2024-06-02 13:40:34 +00:00

1476 lines
75 KiB

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
def plotData(conf):
fig = plt.figure("9, 3")
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
if conf["type"] == "plot" or conf["type"] == "plot_with_1line":
for i in range(len(conf["data"])):
plt.plot(conf["xdots"], conf["data"][i], conf["colors"][i], label=conf["labels"][i])
elif conf["type"] == "individual_bar" or conf["type"] == "individual_bar_with_2line":
plt.bar(conf["xdots"], conf["data"])
elif conf["type"] == "grouped_bar":
for i in range(len(conf["data"])):
plt.bar(conf["xdots"], conf["data"][i], label=conf["labels"][i])
if conf["type"] == "individual_bar_with_2line":
plt.axhline(y = conf["expected_value1"], color='r', linestyle='--', label=conf["line_label1"])
plt.axhline(y = conf["expected_value2"], color='g', linestyle='--', label=conf["line_label2"])
if conf["type"] == "plot_with_1line":
plt.axhline(y = conf["expected_value"], color='g', linestyle='--', label=conf["line_label"])
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.ylim(0, conf["yaxismax"]*1.1 if conf["yaxismax"] > 0 else 1)
plt.savefig(conf["path"], bbox_inches="tight")
def plotBoxData(conf):
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
num_boxes = len(conf["data"])
positions = np.arange(num_boxes)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
plt.boxplot(conf["data"], patch_artist=True, showmeans=True, meanline=True, positions=positions)
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.savefig(conf["path"], bbox_inches="tight")
class Visualizor:
"""This class helps the visualization of the results"""
def __init__(self, execID, config, results):
"""Initialize the visualizer module"""
self.execID = execID
self.config = config
self.results = results
os.makedirs("results/"+self.execID+"/plots", exist_ok=True)
def __get_attrbs__(self, result):
text = str(result.shape).split("-")
d = dict()
for i in range(0, len(text), 2):
d[text[i]] = text[i + 1]
return d
def __getNodeTypes__(self, group):
theGroup = dict()
for nt in self.config.nodeTypesGroup:
if nt['group'] == group:
for _k, _v in nt.items():
if _k != 'group':
theGroup[_k] = {
"vpn": _v["validatorsPerNode"],
"bw": _v["bwUplinks"],
"r": _v["ratio"]
return theGroup
def plotHeatmaps(self, x, y):
"""Plot the heatmap using the parameters given as x axis and y axis"""
print("Plotting heatmap "+x+" vs "+y)
#Find the location of x in shape
#Find the location of y in shape
#Find the location od r in shape
#Loop over all results
#Add unique values foir every parameter
#Find number of runs from r
#If number of values for x and y > 3 then plot heatmap, otherwise finish
#Create a 2D grid with the dimensions of the number of values for x and y
#For all values of x
#For all values of y
# For all values in r
#Fixing all other values to 1 (in the mean time)
#Add/sum TTA into 2D grid
#if last r divide by number of runs
#Plot 2D grid
def plotHeatmaps(self, x, y):
"""Plot the heatmap using the parameters given as x axis and y axis"""
print("Plotting heatmap "+x+" vs "+y)
#Find the location of x in shape
#Find the location of y in shape
#Find the location od r in shape
#Loop over all results
#Add unique values foir every parameter
#Find number of runs from r
#If number of values for x and y > 3 then plot heatmap, otherwise finish
#Create a 2D grid with the dimensions of the number of values for x and y
#For all values of x
#For all values of y
# For all values in r
#Fixing all other values to 1 (in the mean time)
#Add/sum TTA into 2D grid
#if last r divide by number of runs
#Plot 2D grid
def plotAll(self):
"""Plot all the important elements of each result"""
for result in self.results:
plotPath = "results/"+self.execID+"/plots/"+str(result.shape)
os.makedirs(plotPath, exist_ok=True)
self.plotMissingSegments(result, plotPath)
self.plotProgress(result, plotPath)
self.plotSentData(result, plotPath)
self.plotRecvData(result, plotPath)
self.plotDupData(result, plotPath)
# self.plotSamplesRepaired(result, plotPath)
# self.plotMessagesSent(result, plotPath)
# self.plotMessagesRecv(result, plotPath)
# self.plotSampleRecv(result, plotPath)
# self.plotRestoreRowCount(result, plotPath)
# self.plotRestoreColumnCount(result, plotPath)
# if self.config.saveRCdist:
# self.plotRowCol(result, plotPath)
# self.plotBoxSamplesRepaired(result, plotPath)
# self.plotBoxMessagesSent(result, plotPath)
# self.plotBoxMessagesRecv(result, plotPath)
# self.plotBoxSampleRecv(result, plotPath)
# self.plotBoxRestoreColumnCount(result, plotPath)
# self.plotBoxRestoreRowCount(result, plotPath)
# if self.config.saveRCdist:
# self.plotBoxRowCol(result, plotPath)
self.plotBoxenSamplesRepaired(result, plotPath)
self.plotBoxenMessagesSent(result, plotPath)
