#!/bin/python3 import random from bitarray import bitarray from bitarray.util import zeros class Block: """This class represents a block in the Ethereum blockchain.""" def __init__(self, blockSize): """Initialize the block with a data array of blocksize^2 zeros.""" self.blockSize = blockSize self.data = zeros(self.blockSize*self.blockSize) def fill(self): """It fills the block data with ones.""" self.data.setall(1) def merge(self, merged): """It merges (OR) the existing block with the received one.""" self.data |= merged.data def getSegment(self, rowID, columnID): return self.data[rowID*self.blockSize + columnID] def setSegment(self, rowID, columnID, v = 1): self.data[rowID*self.blockSize + columnID] = v def getColumn(self, columnID): """It returns the block column corresponding to columnID.""" return self.data[columnID::self.blockSize] def mergeColumn(self, columnID, column): """It merges (OR) the existing column with the received one.""" self.data[columnID::self.blockSize] |= column def repairColumn(self, id): """It repairs the entire column if it has at least blockSize/2 ones. Returns: list of repaired segments """ line = self.data[id::self.blockSize] success = line.count(1) if success >= self.blockSize/2: ret = ~line self.data[id::self.blockSize] = 1 else: ret = zeros(self.blockSize) return ret def getRow(self, rowID): """It returns the block row corresponding to rowID.""" return self.data[rowID*self.blockSize:(rowID+1)*self.blockSize] def mergeRow(self, rowID, row): """It merges (OR) the existing row with the received one.""" self.data[rowID*self.blockSize:(rowID+1)*self.blockSize] |= row def repairRow(self, id): """It repairs the entire row if it has at least blockSize/2 ones. Returns: list of repaired segments """ line = self.data[id*self.blockSize:(id+1)*self.blockSize] success = line.count(1) if success >= self.blockSize/2: ret = ~line self.data[id*self.blockSize:(id+1)*self.blockSize] = 1 else: ret = zeros(self.blockSize) return ret def print(self): """It prints the block in the terminal (outside of the logger rules)).""" dash = "-" * (self.blockSize+2) print(dash) for i in range(self.blockSize): line = "|" for j in range(self.blockSize): line += "%i" % self.data[(i*self.blockSize)+j] print(line+"|") print(dash)