(this.options, this.changed);
* Converts the value so it matches the originals type
* @param {Mixed} oldValue The original value
@ -103,183 +103,172 @@ Deluge.OptionsManager = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
convertValueType: function(oldValue, value) {
if (Ext.type(oldValue) != Ext.type(value)) {
switch (Ext.type(oldValue)) {
case 'string':
value = String(value);
case 'number':
value = Number(value);
case 'boolean':
if (Ext.type(value) == 'string') {
value = value.toLowerCase();
value = (value == 'true' || newValue == '1' || value == 'on') ? true : false;
} else {
value = Boolean(value);
switch (Ext.type(oldValue)) {
case 'string':
value = String(value);
case 'number':
value = Number(value);
case 'boolean':
if (Ext.type(value) == 'string') {
value = value.toLowerCase();
value = (value == 'true' || value == '1' || value == 'on') ? true : false;
} else {
value = Boolean(value);
return value;
return value;
* Get the value for an option or options.
* @param {String} [option] A single option or an array of options to return.
* @returns {Object} the options value.
get: function() {
if (arguments.length == 1) {
var option = arguments[0];
return (this.isDirty(option)) ? this.changed[option] : this.options[option];
} else {
var options = {};
Ext.each(arguments, function(option) {
if (!this.has(option)) return;
options[option] = (this.isDirty(option)) ? this.changed[option] : this.options[option];
}, this);
return options;
if (arguments.length == 1) {
var option = arguments[0];
return (this.isDirty(option)) ? this.changed[option] : this.options[option];
} else {
var options = {};
Ext.each(arguments, function(option) {
if (!this.has(option)) return;
options[option] = (this.isDirty(option)) ? this.changed[option] : this.options[option];
}, this);
return options;
* Get the default value for an option or options.
* @param {String|Array} [option] A single option or an array of options to return.
* @returns {Object} the value of the option
getDefault: function(option) {
return this.options[option];
return this.options[option];
* Returns the dirty (changed) values.
* @returns {Object} the changed options
getDirty: function() {
return this.changed;
return this.changed;
* @param {String} [option] The option to check
* @returns {Boolean} true if the option has been changed from the default.
isDirty: function(option) {
return !Ext.isEmpty(this.changed[option]);
return !Ext.isEmpty(this.changed[option]);
* Check to see if the option has been changed.
* @param {String} id
* @param {String} option
* @returns {Boolean} true if the option has been changed, else false.
hasChanged: function(id, option) {
return (this.changed[id] && !Ext.isEmpty(this.changed[id][option]));
* Check to see if an option exists in the options manager
* @param {String} option
* @returns {Boolean} true if the option exists, else false.
has: function(option) {
return (this.options[option]);
return (this.options[option]);
* Reset the options back to the default values.
* @param {String} id
reset: function() {
this.changed = {};
this.changed = {};
* Sets the value of specified option(s) for the passed in id.
* @param {String} option
* @param {Object} value The value for the option
set: function(option, value) {
if (typeof option == 'object') {
var options = option;
this.options = Ext.apply(this.options, options);
for (var option in options) {
this.onChange(option, options[option]);
if (typeof option == 'object') {
var options = option;
this.options = Ext.apply(this.options, options);
for (var option in options) {
this.onChange(option, options[option]);
} else {
this.options[option] = value;
this.onChange(option, value)
} else {
this.options[option] = value;
this.onChange(option, value)
* Update the value for the specified option and id.
* @param {String|Object} option or options to update
* @param {Object} [value];
update: function(option, value) {
if (typeof value === undefined) {
for (var key in option) {
this.update(key, option[key]);
} else {
var defaultValue = this.getDefault(option);
value = this.convertValueType(defaultValue, value);
var oldValue = this.get(option);
if (oldValue == value) return;
if (defaultValue == value) {
if (this.isDirty(option)) delete this.changed[option];
this.fireEvent('changed', option, value, oldValue);
if (value === undefined) {
for (var key in option) {
this.update(key, option[key]);
} else {
var defaultValue = this.getDefault(option);
value = this.convertValueType(defaultValue, value);
this.changed[option] = value;
this.fireEvent('changed', option, value, oldValue);
var oldValue = this.get(option);
if (oldValue == value) return;
if (defaultValue == value) {
if (this.isDirty(option)) delete this.changed[option];
this.fireEvent('changed', option, value, oldValue);
this.changed[option] = value;
this.fireEvent('changed', option, value, oldValue);
/* Event Handlers */
* Event Handlers *
* Lets the option manager know when a field is blurred so if a value
* so value changing operations can continue on that field.
onFieldBlur: function(field, event) {
if (this.focused == field) {
this.focused = null;
if (this.focused == field) {
this.focused = null;
* Stops a form fields value from being blocked by the change functions
* @param {Ext.form.Field} field
* @private
onFieldChange: function(field, event) {
this.update(field._doption, field.getValue());
this.update(field._doption, field.getValue());
* Lets the option manager know when a field is focused so if a value
* changing operation is performed it won't change the value of the
* field.
onFieldFocus: function(field, event) {
this.focused = field;
this.focused = field;
onChange: function(option, newValue, oldValue) {
// If we don't have a bind there's nothing to do.
if (Ext.isEmpty(this.binds[option])) return;
Ext.each(this.binds[option], function(bind) {
// The field is currently focused so we don't want to
// change it.
if (bind == this.focused) return;
// Set the form field to the new value.
}, this)
onChange: function(option, newValue, oldValue) {
// If we don't have a bind there's nothing to do.
if (Ext.isEmpty(this.binds[option])) return;
Ext.each(this.binds[option], function(bind) {
// The field is currently focused so we don't want to
// change it.
if (bind == this.focused) return;
// Set the form field to the new value.
}, this);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user