using ArgsUniform; using ContinuousTests; using DistTestCore; using DistTestCore.Codex; using Logging; using Newtonsoft.Json; public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { var nl = Environment.NewLine; Console.WriteLine("CodexNetDownloader" + nl); var uniformArgs = new ArgsUniform(PrintHelp, args); var config = uniformArgs.Parse(true); config.CodexDeployment = ParseCodexDeploymentJson(config.CodexDeploymentJson); if (!Directory.Exists(config.OutputPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(config.OutputPath); var k8sFactory = new K8sFactory(); var lifecycle = k8sFactory.CreateTestLifecycle(config.KubeConfigFile, config.OutputPath, "dataPath", config.CodexDeployment.Metadata.KubeNamespace, new DefaultTimeSet(), new NullLog()); foreach (var container in config.CodexDeployment.CodexContainers) { lifecycle.DownloadLog(container); } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); } private static CodexDeployment ParseCodexDeploymentJson(string filename) { var d = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText(filename))!; if (d == null) throw new Exception("Unable to parse " + filename); return d; } private static void PrintHelp() { var nl = Environment.NewLine; Console.WriteLine("CodexNetDownloader lets you download all container logs given a codex-deployment.json file." + nl); Console.WriteLine("CodexNetDownloader assumes you are running this tool from *inside* the Kubernetes cluster. " + "If you are not running this from a container inside the cluster, add the argument '--external'." + nl); } }