2023-08-08 09:44:38 +02:00

177 lines
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using DistTestCore.Codex;
using DistTestCore.Logs;
using DistTestCore.Marketplace;
using DistTestCore.Metrics;
using Logging;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Utils;
namespace DistTestCore
public interface IOnlineCodexNode
string GetName();
CodexDebugResponse GetDebugInfo();
CodexDebugPeerResponse GetDebugPeer(string peerId);
ContentId UploadFile(TestFile file);
TestFile? DownloadContent(ContentId contentId, string fileLabel = "");
void ConnectToPeer(IOnlineCodexNode node);
IDownloadedLog DownloadLog();
IMetricsAccess Metrics { get; }
IMarketplaceAccess Marketplace { get; }
CodexDebugVersionResponse Version { get; }
ICodexSetup BringOffline();
public class OnlineCodexNode : IOnlineCodexNode
private const string SuccessfullyConnectedMessage = "Successfully connected to peer";
private const string UploadFailedMessage = "Unable to store block";
private readonly TestLifecycle lifecycle;
public OnlineCodexNode(TestLifecycle lifecycle, CodexAccess codexAccess, CodexNodeGroup group, IMetricsAccess metricsAccess, IMarketplaceAccess marketplaceAccess)
this.lifecycle = lifecycle;
CodexAccess = codexAccess;
Group = group;
Metrics = metricsAccess;
Marketplace = marketplaceAccess;
Version = new CodexDebugVersionResponse();
public CodexAccess CodexAccess { get; }
public CodexNodeGroup Group { get; }
public IMetricsAccess Metrics { get; }
public IMarketplaceAccess Marketplace { get; }
public CodexDebugVersionResponse Version { get; private set; }
public string GetName()
return CodexAccess.Container.Name;
public CodexDebugResponse GetDebugInfo()
var debugInfo = CodexAccess.GetDebugInfo();
var known = string.Join(",", debugInfo.table.nodes.Select(n => n.peerId));
Log($"Got DebugInfo with id: '{debugInfo.id}'. This node knows: {known}");
return debugInfo;
public CodexDebugPeerResponse GetDebugPeer(string peerId)
return CodexAccess.GetDebugPeer(peerId);
public ContentId UploadFile(TestFile file)
using var fileStream = File.OpenRead(file.Filename);
var logMessage = $"Uploading file {file.Describe()}...";
var response = Stopwatch.Measure(lifecycle.Log, logMessage, () =>
return CodexAccess.UploadFile(fileStream);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) Assert.Fail("Received empty response.");
if (response.StartsWith(UploadFailedMessage)) Assert.Fail("Node failed to store block.");
Log($"Uploaded file. Received contentId: '{response}'.");
return new ContentId(response);
public TestFile? DownloadContent(ContentId contentId, string fileLabel = "")
var logMessage = $"Downloading for contentId: '{contentId.Id}'...";
var file = lifecycle.FileManager.CreateEmptyTestFile(fileLabel);
Stopwatch.Measure(lifecycle.Log, logMessage, () => DownloadToFile(contentId.Id, file));
Log($"Downloaded file {file.Describe()} to '{file.Filename}'.");
return file;
public void ConnectToPeer(IOnlineCodexNode node)
var peer = (OnlineCodexNode)node;
Log($"Connecting to peer {peer.GetName()}...");
var peerInfo = node.GetDebugInfo();
var response = CodexAccess.ConnectToPeer(peerInfo.id, GetPeerMultiAddress(peer, peerInfo));
Assert.That(response, Is.EqualTo(SuccessfullyConnectedMessage), "Unable to connect codex nodes.");
Log($"Successfully connected to peer {peer.GetName()}.");
public IDownloadedLog DownloadLog()
return lifecycle.DownloadLog(CodexAccess.Container);
public ICodexSetup BringOffline()
if (Group.Count() > 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("Codex-nodes that are part of a group cannot be " +
"individually shut down. Use 'BringOffline()' on the group object to stop the group. This method is only " +
"available for codex-nodes in groups of 1.");
return Group.BringOffline();
public void EnsureOnlineGetVersionResponse()
var debugInfo = Time.Retry(CodexAccess.GetDebugInfo, "ensure online");
var nodePeerId = debugInfo.id;
var nodeName = CodexAccess.Container.Name;
if (!debugInfo.codex.IsValid())
throw new Exception($"Invalid version information received from Codex node {GetName()}: {debugInfo.codex}");
lifecycle.Log.AddStringReplace(nodePeerId, nodeName);
lifecycle.Log.AddStringReplace(debugInfo.table.localNode.nodeId, nodeName);
Version = debugInfo.codex;
private string GetPeerMultiAddress(OnlineCodexNode peer, CodexDebugResponse peerInfo)
var multiAddress = peerInfo.addrs.First();
// Todo: Is there a case where First address in list is not the way?
// The peer we want to connect is in a different pod.
// We must replace the default IP with the pod IP in the multiAddress.
return multiAddress.Replace("", peer.CodexAccess.Container.Pod.PodInfo.Ip);
private void DownloadToFile(string contentId, TestFile file)
using var fileStream = File.OpenWrite(file.Filename);
using var downloadStream = CodexAccess.DownloadFile(contentId);
Log($"Failed to download file '{contentId}'.");
private void Log(string msg)
lifecycle.Log.Log($"{GetName()}: {msg}");
public class ContentId
public ContentId(string id)
Id = id;
public string Id { get; }