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using BiblioTech.Options;
using CodexContractsPlugin;
using GethPlugin;
namespace BiblioTech.Commands
public class MintCommand : BaseGethCommand
private readonly UserOption optionalUser = new UserOption(
description: "If set, mint tokens for this user. (Optional, admin-only)",
isRequired: false);
private readonly UserAssociateCommand userAssociateCommand;
public MintCommand(UserAssociateCommand userAssociateCommand)
this.userAssociateCommand = userAssociateCommand;
public override string Name => "mint";
public override string StartingMessage => RandomBusyMessage.Get();
public override string Description => "Mint some TestTokens and send some Eth to the user if their balance is low.";
public override CommandOption[] Options => new[] { optionalUser };
protected override async Task Execute(CommandContext context, IGethNode gethNode, ICodexContracts contracts)
var userId = GetUserFromCommand(optionalUser, context);
var addr = Program.UserRepo.GetCurrentAddressForUser(userId);
if (addr == null)
await context.Followup($"No address has been set for this user. Please use '/{userAssociateCommand.Name}' to set it first.");
var report = new List<string>();
Transaction<Ether>? sentEth = null;
Transaction<TestToken>? mintedTokens = null;
await Task.Run(() =>
sentEth = ProcessEth(gethNode, addr, report);
mintedTokens = ProcessTokens(contracts, addr, report);
Program.UserRepo.AddMintEventForUser(userId, addr, sentEth, mintedTokens);
await context.Followup(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, report));
private Transaction<TestToken>? ProcessTokens(ICodexContracts contracts, EthAddress addr, List<string> report)
if (ShouldMintTestTokens(contracts, addr))
var tokens = Program.Config.MintTT.TestTokens();
var transaction = contracts.MintTestTokens(addr, tokens);
report.Add($"Minted {tokens} {FormatTransactionLink(transaction)}");
return new Transaction<TestToken>(tokens, transaction);
report.Add("TestToken balance over threshold. (No TestTokens minted.)");
return null;
private Transaction<Ether>? ProcessEth(IGethNode gethNode, EthAddress addr, List<string> report)
if (ShouldSendEth(gethNode, addr))
var eth = Program.Config.SendEth.Eth();
var transaction = gethNode.SendEth(addr, eth);
report.Add($"Sent {eth} {FormatTransactionLink(transaction)}");
return new Transaction<Ether>(eth, transaction);
report.Add("Eth balance is over threshold. (No Eth sent.)");
return null;
private bool ShouldMintTestTokens(ICodexContracts contracts, EthAddress addr)
var testTokens = contracts.GetTestTokenBalance(addr);
return testTokens.Amount < Program.Config.MintTT;
private bool ShouldSendEth(IGethNode gethNode, EthAddress addr)
var eth = gethNode.GetEthBalance(addr);
return eth.Eth < Program.Config.SendEth;
private string FormatTransactionLink(string transaction)
var url = $"https://explorer.testnet.codex.storage/tx/{transaction}";
return $"- [View on block explorer](<{url}>){Environment.NewLine}Transaction ID - `{transaction}`";