
72 lines
2.7 KiB

using ArgsUniform;
using CodexNetDeployer;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Configuration = CodexNetDeployer.Configuration;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var nl = Environment.NewLine;
Console.WriteLine("CodexNetDeployer" + nl);
var uniformArgs = new ArgsUniform<Configuration>(PrintHelp, args);
var config = uniformArgs.Parse(true);
var errors = config.Validate();
if (errors.Any())
Console.WriteLine($"Configuration errors: ({errors.Count})");
foreach ( var error in errors ) Console.WriteLine("\t" + error);
if (!args.Any(a => a == "-y"))
Console.WriteLine("Does the above config look good? [y/n]");
if (Console.ReadLine()!.ToLowerInvariant() != "y") return;
Console.WriteLine("I think so too.");
//if (config.Replication == 0)
var deployer = new Deployer(config);
var deployment = deployer.Deploy();
Console.WriteLine($"Writing deployment file '{config.DeployFile}'...");
File.WriteAllText(config.DeployFile, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deployment, Formatting.Indented));
// var originalNamespace = config.KubeNamespace;
// var originalDeployFile = config.DeployFile;
// for (var i = 0; i < config.Replication; i++)
// {
// config.KubeNamespace = originalNamespace + "-" + i;
// config.DeployFile = originalDeployFile.ToLowerInvariant().Replace(".json", $"-{i}.json");
// var deployer = new Deployer(config);
// deployer.AnnouncePlugins();
// var deployment = deployer.Deploy();
// Console.WriteLine($"Writing deployment file '{config.DeployFile}'...");
// File.WriteAllText(config.DeployFile, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deployment, Formatting.Indented));
// }
// Console.WriteLine("Done!");
private static void PrintHelp()
var nl = Environment.NewLine;
Console.WriteLine("CodexNetDeployer allows you to deploy multiple Codex nodes in a Kubernetes cluster. " +
"The deployer will set up the required supporting services, deploy the Codex on-chain contracts, start and bootstrap the Codex instances. " +
"All Kubernetes objects will be created in the namespace provided, allowing you to easily find, modify, and delete them afterwards." + nl);