Giuliano Mega ec0f7a6790
Remove run ID and introduce deploy ID (#93)
This PR removes the notion of a run id and replaces it with a deploy id in continuous tests. Deploy ids can be set at deploy time only (duh), and will be picked up by the test runner from the deploy file on subsequent runs of the continuous test runner. As a consequence, the deploy id becomes a deployer parameter, and can no longer be overridden at the runner. For non-continuous tests, the deploy ID is created on-the-fly.
2024-02-22 10:41:07 -03:00

188 lines
11 KiB

using ArgsUniform;
using CodexPlugin;
using DistTestCore;
namespace CodexNetDeployer
public class Configuration
public const int SecondsIn1Day = 24 * 60 * 60;
public const int TenMinutes = 10 * 60;
[Uniform("deploy-name", "nm", "DEPLOYNAME", false, "Name of the deployment. (optional)")]
public string DeploymentName { get; set; } = "unnamed";
[Uniform("kube-config", "kc", "KUBECONFIG", false, "Path to Kubeconfig file. Use 'null' (default) to use local cluster.")]
public string KubeConfigFile { get; set; } = "null";
[Uniform("kube-namespace", "kn", "KUBENAMESPACE", true, "Kubernetes namespace to be used for deployment.")]
public string KubeNamespace { get; set; } = string.Empty;
[Uniform("deploy-id", "di", "DEPLOYID", false, "ID of the deployment. (default) to current time)")]
public string DeployId { get; set; } = NameUtils.MakeDeployId();
[Uniform("deploy-file", "df", "DEPLOYFILE", false, "Output deployment JSON file that will be written. Defaults to 'codex-deployment.json'.")]
public string DeployFile { get; set; } = "codex-deployment.json";
[Uniform("codex-local-repo", "cr", "CODEXLOCALREPOPATH", false, "If set, instead of using the default Codex docker image, the local repository will be used to build an image. " +
"This requires the 'DOCKERUSERNAME' and 'DOCKERPASSWORD' environment variables to be set. (You can omit the password to use your system default, or use a docker access token as DOCKERPASSWORD.) You can set " +
"'DOCKERTAG' to define the image tag. If not set, one will be generated.")]
public string CodexLocalRepoPath { get; set; } = string.Empty;
[Uniform("nodes", "n", "NODES", true, "Number of Codex nodes to be created.")]
public int? NumberOfCodexNodes { get; set; }
[Uniform("validators", "v", "VALIDATORS", true, "Number of Codex nodes that will be validating.")]
public int? NumberOfValidators { get; set; }
[Uniform("storage-quota", "sq", "STORAGEQUOTA", true, "Storage quota in megabytes used by each Codex node.")]
public int? StorageQuota { get; set; }
[Uniform("log-level", "l", "LOGLEVEL", true, "Log level used by each Codex node. [Trace, Debug*, Info, Warn, Error]")]
public CodexLogLevel CodexLogLevel { get; set; } = CodexLogLevel.Debug;
[Uniform("log-level-libp2p", "lp2p", "LOGLEVELLIBP2P", true, "Log level for all libp2p topics. [Trace, Debug, Info, Warn*, Error]")]
public CodexLogLevel Libp2pLogLevel { get; set; } = CodexLogLevel.Warn;
[Uniform("log-level-discv5", "ldv5", "LOGLEVELDISCV5", true, "Log level for all discv5 topics. [Trace, Debug, Info, Warn*, Error]")]
public CodexLogLevel Discv5LogLevel { get; set; } = CodexLogLevel.Warn;
[Uniform("make-storage-available", "msa", "MAKESTORAGEAVAILABLE", true, "Is true, storage will be made available using the next configuration parameters.")]
public bool ShouldMakeStorageAvailable { get; set; } = false;
[Uniform("storage-sell", "ss", "STORAGESELL", false, "Number of megabytes of storage quota to make available for selling.")]
public int? StorageSell { get; set; }
[Uniform("test-tokens", "tt", "TESTTOKENS", false, "Initial amount of test-tokens minted for each Codex node.")]
public int InitialTestTokens { get; set; }
[Uniform("min-price", "mp", "MINPRICE", false, "Minimum price for the storage space for which contracts will be accepted.")]
public int MinPrice { get; set; }
[Uniform("max-collateral", "mc", "MAXCOLLATERAL", false, "Maximum collateral that will be placed for the total storage space.")]
public int MaxCollateral { get; set; }
[Uniform("max-duration", "md", "MAXDURATION", false, "Maximum duration in seconds for contracts which will be accepted.")]
public int MaxDuration { get; set; }
[Uniform("block-ttl", "bt", "BLOCKTTL", false, "Block timeout in seconds. Default is 24 hours.")]
public int BlockTTL { get; set; } = SecondsIn1Day;
[Uniform("block-mi", "bmi", "BLOCKMI", false, "Block maintenance interval in seconds. Default is 10 minutes.")]
public int BlockMI { get; set; } = TenMinutes;
[Uniform("block-mn", "bmn", "BLOCKMN", false, "Number of blocks maintained per interval. Default is 1000 blocks.")]
public int BlockMN { get; set; } = 1000;
[Uniform("metrics-endpoints", "me", "METRICSENDPOINTS", false, "[true, false]. Determines if metric endpoints will be enabled. Default is false.")]
public bool MetricsEndpoints { get; set; } = false;
[Uniform("metrics-scraper", "ms", "METRICSSCRAPER", false, "[true, false]. Determines if metrics scraper service will be deployed. (Required for certain tests.) Default is false.")]
