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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# test_transfer.py
# Copyright (C) 2012 Bro <bro.development@gmail.com>
# Deluge is free software.
# You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# deluge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with deluge. If not, write to:
# The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
# permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL
# library.
# You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of
# the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
# exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s),
# but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete
# this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception
# statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here.
from twisted.trial import unittest
from deluge.transfer import DelugeTransferProtocol
import base64
import deluge.rencode as rencode
class TransferTestClass(DelugeTransferProtocol):
def __init__(self):
self.transport = self
self.messages_out = []
self.messages_in = []
self.packet_count = 0
def write(self, message):
Called by DelugeTransferProtocol class
This simulates the write method of the self.transport in DelugeTransferProtocol.
def message_received(self, message):
This method overrides message_received is DelugeTransferProtocol and is
called with the complete message as it was sent by DelugeRPCProtocol
def get_messages_out_joined(self):
return b"".join(self.messages_out)
def get_messages_in(self):
return self.messages_in
def dataReceived_old_protocol(self, data):
This is the original method logic (as close as possible) for handling data receival on the client
:param data: a zlib compressed string encoded with rencode.
from datetime import timedelta
import zlib
print "\n=== New Data Received ===\nBytes received:", len(data)
if self._buffer:
# We have some data from the last dataReceived() so lets prepend it
print "Current buffer:", len(self._buffer) if self._buffer else "0"
data = self._buffer + data
self._buffer = None
self.packet_count += 1
self._bytes_received += len(data)
while data:
print "\n-- Handle packet data --"
print "Bytes received:", self._bytes_received
print "Current data:", len(data)
if self._message_length == 0:
# handle_new_message uses _buffer so set data to _buffer.
self._buffer = data
data = self._buffer
self._buffer = None
self.packet_count = 1
print "New message of length:", self._message_length
dobj = zlib.decompressobj()
request = rencode.loads(dobj.decompress(data))
print "Successfully loaded message",
print " - Buffer length: %d, data length: %d, unused length: %d" % (len(data), \
len(data) - len(dobj.unused_data), len(dobj.unused_data))
print "Packet count:", self.packet_count
except Exception, e:
#log.debug("Received possible invalid message (%r): %s", data, e)
# This could be cut-off data, so we'll save this in the buffer
# and try to prepend it on the next dataReceived()
self._buffer = data
print "Failed to load buffer (size %d): %s" % (len(self._buffer), str(e))
data = dobj.unused_data
self._message_length = 0
class DelugeTransferProtocolTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
The expected messages corresponds to the test messages (msg1, msg2) after they've been processed
by DelugeTransferProtocol.send, which means that they've first been encoded with pickle,
and then compressed with zlib.
The expected messages are encoded in base64 to easily including it here in the source.
So before comparing the results with the expected messages, the expected messages must be decoded,
or the result message be encoded in base64.
self.transfer = TransferTestClass()
self.msg1 = (0, 1, {"key_int": 1242429423}, {"key_str": "some string"}, {"key_bool": True})
self.msg2 = (2, 3, {"key_float": 12424.29423},
{"key_unicode": u"some string"},
{"key_dict_with_tuple": {"key_tuple": (1, 2, 3)}},
{"keylist": [4, "5", 6.7]})
self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64 = "RAAAADF4nDvKwJjenp1aGZ+ZV+Lgxfv9PYRXXFLU"\
self.msg2_expected_compressed_base64 = "RAAAAF14nDvGxJzemZ1aGZ+Wk59Y4uTmpKib3g3i"\
def test_send_one_message(self):
Send one message and test that it has been sent correctoly to the
method 'write' in self.transport.
# Get the data as sent by DelugeTransferProtocol
messages = self.transfer.get_messages_out_joined()
base64_encoded = base64.b64encode(messages)
self.assertEquals(base64_encoded, self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64)
def test_receive_one_message(self):
Receive one message and test that it has been sent to the
method 'message_received'.
# Get the data as sent by DelugeTransferProtocol
messages = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg1), rencode.dumps(messages))
def test_receive_old_message(self):
Receive an old message (with no header) and verify that the data is discarded.
self.assertEquals(len(self.transfer.get_messages_in()), 0)
self.assertEquals(self.transfer._message_length, 0)
self.assertEquals(len(self.transfer._buffer), 0)
def test_receive_two_concatenated_messages(self):
This test simply concatenates two messsages (as they're sent over the network),
and lets DelugeTransferProtocol receive the data as one string.
two_concatenated = base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64) + base64.b64decode(self.msg2_expected_compressed_base64)
# Get the data as sent by DelugeTransferProtocol
message1 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg1), rencode.dumps(message1))
message2 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg2), rencode.dumps(message2))
def test_receive_three_messages_in_parts(self):
This test concatenates three messsages (as they're sent over the network),
and lets DelugeTransferProtocol receive the data in multiple parts.
