
261 lines
11 KiB

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
def plotData(conf):
fig = plt.figure("9, 3")
if conf["desLoc"] == 1:
xDes = 0
xDes = conf["xdots"][-1] * 0.6
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(xDes, conf["yaxismax"]/4, conf["textBox"], fontsize=10, verticalalignment='top', bbox=props)
for i in range(len(conf["data"])):
if conf["type"] == "plot":
plt.plot(conf["xdots"], conf["data"][i], conf["colors"][i], label=conf["labels"][i])
if conf["type"] == "bar":
plt.bar(conf["xdots"], conf["data"][i], label=conf["labels"][i])
plt.ylim(0, conf["yaxismax"]*1.1)
plt.savefig(conf["path"], bbox_inches="tight")
class Visualizor:
"""This class helps the visualization of the results"""
def __init__(self, execID, config, results):
"""Initialize the visualizer module"""
self.execID = execID
self.config = config
self.results = results
os.makedirs("results/"+self.execID+"/plots", exist_ok=True)
def __get_attrbs__(self, result):
text = str(result.shape).split("-")
d = dict()
for i in range(0, len(text), 2):
d[text[i]] = text[i + 1]
return d
def plotHeatmaps(self, x, y):
"""Plot the heatmap using the parameters given as x axis and y axis"""
print("Plotting heatmap "+x+" vs "+y)
#Find the location of x in shape
#Find the location of y in shape
#Find the location od r in shape
#Loop over all results
#Add unique values foir every parameter
#Find number of runs from r
#If number of values for x and y > 3 then plot heatmap, otherwise finish
#Create a 2D grid with the dimensions of the number of values for x and y
#For all values of x
#For all values of y
# For all values in r
#Fixing all other values to 1 (in the mean time)
#Add/sum TTA into 2D grid
#if last r divide by number of runs
#Plot 2D grid
def plotAll(self):
"""Plot all the important elements of each result"""
for result in self.results:
plotPath = "results/"+self.execID+"/plots/"+str(result.shape)
os.makedirs(plotPath, exist_ok=True)
self.plotMissingSamples(result, plotPath)
self.plotProgress(result, plotPath)
self.plotSentData(result, plotPath)
self.plotRecvData(result, plotPath)
self.plotDupData(result, plotPath)
if self.config.saveRCdist:
self.plotRowCol(result, plotPath)
def plotMissingSamples(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the missing samples in the network"""
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
conf["textBox"] = "Block Size R: "+attrbs['bsrn']+"\nBlock Size C: "+attrbs['bscn']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+" \nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']
conf["title"] = "Missing Samples"
conf["type"] = "plot"
conf["legLoc"] = 1
conf["desLoc"] = 1
conf["colors"] = ["m-"]
conf["labels"] = ["Missing Samples"]
conf["xlabel"] = "Time (ms)"
conf["ylabel"] = "Number of Missing Samples"
conf["data"] = [result.missingVector]
conf["xdots"] = [x*self.config.stepDuration for x in range(len(result.missingVector))]
conf["path"] = plotPath+"/missingSamples.png"
maxi = 0
for v in conf["data"]:
if max(v) > maxi:
maxi = max(v)
conf["yaxismax"] = maxi
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotProgress(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the percentage of nodes ready in the network"""
vector1 = result.metrics["progress"]["nodes ready"]
vector2 = result.metrics["progress"]["validators ready"]
vector3 = result.metrics["progress"]["samples received"]
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
conf["textBox"] = "Block Size R: "+attrbs['bsrn']+"\nBlock Size C: "+attrbs['bscn']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+" \nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']
conf["title"] = "Nodes/validators ready"
conf["type"] = "plot"
conf["legLoc"] = 2
conf["desLoc"] = 2
conf["colors"] = ["g-", "b-", "r-"]
conf["labels"] = ["Nodes", "Validators", "Samples"]
conf["xlabel"] = "Time (ms)"
conf["ylabel"] = "Percentage (%)"
conf["data"] = [vector1, vector2, vector3]
conf["xdots"] = [x*self.config.stepDuration for x in range(len(vector1))]
conf["path"] = plotPath+"/nodesReady.png"
maxi = 0
for v in conf["data"]:
if max(v) > maxi:
maxi = max(v)
conf["yaxismax"] = maxi
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotSentData(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the percentage of nodes ready in the network"""
vector1 = result.metrics["progress"]["TX builder mean"]
vector2 = result.metrics["progress"]["TX class1 mean"]
vector3 = result.metrics["progress"]["TX class2 mean"]
for i in range(len(vector1)):
vector1[i] = (vector1[i] * 8 * (1000/self.config.stepDuration) * self.config.segmentSize) / 1000000