public bool MetricsScraper { get; set; } = false;
[Uniform("teststype-podlabel", "ttpl", "TESTSTYPE-PODLABEL", false, "Each kubernetes pod will be created with a label 'teststype' with value 'continuous'. " +
"set this option to override the label value.")]
public string TestsTypePodLabel { get; set; } = "continuous-tests";
[Uniform("check-connect", "cc", "CHECKCONNECT", false, "If true, deployer check ensure peer-connectivity between all deployed nodes after deployment. Default is false.")]
public bool CheckPeerConnection { get; set; } = false;
[Uniform("public-testnet", "ptn", "PUBLICTESTNET", false, "If true, deployment is created for public exposure. Default is false.")]
public bool IsPublicTestNet { get; set; } = false;
[Uniform("public-discports", "pdps", "PUBLICDISCPORTS", false, "Required if public-testnet is true. Comma-separated port numbers used for discovery. Number must match number of nodes.")]
public string PublicDiscPorts { get; set; } = string.Empty;
[Uniform("public-listenports", "plps", "PUBLICLISTENPORTS", false, "Required if public-testnet is true. Comma-separated port numbers used for listening. Number must match number of nodes.")]
public string PublicListenPorts { get; set; } = string.Empty;
[Uniform("public-gethdiscport", "pgdp", "PUBLICGETHDISCPORT", false, "Required if public-testnet is true. Single port number used for Geth's public discovery port.")]
public int PublicGethDiscPort { get; set; }
[Uniform("public-gethlistenport", "pglp", "PUBLICGETHLISTENPORT", false, "Required if public-testnet is true. Single port number used for Geth's public listen port.")]
public int PublicGethListenPort { get; set; }
[Uniform("discord-bot", "dbot", "DISCORDBOT", false, "If true, will deploy discord bot. Default is false.")]
public bool DeployDiscordBot { get; set; } = false;
[Uniform("dbot-token", "dbott", "DBOTTOKEN", false, "Required if discord-bot is true. Discord token used by bot.")]
public string DiscordBotToken { get; set; } = string.Empty;
[Uniform("dbot-servername", "dbotsn", "DBOTSERVERNAME", false, "Required if discord-bot is true. Name of the Discord server.")]
public string DiscordBotServerName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
[Uniform("dbot-adminrolename", "dbotarn", "DBOTADMINROLENAME", false, "Required if discord-bot is true. Name of the Discord role which will have access to admin features.")]
public string DiscordBotAdminRoleName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
[Uniform("dbot-adminchannelname", "dbotacn", "DBOTADMINCHANNELNAME", false, "Required if discord-bot is true. Name of the Discord channel in which admin commands are allowed.")]
public string DiscordBotAdminChannelName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
[Uniform("dbot-datapath", "dbotdp", "DBOTDATAPATH", false, "Optional. Path in container where bot will save all data.")]
public string DiscordBotDataPath { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public List<string> Validate()
var errors = new List<string>();
StringIsSet(nameof(KubeNamespace), KubeNamespace, errors);
StringIsSet(nameof(KubeConfigFile), KubeConfigFile, errors);
StringIsSet(nameof(TestsTypePodLabel), TestsTypePodLabel, errors);
if (NumberOfValidators > NumberOfCodexNodes)
errors.Add($"{nameof(NumberOfValidators)} ({NumberOfValidators}) may not be greater than {nameof(NumberOfCodexNodes)} ({NumberOfCodexNodes}).");
if (StorageSell.HasValue && StorageQuota.HasValue && StorageSell.Value >= StorageQuota.Value)
errors.Add("StorageSell cannot be greater than or equal to StorageQuota.");
if (ShouldMakeStorageAvailable)
IntIsOverZero(nameof(StorageSell), StorageSell, errors);
IntIsOverZero(nameof(InitialTestTokens), InitialTestTokens, errors);
IntIsOverZero(nameof(MinPrice), MinPrice, errors);
IntIsOverZero(nameof(MaxCollateral), MaxCollateral, errors);
IntIsOverZero(nameof(MaxDuration), MaxDuration, errors);
if (IsPublicTestNet)
if (NumberOfCodexNodes > 0)
if (PublicDiscPorts.Split(",").Length != NumberOfCodexNodes) errors.Add("Number of public discovery-ports provided does not match number of codex nodes.");
if (PublicListenPorts.Split(",").Length != NumberOfCodexNodes) errors.Add("Number of public listen-ports provided does not match number of codex nodes.");
if (PublicGethDiscPort == 0) errors.Add("Geth public discovery port is not set.");
if (PublicGethListenPort == 0) errors.Add("Geth public listen port is not set.");
if (DeployDiscordBot)
StringIsSet(nameof(DiscordBotToken), DiscordBotToken, errors);
StringIsSet(nameof(DiscordBotServerName), DiscordBotServerName, errors);
StringIsSet(nameof(DiscordBotAdminRoleName), DiscordBotAdminRoleName, errors);
StringIsSet(nameof(DiscordBotAdminChannelName), DiscordBotAdminChannelName, errors);
return errors;
private static void IntIsOverZero(string variable, int? value, List<string> errors)
if (value == null || value.Value < 1)
errors.Add($"{variable} must be set and must be greater than 0.");
private static void StringIsSet(string variable, string value, List<string> errors)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
errors.Add($"{variable} must be set.");