using Logging; using Nethereum.Hex.HexTypes; using Nethereum.Web3; using System.Numerics; using Utils; namespace NethereumWorkflow { public class NethereumInteraction { private readonly TestLog log; private readonly Web3 web3; private readonly string rootAccount; internal NethereumInteraction(TestLog log, Web3 web3, string rootAccount) { this.log = log; this.web3 = web3; this.rootAccount = rootAccount; } public void TransferTo(string account, decimal amount) { if (amount < 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(account)) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid arguments for AddToBalance"); var value = ToHexBig(amount); var transactionId = Time.Wait(web3.Eth.TransactionManager.SendTransactionAsync(rootAccount, account, value)); Time.Wait(web3.Eth.TransactionManager.TransactionReceiptService.PollForReceiptAsync(transactionId)); Log($"Transferred {amount} to {account}"); } public void MintTestTokens(string account, decimal amount) { if (amount < 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(account)) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid arguments for MintTestTokens"); // - address of token? -> address of marketplace? // - nethereum do contract call } public decimal GetBalance(string account) { var bigInt = Time.Wait(web3.Eth.GetBalance.SendRequestAsync(account)); var result = ToDecimal(bigInt); Log($"Balance of {account} is {result}"); return result; } private HexBigInteger ToHexBig(decimal amount) { var bigint = new BigInteger(amount); var str = bigint.ToString("X"); return new HexBigInteger(str); } private decimal ToDecimal(HexBigInteger hexBigInteger) { return (decimal)hexBigInteger.Value; } private void Log(string msg) { log.Log(msg); } } }