vector2[i] = (vector2[i] * 8 * (1000/self.config.stepDuration) * self.config.segmentSize) / 1000000
vector3[i] = (vector3[i] * 8 * (1000/self.config.stepDuration) * self.config.segmentSize) / 1000000
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
conf["textBox"] = "Block Size R: "+attrbs['bsrn']+"\nBlock Size C: "+attrbs['bscn']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+" \nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']
conf["title"] = "Sent data"
conf["type"] = "plot"
conf["legLoc"] = 2
conf["desLoc"] = 2
conf["colors"] = ["y-", "c-", "m-"]
conf["labels"] = ["Block Builder", "Solo stakers", "Staking pools"]
conf["xlabel"] = "Time (ms)"
conf["ylabel"] = "Bandwidth (MBits/s)"
conf["data"] = [vector1, vector2, vector3]
conf["xdots"] = [x*self.config.stepDuration for x in range(len(vector1))]
conf["path"] = plotPath+"/sentData.png"
maxi = 0
for v in conf["data"]:
if max(v) > maxi:
maxi = max(v)
conf["yaxismax"] = maxi
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotRecvData(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the percentage of nodes ready in the network"""
vector1 = result.metrics["progress"]["RX class1 mean"]
vector2 = result.metrics["progress"]["RX class2 mean"]
for i in range(len(vector1)):
vector1[i] = (vector1[i] * 8 * (1000/self.config.stepDuration) * self.config.segmentSize) / 1000000
vector2[i] = (vector2[i] * 8 * (1000/self.config.stepDuration) * self.config.segmentSize) / 1000000
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
conf["textBox"] = "Block Size R: "+attrbs['bsrn']+"\nBlock Size C: "+attrbs['bscn']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+" \nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']
conf["title"] = "Received data"
conf["type"] = "plot"
conf["legLoc"] = 2
conf["desLoc"] = 2
conf["colors"] = ["c-", "m-"]
conf["labels"] = ["Solo stakers", "Staking pools"]
conf["xlabel"] = "Time (ms)"
conf["ylabel"] = "Bandwidth (MBits/s)"
conf["data"] = [vector1, vector2]
conf["xdots"] = [x*self.config.stepDuration for x in range(len(vector1))]
conf["path"] = plotPath+"/recvData.png"
maxi = 0
for v in conf["data"]:
if max(v) > maxi:
maxi = max(v)
conf["yaxismax"] = maxi
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotDupData(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the percentage of nodes ready in the network"""
vector1 = result.metrics["progress"]["Dup class1 mean"]
vector2 = result.metrics["progress"]["Dup class2 mean"]
for i in range(len(vector1)):
vector1[i] = (vector1[i] * 8 * (1000/self.config.stepDuration) * self.config.segmentSize) / 1000000
vector2[i] = (vector2[i] * 8 * (1000/self.config.stepDuration) * self.config.segmentSize) / 1000000
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
conf["textBox"] = "Block Size R: "+attrbs['bsrn']+"\nBlock Size C: "+attrbs['bscn']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+" \nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']
conf["title"] = "Duplicated data"
conf["type"] = "plot"
conf["legLoc"] = 2
conf["desLoc"] = 2
conf["colors"] = ["c-", "m-"]
conf["labels"] = ["Solo stakers", "Staking pools"]
conf["xlabel"] = "Time (ms)"
conf["ylabel"] = "Bandwidth (MBits/s)"
conf["data"] = [vector1, vector2]
conf["xdots"] = [x*self.config.stepDuration for x in range(len(vector1))]
conf["path"] = plotPath+"/dupData.png"
maxi = 0
for v in conf["data"]:
if max(v) > maxi:
maxi = max(v)
conf["yaxismax"] = maxi
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])
def plotRowCol(self, result, plotPath):
"""Plots the percentage of nodes ready in the network"""
vector1 = result.metrics["rowDist"]
vector2 = result.metrics["columnDist"]
if len(vector1) > len(vector2):
vector2 += [np.nan] * (len(vector1) - len(vector2))
elif len(vector1) < len(vector2):
vector1 += [np.nan] * (len(vector2) - len(vector1))
conf = {}
attrbs = self.__get_attrbs__(result)
conf["textBox"] = "Block Size R: "+attrbs['bsrn']+"\nBlock Size C: "+attrbs['bscn']\
+"\nNumber of nodes: "+attrbs['nn']+"\nFailure rate: "+attrbs['fr']+" \nNetwork degree: "+attrbs['nd']
conf["title"] = "Row/Column distribution"
conf["type"] = "bar"
conf["legLoc"] = 2
conf["desLoc"] = 2
conf["colors"] = ["r+", "b+"]
conf["labels"] = ["Rows", "Columns"]
conf["xlabel"] = "Row/Column ID"
conf["ylabel"] = "Validators subscribed"
conf["data"] = [vector1, vector2]
conf["xdots"] = range(len(vector1))
conf["path"] = plotPath+"/RowColDist.png"
maxi = 0
for v in conf["data"]:
if np.nanmax(v) > maxi:
maxi = max(v)
conf["yaxismax"] = maxi
print("Plot %s created." % conf["path"])