self.plotBoxenMessagesRecv(result, plotPath)
self.plotBoxenSamplesRecv(result, plotPath)
self.plotBoxenRestoreRowCount(result, plotPath)
self.plotBoxenRestoreColumnCount(result, plotPath)
if self.config.saveRCdist:
self.plotBoxenRowColDist(result, plotPath)
self.plotECDFSamplesRepaired(result, plotPath)
self.plotECDFMessagesSent(result, plotPath)
self.plotECDFMessagesRecv(result, plotPath)
self.plotECDFSamplesReceived(result, plotPath)
self.plotECDFRestoreRowCount(result, plotPath)
self.plotECDFRestoreColumnCount(result, plotPath)
if self.config.saveRCdist:
self.plotECDFRowColDist(result, plotPath)
def plotBoxRestoreRowCount(self, result, plotPath):
"""Box Plot of restoreRowCount for all nodes"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Box Plot of Restore Row Count by Nodes"
conf["xlabel"] = "Node Type"
conf["ylabel"] = "Restore Row Count"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
class1_data = result.restoreRowCount[1: n1]
class2_data = result.restoreRowCount[n1+1: ]
data = [class1_data, class2_data]
plt.xticks([1, 2], ['Class 1 Nodes', 'Class 2 Nodes'])
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
plt.savefig(plotPath + "/box_restoreRowCount.png", bbox_inches="tight")
print("Plot %s created." % (plotPath + "/box_restoreRowCount.png"))
def plotBoxRestoreColumnCount(self, result, plotPath):
"""Box Plot of restoreColumnCount for all nodes"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Box Plot of Restore Column Count by Nodes"
conf["xlabel"] = "Node Type"
conf["ylabel"] = "Restore Column Count"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
class1_data = result.restoreColumnCount[1: n1]
class2_data = result.restoreColumnCount[n1+1: ]
data = [class1_data, class2_data]
plt.xticks([1, 2], ['Class 1 Nodes', 'Class 2 Nodes'])
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
plt.savefig(plotPath + "/box_restoreColumnCount.png", bbox_inches="tight")
print("Plot %s created." % (plotPath + "/box_restoreColumnCount.png"))
def plotBoxenRestoreRowCount(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the Boxen plot of restoreRowCount for all nodes"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Boxen Plot of Restore Row Count by Nodes"
conf["xlabel"] = "Restore Row Count"
conf["ylabel"] = "Nodes"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
data = [result.restoreRowCount[1: n1], result.restoreRowCount[n1+1: ]]
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
sns.boxenplot(data=data, width=0.8)
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
plt.savefig(plotPath + "/boxen_restoreRowCount.png", bbox_inches="tight")
print("Plot %s created." % (plotPath + "/boxen_restoreRowCount.png"))
def plotBoxenRestoreColumnCount(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the Boxen plot of restoreColumnCount for all nodes"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Boxen Plot of Restore Column Count by Nodes"
conf["xlabel"] = "Restore Column Count"
conf["ylabel"] = "Nodes"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
data = [result.restoreColumnCount[1: n1], result.restoreColumnCount[n1+1: ]]
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
sns.boxenplot(data=data, width=0.8)
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
plt.savefig(plotPath + "/boxen_restoreColumnCount.png", bbox_inches="tight")
print("Plot %s created." % (plotPath + "/boxen_restoreColumnCount.png"))
def plotECDFRestoreRowCount(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the ECDF of restoreRowCount for all nodes using seaborn's ecdfplot"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "ECDF of Restore Row Count by Nodes"
conf["xlabel"] = "Restore Row Count"
conf["ylabel"] = "ECDF"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
class1_data = result.restoreRowCount[1: n1]
class2_data = result.restoreRowCount[n1+1: ]
sns.ecdfplot(data=class1_data, label='Class 1 Nodes')
sns.ecdfplot(data=class2_data, label='Class 2 Nodes')
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
max_val = max(result.restoreRowCount) * 1.1
plt.xlim(left=0, right=max_val if max_val > 0 else 1)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
plt.legend(title='Node Class', labels=['Class 1 Nodes', 'Class 2 Nodes'], loc=1)
plt.savefig(plotPath + "/ecdf_restoreRowCount.png", bbox_inches="tight")
print("Plot %s created." % (plotPath + "/ecdf_restoreRowCount.png"))
def plotECDFRestoreColumnCount(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the ECDF of restoreColumnCount for all nodes using seaborn's ecdfplot"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "ECDF of Restore Column Count by Nodes"
conf["xlabel"] = "Restore Column Count"
conf["ylabel"] = "ECDF"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
class1_data = result.restoreColumnCount[1: n1]
