
563 lines
25 KiB

import random
import collections
import logging
from DAS.block import *
from DAS.tools import shuffled, shuffledDict, unionOfSamples
from bitarray.util import zeros
from collections import deque
from itertools import chain
class Neighbor:
"""This class implements a node neighbor to monitor sent and received data.
It represents one side of a P2P link in the overlay. Sent and received
segments are monitored to avoid sending twice or sending back what was
received from a link.
def __repr__(self):
"""It returns the amount of sent and received data."""
return "%d:%d/%d, q:%d" % (self.node.ID, self.sent.count(1), self.received.count(1), len(self.sendQueue))
def __init__(self, v, dim, blockSize):
"""It initializes the neighbor with the node and sets counters to zero."""
self.node = v
self.dim = dim # 0:row 1:col
self.receiving = zeros(blockSize)
self.received = zeros(blockSize)
self.sent = zeros(blockSize)
self.sendQueue = deque()
class Validator:
def __init__(self, rowIDs, columnIDs):
self.rowIDs = rowIDs
self.columnIDs = columnIDs
def initValidator(nbRows, custodyRows, nbCols, custodyCols):
rowIDs = set(random.sample(range(nbRows), custodyRows))
columnIDs = set(random.sample(range(nbCols), custodyCols))
return Validator(rowIDs, columnIDs)
class Node:
"""This class implements a node in the network."""
def __repr__(self):
"""It returns the node ID."""
return str(self.ID)
def __init__(self, ID, amIproposer, logger, shape, config,
validators, rows = set(), columns = set()):
"""It initializes the node, and eventual validators, following the simulation configuration in shape and config.
If rows/columns are specified these are observed, otherwise (default)
custodyRows rows and custodyCols columns are selected randomly.
self.shape = shape
FORMAT = "%(levelname)s : %(entity)s : %(message)s"
self.ID = ID
self.format = {"entity": "Val "+str(self.ID)}
self.block = Block(self.shape.nbCols, self.shape.nbColsK, self.shape.nbRows, self.shape.nbRowsK)
self.receivedBlock = Block(self.shape.nbCols, self.shape.nbColsK, self.shape.nbRows, self.shape.nbRowsK)
self.receivedQueue = deque()
self.sendQueue = deque()
self.amIproposer = amIproposer
self.logger = logger
self.validators = validators
if amIproposer:
self.nodeClass = 0
self.rowIDs = range(shape.nbRows)
self.columnIDs = range(shape.nbCols)
self.nodeClass = 1 if (self.ID <= shape.numberNodes * shape.class1ratio) else 2
self.vpn = len(validators) #TODO: needed by old code, change to fn
self.rowIDs = set(rows)
self.columnIDs = set(columns)
if config.validatorBasedCustody:
for v in validators:
self.rowIDs = self.rowIDs.union(v.rowIDs)
self.columnIDs = self.columnIDs.union(v.columnIDs)
if (self.vpn * self.shape.custodyRows) > self.shape.nbRows:
self.logger.warning("Row custody (*vpn) larger than number of rows!", extra=self.format)
self.rowIDs = range(self.shape.nbRows)
self.rowIDs = set(random.sample(range(self.shape.nbRows), self.vpn*self.shape.custodyRows))
if (self.vpn * self.shape.custodyCols) > self.shape.nbCols:
self.logger.warning("Column custody (*vpn) larger than number of columns!", extra=self.format)
self.columnIDs = range(self.shape.nbCols)
self.columnIDs = set(random.sample(range(self.shape.nbCols), self.vpn*self.shape.custodyCols))
self.rowNeighbors = collections.defaultdict(dict)
self.columnNeighbors = collections.defaultdict(dict)
self.statsTxInSlot = 0
self.statsTxPerSlot = []
self.statsRxInSlot = 0
self.statsRxPerSlot = []
self.statsRxDupInSlot = 0
self.statsRxDupPerSlot = []
