using Logging; using NUnit.Framework; using Utils; namespace FileUtils { public class TestFile { private readonly BaseLog log; public TestFile(BaseLog log, string filename, string label) { this.log = log; Filename = filename; Label = label; } public string Filename { get; } public string Label { get; } public void AssertIsEqual(TestFile? actual) { var sw = Stopwatch.Begin(log); try { AssertEqual(actual); } finally { sw.End($"{nameof(TestFile)}.{nameof(AssertIsEqual)}"); } } public string Describe() { var sizePostfix = $" ({Formatter.FormatByteSize(GetFileSize())})"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Label)) return Label + sizePostfix; return $"'{Filename}'{sizePostfix}"; } private void AssertEqual(TestFile? actual) { if (actual == null) Assert.Fail("TestFile is null."); if (actual == this || actual!.Filename == Filename) Assert.Fail("TestFile is compared to itself."); Assert.That(actual.GetFileSize(), Is.EqualTo(GetFileSize()), "Files are not of equal length."); using var streamExpected = new FileStream(Filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); using var streamActual = new FileStream(actual.Filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); var bytesExpected = new byte[FileManager.ChunkSize]; var bytesActual = new byte[FileManager.ChunkSize]; var readExpected = 0; var readActual = 0; while (true) { readExpected = streamExpected.Read(bytesExpected, 0, FileManager.ChunkSize); readActual = streamActual.Read(bytesActual, 0, FileManager.ChunkSize); if (readExpected == 0 && readActual == 0) { log.Log($"OK: '{Describe()}' is equal to '{actual.Describe()}'."); return; } Assert.That(readActual, Is.EqualTo(readExpected), "Unable to read buffers of equal length."); for (var i = 0; i < readActual; i++) { if (bytesExpected[i] != bytesActual[i]) Assert.Fail("File contents not equal."); } } } private long GetFileSize() { var info = new FileInfo(Filename); return info.Length; } } }