class2_data = result.restoreColumnCount[n1+1: ]
sns.ecdfplot(data=class1_data, label='Class 1 Nodes')
sns.ecdfplot(data=class2_data, label='Class 2 Nodes')
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
max_val = max(result.restoreColumnCount) * 1.1
plt.xlim(left=0, right=max_val if max_val > 0 else 1)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
plt.legend(title='Node Class', labels=['Class 1 Nodes', 'Class 2 Nodes'], loc=1)
plt.savefig(plotPath + "/ecdf_restoreColumnCount.png", bbox_inches="tight")
print("Plot %s created." % (plotPath + "/ecdf_restoreColumnCount.png"))
def plotECDFMessagesSent(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the ECDF of messages sent by all nodes using seaborn's ecdfplot"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "ECDF of Messages Sent by Nodes"
conf["xlabel"] = "Number of Messages Sent"
conf["ylabel"] = "ECDF"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
class1_data = result.msgSentCount[1: n1]
class2_data = result.msgSentCount[n1+1: ]
sns.ecdfplot(data=class1_data, label='Class 1 Nodes')
sns.ecdfplot(data=class2_data, label='Class 2 Nodes')
plt.legend(title='Node Class', labels=['Class 1 Nodes', 'Class 2 Nodes'], loc=1)
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
plt.xlim(left=0, right=max(result.msgSentCount) * 1.1)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
plt.savefig(plotPath + "/ecdf_messagesSent.png", bbox_inches="tight")
print("Plot %s created." % (plotPath + "/ecdf_messagesSent.png"))
def plotECDFMessagesRecv(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the ECDF of messages received by all nodes using seaborn's ecdfplot"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "ECDF of Messages Received by Nodes"
conf["xlabel"] = "Number of Messages Received"
conf["ylabel"] = "ECDF"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
class1_data = result.msgRecvCount[1: n1]
class2_data = result.msgRecvCount[n1+1: ]
sns.ecdfplot(data=class1_data, label='Class 1 Nodes')
sns.ecdfplot(data=class2_data, label='Class 2 Nodes')
plt.legend(title='Node Class', labels=['Class 1 Nodes', 'Class 2 Nodes'], loc=1)
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
plt.xlim(left=0, right=max(result.msgRecvCount) * 1.1)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
plt.savefig(plotPath + "/ecdf_messagesRecv.png", bbox_inches="tight")
print("Plot %s created." % (plotPath + "/ecdf_messagesRecv.png"))
def plotECDFSamplesReceived(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the ECDF of samples received by all nodes using seaborn's ecdfplot"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "ECDF of Samples Received by Nodes"
conf["xlabel"] = "Number of Samples Received"
conf["ylabel"] = "ECDF"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
class1_data = result.sampleRecvCount[1: n1]
class2_data = result.sampleRecvCount[n1+1: ]
sns.ecdfplot(data=class1_data, label='Class 1 Nodes')
sns.ecdfplot(data=class2_data, label='Class 2 Nodes')
plt.legend(title='Node Class', labels=['Class 1 Nodes', 'Class 2 Nodes'], loc=1)
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
plt.xlim(left=0, right=max(result.sampleRecvCount) * 1.1)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
plt.savefig(plotPath + "/ecdf_samplesReceived.png", bbox_inches="tight")
print("Plot %s created." % (plotPath + "/ecdf_samplesReceived.png"))
def plotECDFRowColDist(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the ECDF of row col distribution by all nodes using seaborn's ecdfplot"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "ECDF of Row-Col Distribution by Nodes"
conf["xlabel"] = "Row-Col Distribution"
conf["ylabel"] = "ECDF"
vector1 = result.metrics["rowDist"]
vector2 = result.metrics["columnDist"]
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
sns.ecdfplot(data=vector1, label='Rows')
sns.ecdfplot(data=vector2, label='Columns')
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
plt.xlim(left=0, right=max(max(vector1), max(vector2)) * 1.1)
plt.legend(labels=['Row Dist', 'Column Dist'], loc=1)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
plt.savefig(plotPath + "/ecdf_rowColDist.png", bbox_inches="tight")
print("Plot %s created." % (plotPath + "/ecdf_rowColDist.png"))
def plotECDFSamplesRepaired(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the ECDF of samples repaired by all nodes using seaborn's ecdfplot"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "ECDF of Samples Repaired by Nodes"
conf["xlabel"] = "Number of Samples Repaired"
conf["ylabel"] = "ECDF"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
class1_data = result.repairedSampleCount[1: n1]
class2_data = result.repairedSampleCount[n1+1: ]
sns.ecdfplot(data=class1_data, label='Class 1 Nodes')