# Set uplink bandwidth.
# Assuming segments of ~560 bytes and timesteps of 50ms, we get
# 1 Mbps ~= 1e6 mbps * 0.050 s / (560*8) bits ~= 11 segments/timestep
if self.amIproposer:
self.bwUplink = shape.bwUplinkProd
elif self.nodeClass == 1:
self.bwUplink = shape.bwUplink1
self.bwUplink = shape.bwUplink2
self.bwUplink *= 1e3 / 8 * config.stepDuration / config.segmentSize
self.repairOnTheFly = True
self.sendLineUntilR = self.shape.nbColsK # stop sending on a p2p link if at least this amount of samples passed
self.sendLineUntilC = self.shape.nbRowsK # stop sending on a p2p link if at least this amount of samples passed
self.perNeighborQueue = True # queue incoming messages to outgoing connections on arrival (as typical GossipSub impl)
self.shuffleQueues = True # shuffle the order of picking from active queues of a sender node
self.perNodeQueue = False # keep a global queue of incoming messages for later sequential dispatch
self.shuffleLines = True # shuffle the order of rows/columns in each iteration while trying to send
self.shuffleNeighbors = True # shuffle the order of neighbors when sending the same segment to each neighbor
self.dumbRandomScheduler = False # dumb random scheduler
self.segmentShuffleScheduler = True # send each segment that's worth sending once in shuffled order, then repeat
self.segmentShuffleSchedulerPersist = True # Persist scheduler state between timesteps
def logIDs(self):
"""It logs the assigned rows and columns."""
if self.amIproposer == 1:
self.logger.warning("I am a block proposer.", extra=self.format)
self.logger.debug("Selected rows: "+str(self.rowIDs), extra=self.format)
self.logger.debug("Selected columns: "+str(self.columnIDs), extra=self.format)
def initBlock(self):
"""It initializes the block for the proposer."""
if self.amIproposer == 0:
self.logger.warning("I am not a block proposer", extra=self.format)
self.logger.debug("Creating block...", extra=self.format)
if self.shape.failureModel == "random":
order = [i for i in range(self.shape.nbCols * self.shape.nbRows)]
order = random.sample(order, int((1 - self.shape.failureRate/100) * len(order)))
for i in order:
self.block.data[i] = 1
elif self.shape.failureModel == "sequential":
order = [i for i in range(self.shape.nbCols * self.shape.nbRows)]
order = order[:int((1 - self.shape.failureRate/100) * len(order))]
for i in order:
self.block.data[i] = 1
elif self.shape.failureModel == "MEP": # Minimal size non-recoverable Erasure Pattern
for r in range(self.shape.nbCols):
for c in range(self.shape.nbRows):
if r > self.shape.nbColsK or c > self.shape.nbRowsK:
elif self.shape.failureModel == "MEP+1": # MEP +1 segment to make it recoverable
for r in range(self.shape.nbCols):
for c in range(self.shape.nbRows):
if r > self.shape.nbColsK or c > self.shape.nbRowsK:
self.block.setSegment(0, 0)
elif self.shape.failureModel == "DEP":
assert(self.shape.nbCols == self.shape.nbRows and self.shape.nbColsK == self.shape.nbRowsK)
for r in range(self.shape.nbCols):
for c in range(self.shape.nbRows):
if (r+c) % self.shape.nbCols > self.shape.nbColsK:
elif self.shape.failureModel == "DEP+1":
assert(self.shape.nbCols == self.shape.nbRows and self.shape.nbColsK == self.shape.nbRowsK)
for r in range(self.shape.nbCols):
for c in range(self.shape.nbRows):
if (r+c) % self.shape.nbCols > self.shape.nbColsK:
self.block.setSegment(0, 0)
elif self.shape.failureModel == "MREP": # Minimum size Recoverable Erasure Pattern
for r in range(self.shape.nbCols):
for c in range(self.shape.nbRows):
if r < self.shape.nbColsK or c < self.shape.nbRowsK:
elif self.shape.failureModel == "MREP-1": # make MREP non-recoverable
for r in range(self.shape.nbCols):
for c in range(self.shape.nbRows):
if r < self.shape.nbColsK or c < self.shape.nbRowsK:
self.block.setSegment(0, 0, 0)
nbFailures = self.block.data.count(0)
measuredFailureRate = nbFailures * 100 / (self.shape.nbCols * self.shape.nbRows)
self.logger.debug("Number of failures: %d (%0.02f %%)", nbFailures, measuredFailureRate, extra=self.format)
def getColumn(self, index):
"""It returns a given column."""
