using ArgsUniform; namespace BiblioTech { public class Configuration { [Uniform("token", "t", "TOKEN", true, "Discord Application Token")] public string ApplicationToken { get; set; } = string.Empty; [Uniform("server-name", "sn", "SERVERNAME", true, "Name of the Discord server")] public string ServerName { get; set; } = string.Empty; [Uniform("endpoints", "e", "ENDPOINTS", false, "Path where endpoint JSONs are located. Also accepts codex-deployment JSONs.")] public string EndpointsPath { get; set; } = "endpoints"; [Uniform("userdata", "u", "USERDATA", false, "Path where user data files will be saved.")] public string UserDataPath { get; set; } = "userdata"; [Uniform("admin-role", "a", "ADMINROLE", true, "Name of the Discord server admin role")] public string AdminRoleName { get; set; } = string.Empty; [Uniform("admin-channel-name", "ac", "ADMINCHANNELNAME", true, "Name of the Discord server channel where admin commands are allowed.")] public string AdminChannelName { get; set; } = "admin-channel"; } }