sns.ecdfplot(data=class2_data, label='Class 2 Nodes')
plt.legend(title='Node Class', labels=['Class 1 Nodes', 'Class 2 Nodes'])
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
plt.xlim(left=0, right=max(result.repairedSampleCount) * 1.1)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
plt.savefig(plotPath + "/ecdf_samplesRepaired.png", bbox_inches="tight")
print("Plot %s created." % (plotPath + "/ecdf_samplesRepaired.png"))
def plotBoxenSamplesRecv(self, result, plotPath):
"""Boxen Plot of the number of samples received by all nodes"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Number of Samples Received by Nodes"
conf["xlabel"] = "Node Type"
conf["ylabel"] = "Number of Samples Received"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
data = [result.sampleRecvCount[1: n1], result.sampleRecvCount[n1+1: ]]
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
sns.boxenplot(data=data, width=0.8)
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
plt.savefig(plotPath + "/boxen_samplesRecv.png")
print("Plot %s created." % (plotPath + "/boxen_samplesRecv.png"))
def plotBoxenSamplesRepaired(self, result, plotPath):
"""Boxen Plot of the number of samples repaired by all nodes"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Number of Samples Repaired by Nodes"
conf["xlabel"] = "Node Type"
conf["ylabel"] = "Number of Samples Repaired"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
data = [result.repairedSampleCount[1: n1], result.repairedSampleCount[n1+1: ]]
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
sns.boxenplot(data=data, width=0.8)
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
plt.savefig(plotPath + "/boxen_samplesRepaired.png")
print("Plot %s created." % (plotPath + "/boxen_samplesRepaired.png"))
def plotBoxenRowColDist(self, result, plotPath):
"""Boxen Plot of the Row/Column distribution"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Row/Column Distribution"
conf["xlabel"] = "Row/Column Type"
conf["ylabel"] = "Validators Subscribed"
vector1 = result.metrics["rowDist"]
vector2 = result.metrics["columnDist"]
if len(vector1) > len(vector2):
vector2 += [np.nan] * (len(vector1) - len(vector2))
elif len(vector1) < len(vector2):
vector1 += [np.nan] * (len(vector2) - len(vector1))
data = [vector1, vector2]
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
sns.boxenplot(data=data, width=0.8)
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
plt.savefig(plotPath + "/boxen_rowColDist.png")
print("Plot %s created." % (plotPath + "/boxen_rowColDist.png"))
def plotBoxenMessagesSent(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the number of messages sent by all nodes using seaborn's boxenplot"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Number of Messages Sent by Nodes"
conf["xlabel"] = "Node Type"
conf["ylabel"] = "Number of Messages Sent"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
data = [result.msgSentCount[1: n1], result.msgSentCount[n1+1: ]]
labels = ["Class 1", "Class 2"]
sns.boxenplot(data=data, palette="Set2", ax=plt.gca())
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
plt.savefig(plotPath + "/boxen_messagesSent.png", bbox_inches="tight")
print("Plot %s created." % (plotPath + "/boxen_messagesSent.png"))
def plotBoxenMessagesRecv(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the number of messages received by all nodes using seaborn's boxenplot"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Number of Messages Received by Nodes"
conf["xlabel"] = "Node Type"
conf["ylabel"] = "Number of Messages Received"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
data = [result.msgRecvCount[1: n1], result.msgRecvCount[n1+1: ]]
labels = ["Class 1", "Class 2"]
sns.boxenplot(data=data, palette="Set2", ax=plt.gca())
plt.xlabel(conf["xlabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(conf["ylabel"], fontsize=12)
plt.title(conf["title"], fontsize=14)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(1.05, 0.05, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, bbox=props)
plt.savefig(plotPath + "/boxen_messagesRecv.png", bbox_inches="tight")
print("Plot %s created." % (plotPath + "/boxen_messagesRecv.png"))
def plotBoxSamplesRepaired(self, result, plotPath):
"""Box Plot of the number of samples repaired by all nodes"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Number of Samples Repaired by Nodes"
conf["type"] = "individual_bar"
conf["legLoc"] = 1
conf["desLoc"] = 1
conf["xlabel"] = "Node Type"
conf["ylabel"] = "Number of Samples Repaired"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
conf["data"] = [result.repairedSampleCount[1: n1], result.repairedSampleCount[n1+1: ]]
conf["path"] = plotPath + "/box_samplesRepaired.png"