return self.block.getColumn(index)
def getRow(self, index):
"""It returns a given row."""
return self.block.getRow(index)
def receiveSegment(self, rID, cID, src):
"""Receive a segment, register it, and queue for forwarding as needed."""
# register receive so that we are not sending back
if rID in self.rowIDs:
if src in self.rowNeighbors[rID]:
self.rowNeighbors[rID][src].receiving[cID] = 1
if cID in self.columnIDs:
if src in self.columnNeighbors[cID]:
self.columnNeighbors[cID][src].receiving[rID] = 1
if not self.receivedBlock.getSegment(rID, cID):
self.logger.trace("Recv new: %d->%d: %d,%d", src, self.ID, rID, cID, extra=self.format)
self.receivedBlock.setSegment(rID, cID)
if self.perNodeQueue or self.perNeighborQueue:
self.receivedQueue.append((rID, cID))
self.logger.trace("Recv DUP: %d->%d: %d,%d", src, self.ID, rID, cID, extra=self.format)
self.statsRxDupInSlot += 1
self.statsRxInSlot += 1
def addToSendQueue(self, rID, cID):
"""Queue a segment for forwarding."""
if self.perNodeQueue:
self.sendQueue.append((rID, cID))
if self.perNeighborQueue:
if rID in self.rowIDs:
for neigh in self.rowNeighbors[rID].values():
if cID in self.columnIDs:
for neigh in self.columnNeighbors[cID].values():
def receiveRowsColumns(self):
"""Finalize time step by merging newly received segments in state."""
if self.amIproposer == 1:
self.logger.error("I am a block proposer", extra=self.format)
self.logger.trace("Receiving the data...", extra=self.format)
#self.logger.debug("%s -> %s", self.block.data, self.receivedBlock.data, extra=self.format)
for neighs in chain (self.rowNeighbors.values(), self.columnNeighbors.values()):
for neigh in neighs.values():
neigh.received |= neigh.receiving
# add newly received segments to the send queue
if self.perNodeQueue or self.perNeighborQueue:
while self.receivedQueue:
(rID, cID) = self.receivedQueue.popleft()
self.addToSendQueue(rID, cID)
def updateStats(self):
"""It updates the stats related to sent and received data."""
self.logger.debug("Stats: tx %d, rx %d", self.statsTxInSlot, self.statsRxInSlot, extra=self.format)
self.statsRxInSlot = 0
self.statsRxDupInSlot = 0
self.statsTxInSlot = 0
def checkSegmentToNeigh(self, rID, cID, neigh):
"""Check if a segment should be sent to a neighbor."""
if (neigh.sent | neigh.received).count(1) >= (self.sendLineUntilC if neigh.dim else self.sendLineUntilR):
return False # sent enough, other side can restore
i = rID if neigh.dim else cID
if not neigh.sent[i] and not neigh.received[i] :
return True
return False # received or already sent
def sendSegmentToNeigh(self, rID, cID, neigh):
"""Send segment to a neighbor (without checks)."""
self.logger.trace("sending %d/%d to %d", rID, cID, neigh.node.ID, extra=self.format)
i = rID if neigh.dim else cID
neigh.sent[i] = 1
neigh.node.receiveSegment(rID, cID, self.ID)
self.statsTxInSlot += 1
def checkSendSegmentToNeigh(self, rID, cID, neigh):
"""Check and send a segment to a neighbor if needed."""
if self.checkSegmentToNeigh(rID, cID, neigh):
self.sendSegmentToNeigh(rID, cID, neigh)
return True
return False
def processSendQueue(self):
"""Send out segments from queue until bandwidth limit reached.
