This commit is contained in:
Arunima Chaudhuri 2024-05-29 11:48:09 +00:00
parent 45f773b184
commit d9f29dc5f2
3 changed files with 97 additions and 70 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
import random
import collections
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
import threading
from DAS.block import *
from import shuffled, shuffledDict, unionOfSamples
from bitarray.util import zeros
@ -76,6 +78,7 @@ class Node:
self.repairedSampleCount = 0
self.logger = logger
self.validators = validators
self.received_gossip = defaultdict(list)
if amIproposer:
self.nodeClass = 0
@ -246,14 +249,6 @@ class Node:
self.statsRxDupInSlot += 1
self.statsRxInSlot += 1
def receiveSegmentViaGossip(self, rID, cID, source):
"""Receive a segment via gossipsub protocol from a specific source."""
if not self.amImalicious:
self.logger.trace("Recv via gossipsub %d-> %d: %d,%d", source, self.ID, rID, cID, extra=self.format)
self.receivedBlock.setSegment(rID, cID)
self.sampleRecvCount += 1
self.statsRxInSlot += 1
def addToSendQueue(self, rID, cID):
"""Queue a segment for forwarding."""
if self.perNodeQueue and not self.amImalicious:
@ -512,62 +507,97 @@ class Node:
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
def gossipSub(self, rows, cols):
""" This function facilitates the Gossipsub protocol for segment distribution among nodes.
It ensures that each node receives any missing segments by checking other nodes in the network.
def sendGossip(self, neigh):
"""Simulate sending row and column IDs to a peer."""
have_info = {'source': self.ID, 'rowIDs': self.rowIDs, 'columnIDs': self.columnIDs}
neigh.node.msgRecvCount += 1
self.logger.debug(f"Gossip sent to {neigh.node.ID}: {neigh.node.received_gossip}", extra=self.format)
rows (dict): A hash table where the keys are row IDs and the values are lists of nodes that contain these rows.
cols (dict): A hash table where the keys are column IDs and the values are lists of nodes that contain these columns.
- The function iterates through all row IDs and column IDs.
- For each segment identified by a row ID (rID) and a column ID (cID):
- It checks if the current node (self) already has the segment.
- If the segment is missing, it attempts to receive the segment from other nodes using the Gossipsub protocol via the receiveSegmentViaGossip method.
def process_received_gossip(self, simulator):
for rID, rSources in rows.items():
for cID, cSources in cols.items():
if not self.receivedBlock.getSegment(rID, cID):
sources = list(set(rSources).intersection(cSources))
if sources:
source = sources[0] # Pick the first source from the intersection
self.receiveSegmentViaGossip(rID, cID, source)
self.statsTxInSlot += 1 # request sent to receive segment via gossip
Processes received gossip messages to request and receive data segments.
For each segment not already received, it simulates requesting the segment,
logs the request and receipt, and updates the segment status and relevant counters.
for sender, have_infos in self.received_gossip.items():
for have_info in have_infos:
for rowID in have_info['rowIDs']:
for columnID in have_info['columnIDs']:
if not self.receivedBlock.getSegment(rowID, columnID):
# request for the segment
self.logger.debug(f"Requesting segment ({rowID}, {columnID}) from {have_info['source']}", extra=self.format)
self.msgSentCount += 1
# source sends the segment
self.logger.debug(f"Sending segment ({rowID}, {columnID}) to {self.ID} from {have_info['source']}", extra=self.format)
simulator.validators[have_info['source']].sampleSentCount += 1
simulator.validators[have_info['source']].statsTxInSlot += 1
# receive the segment
self.receivedBlock.setSegment(rowID, columnID)
self.sampleRecvCount += 1
self.logger.debug(f"Received segment ({rowID}, {columnID}) via gossip from {have_info['source']}", extra=self.format)
def send(self, gossipsub, rows, cols):
def gossip(self, simulator):
Periodically sends gossip messages to a random subset of neighbors to share information
about data segments (row and column IDs). The process involves:
1. Selecting a random subset of row and column neighbors.
2. Sending the node's current state (row and column IDs) to these neighbors.
3. Neighbors process the received gossip and update their state accordingly.
This ensures data dissemination across the network with minimal delay,
occurring at intervals defined by the HEARTBEAT timer.
if self.rowIDs:
rID = random.choice(list(self.rowIDs))
rowNeighs = list(self.rowNeighbors[rID].values())
num_row_peers = random.randint(1, len(rowNeighs))
selected_row_neighs = random.sample(rowNeighs, num_row_peers)
for rowNeigh in selected_row_neighs:
self.msgSentCount += 1
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
if self.columnIDs:
cID = random.choice(list(self.columnIDs))
columnNeighs = list(self.columnNeighbors[cID].values())
num_column_peers = random.randint(1, len(columnNeighs))
selected_column_neighs = random.sample(columnNeighs, num_column_peers)
for columnNeigh in selected_column_neighs:
self.msgSentCount += 1
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
def send(self):
""" Send as much as we can in the timestep, limited by bwUplink."""
if gossipsub:
if not self.amImalicious:
self.gossipSub(rows, cols)
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
# process node level send queue
if not self.amImalicious:
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
# process node level send queue
if not self.amImalicious:
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
# process neighbor level send queues in shuffled breadth-first order
if not self.amImalicious:
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
# process neighbor level send queues in shuffled breadth-first order
if not self.amImalicious:
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
# process possible segments to send in shuffled breadth-first order
if self.segmentShuffleScheduler and not self.amImalicious:
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
# process possible segments to send in shuffled breadth-first order
if self.segmentShuffleScheduler and not self.amImalicious:
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
if self.dumbRandomScheduler and not self.amImalicious:
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
if self.dumbRandomScheduler and not self.amImalicious:
if self.statsTxInSlot >= self.bwUplink:
def logRows(self):
"""It logs the rows assigned to the validator."""

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@ -278,22 +278,16 @@ class Simulator:
self.logger.debug("Expected Samples: %d" % expected, extra=self.format)
self.logger.debug("Missing Samples: %d" % missingSamples, extra=self.format)
oldMissingSamples = missingSamples
rows = {}
cols = {}
for i in range(0, self.shape.numberNodes):
if not self.validators[i].amIproposer and not self.validators[i].amImalicious:
for id in self.validators[i].columnIDs:
if id not in cols:
cols[id] = []
for id in self.validators[i].rowIDs:
if id not in rows:
rows[id] = []
self.logger.debug("PHASE SEND %d" % steps, extra=self.format)
for i in range(0,self.shape.numberNodes):
if not self.validators[i].amImalicious:
self.validators[i].send(self.config.gossipsub, rows, cols)
if steps % self.config.heartbeat == 0 and self.config.gossip:
self.logger.debug("PHASE GOSSIP %d" % steps, extra=self.format)
for i in range(1,self.shape.numberNodes):
if not self.validators[i].amImalicious:
self.logger.debug("PHASE RECEIVE %d" % steps, extra=self.format)
for i in range(1,self.shape.numberNodes):

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@ -60,7 +60,10 @@ maliciousNodes = range(40,41,20)
randomizeMaliciousNodes = True
# When set to True, nodes will use the Gossipsub protocol for communication
gossipsub = False
gossip = True
# Heartbeat interval for gossip messages in simulation steps
heartbeat = 10
# Per-topic mesh neighborhood size
netDegrees = range(8, 9, 2)