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotBoxRowCol(self, result, plotPath):
"""Box Plot of the Row/Column distribution"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Row/Column Distribution"
conf["xlabel"] = ""
conf["ylabel"] = "Validators Subscribed"
vector1 = result.metrics["rowDist"]
vector2 = result.metrics["columnDist"]
if len(vector1) > len(vector2):
vector2 += [np.nan] * (len(vector1) - len(vector2))
elif len(vector1) < len(vector2):
vector1 += [np.nan] * (len(vector2) - len(vector1))
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
conf["data"] = [vector1, vector2]
conf["path"] = plotPath + "/box_rowColDist.png"
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotRestoreRowCount(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the restoreRowCount for each node"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Restore Row Count for Each Node"
conf["type"] = "individual_bar"
conf["legLoc"] = 1
conf["desLoc"] = 1
conf["xlabel"] = "Nodes"
conf["ylabel"] = "Restore Row Count"
conf["data"] = result.restoreRowCount
conf["xdots"] = range(result.shape.numberNodes)
conf["path"] = plotPath + "/restoreRowCount.png"
maxi = max(conf["data"])
conf["yaxismax"] = maxi
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotRestoreColumnCount(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the restoreColumnCount for each node"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Restore Column Count for Each Node"
conf["type"] = "individual_bar"
conf["legLoc"] = 1
conf["desLoc"] = 1
conf["xlabel"] = "Nodes"
conf["ylabel"] = "Restore Column Count"
conf["data"] = result.restoreColumnCount
conf["xdots"] = range(result.shape.numberNodes)
conf["path"] = plotPath + "/restoreColumnCount.png"
maxi = max(conf["data"])
conf["yaxismax"] = maxi
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotSampleRecv(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the percentage sampleRecv for each node"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Percentage of Samples Received by Nodes"
conf["type"] = "individual_bar_with_2line"
conf["legLoc"] = 1
conf["desLoc"] = 1
conf["xlabel"] = "Nodes"
conf["ylabel"] = "Percentage of samples received (%)"
total_samples = result.shape.nbCols * result.shape.nbRows
percentage_data = [(count / total_samples) * 100 for count in result.sampleRecvCount]
conf["data"] = percentage_data
conf["xdots"] = range(result.shape.numberNodes)
conf["path"] = plotPath + "/sampleRecv.png"
maxi = max(conf["data"])
# conf["yaxismax"] = maxi * 1.1
expected_percentage1 = (result.shape.vpn1 * (result.shape.nbCols * result.shape.custodyRows + result.shape.nbRows * result.shape.custodyCols) * 100)/total_samples
expected_percentage2 = (result.shape.vpn2 * (result.shape.nbCols * result.shape.custodyRows + result.shape.nbRows * result.shape.custodyCols) * 100)/total_samples
if expected_percentage1 > 100:
expected_percentage1 = 100
if expected_percentage2 > 100:
expected_percentage2 = 100
conf["expected_value1"] = expected_percentage1
conf["expected_value2"] = expected_percentage2
conf["line_label1"] = "Expected Value for class 1 nodes"
conf["line_label2"] = "Expected Value for class 2 nodes"
conf["yaxismax"] = max(expected_percentage1, expected_percentage2) * 1.05
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotBoxSampleRecv(self, result, plotPath):
"""Box Plot of the sampleRecv for each node"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Number of Samples Received by Nodes"
conf["type"] = "individual_bar_with_2line"
conf["legLoc"] = 1
conf["desLoc"] = 1
conf["xlabel"] = "Node Type"
conf["ylabel"] = "Number of samples received (%)"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
conf["data"] = [result.sampleRecvCount[1: n1], result.sampleRecvCount[n1+1: ]]
conf["xdots"] = range(result.shape.numberNodes)
conf["path"] = plotPath + "/box_sampleRecv.png"
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotMissingSegments(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the missing segments in the network"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)+"\nMissing Segment: "+str(round(min(result.missingVector) * 100 / max(result.missingVector), 3))+"%"\
+"\nMissing Segments: "+str(result.missingVector[-1])
conf["title"] = "Missing Segments"
conf["type"] = "plot_with_1line"
conf["legLoc"] = 1
conf["desLoc"] = 1
conf["colors"] = ["m-"]
conf["labels"] = ["Missing Segments"]
conf["xlabel"] = "Time (ms)"
conf["ylabel"] = "Number of Missing Segments"
conf["data"] = [result.missingVector]
conf["xdots"] = [x*self.config.stepDuration for x in range(len(result.missingVector))]
conf["path"] = plotPath+"/missingSegments.png"
maxi = 0
for v in conf["data"]:
if max(v) > maxi:
maxi = max(v)
conf["yaxismax"] = maxi