SendQueue is a centralized queue from which segments are sent out
in FIFO order to all interested neighbors.
while self.sendQueue:
(rID, cID) = self.sendQueue[0]
if rID in self.rowIDs:
for _, neigh in shuffledDict(self.rowNeighbors[rID], self.shuffleNeighbors):
self.checkSendSegmentToNeigh(rID, cID, neigh)
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
if cID in self.columnIDs:
for _, neigh in shuffledDict(self.columnNeighbors[cID], self.shuffleNeighbors):
self.checkSendSegmentToNeigh(rID, cID, neigh)
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
def processPerNeighborSendQueue(self):
"""Send out segments from per-neighbor queues until bandwidth limit reached.
Segments are dispatched from per-neighbor transmission queues in a shuffled
round-robin order, emulating a type of fair queuing. Since neighborhood is
handled at the topic (column or row) level, fair queuing is also at the level
of flows per topic and per peer. A per-peer model might be closer to the
reality of libp2p implementations where topics between two nodes are
multiplexed over the same transport.
progress = True
while (progress):
progress = False
queues = []
# collect and shuffle
for rID, neighs in self.rowNeighbors.items():
for neigh in neighs.values():
if (neigh.sendQueue):
queues.append((0, rID, neigh))
for cID, neighs in self.columnNeighbors.items():
for neigh in neighs.values():
if (neigh.sendQueue):
queues.append((1, cID, neigh))
for dim, lineID, neigh in shuffled(queues, self.shuffleQueues):
if dim == 0:
self.checkSendSegmentToNeigh(lineID, neigh.sendQueue.popleft(), neigh)
self.checkSendSegmentToNeigh(neigh.sendQueue.popleft(), lineID, neigh)
progress = True
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
def runSegmentShuffleScheduler(self):
""" Schedule chunks for sending.
This scheduler check which owned segments needs sending (at least
one neighbor needing it). Then it sends each segment that's worth sending
once, in shuffled order. This is repeated until bw limit.
def collectSegmentsToSend():
# yields list of segments to send as (dim, lineID, id)
segmentsToSend = []
for rID, neighs in self.rowNeighbors.items():
line = self.getRow(rID)
needed = zeros(self.shape.nbCols)
for neigh in neighs.values():
sentOrReceived = neigh.received | neigh.sent
if sentOrReceived.count(1) < self.sendLineUntilR:
needed |= ~sentOrReceived
needed &= line
if (needed).any():
for i in range(len(needed)):
if needed[i]:
segmentsToSend.append((0, rID, i))
for cID, neighs in self.columnNeighbors.items():
line = self.getColumn(cID)
needed = zeros(self.shape.nbRows)
for neigh in neighs.values():
sentOrReceived = neigh.received | neigh.sent
if sentOrReceived.count(1) < self.sendLineUntilC:
needed |= ~sentOrReceived
needed &= line
if (needed).any():
for i in range(len(needed)):
if needed[i]:
segmentsToSend.append((1, cID, i))
return segmentsToSend
def nextSegment():
while True:
# send each collected segment once
if hasattr(self, 'segmentShuffleGen') and self.segmentShuffleGen is not None:
for dim, lineID, id in self.segmentShuffleGen:
if dim == 0:
for _, neigh in shuffledDict(self.rowNeighbors[lineID], self.shuffleNeighbors):
if self.checkSegmentToNeigh(lineID, id, neigh):
yield((lineID, id, neigh))
for _, neigh in shuffledDict(self.columnNeighbors[lineID], self.shuffleNeighbors):
if self.checkSegmentToNeigh(id, lineID, neigh):
yield((id, lineID, neigh))
# collect segments for next round
segmentsToSend = collectSegmentsToSend()
# finish if empty or set up shuffled generator based on collected segments
if not segmentsToSend:
self.segmentShuffleGen = shuffled(segmentsToSend, self.shuffleLines)
for rid, cid, neigh in nextSegment():
# segments are checked just before yield, so we can send directly
self.sendSegmentToNeigh(rid, cid, neigh)
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
if not self.segmentShuffleSchedulerPersist:
# remove scheduler state before leaving
self.segmentShuffleGen = None
def runDumbRandomScheduler(self, tries = 100):
"""Random scheduler picking segments at random.
