using Discord.WebSocket; namespace BiblioTech.Commands { public class ClearUserAssociationCommand : BaseCommand { private readonly UserOption user = new UserOption( description: "User to clear Eth address for.", isRequired: true); public override string Name => "clear"; public override string StartingMessage => "Hold on..."; public override string Description => "Admin only. Clears current Eth address for a user, allowing them to set a new one."; protected override async Task Invoke(SocketSlashCommand command) { if (!IsSenderAdmin(command)) { await command.FollowupAsync("You're not an admin."); return; } var userId = user.GetOptionUserId(command); if (userId == null) { await command.FollowupAsync("Failed to get user ID"); return; } Program.UserRepo.ClearUserAssociatedAddress(userId.Value); await command.FollowupAsync("Done."); ; } } }