using CodexOpenApi; using System.IO.Compression; using static AutoClient.Modes.FolderStore.FolderWorkOverview; namespace AutoClient.Modes.FolderStore { public class FolderWorkOverview : JsonBacked { private const string OverviewFilename = "codex_folder_saver_overview.json"; private readonly App app; private readonly PurchaseInfo purchaseInfo; public FolderWorkOverview(App app, PurchaseInfo purchaseInfo, string folder) : base(app, folder, Path.Combine(folder, OverviewFilename)) { = app; this.purchaseInfo = purchaseInfo; } public async Task Update(bool createNewJsonZip, ICodexInstance instance) { var jsonFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Folder).Where(f => f.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".json") && !f.Contains(OverviewFilename)).ToList(); var total = 0; var successful = 0; var failed = 0; foreach (var file in jsonFiles) { try { var worker = new FileStatus(app, Folder, file.Substring(0, file.Length - 5), purchaseInfo); total++; if (worker.IsCurrentlyRunning()) successful++; if (worker.IsCurrentlyFailed()) failed++; } catch (Exception exc) { app.Log.Error("Exception in workoverview update: " + exc); } } State.TotalFiles = total; State.SuccessfulStored = successful; State.StoreFailed = failed; SaveState(); if (createNewJsonZip) { await CreateNewOverviewZip(jsonFiles, FilePath, instance); } } private async Task CreateNewOverviewZip(List jsonFiles, string filePath, ICodexInstance instance) { Log(""); Log(""); Log("Creating new overview zipfile..."); var zipFilename = CreateZipFile(jsonFiles, filePath); Log("Uploading to Codex..."); try { var codex = new CodexNode(app, instance); var cid = await codex.UploadFile(zipFilename); Log($"Upload successful: New overview zipfile CID = '{cid.Id}'"); Log("Requesting storage for it..."); var result = await codex.RequestStorage(cid); Log("Storage requested. Purchase ID: " + result); var outFile = Path.Combine(app.Config.DataPath, "OverviewZip.cid"); File.WriteAllLines(outFile, [DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o") + " - " + result.EncodedCid.Id]); } catch (Exception exc) { Log("Failed to upload new overview zipfile: " + exc); } Log(""); Log(""); } private string CreateZipFile(List jsonFiles, string filePath) { var zipFilename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".zip"; using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (var archive = new ZipArchive(memoryStream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true)) { archive.CreateEntryFromFile(filePath, "overview.json"); foreach (var file in jsonFiles) { archive.CreateEntryFromFile(file, Path.GetFileName(file)); } } using (var fileStream = new FileStream(zipFilename, FileMode.Create)) { memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); memoryStream.CopyTo(fileStream); } } return zipFilename; } private void Log(string msg) { app.Log.Log(msg); } [Serializable] public class WorkMonitorStatus { public int TotalFiles { get; set; } public int SuccessfulStored { get; set; } public int StoreFailed { get; set; } } } }