x = result.shape.nbCols * result.shape.custodyRows + result.shape.nbRows * result.shape.custodyCols
conf["expected_value"] = (result.shape.numberNodes - 1) * x * sum([(_v['r'] * _v['vpn']) for _v in nodeTypes.values()]) / sum([_v['r'] for _v in nodeTypes.values()])
conf["line_label"] = "Total segments to deliver"
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotProgress(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the percentage of nodes ready in the network"""
vector1 = [x * 100 for x in result.metrics["progress"]["nodes ready"]]
vector2 = [x * 100 for x in result.metrics["progress"]["validators ready"]]
vector3 = [x * 100 for x in result.metrics["progress"]["samples received"]]
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Nodes/validators ready"
conf["type"] = "plot"
conf["legLoc"] = 2
conf["desLoc"] = 2
conf["colors"] = ["g-", "b-", "r-"]
conf["labels"] = ["Nodes", "Validators", "Samples"]
conf["xlabel"] = "Time (ms)"
conf["ylabel"] = "Percentage (%)"
conf["data"] = [vector1, vector2, vector3]
conf["xdots"] = [x*self.config.stepDuration for x in range(len(vector1))]
conf["path"] = plotPath+"/nodesReady.png"
conf["yaxismax"] = 1
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotSentData(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the percentage of nodes ready in the network"""
vector1 = result.metrics["progress"]["TX builder mean"]
vector2 = result.metrics["progress"]["TX class1 mean"]
vector3 = result.metrics["progress"]["TX class2 mean"]
for i in range(len(vector1)):
vector1[i] = (vector1[i] * 8 * (1000/self.config.stepDuration) * self.config.segmentSize) / 1000000
vector2[i] = (vector2[i] * 8 * (1000/self.config.stepDuration) * self.config.segmentSize) / 1000000
vector3[i] = (vector3[i] * 8 * (1000/self.config.stepDuration) * self.config.segmentSize) / 1000000
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Sent data"
conf["type"] = "plot"
conf["legLoc"] = 2
conf["desLoc"] = 2
conf["colors"] = ["y-", "c-", "m-"]
conf["labels"] = ["Block Builder", "Solo stakers", "Staking pools"]
conf["xlabel"] = "Time (ms)"
conf["ylabel"] = "Bandwidth (MBits/s)"
conf["data"] = [vector1, vector2, vector3]
conf["xdots"] = [x*self.config.stepDuration for x in range(len(vector1))]
conf["path"] = plotPath+"/sentData.png"
maxi = 0
for v in conf["data"]:
if max(v) > maxi:
maxi = max(v)
conf["yaxismax"] = maxi
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotRecvData(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the percentage of nodes ready in the network"""
vector1 = result.metrics["progress"]["RX class1 mean"]
vector2 = result.metrics["progress"]["RX class2 mean"]
for i in range(len(vector1)):
vector1[i] = (vector1[i] * 8 * (1000/self.config.stepDuration) * self.config.segmentSize) / 1000000
vector2[i] = (vector2[i] * 8 * (1000/self.config.stepDuration) * self.config.segmentSize) / 1000000
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Received data"
conf["type"] = "plot"
conf["legLoc"] = 2
conf["desLoc"] = 2
conf["colors"] = ["c-", "m-"]
conf["labels"] = ["Solo stakers", "Staking pools"]
conf["xlabel"] = "Time (ms)"
conf["ylabel"] = "Bandwidth (MBits/s)"
conf["data"] = [vector1, vector2]
conf["xdots"] = [x*self.config.stepDuration for x in range(len(vector1))]
conf["path"] = plotPath+"/recvData.png"
maxi = 0
for v in conf["data"]:
if max(v) > maxi:
maxi = max(v)
conf["yaxismax"] = maxi
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotDupData(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the percentage of nodes ready in the network"""
vector1 = result.metrics["progress"]["Dup class1 mean"]
vector2 = result.metrics["progress"]["Dup class2 mean"]
for i in range(len(vector1)):
vector1[i] = (vector1[i] * 8 * (1000/self.config.stepDuration) * self.config.segmentSize) / 1000000
vector2[i] = (vector2[i] * 8 * (1000/self.config.stepDuration) * self.config.segmentSize) / 1000000
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Duplicated data"
conf["type"] = "plot"
conf["legLoc"] = 2
conf["desLoc"] = 2
conf["colors"] = ["c-", "m-"]
conf["labels"] = ["Solo stakers", "Staking pools"]
conf["xlabel"] = "Time (ms)"
conf["ylabel"] = "Bandwidth (MBits/s)"
conf["data"] = [vector1, vector2]
conf["xdots"] = [x*self.config.stepDuration for x in range(len(vector1))]
conf["path"] = plotPath+"/dupData.png"
maxi = 0
for v in conf["data"]:
if max(v) > maxi:
maxi = max(v)
conf["yaxismax"] = maxi
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotRowCol(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the percentage of nodes ready in the network"""
vector1 = result.metrics["rowDist"]
vector2 = result.metrics["columnDist"]
if len(vector1) > len(vector2):
vector2 += [np.nan] * (len(vector1) - len(vector2))
elif len(vector1) < len(vector2):