This scheduler implements a simple random scheduling order picking
segments at random and peers potentially interested in that segment
also at random.
It serves more as a performance baseline than as a realistic model.
def nextSegment():
t = tries
while t:
if self.rowIDs:
rID = random.choice(self.rowIDs)
cID = random.randrange(0, self.shape.nbCols)
if self.block.getSegment(rID, cID) :
neigh = random.choice(list(self.rowNeighbors[rID].values()))
if self.checkSegmentToNeigh(rID, cID, neigh):
yield(rID, cID, neigh)
t = tries
if self.columnIDs:
cID = random.choice(self.columnIDs)
rID = random.randrange(0, self.shape.nbRows)
if self.block.getSegment(rID, cID) :
neigh = random.choice(list(self.columnNeighbors[cID].values()))
if self.checkSegmentToNeigh(rID, cID, neigh):
yield(rID, cID, neigh)
t = tries
t -= 1
for rid, cid, neigh in nextSegment():
# segments are checked just before yield, so we can send directly
self.sendSegmentToNeigh(rid, cid, neigh)
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
def send(self):
""" Send as much as we can in the timestep, limited by bwUplink."""
# process node level send queue
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
# process neighbor level send queues in shuffled breadth-first order
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
# process possible segments to send in shuffled breadth-first order
if self.segmentShuffleScheduler:
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
if self.dumbRandomScheduler:
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
def logRows(self):
"""It logs the rows assigned to the validator."""
if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
for id in self.rowIDs:
self.logger.debug("Row %d: %s", id, self.getRow(id), extra=self.format)
def logColumns(self):
"""It logs the columns assigned to the validator."""
if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
for id in self.columnIDs:
self.logger.debug("Column %d: %s", id, self.getColumn(id), extra=self.format)
def restoreRows(self):
"""It restores the rows assigned to the validator, that can be repaired."""
if self.repairOnTheFly:
for id in self.rowIDs:
def restoreRow(self, id):
"""Restore a given row if repairable."""
rep = self.block.repairRow(id)
if (rep.any()):
# If operation is based on send queues, segments should
# be queued after successful repair.
for i in range(len(rep)):
if rep[i]:
self.logger.trace("Rep: %d,%d", id, i, extra=self.format)
self.addToSendQueue(id, i)
# self.statsRepairInSlot += rep.count(1)
def restoreColumns(self):
"""It restores the columns assigned to the validator, that can be repaired."""
if self.repairOnTheFly:
for id in self.columnIDs:
def restoreColumn(self, id):
"""Restore a given column if repairable."""
rep = self.block.repairColumn(id)
if (rep.any()):
# If operation is based on send queues, segments should
# be queued after successful repair.
for i in range(len(rep)):
if rep[i]:
self.logger.trace("Rep: %d,%d", i, id, extra=self.format)
self.addToSendQueue(i, id)
# self.statsRepairInSlot += rep.count(1)
def checkStatus(self):
"""It checks how many expected/arrived samples are for each assigned row/column."""
def checkStatus(columnIDs, rowIDs):
arrived = 0
expected = 0
for id in columnIDs:
line = self.getColumn(id)
arrived += line.count(1)
expected += len(line)
for id in rowIDs:
line = self.getRow(id)
arrived += line.count(1)
expected += len(line)
return arrived, expected
arrived, expected = checkStatus(self.columnIDs, self.rowIDs)
self.logger.debug("status: %d / %d", arrived, expected, extra=self.format)
validated = 0
for v in self.validators:
a, e = checkStatus(v.columnIDs, v.rowIDs)
if a == e:
return arrived, expected, validated