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2023-11-03 17:12:28 +00:00
from hilbertcurve.hilbertcurve import HilbertCurve
import plotly.express as px
import numpy as np
from random import *
dimension = 2
def plotMatrix(matrix, fileName):
fig = px.imshow(matrix, color_continuous_scale="hot")
2023-11-03 17:12:28 +00:00
fig.update_layout(height=700, width=700)
def expandMatrix(newMatrix, matrix, expandIndex):
2023-11-03 17:12:28 +00:00
xlen = len(matrix)
ylen = len(matrix[0])
#print(f'x = {xlen} y = {ylen}')
for i in range(xlen * expandIndex):
for j in range(ylen * expandIndex):
if matrix[int(i/expandIndex)][int(j/expandIndex)] > 0:
newMatrix[i][j] = matrix[int(i/expandIndex)][int(j/expandIndex)]
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return newMatrix
def doHilbert(hilbMatrix, depth, custSize, DASsize, nbVal):
2023-11-03 17:12:28 +00:00
# Compute Hilbert curve
HdistMatrix = np.zeros((2**depth, 2**depth))
HcustMatrix = np.zeros((2**depth, 2**depth))
Hcurve = HilbertCurve(depth, dimension)
distances = list(range(2**(depth*2)))
points = Hcurve.points_from_distances(distances)
# Compute custody tiles
for v in range(nbVal):
custList = []
startPosition = randint(0, (2**(depth*2))-1)
for i in range(custSize):
#print(f'Start position = {startPosition}')
for point, dist in zip(points, distances):
j, i = point
HdistMatrix[i][j] = dist
if dist in custList:
HcustMatrix[i][j] = v+1
2023-11-03 17:12:28 +00:00
# From Hilbert curve depth to DAS size
HcustMatrix = expandMatrix(hilbMatrix, HcustMatrix, int(DASsize/(2**depth)))
2023-11-03 17:12:28 +00:00
2023-11-03 17:12:28 +00:00
def doTile(tileMatrix, depth, custSize, DASsize, nbVal):
ttMatrix = np.zeros((2**depth, 2**depth))
for v in range(nbVal):
for i in range(custSize):
ttMatrix[randint(0, (2**depth)-1)][randint(0, (2**depth)-1)] = v+1
tileMatrix = expandMatrix(tileMatrix, ttMatrix, int(DASsize/(2**depth)))
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def doRowCol(matrix, custSize, DASsize, nbVal):
for v in range(nbVal):
custList = []
for x in range(custSize):
custList.append(randint(0, DASsize-1))
half = int(custSize/2)
rows = custList[:half]
cols = custList[half:]
for r in rows:
for x in range(DASsize):
matrix[r][x] = v+1
for c in cols:
for x in range(DASsize):
matrix[x][c] = v+1
2023-11-03 17:12:28 +00:00
def doDiagonal(matrix, custSize, DASsize, nbVal):
for v in range(nbVal):
custList = []
for x in range(custSize):
custList.append(randint(0, DASsize-1))
for c in custList:
cc = c
for x in range(DASsize):
matrix[x][cc] = v+1
cc = (cc + 1) % DASsize
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custStart = 4
custStop = 39
custStep = 4
cs = 4
nbVal = 10
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depth = 5
DASsize = 512
totalVal = 0
diagMatrix = np.zeros((DASsize, DASsize))
rocoMatrix = np.zeros((DASsize, DASsize))
tileMatrix = np.zeros((DASsize, DASsize))
hilbMatrix = np.zeros((DASsize, DASsize))
for i in range(50):
nbVal = 5
totalVal += nbVal
print(f'Number of validators: {totalVal}')
2023-11-03 17:12:28 +00:00
HilbertMatrix = doHilbert(hilbMatrix, depth, cs, DASsize, nbVal)
plotMatrix(HilbertMatrix, "frames/4hilbertCust"+str(i)+".png")
2023-11-03 17:12:28 +00:00
rowColMatrix = doRowCol(rocoMatrix, cs, DASsize, nbVal)
plotMatrix(rowColMatrix, "frames/1rowColCust"+str(i)+".png")
2023-11-03 17:12:28 +00:00
diagonalMatrix = doDiagonal(diagMatrix, cs, DASsize, nbVal )
plotMatrix(diagonalMatrix, "frames/2diagonalCust"+str(i)+".png")
2023-11-03 17:12:28 +00:00
tileMatrix = doTile(tileMatrix, depth, cs, DASsize, nbVal)
plotMatrix(tileMatrix, "frames/3tileCust"+str(i)+".png")
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