vector1 += [np.nan] * (len(vector2) - len(vector1))
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Row/Column distribution"
conf["type"] = "grouped_bar"
conf["legLoc"] = 2
conf["desLoc"] = 2
conf["colors"] = ["r+", "b+"]
conf["labels"] = ["Rows", "Columns"]
conf["xlabel"] = "Row/Column ID"
conf["ylabel"] = "Validators subscribed"
conf["data"] = [vector1, vector2]
conf["xdots"] = range(len(vector1))
conf["path"] = plotPath+"/RowColDist.png"
maxi = 0
for v in conf["data"]:
if np.nanmax(v) > maxi:
maxi = max(v)
conf["yaxismax"] = maxi
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotMessagesSent(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the number of messages sent by all nodes"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Number of Messages Sent by Nodes"
conf["type"] = "individual_bar"
conf["legLoc"] = 1
conf["desLoc"] = 1
conf["xlabel"] = "Nodes"
conf["ylabel"] = "Number of Messages Sent"
conf["data"] = result.msgSentCount
conf["xdots"] = range(result.shape.numberNodes)
conf["path"] = plotPath + "/messagesSent.png"
maxi = max(conf["data"])
conf["yaxismax"] = maxi
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotBoxMessagesSent(self, result, plotPath):
"""Box Plot of the number of messages sent by all nodes"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Number of Messages Sent by Nodes"
conf["xlabel"] = "Node Type"
conf["ylabel"] = "Number of Messages Sent"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
conf["data"] = [result.msgSentCount[1: n1], result.msgSentCount[n1+1: ]]
conf["path"] = plotPath + "/box_messagesSent.png"
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotMessagesRecv(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the number of messages received by all nodes"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Number of Messages Received by Nodes"
conf["type"] = "individual_bar"
conf["legLoc"] = 1
conf["desLoc"] = 1
conf["xlabel"] = "Nodes"
conf["ylabel"] = "Number of Messages Received"
conf["data"] = result.msgRecvCount
conf["xdots"] = range(result.shape.numberNodes)
conf["path"] = plotPath + "/messagesRecv.png"
maxi = max(conf["data"])
conf["yaxismax"] = maxi
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotBoxMessagesRecv(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the number of messages received by all nodes"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Number of Messages Received by Nodes"
conf["type"] = "individual_bar"
conf["legLoc"] = 1
conf["desLoc"] = 1
conf["xlabel"] = "Node Type"
conf["ylabel"] = "Number of Messages Received"
n1 = int(result.numberNodes * result.class1ratio)
conf["data"] = [result.msgRecvCount[1: n1], result.msgRecvCount[n1+1: ]]
conf["xdots"] = range(result.shape.numberNodes)
conf["path"] = plotPath + "/box_messagesRecv.png"
maxi = max(conf["data"])
conf["yaxismax"] = maxi
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotSamplesRepaired(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the number of samples repaired by all nodes"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
conf["textBox"] = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"+"\nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']+"\n"+nodeTypesTxt\
+"\nSegment Size: "+str(self.config.segmentSize)
conf["title"] = "Number of Samples Repaired by Nodes"
conf["type"] = "individual_bar"
conf["legLoc"] = 1
conf["desLoc"] = 1
conf["xlabel"] = "Nodes"
conf["ylabel"] = "Number of Samples Repaired"
conf["data"] = result.repairedSampleCount
conf["xdots"] = range(result.shape.numberNodes)
conf["path"] = plotPath + "/repairedSampleCount.png"
maxi = max(conf["data"])
conf["yaxismax"] = maxi
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotHeatMapData(self, conf):
data = {'x': conf['x'], 'y': conf['y'], 'weights': conf['weights']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
pivot_df = df.pivot_table(index='y', columns='x', values='weights', aggfunc="sum")
# Create subplots
fig, (ax_heatmap, ax_textbox) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(18, 6))
# Plot heatmap
sns.heatmap(pivot_df, annot=True, cmap='viridis', fmt='.0f', ax=ax_heatmap)
# Plot textbox
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
ax_textbox.text(0.5, 0.5, conf["textBox"], fontsize=14, verticalalignment='center', transform=ax_textbox.transAxes, bbox=props)
ax_textbox.axis('off') # Turn off axis for the textbox subplot
folder = f"results/{self.execID}/heatmaps/{conf['folder']}"
os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True)
# Number of simulation runs with the same parameters for statistical relevance
def totalRuns(self):
rs = []
for result in self.results:
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
return max(rs) - min(rs) + 1