msg_bytes = base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64) + \
base64.b64decode(self.msg2_expected_compressed_base64) + \
packet_size = 40
one_message_byte_count = len(base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64))
two_messages_byte_count = one_message_byte_count + len(base64.b64decode(self.msg2_expected_compressed_base64))
three_messages_byte_count = two_messages_byte_count + len(base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64))
for d in self.receive_parts_helper(msg_bytes, packet_size):
bytes_received = self.transfer.get_bytes_recv()
if bytes_received >= three_messages_byte_count:
expected_msgs_received_count = 3
elif bytes_received >= two_messages_byte_count:
expected_msgs_received_count = 2
elif bytes_received >= one_message_byte_count:
expected_msgs_received_count = 1
expected_msgs_received_count = 0
# Verify that the expected number of complete messages has arrived
self.assertEquals(expected_msgs_received_count, len(self.transfer.get_messages_in()))
# Get the data as received by DelugeTransferProtocol
message1 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg1), rencode.dumps(message1))
message2 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg2), rencode.dumps(message2))
message3 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg1), rencode.dumps(message3))
# Remove underscore to enable test, or run the test directly:
# tests $ trial test_transfer.DelugeTransferProtocolTestCase._test_rencode_fail_protocol
def _test_rencode_fail_protocol(self):
This test tries to test the protocol that relies on errors from rencode.
msg_bytes = base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64) + \
base64.b64decode(self.msg2_expected_compressed_base64) + \
packet_size = 149
one_message_byte_count = len(base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64))
two_messages_byte_count = one_message_byte_count + len(base64.b64decode(self.msg2_expected_compressed_base64))
three_messages_byte_count = two_messages_byte_count + len(base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64))
print "Msg1 size:", len(base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64)) - 4
print "Msg2 size:", len(base64.b64decode(self.msg2_expected_compressed_base64)) - 4
print "Msg3 size:", len(base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64)) - 4
print "one_message_byte_count:", one_message_byte_count
print "two_messages_byte_count:", two_messages_byte_count
print "three_messages_byte_count:", three_messages_byte_count
for d in self.receive_parts_helper(msg_bytes, packet_size, self.transfer.dataReceived_old_protocol):
bytes_received = self.transfer.get_bytes_recv()
if bytes_received >= three_messages_byte_count:
expected_msgs_received_count = 3
elif bytes_received >= two_messages_byte_count:
expected_msgs_received_count = 2
elif bytes_received >= one_message_byte_count:
expected_msgs_received_count = 1
expected_msgs_received_count = 0
# Verify that the expected number of complete messages has arrived
if expected_msgs_received_count != len(self.transfer.get_messages_in()):
print "Expected number of messages received is %d, but %d have been received."\
% (expected_msgs_received_count, len(self.transfer.get_messages_in()))
# Get the data as received by DelugeTransferProtocol
message1 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg1), rencode.dumps(message1))
message2 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg2), rencode.dumps(message2))
message3 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg1), rencode.dumps(message3))
def test_receive_middle_of_header(self):
This test concatenates two messsages (as they're sent over the network),
and lets DelugeTransferProtocol receive the data in two parts.
The first part contains the first message, plus two bytes of the next message.
The next part contains the rest of the message.
This is a special case, as DelugeTransferProtocol can't start parsing
a message until it has at least 4 bytes (the size of the header) to be able
to read and parse the size of the payload.
two_concatenated = base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64) + base64.b64decode(self.msg2_expected_compressed_base64)
first_len = len(base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64))
# Now found the entire first message, and half the header of the next message (2 bytes into the header)
# Should be 1 message in the list
self.assertEquals(1, len(self.transfer.get_messages_in()))
# Send the rest
# Should be 2 messages in the list
self.assertEquals(2, len(self.transfer.get_messages_in()))
# Get the data as sent by DelugeTransferProtocol
message1 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg1), rencode.dumps(message1))
message2 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg2), rencode.dumps(message2))
# Needs file containing big data structure e.g. like thetorrent list as it is transfered by the daemon
#def test_simulate_big_transfer(self):
# filename = "../deluge.torrentlist"
# f = open(filename, "r")
# data = f.read()
# message_to_send = eval(data)
# self.transfer.transfer_message(message_to_send)
# # Get the data as sent to the network by DelugeTransferProtocol
# compressed_data = self.transfer.get_messages_out_joined()
# packet_size = 16000 # Or something smaller...
# for d in self.receive_parts_helper(compressed_data, packet_size):
# bytes_recv = self.transfer.get_bytes_recv()
# if bytes_recv < len(compressed_data):
# self.assertEquals(len(self.transfer.get_messages_in()), 0)
# else:
# self.assertEquals(len(self.transfer.get_messages_in()), 1)
# # Get the data as received by DelugeTransferProtocol
# transfered_message = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
# # Test that the data structures are equal
# #self.assertEquals(transfered_message, message_to_send)
# #self.assertTrue(transfered_message == message_to_send)
# #f.close()
# #f = open("rencode.torrentlist", "w")
# #f.write(str(transfered_message))
# #f.close()
def receive_parts_helper(self, data, packet_size, receive_func=None):
byte_count = len(data)
sent_bytes = 0
while byte_count > 0:
to_receive = packet_size if byte_count > packet_size else byte_count
sent_bytes += to_receive
byte_count -= to_receive
if receive_func:
data = data[to_receive:]