# x -> network degree, y -> number of nodes, weights -> simulation duration
def plotNWDegVsNodeOnRuntime(self):
xyS = dict()
for result in self.results:
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
textBox = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']\
filename = "bsrn_" + attrbs['bsrn'] +\
"_bsrk_" + attrbs['bsrk'] +\
"_bscn_" + attrbs['bscn' ] +\
"_bsck_" + attrbs['bsck'] +\
"_fr_" + attrbs['fr'] +\
"_mn_" + attrbs['mn'] +\
"_cusr_" + attrbs['cusr'] +\
"_cusc_" + attrbs['cusc'] +\
"_vpn1_" + attrbs['vpn1'] +\
"_vpn2_" + attrbs['vpn2']
identifier = (
attrbs['bsrn'], attrbs['bsrk'], attrbs['bscn'],
attrbs['bsck'], attrbs['fr'], attrbs['mn'],
attrbs['cusr'], attrbs['cusc'], attrbs['vpn1'],
if identifier in xyS.keys():
xyS[identifier]['w'].append(self.config.stepDuration * (len(result.missingVector) - 1))
xyS[identifier] = {
'x': [result.shape.netDegree],
'y': [result.shape.numberNodes],
'w': [self.config.stepDuration * (len(result.missingVector) - 1)],
'textBox': textBox,
'filename': filename
runs = self.totalRuns()
for v in xyS.values():
x = v['x']
y = v['y']
weights = [(w / runs) for w in v['w']]
if len(set(x)) * len(set(y)) < 2: return # Not enough unique params for heatmap
conf = {
'x': x,
'y': y,
'weights': weights,
'xlabel': 'Net Degree',
'ylabel': 'Number of Nodes',
'title': 'Net Degree vs. Number of Nodes on Simulation Runtime (ms)',
'folder': 'NWDegVsNodeOnRuntime',
'textBox': v['textBox'],
'path': f"{v['filename']}.png"
# x -> network degree, y -> % of malicious nodes, weights -> no of missing samples
def plotNWDegVsMalNodeOnMissingSamples(self):
xyS = dict()
for result in self.results:
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
textBox = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+"%"+"\nNodes: "+attrbs['nn']\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']\
filename = "bsrn_" + attrbs['bsrn'] +\
"_bsrk_" + attrbs['bsrk'] +\
"_bscn_" + attrbs['bscn' ] +\
"_bsck_" + attrbs['bsck'] +\
"-nn-" + attrbs['nn'] +\
"_fr_" + attrbs['fr'] +\
"_cusr_" + attrbs['cusr'] +\
"_cusc_" + attrbs['cusc'] +\
"_vpn1_" + attrbs['vpn1'] +\
"_vpn2_" + attrbs['vpn2']
identifier = (
attrbs['bsrn'], attrbs['bsrk'], attrbs['bscn'],
attrbs['bsck'], attrbs['fr'], attrbs['nn'],
attrbs['cusr'], attrbs['cusc'], attrbs['vpn1'],
if identifier in xyS.keys():
xyS[identifier] = {
'x': [result.shape.netDegree],
'y': [result.shape.maliciousNodes],
'w': [result.missingVector[-1]],
'textBox': textBox,
'filename': filename
runs = self.totalRuns()
for v in xyS.values():
x = v['x']
y = v['y']
weights = [(w / runs) for w in v['w']]
if len(set(x)) * len(set(y)) < 2: return # Not enough unique params for heatmap
conf = {
'x': x,
'y': y,
'weights': weights,
'xlabel': 'Net Degree',
'ylabel': 'Malicious Nodes (%)',
'title': 'Net Degree vs Malicious Nodes (%) on Missing Samples',
'folder': 'NWDegVsMalNodeOnMissingSamples',
'textBox': v['textBox'],
'path': f"{v['filename']}.png"
# x -> network degree, y -> failure rate, weights -> no of missing samples
def plotNWDegVsFailureRateOnMissingSamples(self):
xyS = dict()
for result in self.results:
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
nodeTypes = self.__getNodeTypes__(attrbs['ntypes'])
nodeTypesTxt = ""
for _k, _v in nodeTypes.items():
nodeTypesTxt += f"Type ({_k}): " + str(_v) + "\n"
if nodeTypesTxt != "": nodeTypesTxt = nodeTypesTxt[: -1]
textBox = "Row Size (N, K): "+attrbs['bsrn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsrk']\
+"\nColumn Size: (N, K): "+attrbs['bscn']+ ", "+attrbs['bsck']\
+"\nNodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nMalicious Node: "+attrbs['mn']+"%"\
+"\nCustody Rows: "+attrbs['cusr']+"\nCustody Cols: "+attrbs['cusc']\
filename = "bsrn_" + attrbs['bsrn'] +\
"_bsrk_" + attrbs['bsrk'] +\
"_bscn_" + attrbs['bscn' ] +\
"_bsck_" + attrbs['bsck'] +\
"-nn-" + attrbs['nn'] +\
"_mn_" + attrbs['mn'] +\
"_cusr_" + attrbs['cusr'] +\
"_cusc_" + attrbs['cusc'] +\
"_vpn1_" + attrbs['vpn1'] +\
"_vpn2_" + attrbs['vpn2']
identifier = (
attrbs['bsrn'], attrbs['bsrk'], attrbs['bscn'],
attrbs['bsck'], attrbs['mn'], attrbs['nn'],
attrbs['cusr'], attrbs['cusc'], attrbs['vpn1'],
if identifier in xyS.keys():
xyS[identifier] = {
'x': [result.shape.netDegree],
'y': [result.shape.failureRate],
'w': [result.missingVector[-1]],
'textBox': textBox,
'filename': filename
runs = self.totalRuns()
for v in xyS.values():
x = v['x']
y = v['y']
weights = [(w / runs) for w in v['w']]
if len(set(x)) * len(set(y)) < 2: return # Not enough unique params for heatmap
conf = {
'x': x,
'y': y,
'weights': weights,
'xlabel': 'Net Degree',
'ylabel': 'Failure Rate (%)',
'title': 'Net Degree vs Failure Rate (%) on Missing Samples',
'folder': 'NWDegVsFailureRateOnMissingSamples',
'textBox': v['textBox'],
'path': f"{v['filename']}.png"
def plotAllHeatMaps(self):